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Rachel Bouman

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#1 ProConfesso



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:45 AM

A few past and present attorneys in the office of chief counsel should be put under oath

#2 Jaime3



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Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:01 AM

Good for you Fedupworker because someone should inform congress of how they are not investigating claims of retaliation and harassment.
The OIGs office only stand up to showboat when congress gets involved.

Congress should do an ALL CALL to ATF employees who have contacted ATF leadership citing retaliation, to include the OIGs office.
The cost of litigation vs settling is due to out of control agency lawyers.

I'm sure they will see the OIGs office is definitely on DOJs pay roll.
Why do the OIG office exist if they are fruitless in their efforts? Another Lame duck office.

They only care about the BIG stories, but the way they've ignored the complaints of employees, they will have a BIG story soon enough!
Impeach Holder

#3 Fedupwrkr



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Posted 28 January 2014 - 05:48 PM

She left hastily and YES to protect her from some huge ethical lapses that have been reported to the OIG and Congress. The problem is once again no REAL discipline. Why wasnt she fired? Will she be disbarred?Everyone who has cases pending with Ms. Bouman as Chief counsel or Executive Asst For ATFs EEOC, should immediately contact their attys or an Atty to subpoena her employment and OIG files. Anything she has touched is tainted. The below email is a start.

From: Bouman, Rachel A. 
 Friday, January
 Automatic reply:


I am no longer employed with ATF.  If you require assistance, please contact202-648-8760.

This is great information.  I don't have an attorney yet, but I will soon enough.  I will print this out to give to that person when I do.  I didn't know we could subpoena her employment and OIG files.  I still have to write to Congressman Issa because I want him to know what she has done.  There is no erasing what she has done.  I'm glad she's no longer there.  No wonder I hadn't received a reply from the letter I sent to her by certified mail return receipt requested.  I sent this December 2013.  It was about issues and bases she was choosing to, once again, ignore and not investigate.  This would include management ignoring and not abiding by ATFs own Orders.  




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Posted 27 January 2014 - 09:14 PM

She left hastily and YES to protect her from some huge ethical lapses that have been reported to the OIG and Congress. The problem is once again no REAL discipline. Why wasnt she fired? Will she be disbarred?Everyone who has cases pending with Ms. Bouman as Chief counsel or Executive Asst For ATFs EEOC, should immediately contact their attys or an Atty to subpoena her employment and OIG files. Anything she has touched is tainted. The below email is a start.

From: Bouman, Rachel A. 
 Friday, January
 Automatic reply:


I am no longer employed with ATF.  If you require assistance, please contact202-648-8760.
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#5 Fedupwrkr



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Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:24 PM

I'm writing up a letter with proof to Congressman Darrell Issa about Bouman.  Hopefully, I'm not the only one.  I see that Jay and Jamie3 have had some of the same experiences that I have.  I see that Congressman Issa has been quite an advocate for people who complain to him about ATF and their practices.  It might not be about Bouman but he still has his eye on ATF regarding Agents.  Click on this link which was obtained from his website.  http://republicans.o...e.gov/index.php


I've read from the posts what you, Jay Dobyns, have been through and it is unimaginable.  I pray for you and what your family.  What you've endured before you retired and still are, is quite disconcerting.   There is no reason why you, me or others should've been treated in such a manner, all because we complained about how management (beginning chain of command) or ATF (top management) has handled situations quite poorly.  I'm not comparing my situation with yours Jay, since mine comes no where near your situation but I can somewhat relate.  


Why does it take so long for these people, Bouman, B.Todd Jones, OCC and management to be held accountable for their actions?  Why can get they away with unethical, unprofessional, unimaginable practices?  How is it that we, or some employees at ATF, be disciplined, suspended, or at the worst fired for blowing the whistle on management, their unethical practices and not abiding by ATF's own Orders?  Or, even a person requesting a reasonable accommodation for a disability in which ATF has acknowledged.  They can discipline us right away and continue to discipline us all because we, as an employee, start filing an EEO complaint and going through that entire process.  And, what happens to them, nothing.  Nothing has happened to them for over a couple of years now in my case.  


I've read that in many instances from these posts that nothing happens to them.  Management gets promoted or they're not even disciplined at all.  Forget the "No Fear Act", EEOC laws, Title VII, Rehab. Act and Whistleblower Act because it will be years before anyone, if you win, sees any retribution.


Jay, if it is not you, then someone please let the public know what happens to a person when they complain about ATF management.  







#6 ProConfesso



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Posted 23 January 2014 - 07:10 PM

The information on Bouman's conduct is flooding in.  The corruption and cover ups of her across the board activity is out of control.  The people who have participated with her to hide it is going far and wide, up and down throughout the agency.  The best soap opera writer couldn't invent a story as good as this on their best day during their best fantasy.  Jones, you can hide her at the Library of Congress but not for long.  The USS Coverup is leaking bad and taking on water.


The first order of business.  Issue Sandy Berger a library card with the proviso to only concern himself with atf documents


#7 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 22 January 2014 - 09:15 PM

The information on Bouman's conduct is flooding in.  The corruption and cover ups of her across the board activity is out of control.  The people who have participated with her to hide it is going far and wide, up and down throughout the agency.  The best soap opera writer couldn't invent a story as good as this on their best day during their best fantasy.  Jones, you can hide her at the Library of Congress but not for long.  The USS Coverup is leaking bad and taking on water.

#8 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 04:36 PM

BTDT - Very kind.  Thank you.  People are going to be stunned when it becomes public on what a few executives did, who those executives were/are, and that after Jones and Brandon learned the facts, they took no action to correct anything - the opposite in fact.  When taking on the government your chances of winning are about 7%.  I knew that going in.  This was never about money or even a win for that matter.  It has always been about accountability.  Public exposure of the truth is worth its weight in gold to me.

#9 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 04:33 PM

Jay Dobyns, I applaud you, and I support your efforts.


For a long time, ATF has had impunity from egregious acts against employees that have reported violations of rules, regulations and laws.


I fought a long and costly battle with some of the same staff, however, not much changed.  In fact, I believe it got worse.  Many employees turned their heads for fear of retaliation and reprisal.  I never imagined this could ever happen in America.


Should you need any documentation, I am willing to stand with you to make sure justice is served.

#10 BeenThereDoneThat



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Posted 21 January 2014 - 02:09 PM

Jay Dobyns, I applaud you, and I support your efforts.


For a long time, ATF has had impunity from egregious acts against employees that have reported violations of rules, regulations and laws.


I fought a long and costly battle with some of the same staff, however, not much changed.  In fact, I believe it got worse.  Many employees turned their heads for fear of retaliation and reprisal.  I never imagined this could ever happen in America.


Should you need any documentation, I am willing to stand with you to make sure justice is served.

#11 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 21 January 2014 - 11:28 AM

The actions of Bouman in my lawsuit on behalf of ATF and with the support of the executive staff go beyond ethical and moral violations.  In my opinion (disclaimer) they are criminal and I am pursuing accountability for her, her legal team peers and those at ATF who knowingly supported her conduct.  The end of my lawsuit does not in any way mean the end of my attempt to have justice served.  Not by a longshot.

#12 Jaime3



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Posted 19 January 2014 - 09:23 AM

Going to the RIGHT Congress member and the right Media is the key!

It's beginning to look like there's an intentional conspiracy inside ATF to silence whistleblowers. Hmmm.
When people are reporting whistleblower activities, they are mishandled and mislead, on purpose.
I wonder what Media is interested in this story?

#13 Fedupwrkr



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Posted 18 January 2014 - 04:11 PM

I've also experienced how Rachel Bouman lies about investigating issues when they weren't even investigated.  I've sent letters to her stating that fact.  She just ignores them.  She especially ignores issues and bases when it comes to management not abiding by ATF's own Orders.  I've stated these failures to her and she doesn't consider them when she sends a letter to me what will be investigated.  This needs to stop.  Her covering up for management is not ethical.  However, we are talking about ATF EEO and OCC.  There is not ethical bone in their body.  I think I am going to have to go to Congress so that they can see that another ATF employee is being harassed, discriminated, and retaliated against for blowing the whistle on management.   

#14 Jaime3



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Posted 14 January 2014 - 04:37 PM

Listen up Whistle Blowers!

Every Whistleblower should go straight to trustworthy Congress and the Press!
Look at what Eric Snowden is going through.

The agency don't want to settle your claim!
They are instructed not to offer you more than $30-40k for all your fees and havoc, while you have a target on your back!

The DOJ is going to change the information, make you out to be a liar and crazy, while in the mean time the MSPB and EEOC is working with DOJ in keeping your complaint silent and in the end, agree and rule against you.

There is no Justice in the Department of Justice!

Show congress and the press what really happens to whistleblowers in the Fed Gov.
Especially under DOJ!
Show the U.S. the real truth about being a whistleblower.

#15 Jaime3



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Posted 13 January 2014 - 04:35 PM

It's confirmed; Rachel Bouman is gone!
No more of that lying Witch in the EEO office.

Rachel Bouman recently sent a memo for a MSPB case in Chicago, where she totally lied.
I told that person to fax it to Congress next week, turn that BS in, along with the Sup for bending numbers

The MSPB and EEOC are working for these
agencies. There's no since of thinking that going thru the EEOC or MSPB is going to help.
Going to Congress is your best bet!

If Leadership want us to stop going to Congress, they need to step up and start doing the right thing! Hold these Sups and Managers responsible!
If BTodd holds those folks responsible, he will see the tide change.

As for that Witch Bouman, I wonder what style of house dropped on her!

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