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Posted 13 March 2014 - 10:17 AM



We have received SO MANY outraged emails from Agents and Inspectors that the issue at hand should be addressed.

     Director Jones sent out a all hands email telling the field he had just been selected the FLEOA,(Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association) FOUNDATION Man of the year and these Field employees feel betrayed by FLEOA. TO BE CLEAR, the FLEOA foundation is merely the benevolent arm of FLEOA which supports Fallen Officers families, provides scholarships and aid the federal agents families in need.

     We are proud that our Director is engaged in a noble social agenda. HOWEVER, being a good neighbor and a social activist is NOT what he was brought here to do.

     If the Director would engage THE FIELD with as much ferver as he does kissing babys, and championing LGBT and other special interest causes, ATF could start the long and painful process of trying to rebuild our Great agency and our credibility with the American people. Mr. Jones, the FIELD does NOT CARE that you support LGBT groups or any other special groups. We were not asked our sexual preference when we signed on, it is NOT relevant to the job we do and should be about 2116 on your list of things to do.

     It is apparent to everyone you are not invested in this agency and never have been. Your heavy handed approach does not impress anybody. We would prefer you pursue your future goals of replacing Eric Holder as AG, becoming a Judge or elected official on your OWN time and reserve ATF time for ATF business.

     Perhaps you could consult with John Magaw or Congressman Jim Lightfoot,(ret.) on what it takes to rebuild a broker Bureau. They've done it.

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#652 retired1811



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Posted 12 March 2014 - 07:39 PM

Is it time for ATF to merge with the GSA Police?




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Posted 12 March 2014 - 10:20 AM

How disconnected is our Executive Staff, ie. Jones, Brandon, and Turk, with the field when the NRA and ACLU, are advocating for/with Field Agents aka "jack booted thugs"? VERY SCARY TIMES.

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Posted 12 March 2014 - 07:48 AM

Is it just me? ATF sues me for No Angel and the DOJ attorneys argue about all the irrepairable damage I caused ATF's undercover program by exposing tradecraft. The truth is no tradecraft, name or technique in my book was discussed that was not publicly promoted by ATF years earlier on America's Most Wanted, the Top Cops awards and in the book Angels of Death. Larry Ford and PGA approved all of that in 2004-05. My book came out in 2009.

And BTW, at the same time they are suing me for it my book is hung in a display in the HQ building.

Then I see ATF getting behind this piece (link below). And I exposed tradecraft?!?! Much love to these agents. In taking these cases they are a potential victims angel from heaven. I love, respect and admire them for that. But, can ATF really be this openly upside down, hypocritical and backwards at the same time? And, be so brazen and open about it? Again, is it just me?


No, it is NOT just you Jay.Obviously Director Jones and Dep. Dir. Brandon' hypocrisy knows no limits.They are so desperate to generate ANY positive media, that they are willing to and HAVE completely undermined murder for hire cases for a long time to come. News flash sirs, your new AD of Public and Governmental affairs is reckless and dangerous. THATS why cops should man those positions. STOP selling out the field, our job is hard enough without your grandstanding. Positive press doesn't require complete exposure of HOW our top U/Cs do their job. Your need to divert attention from our crippled leadership can cost people their lives. Please STOP.
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#655 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 04:17 PM

More media.  This is getting worse for Jones and Brandon, not better.  They misplayed it.  When the verdict is released they better have their spin doctors on overtime because no one is going to believe the end of the story.  I know it but, dang it, I just can tell it - yet.


Win or lose, money or no money - I will make sure everyone knows what all of these people did lead by Jones and Brandon.  Backstabbing, no conscience liars.



#656 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 12:23 PM

Is it just me?  ATF sues me for No Angel and the DOJ attorneys argue about all the irrepairable damage I caused ATF's undercover program by exposing tradecraft.  The truth is no tradecraft, name or technique in my book was discussed that was not publicly promoted by ATF years earlier on America's Most Wanted, the Top Cops awards and in the book Angels of Death.  Larry Ford and PGA  approved all of that in 2004-05.  My book came out in 2009.


And BTW, at the same time they are suing me for it my book is hung in a display in the HQ building.


Then I see ATF getting behind this piece (link below).  And I exposed tradecraft?!?!  Much love to these agents.  In taking these cases they are a potential victims angel from heaven.  I love, respect and admire them for that.  But, can ATF really be this openly upside down, hypocritical and backwards at the same time?  And, be so brazen and open about it?  Again, is it just me?






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Posted 11 March 2014 - 11:47 AM




   The NEW policy regarding outside employment can ONLY be characterized as petty and short sighted. This pattern is completely consistent with Director Jones and Brandon' shortsightedness and petty use of their power. Remember, just because you can do something DOESN'T mean you should.


     Because Deputy Director. Brandon and then AD Julie Torres chose to completely disregard the outside Bureau employment policy authorizing FORMER Deputy Director Bill McMahons outside Bureau employment on a FULL TIME basis, thereby allowing him to double dip. Congress rightfully so, demanded answers. Torres took a demotion in title ONLY, and Brandon suffered NO CONSEQUENCES for allowing for the blatant misappropriation of taxpayer funds to assist Fast and Furious Bill find a safe landing since he was going to be terminated


     Add on the decision to counter-sue Special Agent Dobyns for outside employment THE AGENCY APPROVED, in another flagrant misuse of agency policies to punish.


     SO, as is consistent with ALL of Director Jones NON-decisions (Shut down cigarette cases because there were issues, shutdown storefronts because there were issues)(God help us all if issues arise with adopted cases) since he arrived. BECAUSE OUR EXECUTIVE STAFF AND CHIEF COUNSELS OFFICE DOES NOT POSSES THE INTELLECT TO PROBLEM SOLVE AND MAKE SALIENT AND COGENT ADJUSTMENTS TO POLICIES.....NO OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT.


     Worth repeating, we had all better worry if issues arise from arresting felons with guns, because we know what Director Jone' response will be. This is very poor leadership and will only ensure a total lack of faith, confidence and RESPECT for Director Jones.


This is tantamount to throwing a fit. Unprofessional and narrow minded. And NO Mr. Jones and Mr. Brandon, this policy is NOT consistent with other agencies.

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#658 Doc Holiday

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 11:44 AM

Best produced piece on my fight to date.  If you are interested please watch.  Holder, Jones, Brandon - you knew.  How many people you think are going to see this on the NRA site?  I am going to expose you.  I have only just started.


Of course they knew. Mr. Jones as the confirmed Director had COMPLETE authority to make this right. He knows and knew. He condones this conduct by omission. By failing to assert his authority to do the right thing, his moral authority is diminishing DAILY.

#659 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 11 March 2014 - 10:29 AM

Best produced piece on my fight to date.  If you are interested please watch.  Holder, Jones, Brandon - you knew.  How many people you think are going to see this on the NRA site?  I am going to expose you.  I have only just started.


#660 Doc Holiday

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Posted 10 March 2014 - 07:13 PM



   The NEW policy regarding outside employment can ONLY be characterized as petty and short sighted. This pattern is completely consistent with Director Jones and Brandon' shortsightedness and petty use of their power. Remember, just because you can do something DOESN'T mean you should.


     Because Deputy Director. Brandon and then AD Julie Torres chose to completely disregard the outside Bureau employment policy authorizing FORMER Deputy Director Bill McMahons outside Bureau employment on a FULL TIME basis, thereby allowing him to double dip. Congress rightfully so, demanded answers. Torres took a demotion in title ONLY, and Brandon suffered NO CONSEQUENCES for allowing for the blatant misappropriation of taxpayer funds to assist Fast and Furious Bill find a safe landing since he was going to be terminated


     Add on the decision to counter-sue Special Agent Dobyns for outside employment THE AGENCY APPROVED, in another flagrant misuse of agency policies to punish.


     SO, as is consistent with ALL of Director Jones NON-decisions (Shut down cigarette cases because there were issues, shutdown storefronts because there were issues)(God help us all if issues arise with adopted cases) since he arrived. BECAUSE OUR EXECUTIVE STAFF AND CHIEF COUNSELS OFFICE DOES NOT POSSES THE INTELLECT TO PROBLEM SOLVE AND MAKE SALIENT AND COGENT ADJUSTMENTS TO POLICIES.....NO OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT.


     Worth repeating, we had all better worry if issues arise from arresting felons with guns, because we know what Director Jone' response will be. This is very poor leadership and will only ensure a total lack of faith, confidence and RESPECT for Director Jones.





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Posted 08 March 2014 - 12:13 PM

Thank you all for your prayers. SENIOR ATF management and the San Francico United States Attorney felt like it was an appropriate use of their time and resources to attend the settlement conference with the sole purpose of insulting me and further protecting corruption. Your prayers were felt. This is what they make public trials by jury for. I will provide more details (BELIEVE THAT), soon.
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Posted 05 March 2014 - 12:19 PM

Friday March 7: 1000

The U.S. District court Judge in my civil suit has ordered a second and final settlement conference before scheduling a trial date. Thus far, the U S Attorneys office has relied upon career assassination to divert from Senior agency managers retaliatory acts. Notwithstanding the defending the indefensible, (Clearly prohibited by ATF "written" policy), regardless of the outcome, we will finally air this conduct out in OPEN court. It is unknown what justice will look like in the end, BUT THIS IS TRUE. If the conduct of ATF managers was found to have been retaliatory, Mr. Jones then must adhere to our formal disciplinary matrix and immediately terminate those responsible. Perhaps wisdom will prevail and this mutually damaging and destructive dispute will end. Either way, I will be returning to full duty soon, and that in and of itself will be vindication. Happy Lent All.

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Posted 04 March 2014 - 06:50 PM

IMMEDIATELY report these alleged integrity violations to the OIGHotline.gov, Then notify the OSC. Give details because if The AD of internal Affairs is involved in another cover-up, the OIG will also be interested. Then email EVERYONE in your chain of command all the way up to B. Todd Jones, so that the "I didn't know" answer cant be used if Oversight gets involved.

Say it ain't so. PLEASE say that HQ and IA has not knowingly and tacitly ignored OUTRAGEOUS conduct and sweeping intergrity violations by the ENTIRE field management staff in a major field division.

Are Mr. Turk, Brandon and Jones being misled AGAIN by the AD of Internal Affairs and the affected SAC? Are they just asleep at the wheel, OR are they involved in the active cover-up and protectionist behavior they are denying to Congress?
Details to follow once Government oversight has been completely apprised.

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#664 Doc Holiday

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Posted 03 March 2014 - 05:59 PM

Say it ain't so. PLEASE say that HQ and IA has not knowingly and tacitly ignored OUTRAGEOUS conduct and sweeping intergrity violations by the ENTIRE field management staff in a major field division.

Are Mr. Turk, Brandon and Jones being misled AGAIN by the AD of Internal Affairs and the affected SAC? Are they just asleep at the wheel, OR are they involved in the active cover-up and protectionist behavior they are denying to Congress?
Details to follow once Government oversight has been completely apprised.

#665 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 03 March 2014 - 11:51 AM

I was interviewed by Fox last week and provided to them some of my old uc videos for their piece on the storefront hearings, which aired this morning.  Only a small portion of what I said was used. 




I am already getting the calls and emails, "Why are you standing up for ATF?"


I am standing up for the agents who do a dangerous job with little to no credit for it.  I have spoken out about corruption.  Two very different things.


When mistakes are made we need to own them.  I'm not saying mistakes were not made in the storefronts.  It appears that they were and those need to be corrected.  In UC work, one mistake is too many and I myself have made mistakes undercover so by my own standards, in those instances I failed.


But, under the umbrella of ATF's sting/storefront programs 1000's upon 1000's of clean, professional and high risk operations have been completed leading to arrests, indictments, prosecutions and 1000's of years of criminal penalties.  My complaint with the Milwaukee reporter and the Fox piece is that those events are dismissed.


I also believe that the Milwaukee reports tell one side of the story of the allegatons and intentionally leave out details that are critical to a full understanding what happened.


And for those blowing me up and insinuating I am trying to make nice with ATF, try again.  Below is an email exchange I had with the Milwaukee reporter.  Read from the bottom up.  Check the dates.  It takes place in the heart of Jones and Brandon ignoring the internal ATF findings that crimes were committed against me and allowing DOJ to defend those.  Its not about picking sides its about right and wrong.   




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#666 Doc Holiday

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Posted 02 March 2014 - 05:33 PM

Does anybody else find it disturbing that our DIRECTOR does not have enough regard for the U S Congress to attend a hearing focused on failures since he arrived. Mr. Brandon stated Mr. Jones knew nothing of a major store front until it blew up. WHAT was he reviewing? Guess you can't be cited for perjury or lack of candor if you don't appear. Accountability? Really? With all due respect to the Milwaukee Sentinel and the sub-committee, we don't do accountability in ATF. Not for bosses anyway. The smartest question asked was by Congressman Gowdy. He asked, why dont you bring in long time experienced agents to oversee such operations? The answer......................because we have run off most of our experience. Oh yeah, "the teens wanted the tattoos. Finally, stop suggesting that Mr. Jones moving of the deck chairs changed anything. Everybody who was in charge is still in charge, just somewhere else.


    Hearing called to address flawed stings exposed by Journal Sentinel investigation
By John Diedrich and Raquel Rutledge of the Journal Sentinel
Feb. 28, 2014

A Journal Sentinel investigation uncovered mistakes and failures in an undercover sting in Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives – stolen guns, sensitive documents lost, wrong people charged and a burglary of the sting storefront.

Go to section.

Washington — After running nearly 40 undercover storefront stings in the last five years, the ATF's deputy director says no such operations are now underway and improvements in oversight have been made in the wake of botched operations nationwide.

Deputy Director Thomas E. Brandon testified Thursday before the House Judiciary's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations, and acknowledged significant deficiencies in undercover storefront stings. He said there was no justification for having the wrong people charged, as happened in Milwaukee, or the lack of outside cover teams to ensure armed felons didn't leave.

He called locating an undercover gun-buying operation in Portland, Ore., across the street from a middle school "a mistake" and said it "wasn't great judgment" for agents there to pay two teens to get tattoos depicting the fake storefront's logo of a giant squid smoking a joint.

He said the young men requested the tattoos and agents tried to talk them out of it — testimony that conflicts with the account of events described in court by the prosecuting attorney.

Brandon also told members of the subcommittee, which is chaired by U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), that undercover storefront stings remain a "valuable investigative technique" when managed properly. He said the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives recently created a manual for how to properly run undercover storefronts — the first of its kind — and will be training agents on proper methods.

He said the ATF has conducted 37 undercover storefront operations since 2009. He called them "resource intensive" but did not disclose how much they cost. Most of the troubled stings took place before B. Todd Jones became head of the agency, he said.

Jones was appointed as acting director of the ATF in August 2011, while he worked simultaneously as U.S. attorney for the District of Minnesota. He was confirmed by the Senate as director of the ATF in July 2013.

Thursday's hearing was one of two planned on flawed storefront operations nationwide uncovered by a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel investigation.

In his opening remarks, Sensenbrenner called the Milwaukee sting an "abysmal failure."

"To say that the operation was extremely flawed would be a vast understatement," he said.

"This doesn't appear to be one operation gone bad but a systemic problem plaguing the ATF," he added. "After Operation Fast and Furious we were told numerous times that changes were coming to the ATF under the new leadership. I certainly hope this operation and others like it are not indicative of those changes because they aren't changes for the better, at all."

And, Sensenbrenner noted, the Milwaukee operation began several months after Jones became acting director of the agency.

He also criticized the ATF for not disclosing the troubles to members of Congress who oversee the agency.

"I'd like to know why I found out about this from my hometown newspaper," he said.

Brandon apologized and said he, too, learned of many of the problems from the Journal Sentinel stories.

The Journal Sentinel found the agency used mentally disabled people to promote operations and then arrested them on drug and gun charges; opened storefronts close to schools and churches, boosting their arrest numbers and penalties; and attracted juveniles with free video games and alcohol.

Agents paid inflated prices for guns, which led to people buying weapons at stores and selling them to undercover agents hours later, in some cases for nearly three times what they paid. In addition, agents allowed armed felons to leave their fake stores and openly bought stolen goods, spurring burglaries in surrounding neighborhoods.

Brandon told members of the subcommittee the agency has since developed methods to spot "trends" and track whether guns are coming from stores and has drafted policies on outside cover teams.

He said the ATF did not target people with mental disabilities.

U.S. Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, wondered "whether these operations attracted more crime than they prevented," asking Brandon if he considered a ratio of one-in-six flawed operations to be "successful" — considering the Journal Sentinel found troubles in all of the half-dozen stings it deeply investigated. Goodlatte sought assurance from Brandon that there aren't others marred with similar foul-ups.

Brandon responded, "With the information I have right now, I would say that." He added the Department of Justice inspector general is looking at the issue.

U.S. Rep. Robert Scott (D-Va.) criticized the agency for its lack of oversight of undercover storefronts, calling the failures "embarrassing and at times dangerous to public safety." Scott aimed many of his questions at whether agency officials believe they have adequate gun laws.

Nobody on the subcommittee addressed the issue of accountability or if any agents involved in foul-ups had been punished.

The ATF is facing increasingly intense scrutiny for the operations from members of both parties in Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced last week he is investigating ATF storefront stings in four cities — Milwaukee; Wichita, Kan.; Pensacola, Fla.; and St Louis — to see if the operations put the public at risk. U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) called for the investigation, calling the ATF tactics "totally inexcusable."

In Milwaukee, the operation's lead undercover agent had three of his guns, including a machine gun, stolen from his car. The machine gun remains missing. Milwaukee police disclosed this week that a second ATF gun, a 9mm handgun stolen from the agent's car, also has not been recovered.

The agency launched an internal investigation into the Milwaukee sting that confirmed the findings of the Journal Sentinel report. But in a briefing with congressional staffers, ATF officials "were adamant" that the problems in the Milwaukee case were isolated.

The Journal Sentinel later exposed similar problems in stings from Pensacola, Fla., to Portland, Ore.

Through a dozen federal Freedom of Information Act requests, the Journal Sentinel asked the agency for information such as how much the operations cost, how many stings have been run nationwide and what the rules are for agents keeping guns in cars.

In denying release of information about gun storage rules, the agency said releasing such information would make "every agent a potential armed robbery victim."

This week, the agency released reports on ATF guns that were lost or stolen in the past five years, revealing that agents' guns were left under car seats, in bathroom stalls, on an airplane and on the top of vehicles.

#667 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 28 February 2014 - 02:07 PM

On this day I give rememberance to my friends and once peers who upheld their oath and duties in Waco, Texas on February 28, 1993. 


As always, you each will forever have my respect and admiration.  Four ATF Agents murdered.  Sixteen with critical injuries.  All who were present forever changed.


Rest In Peace Young Warriors - Conway LeBleu, Todd McKeehan, Robert Williams and Steven Willis.


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#668 Fedupwrkr



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 05:27 PM

I am so proud of you Jay to hold out this long in such a long and courageous fight against big, bad (I don't mean good, I mean unethical), DOJ.  Hopefully soon you will be vindicated.  Can't wait to hear all the bombshells you've have against these executives of ATF and DOJ.    

#669 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 23 February 2014 - 03:37 PM

Kelly Terry and I were interviewed regarding how ATF's Operation Fast and Furious and the events I have suffered at the hands of ATF management have overlapped.  Both are intertwined beyond the fact that those same ATF managers who tried to frame me were then left in place to orchestrate ATF's gunrunning operations.  We discuss how our families have been affected by the corruption within ATF for refusing to hold anyone accountable and how DOJ has unjustly defended and protected the guilty while attacking the innocent.  Kelly does a fine job representing for her brother.


Past and present ATF executives own this.  Eric Holder owns this.  The Obama administration owns this.  The truth will never change.


As I predicted with the limited release of evidence at closing arguments, there was extremely damaging truths that, until that time, had not been made available to the public.  Another prediction.  The very best and most catastrophic nuclear bombshells are still yet to be released.  They will be reputation, career and likely employment changers for a few executives.  Until the Judge issues his ruling I am not permitted to release the details.  Coming soon!


In the mean time watch and read this:



Or read this:



If you have time and are interested the radio interview tune in Tuesday night (2/25) at 9:00pm eastern.


To listen to the show simply go to:  http://www.WDFP.us


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#670 Doc Holiday

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Posted 22 February 2014 - 10:14 AM

B. Todd Jones - you have a challenging couple of weeks ahead.


When the F&F reports came out your response that it didn't take place on your watch.  Then you failed to enact any true discipline on those deserving of it.


When the IAD report came to you on my issues your response was that it didn't take place on your watch.  You sat on the findings and failed to enact any true discipline on those deserving of it.


Now the sting/storefront issues are before you.  Whether true or not, this happened on your watch.  I am assuming you will be called to testify before Congress.


Will you take any responsibility?  Will you accept any accountability?  Will you stand up for your agency?  Or, will you throw field agents onto the train tracks?  Will you blame agents for whatever mistakes are detailed to save yourself?  Will you blame those managers beneath you to keep yourself clean?  Will it be the "I didn't know", "I don't recall", "I was not aware of that" cover story we've seen from your office a million times before?  Will you defend those agents who are out there running the mostly highly efficient undercover operations our agency has ever seen or allow them to be sacrificed as well?  Will you let a few mistakes crush the program?  Will you make promises to end our uc ops to make nice-nice and gut the bureau's best weapon against violent crime?  Will it be everybody's fault but your own?  Will you just dispatch one of the flunkies who drinks from your Kool-Aid jar and have them take the blows for you?  Will you even bother to consult with the best-of-the-best operators we have to help them give you a fighting chance to protect them, and yourself for that matter?  Will you just answer the way Eric coaches you to?  Will you have ATF's attorneys try to get you out of the subpoena so you can avoid this all together?


Careful now.  If the rumors are true and that you've done nothing and said nothing to protect a potential Attorney General nomination, what you do and don't say could be critical.   Think about how the hide-and-duck strategy DOJ put Andy Traver under worked out for him.


Again, What did you know, When did you know it, What did you do about it.


I can only hope that Jason Chaffetz or Trey Gowdy gets to question you.  Your agency is watching.  Own up and protect it, or double talk to protect yourself.


All you have to do is speak to a couple of the very best uc operators in history.  They are right there under your nose.  They can ammo you up with an overwhelming amount of success stories and incredible achievements.  Trust them if you hope to survive this.

ATF HQ operates in a vacuum. Word is that Mr. Jones blew a gasket when he received a subpoena.We (the field) have offered countless times to help redirect our Bureau and help resolve the countless employee disputes. He has been here long enough to effect change but hasn't.  His leadership style of "shut the hell up or else", has proven ineffective. Shutting down effective programs because his managers cannot be trusted and are unskilled and inexperienced is not the answer.Placing more and more restrictions on Agents does NOT make our communities safer. Raising the bar and holding managers accountable WILL ensure proper procedure and sound practices. Remember Mr. Jones, we did this and did it VERY well for almost 40 years before you got here. You HAVE to ask yourself whats different now? Fast track promotions of yes men, failure of any fear of consequences by protecting the Newells, Gillettes, Mc Mahons, Zapors, Torres x2 and running off your senior most experienced Agents have all contributed to your short term failure as a Director. DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS is running our Bureau into the ground. Sir, WHY DIDNT YOU PULL THE PIN ON THE DOBYNS LAWSUIT AND SHOW YOU WERE A MAN WHO WOULD NOT ALLOW SUCH CONDUCT IN YOUR BUREAU?

#671 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 12:58 PM



The link between F&F is indisputable.  What has come out is nothing yet.  Wait till the all the info is released by the judge.  Wait till you hear what ATF and DOJ did AFTER all of this.  I can't say more right now but I will very soon.


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#672 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 20 February 2014 - 06:43 PM

B. Todd Jones - you have a challenging couple of weeks ahead.


When the F&F reports came out your response that it didn't take place on your watch.  Then you failed to enact any true discipline on those deserving of it.


When the IAD report came to you on my issues your response was that it didn't take place on your watch.  You sat on the findings and failed to enact any true discipline on those deserving of it.


Now the sting/storefront issues are before you.  Whether true or not, this happened on your watch.  I am assuming you will be called to testify before Congress.


Will you take any responsibility?  Will you accept any accountability?  Will you stand up for your agency?  Or, will you throw field agents onto the train tracks?  Will you blame agents for whatever mistakes are detailed to save yourself?  Will you blame those managers beneath you to keep yourself clean?  Will it be the "I didn't know", "I don't recall", "I was not aware of that" cover story we've seen from your office a million times before?  Will you defend those agents who are out there running the mostly highly efficient undercover operations our agency has ever seen or allow them to be sacrificed as well?  Will you let a few mistakes crush the program?  Will you make promises to end our uc ops to make nice-nice and gut the bureau's best weapon against violent crime?  Will it be everybody's fault but your own?  Will you just dispatch one of the flunkies who drinks from your Kool-Aid jar and have them take the blows for you?  Will you even bother to consult with the best-of-the-best operators we have to help them give you a fighting chance to protect them, and yourself for that matter?  Will you just answer the way Eric coaches you to?  Will you have ATF's attorneys try to get you out of the subpoena so you can avoid this all together?


Careful now.  If the rumors are true and that you've done nothing and said nothing to protect a potential Attorney General nomination, what you do and don't say could be critical.   Think about how the hide-and-duck strategy DOJ put Andy Traver under worked out for him.


Again, What did you know, When did you know it, What did you do about it.


I can only hope that Jason Chaffetz or Trey Gowdy gets to question you.  Your agency is watching.  Own up and protect it, or double talk to protect yourself.


All you have to do is speak to a couple of the very best uc operators in history.  They are right there under your nose.  They can ammo you up with an overwhelming amount of success stories and incredible achievements.  Trust them if you hope to survive this.




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Posted 20 February 2014 - 10:20 AM

Today U.S. Court of Claims Judge Francis Allegra opened the closing argument phase of my lawsuit by making the statements that he was the “finder of fact” and “decider of law” in this matter. He went on to say that after three weeks of trial (June and July 2013) his assessment of ATF’s treatment of me was “wretched”, their acts were “purposeful”, derived out of “professional jealousy” and “simply spiteful.”

Judge Allegra went on to say that during trial, witnesses testifying for the government had answered questions in his courtroom with “less than candor”. That is a tactful way of saying they committed perjury.

The above is direct quote from the Judge during the closing arguments in Dobyns vs Holder. The disturbing part is that Director B Todd Jones and Dep Dir Tom Brandon have had this information for over a year. Their leadership style prevented them from holding even ONE of the perpetrators accountable. They protected and are protecting the senior managers responsible. Mr. JONES is the Director. He had the ability to send a message to the field and management staff that this type of conduct by his staff of managers will not be tolerated EVER. By taking action he would have dispelled the Bureauwide belief that he leads by abuse and intimidation.He chose not to.
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#674 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 20 February 2014 - 08:48 AM

First, Acting Director Michael Sullivan challenged me to file a lawsuit.  His discussions with Ronnie Carter revealed they believe my lawsuit was nothing more than, "another payday".


Then Acting Director Part II Ken Melson told me to my face that it would be very difficult for him to correct what Sullivan and Carter had started.


Next Acting Director Part III (now Director) tried to wash his hands of it and say that this was not his problem and did nothing when he had a clear and easy chance to be a hero in all of this.


This story pretty much covers it.


I apologize for bogarting this website of late.  My intent is not to self promote.  I wish this had never happened and in a selfish way I wished it had happened to someone else, as terrible as that is to say.  But, life and God have a wonderful way of humbling us and He chose these events for me.  There is not one thing I said or have written here that I am proud of.  It is degrading and humiliating for me.  I am not one bit proud that my career ended this way.  But, it is important that truth be known so that this is never allowed to happen again.



#675 ProConfesso



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Posted 20 February 2014 - 08:18 AM

I have been told by their insiders that Jones, Brandon and Turk have had their sensitive little feelings hurt because I have named-names.  Boo Hoo.  They haven't come close to knowing what hurt feelings are until their bosses try to frame them as someone who tried to kill his family and then the bosses above those ignore it, sit on it, cover it up and defend it.  Take some Midol fellas and grow up.
Read the IAD report opening pages. (This is the tip of the iceberg for these guys.  There is more and better to be released when the Judge allows me.)  Then someone with the testicular fortitude to actually challenge Jones, Brandon and Turk (if you exist) ask them this:
1. You learned through an internal investigation in October 2012 that what Jay Dobyns had alleged all along starting in 2008 was entirely true.  What did you do about it over the past 16 months?  Who was disciplined or punished, and, did the discipline and punishment fit their actions?  Why did you allow your agent to suffer under this for years after you came into executive leadership roles?  Is your loyalty to almighty Holder or ATF?
DOJ has defended the conduct of Newell, Gillett and Higman in trial on behalf of ATF as acceptable government conduct and permissible under the authority granted to ATF managers.
2. Do you agree with DOJ's defense of ATF that their conduct is acceptable, permissible and defensible?
George Gillett, then an ASAC in Phoenix, actually documented his intention to cover-up and conceal his personally led investigation trying to frame Jay Dobyns. 
3. What did you do about that?  You have clearly accommodated the guilty but what did you do to support the victim/agent?
*click on the document to expand it.
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I think this might just lead to the cleaning of he Augean stables longed for.
Great story about jim reed esq. Dad.

#676 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 19 February 2014 - 06:03 PM

I have been told by their insiders that Jones, Brandon and Turk have had their sensitive little feelings hurt because I have named-names.  Boo Hoo.  They haven't come close to knowing what hurt feelings are until their bosses try to frame them as someone who tried to kill his family and then the bosses above those ignore it, sit on it, cover it up and defend it.  Take some Midol fellas and grow up.




Read the IAD report opening pages. (This is the tip of the iceberg for these guys.  There is more and better to be released when the Judge allows me.)  Then someone with the testicular fortitude to actually challenge Jones, Brandon and Turk (if you exist) ask them this:


1. You learned through an internal investigation in October 2012 that what Jay Dobyns had alleged all along starting in 2008 was entirely true.  What did you do about it over the past 16 months?  Who was disciplined or punished, and, did the discipline and punishment fit their actions?  Why did you allow your agent to suffer under this for years after you came into executive leadership roles?  Is your loyalty to almighty Holder or ATF?


DOJ has defended the conduct of Newell, Gillett and Higman in trial on behalf of ATF as acceptable government conduct and permissible under the authority granted to ATF managers.


2. Do you agree with DOJ's defense of ATF that their conduct is acceptable, permissible and defensible?


George Gillett, then an ASAC in Phoenix, actually documented his intention to cover-up and conceal his personally led investigation trying to frame Jay Dobyns. 


3. What did you do about that?  You have clearly accommodated the guilty but what did you do to support the victim/agent?


*click on the document to expand it.


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#677 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:55 PM

A review of today's closing arguments in my lawsuit.  Thanks to all who have supported me.  For those who have not, God bless you as well.




Here is a media piece:  http://www.jrn.com/k...-246078711.html

#678 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 11:13 PM

This is a supplement to my posting on 05 February 2014 - 09:57 AM (below) regarding my run-in with some Hells Angels who decided to settle their dispute with me on a commercial airline flight.


Read the attachment.  Sent from a good law man trying to do the right thing, to the FBI.  It ended up being forwarded to ATF, Jones, Brandon, Turk, etc.


I can't control how the FBI handles their cases.  But when FBI dropped the ball by doing nothing ATF got it.  Guess what ATF did?  Correct.  Nothing.  Now remember, this is May 2013.  At that point for the previous four years, DOJ had been defending my allegations in court that ATF has been righteous on how they handle the threat situations I have faced.


Did ATF (or the FBI) interview the source?  Any of the employees?  Witnesses?  Check the flight manifest?  The crew?  Across the board, NO.


So to all the people who want to say, "why are you so angry", I'm angry because Jones and company want to paint me as the disgruntled malcontent while at the same time I've been dealing with stuff like this for over 10 years, on my own, most of it much worse than this, with not so much as having a finger lifted or an ounce of concern from the executives in HQ.  As always, I handled this business solo.


Is this just the "Jay Dobyns Plan" to address threats or do they ignore threats to all of you?  And, what does Jones care?  Nobody is coming after him anyway and if they do he takes a full time protection detail with him wherever he goes.  They follow him him into the restroom to make sure he can handle his business in peace.  Trust me, I've seen it with my own eyes and he walks around all rooster proud of it, like he is under some type of situation that requires a bodyguard.  What a joke.


So to those who want to know why I'm pissed off, walk 5 minutes in my shoes, most would go fetal position.  I guarantee you wouldn't have made it through the last 10 years or the 17 before that.  


Always be safe.  Have each others backs.  I guarantee you from personal experience Jones and Brandon and crew don't have yours.  Simply ask them, "What did you do about this?"

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#679 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 10:56 AM

Jay that was a messed up situation on the SWA flight.  I know most of us wish we were on the flight with you.  Good luck on the 18th.  You and your family are in my prayers.

The good part is that the Tucson/Phoenix bosses responded the right way.  The bad part is they got short-stopped by someone who decided it was best to just pretend it never happened and not investigate.  At the same time ATF and DOJ were arguing (lying) in Fed court what a great job they have done responding to threats against me.  Look up 'hypocrisy' in the dictionary and their is a picture of B. Todd Jones next to it.


There is a new threat, a letter sent from an Aryan Brotherhood member from prison, saying that he has contracted a hit on me.  ATF jumped on it and has run it into the ground investigating and done a great job.  I shoot straight and give praise where praise is due but there is absolutely no consistency.  I am convinced that Jones and Company have no idea what is going on inside their walls.

#680 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 13 February 2014 - 08:46 PM

Laying the wood to Holder and the F&F misfits following the sentencing of Brian Terry's murderer between 1:30 and 2:10 in the linked clip.


This is nothing compared to what I intend to say after the closing arguments on my lawsuit Tuesday.


From an email:  "Jay, calling out the Attorney General is very dangerous in your predicament."


My response:  "Only if you give a s**t about what they think."


When you hear about what ATF really did, and then didn't do when they learned the truth, you'll understand.



#681 GoodWorker



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Posted 12 February 2014 - 06:00 PM

Jay that was a messed up situation on the SWA flight.  I know most of us wish we were on the flight with you.  Good luck on the 18th.  You and your family are in my prayers.

#682 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 02:05 PM

First, and much more importantly, God bless Carlos Montalvo and his family.  It would be very difficult to name one single agent who ever gave more energy, passion or commitment to ATF.  His career and life is a running list of accomplishment that can not be matched. 




Secondly, I have offended many past and present ATF employees with my public commentary on ATF.  I understand that, knew what I was getting into and accepted those downsides when I did it.


For those who doubt what my true intentions or reasons ever were, please come the closing arguments in my case.  I am not asking you to do this to change your mind or feelings about me.  I ask so that you can know the full truth.  Information is contained in the link.


God bless and be safe to all, regardless of how you feel about me.






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Posted 11 February 2014 - 03:42 PM

Please Help

The Tampa Field Division is deeply saddened to convey that Juan Carlos Montalvo, 24 years old, son of Retired ATF Special Agent Carlos Montalvo, passed away on February 8, 2014, in Brandon, Florida.  Friends and family will gather at noon on Saturday, February 15, 2014, at the Hillsboro Memorial Funeral Home, 2323 West Brandon Blvd, Brandon, Florida 33511, (813) 689-8121, for visitation.  Services will commence at 3:00 PM., at the funeral home.  Final resting place will be in Puerto Rico.

The National Police Defense Foundation has established the Juan Carlos Montalvo Memorial Fund in an effort to help the family pay for funeral and related burial expenses.  Therefore, any person who would like to make a tax-deducible donation (credit card/check) to this fund may do so by going online line towww.npdf.org, by calling 888-SAFE COP, or mail to the following address:


You may also drop off a check or cash at any TD Bank for deposit utilizing the following information; Juan Carlos Montalvo Memorial Fund - account #4289994505.

We ask that you please keep the Montalvo Family in your thoughts and prayers.

Below you will find a link to the funeral home.

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Posted 09 February 2014 - 09:59 PM

Word is circulating that ATF is conducting an internal investigation into Chief Counsel and EEOC director Rachel Bouman. The results of that investigation will surely be discoverable. Gigli applies to government attorneys as well. It is unclear whether it was personal or professional conduct, but rumors suggest both
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#685 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:57 AM

As promised, here is an event that readers may find interesting.


On May 24, 2013 I was confronted by two Hells Angels or associates on a commercial airline flight.  The confrontation escalated into a physical confrontation.


I was returning home from speaking at a law enforcement conference on behalf of, and at the request of ATF.  This was in the midst of my lawsuit.  I don't want or expect any credit for that but, ATF and DOJ have done their best to portray me as malcontent.  On this assignment I was serving ATF's mission and continuing to support and brag on the good work of the Bureau while at the same time having been fighting off ATF and DOJ's attack on me for the previous 9 years.  Call me an idiot for that, maybe I am.  But throughout my dispute I have tried to take the high road and continue to remain positive towards ATF as an agency and enthusiastic towards our dedicated agents.  I have done that countless times while ATF's executives and attorneys have been trying to destroy me.


On May 24, 2013 I sent a real-time message to ATF advising of the situation.  On May 28, 2013, I sent a follow-up message that clarified some points made in the previous message.  The messages are combined and attached to this posting.


So here is the good and the bad.


The good is that then ATF Phoenix SAC Atteberry and ASAC Canino responded to the situation with all the support and effort that any agent could ask for.  They actually did so with overkill which was inspiring to me.  They were forced to turn the follow-up investigation over to the FBI.


Six months after this event I learned that FBI did little to no investigation.  I have no control over how the FBI handles their business.  Canino and Atteberry wanted to pursue an investigation but were denied.  This was a repeat of a dozen previous situations and events that ATF and DOJ are currently defending and justifying (to themselves).


My question was/is, who at ATF prevented them?  I have learned that Atteberry and Canino's desire to investigate was denied.  Why?  I have also learned that ATF executives did not want this investigation pursued for fear that it would damage the defense of my civil lawsuit.


As an agent, read the attached and you decide?  Should an agent receive credible, employment-related threats of violence and then have ATF ignore them?


Better yet. 


Come to the closing arguments for my lawsuit on February 18 in Tucson.  They are open to the public.  I have already received many messages from law enforcement officers from federal, state and local agencies who are planning to attend.  They want to hear for themselves the closing statements made by DOJ's attorneys in defense of my allegations.  They want to hear DOJ explain exactly how DOJ and ATF feel about us as law enforcements officers, the value of our safety and the value of our families safety.

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#686 ProConfesso



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Posted 04 February 2014 - 08:51 PM

Dubious "legal accomplishments." The updated linked in profile includes the dunning notices sent to school children with overdue books.
Let's engage in a fantasy. I mean the guys who make the cases and make the agency what it is can't always be wrong.
"Joined in support of a whistleblowers complaint before the OSC" stopping corrupt managers.
"Assisted in a complaint with the mspb regarding a prohibited personnel action" as a result of managerial retribution.
"Filed legal motions with the EEOC" for an employee subject to descrimination from their supervisor.
"Briefed the ECAB" for an agent or inspector injured in the performance of their duties.
"Presented for prosecution with the AUSA" for guns trafficked internationally.
You'd think their might be a little balance.

#687 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 04 February 2014 - 03:34 PM

Adding to Vince's below; not quite so fast my friend.  She also uses her case against me for resume' quality bragging rights (direct from Bouman's resume' attached to Vince's previous post):


Researched, analyzed and briefed litigation risks orally and in writing to the Executive staff, including the Deputy Director and other DOJ components, on pending litigation, including handling a high-profile Federal court case pending in the Court of Federal Claims in which the Federal government counter sued an employee for private profits gained through alleged violation of Federal ethics laws and regulations and Agency orders pertaining to misuse of position and engaging in outside activities without approval.


I do have to say that I feel slighted being referred to in general terms and not specific, like Vince.  What's a guy gotta do to rate a shout out with her?  Come on Rachael!


Gotta love that ATF's legal counselor to the stars uses her resume' to brag on taking on and beating agents and lists those as her crowning achievements while employed at ATF.  Well done.


Also from Ms. Bouman's resume':


Reported directly to the Assistant Director of Field Operations and independently and exclusively provided legal advice to all ATF managers and supervisors...


If you are in dispute with management, what "exclusive" legal advise are you provided?  You are likely the victim but ATF Chief Counsel provides legal advise to the perpetrator.  There is no mention of agent support in her job description.  Support personnel?  You're left out too.  Chief Counsel and management are in bed together on this.  Just make sure that you don't get harassed or retaliated against and you should be fine.


The Chief Counsel Office is not your counsel, they are managements attorneys.  Make no mistake of that.  Managers can give you all the "I'm with you" they want because in the end they have attorneys who will play dirty to protect them.  You don't have any attorney, dirty or clean.  Been damaged?  Go hire one.  Can't afford one?  Too bad.  That's the attitude your complaint is met with.  Want to enter into dispute resolution?  Maybe circumvent a drawn out legal dispute?  Bouman's job is to guide management on:


...administrative grievances, discipline and adverse actions, informal discipline,...  ...transfers and reassignments, promotions, and legitimate business reasons to justify adverse actions.


Good luck with that.


So what do we do?  File an EEOC complaint?  Until she left, Bouman controlled those as well. 


Selected by the Presidentially Appointed Director [Jones] and Deputy Director [Brandon] to manage a diverse staff of employees and contractors, supervisors and non-supervisors, throughout the United States, who are responsible for implementing the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program throughout the Agency.


How convenient for Jones to name the attorney to run his EEOC who also happens to provide him with exclusive legal advise (he is an attorney, right?).  How many of you field personnel are attorneys with attorneys?  It's a one-way street and they know it.  You should too.


Congress, OIG, OSC and the media are your only hopes.  ATF built the system to serve themselves.  Go figure.




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Posted 03 February 2014 - 04:09 PM

Ms. Rachel Boumans public resume is attached. I guess I should feel honored that MY administrative case is the ONLY published case she references in her successes.


What she fails to state, is that she AGREED to a settlement in May 2007, we discontinued our depositions based on her representations and discovery time ran out. This after the Agency REFUSED our lawful requests for documents until a week prior to close of discovery. She stated it would take her two weeks to get the settlement drafted and approved. 5 weeks later we got the email that THEY HAD CHANGED THEIR MINDS.

My attorney at the time took her at her word, trusted her and failed to get it on paper, IE settlement authority, therefore it never happened.


Beyond such unethical conduct as an officer of the court, she coached witnesses,(improper and captured in the deposition transcripts), she intentional concealed criminal activity she became aware of and failed to report solicitation of lies from a subordinate by our NOW AD of Internal affairs.


This is why we are now in U.S. District court when this matter was resolved early on.

I suspect we will find out much more when the Dobyns closing arguments are aired publicly Feb. 18th and the testimony of the agency's actions are made public. IF NOT, THE SUBPOENAS BEING GENERATED AS TO HER CONDUCT SHOULD PRODUCE SOME ANSWERS.  STAY TUNED.  PS Now the U.S. Attorney in San Francisco owns her actions as well.



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Posted 03 February 2014 - 08:58 AM

What a classic tribute. So old school. Makes me remember when............These days ATF seems to see veteran Agents as disposable and a burden. The old ATF CHERISHED our agents and were sad to see them go. Louie and Bird, we will miss you. Thanks for the memories.
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#690 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 01:20 PM

Message to young agents:


In the end, no one cares about or talks about the cases, the arrests, the convictions, the promotions or the titles.  That is all a normal course of business.


What ultimately will be valued at the highest levels to you personally are the partnerships that evolve into lifelong, true, loyal friendships.  You go through things together that very few in our society will ever experience.


My partner of 25 plus years, Louie Quinonez, retired on the same day as me, January 11.  It would be hard to find a more honest man on our job.  I retired financially crushed but I owed him something as a going away. 


So instead of some object as memento and knowing Weegie's love of music, I re-wrote lyrics to a song.  Think Wabash Cannonball by Roy Acuff.  We did it live at his retirement party.


I've argued and fought with Lou over the years but our love of ATF, the good people, and what we do always trumped the disputes.


In the end, all you will have is your friends and that is good enough.


#691 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 01:09 PM

It's quite an impressive article Jay.  I didn't know some of those things about you, especially when you got shot.  Another horrific event that you survived.  Wow, I'm impressed by you more and more.  If you can survive what ATF (or some of its managers) has done to you, you can survive anything.  

The treatment by ATF the last few years has been way worse than having a bullet go through your chest.  Trust me.  I've had both.

#692 Thor God of Thunder

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Posted 02 February 2014 - 12:55 PM

The SAC of Atlanta's response to the KKK robe display in a federal office was to establish a memorabilia policy and establish a museum in the Atlanta Field Division.  Bloody brilliant!  This is a perpetuation of the double standard that has permeated the Atlanta Field Division for the last 10 years.  When a white employee is in a "situation",  the senior Atlanta management team will do everything within their power to see that the white employee is not harmed or suffers any disciplinary actions from the agency.  However when a black employee is involved, internal affairs is involved immediately and the matter is submitted to the Professional Review Board for disciplinary action. This is the same as having Jim Crow laws and "separate but equal".  If this is the the legacy that the Director, Deputy Director and AD Field Ops want to leave in the Atlanta Field Division and ATF it is a very sad commentary and they should not be in their positions either. 


The Deputy Director has covered for a white employee that was unable to qualify with his firearm down at the ATF Academy, even when the ATF regulations called for this white employee be terminated.  Subsequently, the individual miracalously qualified with his issued firearm.  It is alleged that this individual is still on the job.


ATF has to have the courage to do what is right whether the employee is black or white.  ATF having one set of rules for some white employees and another set of rule for all black employees is unacceptable.  Anything less than equal is uncivilized and is thrusting us backwards to a past of hate and inequality.  This is tantamount to a cover-up and exposes the longstanding corruption that still exits within the ranks of ATF Atlanta management and some remaining ATF management.  We seriously  need to think about and address this so it does not happen again.

Posted Image
For Clean Up ATF!

#693 Fedupwrkr



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 06:30 PM

If you try to do what is right - just try, not always successfully, just try - people notice and appreciate it.  There are hundreds if not thousands of ATF agents who are/were better at this job than I was.  I just tried.  Sometimes I failed.  Probably more often than not.  But just try and your mission will be rewarded in the smallest and kindest of ways.  http://www.huffingto..._b_4690959.html


It's quite an impressive article Jay.  I didn't know some of those things about you, especially when you got shot.  Another horrific event that you survived.  Wow, I'm impressed by you more and more.  If you can survive what ATF (or some of its managers) has done to you, you can survive anything.  

#694 Fedupwrkr



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 06:24 PM

Email Congress concerning the retaliation and harassment. These are prohibited practices.



Well thank you.  I didn't know they had a direct email.

#695 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 31 January 2014 - 12:01 PM

If you try to do what is right - just try, not always successfully, just try - people notice and appreciate it.  There are hundreds if not thousands of ATF agents who are/were better at this job than I was.  I just tried.  Sometimes I failed.  Probably more often than not.  But just try and your mission will be rewarded in the smallest and kindest of ways.  http://www.huffingto..._b_4690959.html

#696 Jaime3



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 07:32 PM

Email Congress concerning the retaliation and harassment. These are prohibited practices.


#697 Fedupwrkr



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 07:04 PM

Well thank you Jay for your continued fight.  Thank you for all the information you provided.  Not a long response when it's filled with great information.  It's great to hear that Issa helped you out and made them eat their words.  My intention is for someone outside this agency to hear what I've been through regarding the harassment that doesn't stop and continued retaliation.  I can't wait to hear more of what you have.  

#698 Thor God of Thunder

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:22 AM

All of our sins in one place.  Just when I thought we could not go any lower.   I received this and decided to share :
2013 – Symbol of Hate - Ku Klux Klan Robe openly displayed in ATF Atlanta Field Division's Savannah Field Office
By Concerned Citizen
On December 27, 2013, a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) robe with the hood or head and head mask was openly and prominently displayed on a coat rack in the ATF Savannah Field Office in an ATF white employee's cubicle.  The origin of the KKK robe is unknown.   It is unknown if the KKK robe was part of an ongoing investigation (evidence) or personal property of the ATF Special Agent.   If evidence, the property should have been stored and secured in an evidence vault not in the agent’s cubicle.  If personal property and because it could be considered controversial and offensive, it should not have been displayed in the ATF office let alone any government office.  The Ku Klux Klan robe and hood or head and/or face covering mask was taken down reluctantly by supervisory personnel only after a black employee saw that display and expressed outrage.  There appears to have been no official investigation as to the whether these KKK items were evidence or personal.  No investigation by internal affairs or OIG has been conducted as of yet.   No discipline for the supervisor, who tolerated this display for over a year.  ATF has encouraged a racially charged work environment before.
After ATF's highly discriminatory, retaliatory, controversial and bigoted history of racial and other discrimination, the individual (s) responsible for this display should be or should have been disciplined to the maximum to send the message that this type of conduct will not be tolerated by any ATF or federal government employee.  Additionally and in this day and age, the supervisor and senior management team of the Atlanta Field Division should be removed for ineffective and inefficient leadership.
The Atlanta Field Division senior management team has a problematic past as well.   It is alleged that one of the Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) was previously arrested on multiple occasions, while assigned to the ATF Savannah office. It is alleged that this same ASAC previously threatened employees and used the "N" word, a racial epithet, on numerous occasions.  The other ASAC it is alleged that he had an inappropriate relationship with a confidential informant.  It is no wonder that the particular situation in the ATF Savannah Field Office was handled very poorly and in an incompetent manner. 
Furthermore, ATF Atlanta has a double standard with regards to managing white and black ATF employees and managers. It appears that white ATF employees and managers are permitted to violate policy and mistreat black ATF employees and managers.  Black ATF employees and managers are disciplined harsher than white ATF employees and managers.  Black ATF employees and managers are held to a higher standard than white ATF employees and managers. The ATF Special Agent in the Charge (SAC) is responsible for continuing to permit and allow the double standard that has permeated his area of responsibility. 
It is alleged that the white ATF Savannah supervisor retaliated against the black ATF Savannah employee, who reported this hateful display to the ATF Atlanta Field Division senior management team.  It is also alleged that the white ATF Savannah supervisor indicated to the black employee that the Atlanta senior management team did not have a need to know this information after he (ATF Supervisor) had (reluctantly) taken down the display.
This ATF Savannah supervisor and employee's (that displayed the KKK robe and headdress) actions also come after having the first black senate confirmed ATF Director in the history of ATF, the first black Attorney General and the first black President of the United States.  It is unknown whether the supervisor and employee's actions are connected to the current sitting ATF Director, US Attorney General and/or the President of the United States.   However, it is alleged that this controversial hateful display has been prominently displayed in this federal government office for approximately 1 year. 
It is alleged that there is a Ku Klux Klan display in ATF Headquarters.  Is  this what influences other ATF employees to display KKK costume in their workplace?
How many more ATF offices have Ku Klux Klan robes prominently displayed in them?  What are their origin?  Why are these hateful symbols permitted in a federal government office? Who will be held accountable for these inappropriate, controversial and bigoted displays in US government offices?
Congress should hold hearings to get to the bottom of this.  It is no wonder ATF seems like an agency that has run amuck and Congress is currently holding hearings on other unsavory ATF tactics.
Please contact the following for answers on this matter:
ATF Director B. Todd Jones  -        b.t.jones@usdoj.gov

ATF's Discriminatory Past:

1992 - Black Female Agent Subjected To Racially Charged Environment
          (http://newsok.com/agents-transfer-spurs-suit-atf-chief-calls-racial-claims-vague/article/2381909 )
          (http://newsok.com/agent-wins-injunction-halting-move-from-city/article/2385496  )
1996  - ATF Good O'Boy Roundup
          (http://www.justice.gov/oig/special/9603/exec.htm  )
1996  -  ATF Settles $4.7 Million Class Action Lawsuit after Class alleges several acts of discrimination
          (http://articles.latimes.com/1996-07-10/news/mn-22800_1_atf-s-black-agents )
2010 - ATF Employees Fear Retaliation in the Workplace
          ( http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/05/26/atf.whistleblowers/ )
2011 - Discrimination Against Transgender Woman By ATF
(http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/gov-transgender-people-protected-law-transgender-woman-denied-job-article-1.1067273  )
2012 -  ATF has more discrimination complaints per employee per year than DEA, FBI and USM combined
COMPONENT:   Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)  (5k employees)






I. Number of Complaints

Year to Date Total

A. Pending at the beginning of the quarter


B. Filed during the quarter


C. Pending, at any time, during the quarter


COMPONENT: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)  (10k employees)






I. Number of Complaints

Year to Date

A. Pending at the beginning of the quarter


B. Filed during the quarter


C. Pending, at any time, during the quarter


COMPONENTFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (35k employees)






I. Number of Complaints

Year to Date

A. Pending at the beginning of the quarter


B. Filed during the quarter


C. Pending, at any time, during the quarter


COMPONENT:  United States Marshals Service (USMS) (4k employees)






I. Number of Complaints

Year to Date

A. Pending at the beginning of the quarter


B. Filed during the quarter


C. Pending, at any time, during the quarter


Note: Extracted from complaint 2012 data
2013 - ATF uses rogue tactics in storefront stings across nation against black mentally disabled (Note: initially the ATF declared the storefront in Milwaukee to be an isolated incident and more incidents have been found across the nation)
2013 – Symbol of Hate - Ku Klux Klan Robe openly displayed in ATF Atlanta Field Division's Savannah Field OfficeAttached File  Symbol of Hate openly displayed in ATF office.pdf   176.76KB   11 downloads

Posted Image
For Clean Up ATF!

#699 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

Retired Agent Jay Dobyns


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Posted 29 January 2014 - 01:21 PM

This posting has some diversity.  I thought it best fit under this topic.


There is way more here than what meets the eye here with Bouman.  It goes far deeper than her leaving ATF.  The s**t she has pulled in the name of defending ATF is disgusting (more on that will follow after the closing arguments in my lawsuit).  The executive protection of her actions makes it worse.  There will be no internal actions taken against her.  Count on that.  She knows where the bodies are buried and she is dangerous to the machine and those who run it.  No one in "the club" is ever guilty.  They are all allowed to retire with full benefits and pensions or, if they can't, they have their discipline whitewashed or they transfer away and find a new home in government service.  This is not a singular perspective, it is the historical pattern and practice of ATF administrations that continues through Jones.  The only people who take the licks are field employees.  Bottom line, ATF does not have the willingness to place real discipline on an executive.  Tell me who, what and when and I'll stand corrected.  On the other hand I can list you hundreds of field employees who have been tanked.


**Wait till the matters now swirling on the bosses trips to Bangkok erupts.  I have zero personal info on that issue so I will hold.  I do not speak or write if I can't prove what I say.  But if what is on the streets is true and takes hold - executives operating under the cover half-day instructor assignments at the International Law Enforcement Academy to in turn enjoy questionable conduct ten day junkets in Thailand - then the Secret Service situation in Columbia will be a blip on the radar in comparison.  The cover-up and hiding of it, if true, is going to be doom on those involved.  That is the best part, it goes high.  Again, the questions for the executives: What did you know, When did you know about it and What did you do about it?  Ask the Fast and Furious witnesses how telling Grassley, Issa, Chaffetz and Gowdy "I don't recall" worked out for them.  Not so good.  Maybe there is nothing there.  As I said, I do not know first hand.  What I do know is what I am being told by some that apparently do.


As a disclaimer before I continue.  My rant here is not on ATF.  I will again repeat what I have held to since I went public: I love ATF and those that serve her with dedication and passion.  But, those in the leadership who attack and blame the peasant agents - and especially to me - those bosses who set out to hurt me, my family and peers while hiding behind titles are going to be exposed for who they are, or I'll die trying.  This, and last weeks hypocrisy on ATF using my book and standing on my shoulders for their benefit/credit in HQ while at the same time suing me for it is only the first wave.  Wait till my trial closes and then the real good stuff comes out.


Let me give you one quick personal example of the double-standard Jones's and his crew enjoy.  I have dozens of these waiting to be told.  You can't make this up:


A couple years back (2012) I wrote a scathing email to several ATF executives and bosses within my chain of command about the misdeeds of SAC/DAD/SES John Torres describing those in detail and only using common knowledge facts (attached below).  The reason I composed the message was not because I was burning for Torres, but because I attended a conference where then Acting Director B. Todd Jones could not stop gushing over Torres and praising what an incredible asset he was to ATF.  Knowing what I and many others knew and experienced with Torres, Jones embracing him was an insult to big for me to swallow.  I spoke up.  The others sat in silence fully aware of the sham but unfortunately were also people who wouldn't open their mouths to challenge the Director if they were packed with s**t.


The response from my peers in the field to the email was, "Dude, they are going to kill you for that.  Are you a glutton for having your head caved in?"  My position never has and never will change: Until someone stands up to the bully the bully only gets stronger.  If everyone wants to live in fear that they are going to have their lunch money stolen then so be it.  I am going to punch the bully in the mouth when he comes for mine.  Then if he kicks my ass and takes my Twinkies I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I didn't just sit there and take it.  I'm not brave but I'm not a bitch coward either.


I continue...


A week later with no concern for the facts presented, I was whistled into ATF Headquarters to a meeting with Assistant Director Ron Turk.  Again with no concern for the truth of what I stated or as much as a smidgen of interest to determine if I was accurate, I was lectured on being insubordinate.  Turk advised me that based on his experience as a part of the Army's command staff, he had to discipline me.  It was his job to maintain control over the troops.  He stated that I embarrassed ATF's top shelf executives and for doing so, and with no investigation or review, Turk decided that I should receive a five day suspension without pay.  Without an internal inquiry this was illegal but I digress.  Turk advised that he had to send a strong message to field.  By disciplining me he wanted others to learn that communications like the one I drafted would not be tolerated (attached below).  The content of the message was never addressed, only the tone of it.  Another executive, who sat in as a witness, waited until we were well outside any executive earshot to tell me that what had just taken place was bulls**t and that I was spot-on accurate with what I had written.  Another of the closed mouth bosses afraid to voice an independent thought (and thus lies the continuing problem).  Ask Richie Marianos what happens to you when you display the "audacity" to voice an opinion that is not in lockstep with Jones.  Those opinions are not considered or even entertained.  They are cut off on the spot.


I too intended to send a message, to my peers.  We are not your scapegoats.


The cost to ATF to fly me from Arizona to Washington, D.C. in order to give me a fifteen minute face-to-face lecture and hand me a discipline proposal: $1711.22.  The price of intimidation at ATF is never too high, even in a time of budgetary crisis.  And, this was done on behalf of now Director B. Todd Jones and with the knowledge of Deputy Director Tom Brandon.  You can hang all the military medals you want on someone's chest but they do not define leadership and it does not transfer to civilian law enforcement.  Consider this, it took Turk ten days to discipline me with no investigation.  They still have not disciplined anyone for Fast and Furious (2010) with two-year-long OIG and Congressional investigations now each two years old themselves.  They may have crunched the numbers and decided that what it cost to hammer me in person would be re-couped by not paying me for a week.  I'm guessing there. 


Chairman Issa got wind of the heavy-handed retaliation and fired a letter over Jones's head to Eric Holder (attached).  Ouch.


A few weeks later Tom Brandon met with me in person, apologized for Turk, and reduced my penalty to a letter of caution.  Almost $2G for a letter of caution and that does not include Brandon's expenses to travel to Phoenix to try and fix it.


So, my point to Fedupwrkr, without Mr. Issa taking up for me, ATF would have stood by their discipline and Turk would have accomplished his mission: Even if you have a factual complaint we don't want to hear it, in any language.


You take your issues internal, you get crushed.  You take your issues external, you get crushed.  So you ask why won't employees speak up and come forward? - you get crushed.  You lose, they win, end of story.  This was all done in the midst of my lawsuit.  I am not trying to discourage anyone from speaking out.  But I will be honest with you.  There is no safe-haven.  They will get you one way or another.  To some, that is enough to back them down and shut them up.  To others, they refuse to be punk'd.  We all have to look ourselves in the mirror.  We all have to decide if we can live with what we see.


All of the "big three" executives had their hands in this situation and the kicker; they willingly participated under the legal guidance of you guessed it, Rachael Bouman.


And for Torres, once the executives realized I was right, Torres was encouraged to retire; with all the perks of being a member of ATF's Senior Executive Service club and no discipline.


Good leaders at ATF remain.  Great leaders in fact.  Men and women who I would run through a block wall for, even in retirement.  Consistency, fairness and honesty are their traits.  For that they are suppressed.


Stay tuned: Next weeks posting (after my blood pressure returns to normal): the untold story of how, post arson of my home, I was attacked and involved in a fist fight with Hells Angels on a commercial airliner and the FBI and ultimately ATF decided to bury it (2013).  ATF spin doctors, you have been given fair advance notice.  I will provide the documents for that event as well.


Why the venom?  Aren't you retired?  Until my closing arguments on February 18 I am going to make some of the people who set out to make me miserable get a taste of their own medicine.  I have limitations in what I can say about issues presently under court order.  Post closing arguments I will conclude with a series of information releases currently protected.  Once that is complete my effort to expose the truth of the corruption will be done.  I have intentionally laid-low on this site during the fact-finding phase of my lawsuit.  That is now complete.  I will wait for the courts decision and then pass the torch to whomever wants to take the fight from here - there are many of you.  I will have done what I could to make sure this never happens to another ATF agent ever again.


This post was long and for that I apologize.  I am happy and content in retirement but I am angry over what has been done to my agency.  "My" as in I have every bit of equal ownership in ATF that Jones, Brandon and Turk do.  They control it but ATF doesn't belong to them one bit more that it does to me.


The personal and professional toll has been brutal but I stand with no regrets.  They never should have tried to take my lunch money.


Attached File  04.30.12 Dobyns Email to Executives, et. al..pdf   162.73KB   16 downloadsAttached File  05.10.12 Disciplinary Proposal.PDF   126.5KB   18 downloadsAttached File  06.01.12 Issa Letter to Holder.pdf   1.14MB   21 downloads

#700 Doc Holiday

Doc Holiday


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Posted 29 January 2014 - 11:16 AM

HERE WE GO AGAIN. Another office mired in controversy, and the SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE AND ASSISTANT SPECIAL AGENTS IN CHARGE, are attempting to spin and conceal HUGE issues from HQ and have minimized the violations to internal affairs DAD King OBVIOUSLY WITH AD GLEYSTEENS APPROVAL. The violations are blatant, unethical and WILL result in significant investigation and disciplinary actions. As usual, the attempt by Field Division senior managers to conceal and cover-up the allegations will result in disaster. The affected SAC has a proven record of failure(documented), but Mr. Jones apparently thought it a good idea to promote him anyway.


The field division in question is conducting their own internal investigation trying to tamp down the NOW documented abuses and allegations INCLUDING INTEGRITY VIOLATIONS from HQ oversight. It would appear IA is complicit designating the violations as management issues........THEY ARE NOT. Secret meetings with employees, interviewing entire offices conducted by an ASAC and a (Yes man RAC),   DETAILS TO FOLLOW.



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