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Posted 02 May 2014 - 11:33 AM


The 2014 employee survey is out. It's critical that everyone respond. Be honest and fair but make your issues known. In announcing the new survey, Brandon/Jones clearly acknowledged FAILURE over the past 2 1/2 years. They suggested that they may actually start listening to the fields concerns and more importantly ACT on them.


Thus far their promises have lacked any meaningful effort or change, but LAST years survey, THE WORST EVER, appears to have captured their attention.

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#602 Doc Holiday

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Posted 30 April 2014 - 09:49 AM

Goodworker, If true, that's sad to hear. My experience with those guys was always pleasant, but to be honest I've never judged an agent or boss's character by their paperwork. To me, if they made cases, and put guys in jail as agents, and support their guys who are making cases as bosses, then I'm good with that. Too many of our leaders would not know a case if it fell in their lap. The closest thing they had to a CI was a Fax Machine.

Mr. Jones bragged to Congress that he replaced most of the leadership. NO he didn't. He shifted them. Musical chairs was all. Not one demotion beyond Bill Newell, and he got a sweet deal. The Director protected and is still protecting bad actors. This hurts the good managers and empowers the bad ones.

#603 Heisenberg



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Posted 29 April 2014 - 05:40 PM

Goodworker, If true, that's sad to hear. My experience with those guys was always pleasant, but to be honest I've never judged an agent or boss's character by their paperwork. To me, if they made cases, and put guys in jail as agents, and support their guys who are making cases as bosses, then I'm good with that. Too many of our leaders would not know a case if it fell in their lap. The closest thing they had to a CI was a Fax Machine.

#604 GoodWorker



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 07:35 PM

Heisenberg, in response to your five candidates who are good bosses, I know one of the five that you suggested are good bosses.  I do not want to call any of these guys out but without a doubt, the one I know has no business being in the position that he is in.  He was one of the most unprofessional agents I have ever met and he was not good at his paperwork.  To top it off, he became a hard core supervisor once he made 14.  He broke a lot of rules and someone went out of their way to promote him. I have met a few good bosses in this organization but they have been passed over for significant promotions.  I wish we had leaders we were proud of.

#605 Doc Holiday

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 11:13 AM

Here's a dumb question: Who are the good bosses in our agency and why? I have been reluctant to post on this site, despite having been a reader for years. Instead of always having destructive conversations here, why not let those who have the respect of their troops be recognized for good leadership. I don't care for bosses who are pushovers, or perfect, nor do I expect a boss who always agrees with me. I do expect a qualified and competent boss who has EXPERIENCE.

So, let's start. Who are the good guys out there who have promoted? Maybe we can encourage them to promote higher and be in positions to effect change. Besides, it'd be nice to have a break from the negativity on this site.

My votes: Carlos Canino, John D'Angelo,Pete McCarthy, Eric Hardin, Rick Serrano. All good guys who have experience and respect their troops.

We SHOULD support our good or even GREAT bosses. But they are NOT the ones who are creating to turmoil throughout the Bureau. It IS after-all their job. Doing your job and doing it properly is what we get paid for. Clearly the "good" bosses do not have any influence with the policy makers. Why are they not banding together to call out Brandon and Jones for their corrupt practices? Its great that we still have a few good bosses, BUT if they sit silent, what good does it do? Every time Jones protects clear and present corrupt and abusive practices, he lumps all the good bosses in with the bad. Unfortunately you have to pick a side. Stayin neutral and moving in lock step to advance ones own interests is NOT picking a side. The good bosses should be even MORE vocal about the protection of the Two Torres', the Crenshaws, the Riehls, the Mc Lemores, Gillettes, Newells, Voths, Mc Mahons and others. Its an epidemic, NOT an isolated incident.

#606 Heisenberg



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Posted 27 April 2014 - 08:02 AM

Here's a dumb question: Who are the good bosses in our agency and why? I have been reluctant to post on this site, despite having been a reader for years. Instead of always having destructive conversations here, why not let those who have the respect of their troops be recognized for good leadership. I don't care for bosses who are pushovers, or perfect, nor do I expect a boss who always agrees with me. I do expect a qualified and competent boss who has EXPERIENCE.

So, let's start. Who are the good guys out there who have promoted? Maybe we can encourage them to promote higher and be in positions to effect change. Besides, it'd be nice to have a break from the negativity on this site.

My votes: Carlos Canino, John D'Angelo,Pete McCarthy, Eric Hardin, Rick Serrano. All good guys who have experience and respect their troops.

#607 Doc Holiday

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 10:23 AM

Ok Julie Torres is finally retiring. Is it because she has violated so many policies and ethical standards? Or is it because B. Todd told her too?


I guess this falls under the Directors promise to CLEANUPATF. (no pun intended), and his promised accountability. Well not ACTUALLY accountability. Kind of FAUX accountability as in Newell, Gillette and Mc Mahon. Crenshaw and Mclemore fashion.


June 27, 2012 Julie Torres then AD of Internal Affairs signs off on Mc Mahons double dipping, followed up by Deputy Director Brandons signature on July 2, 2012. Since then, the OIG slammed these two officially.


Julie for her abuses was given a PAID move to Florida, retained her SES status and benefits, and NOW some 23 months later, (with the PRB surely nipping at her heels), she NOW retires just in the nick of time. Wow, what luck. But that begs to question, What about Brandon? Why is he still in charge?  Accountability Jones style. Bosses get a pass and continue the downward spiral, while field employees are exposed to the FULL wrath.


Good job Mr. Jones, this will surely reign in your bosses.

#608 Doc Holiday

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Posted 21 April 2014 - 10:17 AM

Deputy Director Brandon recently sent out a memo reminding Agents that they MUST keep their firearms in their personal control when on commercial airlines. Seriously? Over 20 weeks of advanced training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, and mandatory FAA flying armed training and we need to be REMINDED of this?


Am I the ONLY agent insulted by his relentless, clueless leadership that even allows the non-stop failure of accountability? Some things shouldn't have to be addressed to the whole field. Talk about LOW confidence and faith in your employees.




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Posted 20 April 2014 - 07:08 AM

Happy Easter to all and God bless America
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#610 Doc Holiday

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Posted 14 April 2014 - 09:59 AM


The question is, is how do you hold a Director and Deputy Director accountable? Or is it just the agents and supervisors? The hits just keep on coming.

The fact that Director Jones and Brandon are OK with the McMahon double dip, it NOT likely they will fire, demote or otherwise discipline Julie Torres, Zapor, Milanawski, or Brandon. And please do not insult the ENTIRE fields intelligence or that of Congress by suggesting, encouraging these people to retire with FULL benefits is somehow decisive. Its not. More of the same. The walls are caving in, and it appears that THEY, Jones, Brandon and Turk don't care.




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Posted 13 April 2014 - 09:52 PM


The question is, is how do you hold a Director and Deputy Director accountable? Or is it just the agents and supervisors? The hits just keep on coming.
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#612 Doc Holiday

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 05:09 PM

See if you can track this................


Employee notifies IA of a sexual harassment claim.

Internal Affairs investigates claim and determines it to be UNFOUNDED, (GO FIGURE).


The employee files EEOC. They make the play to terminate the employee. NOW GET THIS........

One of the counts was disrupting the work place by notifying Internal Affairs, and because they found the allegations to be unfounded, it disrupted the work place.


DOES THIS NOW MEAN????????That every time, a retaliatory manager sicks the Internal Affairs dogs on an employee and the allegations are unfounded, that SAID MANAGER will now face disciplinary action?








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Posted 09 April 2014 - 11:25 AM

"Just the facts ma'am"


ATFs own assessment for 2013 speaks volumes regarding the NEW confirmed Directors effectiveness thus far, now having been in charge for almost 3 years.


ATF ranks 137 out of 300 agencies surveyed. Up a whopping 1.3 points over last years survey.

It should be noted, there were MINIMAL increases. So whats the take-away? YOU DECIDE.

With all due respect to our Executive Staff.............It may be time to try something different. You guys aint fixing nothing.



2013 Rank 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2005 2003 Index Score 137 of 300 60.4 59.1 64.9 71.9 74.0 74.0 75.0 71.7


Effective Leadership 229 of 300


Effective Leadership: Empowerment 197 of 300


Effective Leadership: Fairness 232 of 300               Effective Leadership: Senior Leaders 272 of 300                 Effective Leadership: Supervisors

138 of 300



Strategic Management 234 of 300

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Posted 07 April 2014 - 10:11 AM


Interesting that B Todd HIMSELF shut down the Reno office and couldnt see this coming. A little institutional knowledge goes a long way. Clearly Turk and Brandon shoulda seen this coming. How many moves will be wasted and how many years to rebuild this office? Martin was promoted and Lee and Vind were forced to retire. NO ONE will pay for this failure. Well except local law enforcement and of course PUBLIC SAFETY. And lest we forget the taxpayers who will fund the musical chairs.
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#615 Iceman



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Posted 03 April 2014 - 11:40 AM

SAY IT AIN'T SO. Rumors circulating that Deputy Director Brandon has intervened in a FLETC (ATF) TRAINEES situation. Rumor says that after this trainee failed over and over after exhaustive attempts to qualify with a firearm, and was to be sent home by policy like everyone else who cant qualify, Brandon Personally stepped in and insisted the policy be ignored. Apparently, this trainee was the son of one of B randons friend from Mich. WHEN the ATf FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR REFUSED TO DOCTOR TRAINING RECORDS, Brandons response.....Wait for it.....wait for it. Yep you guessed it, the firearms instructor will be transferred from the academy. Trainee does not get sent home but Instructor who refuses to violate policy gets transferred. We hope the OSC has been notified.

No doubt, a new program mgr and a new training forthcoming.
When only a couple of points separate you on the Sanford Binet scale sometimes it's hard to differentiate.
Could someone please educate Maloney. Get behind terry stops. That will do more than any so called proposed additional firearms trafficking statute. I would have liked to hear that defined in a paragraph or less that would be applicable to both brooklyn and Boise. It's a long way from the barrio to the ues - not geographically speaking of course.
I've never heard of an agent "not prosecuting" or investigating for that matter straw purchasers because of any sentencing guidelines or potential prosecutorial declination. Thanks to the director for pushing back on that nonsense.
But what about that deer in the headlights look when asked about firing/ disciplining f&f mgrs.

#616 ProConfesso



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Posted 02 April 2014 - 11:25 AM

Do our agents, the most highly educated and most experienced Federal law enforcement Agents in the world really need to be TRAINED to recognize potential CI's or defendants with 60 IQ's? That was something COMMON SENSE dictates. And whatup with Rewarding Zapor and Milanawski, two of the MOST obvious and recent FAILURES? Is the immediate removal of command staff from Baltimore based on CRIMINAL conduct? Word is the STAR of the ATF NRT failures captured by a GAO audit, SAC Joe Riehl is apparently complicit in an ongoing cover-up that Jones, Brandon and Turk are aware of.

No doubt, a new program mgr and a new training forthcoming.
When only a couple of points separate you on the Sanford Binet scale sometimes it's hard to differentiate.
Could someone please educate Maloney. Get behind terry stops. That will do more than any so called proposed additional firearms trafficking statute. I would have liked to hear that defined in a paragraph or less that would be applicable to both brooklyn and Boise. It's a long way from the barrio to the ues - not geographically speaking of course.
I've never heard of an agent "not prosecuting" or investigating for that matter straw purchasers because of any sentencing guidelines or potential prosecutorial declination. Thanks to the director for pushing back on that nonsense.
But what about that deer in the headlights look when asked about firing/ disciplining f&f mgrs.

#617 Doc Holiday

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 09:42 AM

It seems so simple to generate questions and answers for these hearings. CALL IN CAREER FIELD AGENTS. They don't have agendas, they aren't inclined to play word games. Simple question. Mr. Jones, what has changed in recent years to create all of the failures when ATF has successfully conducted such operations for decades before your arrival without incident?

News flash, new policies aren't the fix. We have policies in place both written and implied regarding safe law enforcement operations. A 20+ year veteran recently stated, hell if we would have been allowed to act like this for the past 20 years, our job woulda been so much easier. STOP promoting MORONS, and STOP promoting or shifting incompetents, ie Zapor and Milanawski. Stop letting OR ENCOURAGING OPSRO to tamp down these egregious acts by MANAGERS SPECIFICALLY.

#618 Iceman



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Posted 02 April 2014 - 09:02 AM

Do our agents, the most highly educated and most experienced Federal law enforcement Agents in the world really need to be TRAINED to recognize potential CI's or defendants with 60 IQ's? That was something COMMON SENSE dictates. And whatup with Rewarding Zapor and Milanawski, two of the MOST obvious and recent FAILURES? Is the immediate removal of command staff from Baltimore based on CRIMINAL conduct? Word is the STAR of the ATF NRT failures captured by a GAO audit, SAC Joe Riehl is apparently complicit in an ongoing cover-up that Jones, Brandon and Turk are aware of.

Clearly apparent, Director Jones is asleep at the wheel. He has NOT proactively overseeing his highest bosses UNTIL they are caught. The field bosses do not regard him, do not respect him and feel comfortable concealing the issues occurring all around the country. Guess its leadership by media exposure.

#619 Iceman



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Posted 02 April 2014 - 08:53 AM

Did Director Jones really just say UNDER OATH, that he is concerned about law enforcement sensitive information? Really? Does a Prime time showboating expose' on 20/20 suggest he really cares ANYTHING about operational security? YOU GAVE THE BADGUYS OUR PLAYBOOK.

Do our agents, the most highly educated and most experienced Federal law enforcement Agents in the world really need to be TRAINED to recognize potential CI's or defendants with 60 IQ's? That was something COMMON SENSE dictates. And whatup with Rewarding Zapor and Milanawski, two of the MOST obvious and recent FAILURES? Is the immediate removal of command staff from Baltimore based on CRIMINAL conduct? Word is the STAR of the ATF NRT failures captured by a GAO audit, SAC Joe Riehl is apparently complicit in an ongoing cover-up that Jones, Brandon and Turk are aware of.

#620 Doc Holiday

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Posted 02 April 2014 - 08:14 AM

Did Director Jones really just say UNDER OATH, that he is concerned about law enforcement sensitive information? Really? Does a Prime time showboating expose' on 20/20 suggest he really cares ANYTHING about operational security? YOU GAVE THE BADGUYS OUR PLAYBOOK.

#621 Doc Holiday

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Posted 31 March 2014 - 04:05 PM


Undercover Storefront Operations: Continued Oversight of ATF’s Reckless Investigative Techniques

Witness and Testimony Documents
Hearing Documents
April 02, 2014 | 9:30 a.m. in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Failure to know rules & regulations is dereliction of duty. A marine would know this. Notwithstanding the ATF orders and other governing laws that can be read and referenced - they can be read, n.b. "can" be read but that doesn't mean that dopey and often vindictive managers will abide by them or even comprehend them. The agency has no one to blame but themselves for their slow demise. They let mcmahon "get away" with admittedly not reading opsec plans, case reports and e-mails before. As some cnn commentors on their web site, following this story, have said in substance - how did they get to be "top managers" without knowing the rules or what to do?
Answers abound but consulting fees should apply.

#622 ProConfesso



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Posted 31 March 2014 - 06:14 AM

Way to go Jones.  Great management (not).  Read Iceman's attachment in the below message.
Why does it take getting caught dirty by outsiders for you to react?  Do you manage by oversight revelations?  You knew of this situation and its circumstances for a long time, since you got here it appears.  Why do you have to have the OIG to tell you whats wrong?  Congress?  Sub-committees?  The Media?  Open your eyes!  Can't you get out in front of anything?  Do you have any clue what is going on during your watch?  You ran Marianos off for opening his mouth to you.  What reaction does having your trusted inner-circle break the law get?
Stinnett was your ethics expert but she showed no ethics, reverse ethics in fact.  Torres and Brandon broke the law to help favor a guilty manager from Fast and Furious and you are going to let them claim they didn't know the rules?  Then why are they SES's if they don't understand the policies? 
Do the policies apply to all of us or just the one's you hate?  As the Director do you get to pick and chose who the rules apply to?  Are you going to have DOJ prosecute them for fraud (criminal, not a policy violation) and take the position that it's out of your hands as DOJ's client?  You've done it before.
Torres moved down from Assistant Director to SAC.  With the Poor Judgement findings are you going to give her the Newell deal and let her move down another three levels to be an agent so she can get to retirement? 
What about Brandon?  He faciliated criminal fraud?  When your executives claim they don't know the policies then that reflects on you.  Your top advisor committed a crime!  If the excuse is that you wanted McMahon out and away from ATF then there is a proper way to do that and its not letting him steal his salary.  You going to let Brandon fall on his sword for you so you can deny knowledge?
Everyone is watching.  What are you going to do?  I hope this doesn't take you months for you to decide.  The right thing to do is right in front of your face.  Run to the lawyers to tell you what to do.  They can't manipulate this one.   Even worse than being corrupt is you guys are cowards on top of it.  The next time you do the right thing will be the first time.

Failure to know rules & regulations is dereliction of duty. A marine would know this. Notwithstanding the ATF orders and other governing laws that can be read and referenced - they can be read, n.b. "can" be read but that doesn't mean that dopey and often vindictive managers will abide by them or even comprehend them. The agency has no one to blame but themselves for their slow demise. They let mcmahon "get away" with admittedly not reading opsec plans, case reports and e-mails before. As some cnn commentors on their web site, following this story, have said in substance - how did they get to be "top managers" without knowing the rules or what to do?
Answers abound but consulting fees should apply.

#623 Thor God of Thunder

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Posted 29 March 2014 - 07:48 AM

As always, the chickens are coming home to roost.  It is obvious that McMahon's request for outside employment should have never been approved.  Former AD Julie Torres, who is currently the SAC of Tampa, should have known better and was probably advised better by Division Counsel but still approved the illegal outside employment anyway.  My question is are the funds paid by ATF to McMahon during the period of outside employement going to be recovered and did he receive any type of bonus or awards during this same period? 


What will be the next ATF scandal?  Can corruption and retaliation really be eliminated from ATF's core? Stay tuned for the next debacle because the corruption in ATF just keeps getting worst and has reached the highest levels like DD Tom Brandon. 


It is bound to happen again with ATF's cavalier attitude nothing has been learned from prior experiences.  


It remains to be seen if anything will come out of the McMahon situation.  Will B. Todd Jones hold Tom Brandon accountable as he has other SES executives (Ford, Gant, Shoemaker, Marianos and others) for the embarrassment caused to the men and women of ATF.  Will he do the same with Melanie Stinnett, Julie Torres and Tom Brandon?   Whaaaaaaatt?

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For Clean Up ATF!




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Posted 28 March 2014 - 10:03 PM

Guess it doesn't pay to disrespect Congress. We wish the House Oversight committe luck in getting a straight answer or the truth. We haven't been able to get it. Under Oath is a good thing.

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#625 Doc Holiday

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 04:22 PM

I have done a lot of complaining on this site.  Maybe more than my fair share.


Yesterday ATF and DOJ indicted an Aryan Brotherhood member who had recently issued a murder contract against me and a local police officer.


If I did not make mention of that here I would be a complete hypocrite and any crediblity I have to speak the truth or offer an opinion would be destroyed.


ATF and the leadership in Phoenix jumped on this one.  The management staff got fully behind the investigation.  The case agent built an incredibly powerful case behind his investigation.  He displayed the investigative skill and tenacity that will make any ATF agent proud.  The US Attorney's office is seeking a full prosecution.


With all my bitching it is wonderful to see good people do the right thing.  Me and my family thank all who worked on and supported this effort.  You have our respect and admiration.  This is the ATF I came to know and love.

One in a row.

#626 Doc Holiday

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 04:19 PM

Wow. SAC Riehl, ASACs Delvecchio and Coffey are not satisfied running off 30 year veteran and along with 30 years of institutional knowledge. But now have threatened to "holdup" the Agents pension if the Agent does not submit to an exit interview. #1 thats illegal. #2 Its extortion and abusive and the very reason senior Agents are leaving in droves. And FINALLY, I would be careful trying to bully an Agent on their way out the door when they hold the very information that will surely have these 3 immediately relieved of duty. Just sayin fellas. Read your own policies. This Agent does not HAVE TO submit to your stupid exit interview.

#627 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 03:57 PM

I have done a lot of complaining on this site.  Maybe more than my fair share.


Yesterday ATF and DOJ indicted an Aryan Brotherhood member who had recently issued a murder contract against me and a local police officer.


If I did not make mention of that here I would be a complete hypocrite and any crediblity I have to speak the truth or offer an opinion would be destroyed.


ATF and the leadership in Phoenix jumped on this one.  The management staff got fully behind the investigation.  The case agent built an incredibly powerful case behind his investigation.  He displayed the investigative skill and tenacity that will make any ATF agent proud.  The US Attorney's office is seeking a full prosecution.


With all my bitching it is wonderful to see good people do the right thing.  Me and my family thank all who worked on and supported this effort.  You have our respect and admiration.  This is the ATF I came to know and love.

#628 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 11:47 AM

Way to go Jones.  Great management (not).  Read Iceman's attachment in the below message.


Why does it take getting caught dirty by outsiders for you to react?  Do you manage by oversight revelations?  You knew of this situation and its circumstances for a long time, since you got here it appears.  Why do you have to have the OIG to tell you whats wrong?  Congress?  Sub-committees?  The Media?  Open your eyes!  Can't you get out in front of anything?  Do you have any clue what is going on during your watch?  You ran Marianos off for opening his mouth to you.  What reaction does having your trusted inner-circle break the law get?


Stinnett was your ethics expert but she showed no ethics, reverse ethics in fact.  Torres and Brandon broke the law to help favor a guilty manager from Fast and Furious and you are going to let them claim they didn't know the rules?  Then why are they SES's if they don't understand the policies? 


Do the policies apply to all of us or just the one's you hate?  As the Director do you get to pick and chose who the rules apply to?  Are you going to have DOJ prosecute them for fraud (criminal, not a policy violation) and take the position that it's out of your hands as DOJ's client?  You've done it before.


Torres moved down from Assistant Director to SAC.  With the Poor Judgement findings are you going to give her the Newell deal and let her move down another three levels to be an agent so she can get to retirement? 


What about Brandon?  He faciliated criminal fraud?  When your executives claim they don't know the policies then that reflects on you.  Your top advisor committed a crime!  If the excuse is that you wanted McMahon out and away from ATF then there is a proper way to do that and its not letting him steal his salary.  You going to let Brandon fall on his sword for you so you can deny knowledge?


Everyone is watching.  What are you going to do?  I hope this doesn't take you months for you to decide.  The right thing to do is right in front of your face.  Run to the lawyers to tell you what to do.  They can't manipulate this one.   Even worse than being corrupt is you guys are cowards on top of it.  The next time you do the right thing will be the first time.

#629 Iceman



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Posted 27 March 2014 - 10:30 AM


To clarify.


Say it aint so. Director Jones has only known about this for over a year. His response? Brandon stays Deputy Director and Torres is an SES SAC. Way to reign in your bosses sir.

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 11:07 PM

To clarify.

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 02:17 PM

ATF March madness bracket. What is Director Jones being called to the Hill for again?


1. ATFs "Rogue Tactics"

2. Brandon, Torres, Mc Mahon and Stinnetts defrauding of the government?

3. Continued disconnect and abusiveness practices against good field Agents/Whistleblowers?

4. GAO report regarding outrageous expenditures for failing programs?

5. Protection of F and F criminals(managers)?

6. Ignoring the testimony in the Dobyns law suit?

7. Facilitating the favorable exit of ATF attorneys who have acted unethically?

8. Or just generally being disconnected with his Agency and shuffling managers like they are Checkers?

9. After two years at the helm why internal government surveys have shown a DECREASE in morale?

10. Covering up HUGE OPSEC violations in a major field division?


Pick one, they are all winners.

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#632 Doc Holiday

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Posted 26 March 2014 - 01:54 PM


Yet ANOTHER New Deputy Director


Will Director Jones fire Brandon and Torres for attempting to defraud the American tax payers and protect another one of their peers? Will our already inept management team be re-organized (shuffled to give the appearance of accountability) AGAIN? Or will Director Jones say " I did not know"? Perhaps the simpler question for House Oversight is "WHAT DO YOU KNOW"?


To clarify.

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#633 Iceman



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Posted 26 March 2014 - 11:22 AM

We all knew this was coming.  This was not rumor.  It was simply a yet to be disclosed fact - the OIG caught ATF dirty trying to favor and accomodate one of the ringleaders of Fast and Furious, Bill McMahon.  Well, its here.




McMahon had his head up his ass when he was supposed to be supervising Newell and Gillett.  He was their direct supervisor.  Had he done his job, well, maybe a couple hundred innocents aren't dead and Brian Terry is still patroling our border.


At that time McMahon is known to be dirty to ATF but the OIG and Congress had not yet issued their findings.  So what does the braintrust do?  They simply lateral transfer him out supervision of field investigations and place him in the same job for internal investigations.  As ignorant as that was, it is not the story.


So now under IA, and knowing that his termination and maybe prosecution is growing near McMahon lands another job.  He is hired by JP Morgan/Chase as a security consultant.  His location of duty is the Phillipeans or Thailand or some place far removed from Washington DC.


But, he is not eligible to retire yet.  He doesn't want to lose all those benefits and pensions endorsements that come with a fully tenured departure so he takes leave to extend his time with ATF to get him to retirement but he reports for duty overseas with Chase at the same time.


Kicker:  Deputy Director Brandon signed off on it!  So did then Assistant Director Julie Torres and ATF Attorney Melanie Stinnett.  The signed their names to approve him to collect a government SES salary (est. $185K per year) and his Chase salary (reported at $200K per year) AT THE SAME TIME!!!


Stinnett left ATF, reportedly behind this.  Torres stepped down three levels from her Assistant Director job to become a SAC (no change in salary and she got to go where she wanted).


So what happened to Brandon?  The guy who accomdated a Fast and Furious leader with the favor of stealing his ATF salary while assigned to Washington DC while working full time out of the country for another employer - NOTHING!


Quick review ATF's executive F&F culprits:  McMahon, taken care of.  Hoover, allowed to retire, full pension and benefits, no discipline or prosecution.  Chait, same as Hoover.  Newell, remains employed at a lesser postion but with SES salary retention.  Gillett, same as Hoover and Chait.


You know what happens to these people if they are agents?  They get prosecuted.


So when ATF's PR people say, "We will review the report of investigation further and will take appropriate actions as necessary, consistent with applicable policies, laws and regulations."   Haha.  No you won't.  You won't do one damn thing and you know it, and we know it.


Brandon may have signed off but Jones knew about it and approved it.  He'll deny it to create plausible deniablity, but he knew.


So much for justice.  If you do the crime, do the time - or double dip.  Good deal if you can get it. 

Yet ANOTHER New Deputy Director


Will Director Jones fire Brandon and Torres for attempting to defraud the American tax payers and protect another one of their peers? Will our already inept management team be re-organized (shuffled to give the appearance of accountability) AGAIN? Or will Director Jones say " I did not know"? Perhaps the simpler question for House Oversight is "WHAT DO YOU KNOW"?

#634 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

Retired Agent Jay Dobyns


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 10:51 AM

We all knew this was coming.  This was not rumor.  It was simply a yet to be disclosed fact - the OIG caught ATF dirty trying to favor and accomodate one of the ringleaders of Fast and Furious, Bill McMahon.  Well, its here.




McMahon had his head up his ass when he was supposed to be supervising Newell and Gillett.  He was their direct supervisor.  Had he done his job, well, maybe a couple hundred innocents aren't dead and Brian Terry is still patroling our border.


At that time McMahon is known to be dirty to ATF but the OIG and Congress had not yet issued their findings.  So what does the braintrust do?  They simply lateral transfer him out supervision of field investigations and place him in the same job for internal investigations.  As ignorant as that was, it is not the story.


So now under IA, and knowing that his termination and maybe prosecution is growing near McMahon lands another job.  He is hired by JP Morgan/Chase as a security consultant.  His location of duty is the Phillipeans or Thailand or some place far removed from Washington DC.


But, he is not eligible to retire yet.  He doesn't want to lose all those benefits and pensions endorsements that come with a fully tenured departure so he takes leave to extend his time with ATF to get him to retirement but he reports for duty overseas with Chase at the same time.


Kicker:  Deputy Director Brandon signed off on it!  So did then Assistant Director Julie Torres and ATF Attorney Melanie Stinnett.  The signed their names to approve him to collect a government SES salary (est. $185K per year) and his Chase salary (reported at $200K per year) AT THE SAME TIME!!!


Stinnett left ATF, reportedly behind this.  Torres stepped down three levels from her Assistant Director job to become a SAC (no change in salary and she got to go where she wanted).


So what happened to Brandon?  The guy who accomdated a Fast and Furious leader with the favor of stealing his ATF salary while assigned to Washington DC while working full time out of the country for another employer - NOTHING!


Quick review ATF's executive F&F culprits:  McMahon, taken care of.  Hoover, allowed to retire, full pension and benefits, no discipline or prosecution.  Chait, same as Hoover.  Newell, remains employed at a lesser postion but with SES salary retention.  Gillett, same as Hoover and Chait.


You know what happens to these people if they are agents?  They get prosecuted.


So when ATF's PR people say, "We will review the report of investigation further and will take appropriate actions as necessary, consistent with applicable policies, laws and regulations."   Haha.  No you won't.  You won't do one damn thing and you know it, and we know it.


Brandon may have signed off but Jones knew about it and approved it.  He'll deny it to create plausible deniablity, but he knew.


So much for justice.  If you do the crime, do the time - or double dip.  Good deal if you can get it. 


#635 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

Retired Agent Jay Dobyns


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Posted 25 March 2014 - 08:01 PM




Word is there is an OIG report getting ready to be released regarding Brandon and Julie Torre' willful and blatant disregard for ATF/DOJ/OPM regulations and policies regarding OUTSIDE employment. Sound familiar? Brandon and Torres signed off on their fellow Execs (Bill Mc Mahon, then DAD) FULL TIME outside employment, even to the point of approving SICK leave, a huge and well known NO-NO.


They KNOWINGLY APPROVED  this defrauding of the American people. But Mr. Jones will clearly NOT tolerate such GROSS mismanagement. HE SAID SO. Well at least Brandon and Torres are no longer in leadership roles to continue to do as they please. OH THAT RIGHT, THEY ARE BOTH STILL EXECUTIVE SERVICE. EXPECT MORE OF THE SAME.


At least you all know why YOUR outside employment was just rescinded, even though you have all been FOLLOWING the policy.


Question? How many line employees under Mr. Jones' tenure have been disciplined or fired as the result of egregious "Poor Judgement"?


Another prediction.  Brandon helped feather the exit nest of one of Fast and Furious's biggest management failures.  He allowed McMahon to double dip by collecting an ATF salary and a reported $200K from Chase at the same time - working full time for Chase out of country.  He did so full well knowing that the OIG and Congress were going to hammer McMahon for incompetence.  He made the decision to protect another SES club member.  So, when the OIG report hits expect Brandon to say, A) my bad, B) Jones was not aware and not involved and, C) he has revamped the outside employment process to make sure this never happens again. 


Fact: GS15's/SES's at ATF are always allowed to transfer jobs, relocate, down grade jobs with salary retention, or resign/retire in lieu of punishment.  There is no such thing as punishment for them.  That is reserved for field employees only.  #leadfairorgetout  #doublestandard #cowardsmakeexcuses

#636 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 01:40 PM

I am a below average street corner lawyer without a law degree but doesn't the Constitution state that we are allowed to face our accusers and be judged by a jury of our peers?


VINCENT A CEFALU "After 8 years, I finally have a trial date. Mid August. Amazingly, The San Francisco United States Attorneys office through AUSA's John Lee and Mark Conrad are going to challenge my RIGHT to a jury trial. Department of JUSTICE, REALLY????????????"

#637 Doc Holiday

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 11:20 AM

My former RAC and ASAC [both fat ba$tards] gigged me [a lowly GS-13 Plain Old Agent] for three days [the equivalent of a "drum-head courtmartial"] for a pure chicken$hit issue -- I kept on the wall in my office an email I got from a retired ATF RAC [he retired with his dignity and integrity] which cast a light on the bumblings of other bosses, like the one who needed three hours to watch 60 Minutes.  Meanwhile, the same Division had no problems with a punk agent mocking my line of duty injuries.


And so the list begins!

Clearly Brandon and Torres should be demoted from any managerial positions in this Bureau.




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Posted 25 March 2014 - 09:29 AM

After 8 years, I finally have a trial date. Mid August. Amazingly, The San Francisco United States Attorneys office through AUSA's John Lee and Mark Conrad are going to challenge my RIGHT to a jury trial. Department of JUSTICE, REALLY????????????
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#639 Doc Holiday

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Posted 24 March 2014 - 08:08 PM

Thats the NEW ATF family I guess.

My former RAC and ASAC [both fat ba$tards] gigged me [a lowly GS-13 Plain Old Agent] for three days [the equivalent of a "drum-head courtmartial"] for a pure chicken$hit issue -- I kept on the wall in my office an email I got from a retired ATF RAC [he retired with his dignity and integrity] which cast a light on the bumblings of other bosses, like the one who needed three hours to watch 60 Minutes. Meanwhile, the same Division had no problems with a punk agent mocking my line of duty injuries.

And so the list begins!

#640 abteilung



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Posted 24 March 2014 - 06:36 PM




Word is there is an OIG report getting ready to be released regarding Brandon and Julie Torre' willful and blatant disregard for ATF/DOJ/OPM regulations and policies regarding OUTSIDE employment. Sound familiar? Brandon and Torres signed off on their fellow Execs (Bill Mc Mahon, then DAD) FULL TIME outside employment, even to the point of approving SICK leave, a huge and well known NO-NO.


They KNOWINGLY APPROVED  this defrauding of the American people. But Mr. Jones will clearly NOT tolerate such GROSS mismanagement. HE SAID SO. Well at least Brandon and Torres are no longer in leadership roles to continue to do as they please. OH THAT RIGHT, THEY ARE BOTH STILL EXECUTIVE SERVICE. EXPECT MORE OF THE SAME.


At least you all know why YOUR outside employment was just rescinded, even though you have all been FOLLOWING the policy.


Question? How many line employees under Mr. Jones' tenure have been disciplined or fired as the result of egregious "Poor Judgement"?


My former RAC and ASAC [both fat ba$tards] gigged me [a lowly GS-13 Plain Old Agent] for three days [the equivalent of a "drum-head courtmartial"] for a pure chicken$hit issue -- I kept on the wall in my office an email I got from a retired ATF RAC [he retired with his dignity and integrity] which cast a light on the bumblings of other bosses, like the one who needed three hours to watch 60 Minutes.  Meanwhile, the same Division had no problems with a punk agent mocking my line of duty injuries.


And so the list begins!




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Posted 24 March 2014 - 11:21 AM



Word is there is an OIG report getting ready to be released regarding Brandon and Julie Torre' willful and blatant disregard for ATF/DOJ/OPM regulations and policies regarding OUTSIDE employment. Sound familiar? Brandon and Torres signed off on their fellow Execs (Bill Mc Mahon, then DAD) FULL TIME outside employment, even to the point of approving SICK leave, a huge and well known NO-NO.


They KNOWINGLY APPROVED  this defrauding of the American people. But Mr. Jones will clearly NOT tolerate such GROSS mismanagement. HE SAID SO. Well at least Brandon and Torres are no longer in leadership roles to continue to do as they please. OH THAT RIGHT, THEY ARE BOTH STILL EXECUTIVE SERVICE. EXPECT MORE OF THE SAME.


At least you all know why YOUR outside employment was just rescinded, even though you have all been FOLLOWING the policy.


Question? How many line employees under Mr. Jones' tenure have been disciplined or fired as the result of egregious "Poor Judgement"?

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#642 Doc Holiday

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Posted 23 March 2014 - 12:54 PM

Does anybody have the 411 on the "Immediate and Hasty Removal" of the SAC and ASAC from the same field division this week? The word is it is heinous and more management misdeeds"




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Posted 21 March 2014 - 06:14 PM



The following letter was sent to the following folks several times between 2007-2008. Ask yourself if ANYTHING has changed, or more importantly improved.Then see if you can track how many of the managers are still here, were ran off the job, fired or what their continued employment legacy was/is.I have taken the time to highlight some key parts. but feel free to read the entire document. It was sent via certified U.S. Mail to the following:

All members of the Senate Judiciary committee

Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez

Attorney General Eric Holder

Acting Directors/ Deputy Directors

Michael Sullivan

Kenneth Melson

Edgar Domenech

Billy Hoover

Ronnie Carter

Senators Feinstein, Boxer and Rep. Pelosi

The Dept. of Justice OIG

The Office of Special Counsel


The issues have gone COMPLETELY unaddressed. The net result of not dealing with JUST these managers and their abuses:






















Once again, this does NOT detract from the heroic work so many of our Agents are doing IN SPITE of our broken leadership.




United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510



Judiciary Committee Members


President Obama, a civil rights attorney and constitutional law professor, has stated his commitment to justice, equality, transparency and enforcement of civil rights laws for every human being. He has committed to overhauling the Justice Department. However, we as members of the elite Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are gravely concerned about the Departments failure to hold senior managers within our great Bureau accountable. We are further concerned that such apathy in the administration of our great Bureau is and continues to negatively impact our ability to ensure public safety and has created an environment which has condoned massive waste, fraud and abuse.

The following are examples of practices which have now divided this Bureau and are the motivation for this direct action:

Multiple findings of discrimination against senior ATF managers which have gone completely undisciplined or disciplined in a manner not consistent with the standards applied to the line agents and employees.

False documents and testimony submitted by or ignored/supported by ATF Chief Counsel’s office to include falsification of evidence and perjury. Failing to comply with Open Records Act and lawful court ordered demands for documents and testimony. The refusal by ATF Chief Counsel’s office to provide truthful and factual counsel to the Executive staff continues to create costly litigation for the employees and wasteful litigation and costly settlements for the Bureau. The consistent failure of ATF counsel to report significant violations of policy and law by ATF managers to appropriate authorities i.e. OPSRO and the OIG, allows the patterns and practices to continue.

The use of internal affairs to conceal ATF manager’s ethical and/or criminal violations regularly includes lackluster investigations and/or only cursory investigations when

Senior management officials are implicated. The failure to pursue allegations against ATF managers when they are supported by documentary evidence is common practice. Refusal to open investigations against ATF managers is the standard response. It is common-place to withhold or delay OIG findings or interviews related to senior managers when discipline or more severe consequences would be warranted. Chief Counsel’s Office, Internal Affairs, ELRB and senior management facilitates the timely retirement from the Bureau of managers who are known to have committed significant violations of policy or law. This effectively shields them from perjury or sworn testimony harmful to the Agency. Internal Affairs conducts hyper-aggressive investigations related to whistleblowers and or EEOC complainants. OPSRO fails to conduct transparent investigations for the purpose of covering up gross mismanagement and abuse of authority by senior managers. The obstruction of justice and perjury by senior ATF managers has been ignored.

ATF EEOC Directorate blatantly and willfully disregards statutory timelines (often in excess of 300 days) creating artificial delays within the process and forcing unnecessary litigation and litigation expenses to complainants causing a Bureau wide chilling effect on potential complainants. With the support and guidance from Chief Counsel’s office, the EO office and the Agency withhold evidence or deny its existence until such evidence has been proven to exist by the complainants. Management witnesses are thoroughly interviewed while witnesses identified by the Complainant are ignored or retaliated against later. Reports of Investigation are improperly documented. The no fear act is ignored and manipulated within the Bureaus hierarchy.

Multiple violations related to the validated threats against Special Agents have resulted in extremely expensive and unnecessary litigations at taxpayer’s expense. In these instances, the Bureau’s history of retroactively attempting to destroy the agent’s reputation and discredit the agent’s honorable service were employed through Chief counsel, Personnel Office and Internal Affairs. Personal attacks on the professional contributions as well as psychological attacks were employed. Multiple and punitive transfers to create hardship upon these agents when complaints were logged destroyed not only the agents but their families. Families have been splintered through multiple punitive transfers, health complications are created within the families and often financial devastation is the result.

Counsel’s office has consistently stated this strategy is the Bureau’s position to supervisory classes to send a message and discourage complaints. The agency failed to act, acted in bad faith and in several cases ignored policy and safety procedures knowingly. When the threatened agents challenged ATF management, they launched a campaign of personal and professional attacks and retroactive destruction of the complainant’s reputation to discredit the complaints. In most cases no negative documentation existed prior to the complaints. The devastation to the families is undeniable. An attack is carried out against an agent and the Agency does not respond with even one agent. The Special Agent in Charge ensures no ATF assets are directed at investigating or protecting the Agent’s family. A veiled attempt to name the Agent as a suspect was undertaken by management as a matter of reprisal for his prior whistle blowing activity.

Perceived, and actual whistle blowers have suffered withering attacks on every possible administrative and employment related grounds. A perceived whistleblower was denied all of the Bureau internal remedies. The result was a fabricated and fictitious assault on the agent’s ability to perform their duty after 18+ years of service. An unnecessary lengthy and expensive and extremely damaging litigation resulted. Chief Counsels Office was once again directly implicated in the fabricated representation to a U S Congressman and administrative court of law. The assigned attorney was quickly and quietly employed by a sister agency before accountability by himself or his supervisors could be obtained. Multiple incidents of the agency falsely responding to Congressional inquiries can and will be provided.

The Bureaus second most powerful manager Deputy Director Edgar Domenech, himself filed a whistleblower complaint and publicly stated that the Bureau of ATF has a propensity for reprisal and he “knew” such actions would result in career suicide. This institutional pattern of fear does not create a transparent law enforcement agency and blatantly violates the No Fear Act. It should be noted that there are many dedicated and professional managers within ATF who have or have wanted to act ethically and professionally, only to suffer the same abuse as the field agents. Supervisors are transferred back to headquarters, demoted or their successful careers impeded at the hands of vindictive senior managers. It is unconscionable that such courageous Agents and Supervisors should be governed by such a hostile and pervasive institutional mandate of fear.

A Special Agent attempts to resist an investigation using unlawful wiretaps. The Special Agent openly challenges and reports it to superiors. After 20 + years of exemplary service, the next 1 ½ years results in the Special Agent and his family being transferred 5 times, suspended for 3 days, attempts made to have a psyche evaluation conducted, 2 letters of reprimand, and ultimately a termination. ATF Counsel agreed to settle the complaint in concert with the complainant’s attorney present when unlawful and unethical practices were uncovered on the part of SES managers during sworn testimony. In the case of this whistleblower/grievant, not one significant act of misconduct was documented for over 20+ years of decorated service until the very night that the complaint was made. Once the depositions were cancelled, ATF Chief Counsel’s office indicated there would be no settlement. This protracted the litigation and insured a much more costly settlement and a further waste of taxpayer’s funds. Documents requested 12 months prior to the hearing dates, were turned over just days before the complainant’s response was due. These documents existed all along and ATF counsel refused under lawful authority to relinquish them and in fact denied their existence.

The government mobility agreement is used contrary to law and ethical designs to punish Agents without due process and often times without justification. Complainants or those who would challenge unethical and/or illegal acts by Special Agents in Charge or senior managers are often threatened with collecting their next pay check in Fargo, North Dakota or Anchorage, Alaska. This violates the reprisal laws, the No Fear Act and the intent of the “good of the Bureau” ability to relocate agents. This practice is paramount to waste fraud and abuse because hundreds of thousands of dollars are wasted for the retaliatory transfers.

Internal Affairs is regularly used by ATF to generate credibility issues against complainants while ignoring the substantive whistleblower complaints which originally initiated internal affairs involvement. An anonymous letter was sent to the Department of Justice OIG from Las Vegas, Nevada alleging government Fraud waste and abuse. The OIG provided the letter to ATF Internal affairs for follow up investigation into the allegations contained in the anonymous letter. One of the primary objectives by ATF Internal Affairs investigators was to identify the author of the anonymous letter. During the Internal Affairs investigation, ATF identified an Agent who ATF had perceived to have been the whistleblower. This Agent became the recipient of vindictive personnel actions that ranged from a letter of reprimand to a notice of proposed removal from Federal service. Further investigation identified the true author of the letter and he/she admitted to being the author of the letter. ATF management then directed their attack on the actual whistleblower. ATF continued their attack on the perceived whistleblower and terminated him from Federal service. The Agent was later reinstated by ATF after appealing his removal to the MSPB. An Agent who provided documentation that supported the above agent’s allegations later became the target of reprisals for assisting the agent unknowingly after a demand for the documents was made by the agency. 

The Wireless Communication Section (WCS) routinely discriminates against its older Telecommunication Specialists by subjecting them to a hostile work environment. In one case a Telecommunications Specialist with a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering was fired for technical incompetence. In another case a Telecommunications Specialist in his sixties with bad knees was being forced by WCS to attend a radio tower climbing school, something his bad knees would not allow him to complete so he retired. On several occasions, Telecommunications Specialists assignments have been changed to create hardship and as an act of reprisal to expedite a constructive retirement. Unwarranted disciplinary actions along with unsatisfactory annual performance evaluations are arbitrarily used to retaliate against employees. Many current Telecommunication Specialists left their old agency to come to ATF under the Pay Demo system in order to get the equivalent of as GS-14 salary. This system attracted the best and brightest from other agencies. WCS lacks leadership and relies on a hostile work environment as a means of managing our employees and assets. 

Multiple substantive official allegations against senior managers go uninvestigated. One senior manager was alleged to have ignored ATF policy and procedure with regards to massive amounts of missing government property and certifying such documents knowingly. Another senior manager participated in the concealment of the intentional destruction of a Special Agent’s badges in an act of reprisal. He conspired to conceal the act and failed to report this act which is the willful and wanton destruction of sensitive government property. Both of these managers remain in the SES program.

Senior executive staff members have been advised directly and informally of the abuses and are either unwilling or incapable of making the necessary policy changes to prevent the ongoing abuse.

ATF’s Counsel’s Office, ELRB and HR resources act in concert to proactively attack and destroy Agents who complain and to deter others from acting on whistleblower or discrimination practices. Letters challenging mental and emotional stability are common practice. Low evaluations and letters of reprimand not consistent with Bureau practices are used. The agency pursues Psyche evaluations and forced reassignments, unjustified integrity investigations which would normally amount to nothing more than a local management issue if the agent had not been a complainant

ATF knowingly and intentionally ignores EEO laws, procedures and practices. Although the law requires discrimination investigations to be addressed within 180 days, ATF has an average time to investigation exceeding 300 days. ATF counsel regularly and unethically delayed the procedures at every turn. This has generally gone hand in hand with ongoing and often times withering acts of reprisal to cause the complainant to drop their complaint. Whistleblower and discrimination complaints have become synonymous with career suicide and stated publicly by Edgar Domenech in his whistleblower complaint. As the second most powerful man in ATF he felt compelled to author anonymous letters out of fear for his career. Senior ATF managers are not required to testify in hearings, depositions or any other personnel action without ATF counsel present. Management statements are reviewed by Chief Counsel’s Office before they are submitted to the investigator. “Attorney Client” privilege is often invoked to protect the individual managers, not the Agency. The authors of this action will testify before Congress or meet with the Director without the benefit of counsel and will not invoke their right to the attorney client privilege if the agency heads will do the same.  The truth remains the truth negates the need to hide behind legal representation. Managers are prepared and their testimony crafted by ATF Counsel, after the fact to attempt to conceal their reprisals. In one cases a Senior Executive schedule manager being groomed for a Special Agent in Charge stated “I do not know”, or I don’t recall” over 100 times during one sworn deposition. These responses were related to direct questions about actions he was responsible for or policies he was relying upon to defend his actions against the employee. Why would a manager be elevated to such a level if he cannot recall or doesn’t know ATF policy?

ATF does not recognize the wasteful process of ignoring legitimate employee concerns. Multiple Whistleblower and discrimination complaints which could and should have been resolved at the lowest level were escalated to a full blown legal battle due to the Bureau’s institutional mandate not to accept responsibility for its mistakes. ATF counsel’s office resists mediation or alternative dispute resolution measures due to the false assumption that this will create a flood of complaints. ATF has written millions of dollars worth of damages checks, court costs, travel funds and wasted man-hours on complaints which could have been handled with a hand shake. This is done with impunity and no oversight.

The standing philosophy that Whistleblower and discrimination complainants are automatically the enemy of the Bureau creates unnecessary litigation and results in higher monetary settlements. The Bureau is currently relying on sound-bite enforcement and failing to pursue sound investigative priorities.

Assignments to historically unfavorable positions and job duties have flown under the radar as reprisal. However, significant positions related directly to the successful mission are used to push senior agents out the door or to force compliance by junior agents. The field divisions’ operations officers are critical and essential to the effective management of ATF’s Mission. Yet consistently these positions are used to punish individuals who have made complaints, filed grievances or to ensure the constructive retirement of otherwise happy and productive senior agents. Agents are regularly threatened with assignments to TOO or other jobs or details for the sole purpose of causing hardship on the agent.

Agents are subjected to gross disparities in scrutiny or surveillance of their performance or work product if they file Whistleblower complaints, grievances or discrimination complaints.

The signatures on this document represent some of the most egregious abuses of authority over the past three years. However, the list of Agents, Inspectors and clerical staff who are willing to provide documents and direct sworn testimony related to the violations and abuses contained in this letter is significantly larger. The total lack of leadership and oversight has diminished the Bureau’s ability to perform its Mission at the lowest level. Collectively we intend to see that “Our” Bureau’s credibility and standing in the law enforcement community is restored to the level it once held.

It should be noted that in each case, the employees referenced in this letter made every attempt, sometimes heroic attempts, to resolve their grievances at the lowest and most informal level. Every representation contained in this letter is supported by memoranda, court documents and sworn depositions and internal written communications. This is a nationwide vote of no confidence.

Respectfully submitted,


G/S Rene J. Jaquez, Phoenix     

S/A Jay Dobyns, Arizona           

S/A Vincent A. Cefalu, California                                                    

S/A Kelly Niess, California

S/A Paul Jessen, New Mexico

S/A John Taylor, Nevada

S/A Jim Tokos, Nevada         

Investigator Robbie Mcgowan-Butler, California

Radio Tech Stephen Swift, California

Admin Assistant Phyllis Goins, California

S/A Stephen Carman, California, Ret.

S/A Charlie Fuller, Tennessee, Ret.   

S/A Sierra Donaven, Michigan, Ret.

Joesph Stafford, Ret. OCDETF Coordinator, California

Adam Delgado, Illinois, Former ATF S/A

Eugene Richards, Illinois, Former ATF S/A   



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 07:00 PM

The whole leadership by example has escaped out leadership. They continue to violate the trust of those they lead. This particular betrayed could get good people hurt. Apparently, they have already forgotten what their poor judgement cost the Terry Family. We can only hope that Congress will act swiftly this time and reign in our Executives.

Back in early 2012, I was accused [falsely] by the cowards and punks who run my former Division of being the poster "FUBAR" on this site, posting what was claimed to be "law enforcement sensitive information" on this site.
I was interrogated by OIG, with no legal or FLEOA representation, for almost three hours.  I was able to prove that I wasn't FUBAR.  It wasn't like they didn't have enough evidence or no evidence.  It clearly wasn't me based on FACTS.  Eventually, PRB cleared me, although someone in Division spread the rumor among the rank and file that I was suspended for being FUBAR.
No apologies from my SAC, ASAC, OIG, OPRSO, the lying rat snitch in my old Division -- who was probably also the one who spread the rumor about me being suspended.  If one lie doesn't pan out, use another.  Boy, what a Wonder!
Yet, here we see senior ATF management handing the playbook to the badguys.  What I was falsely accused of was NOTHING in comparison to this.
"Do as we tell you, not as we do."

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#645 abteilung



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 12:13 PM

Back in early 2012, I was accused [falsely] by the cowards and punks who run my former Division of being the poster "FUBAR" on this site, posting what was claimed to be "law enforcement sensitive information" on this site.

I was interrogated by OIG, with no legal or FLEOA representation, for almost three hours.  I was able to prove that I wasn't FUBAR.  It wasn't like they didn't have enough evidence or no evidence.  It clearly wasn't me based on FACTS.  Eventually, PRB cleared me, although someone in Division spread the rumor among the rank and file that I was suspended for being FUBAR.

No apologies from my SAC, ASAC, OIG, OPRSO, the lying rat snitch in my old Division -- who was probably also the one who spread the rumor about me being suspended.  If one lie doesn't pan out, use another.  Boy, what a Wonder!


Yet, here we see senior ATF management handing the playbook to the badguys.  What I was falsely accused of was NOTHING in comparison to this.


"Do as we tell you, not as we do."




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Posted 15 March 2014 - 06:10 PM

Some thoughts on last nights ABC 20/20 feature on ATF undercover hit men.  http://blog.jaydobynsgroup.com/


Feel free to post here and disagree.  I'm not B. Todd Jones.  I won't retaliate or fire you.  I won't go Brandon and scuttle you or turn my back.



Mr. Jones Turk Brandon, PGA and anyone in those UCs chain of command should be immediately fired. You forced us ALL to sign the new and improved non-disclosure agreement in a obvious attempt to silence whistle blowers. Now you have approved such a breach of decade long trade secrets you have placed EVERY Agent in this outfit, AND MAYBE outside agency's IN GRAVE DANGER. The U/Cs outstanding work could have been highlighted without giving MILLIONS of future potential targets our entire PLAYBOOK. You VIOLATED YOUR OWN non disclosure policy with such reckless self promotion, and with SUCK specificity that I expect you can plan to be SUED for endangering OUR AGENTS. I will be contacting my congressional representatives AND The Office of Special Counsel as it is CLEAR at the bare minimum you violated Rule, Law or Policy. MR Brandon YOU KNOW BETTER. I am assuming, that you will support any lawsuit levied against You gentlemen and the agency with the same standard you applied to One of our Best Agents Jay Dobyns. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Is this what you brought in an outsider w/o law enforcement experience to do in our Public Affairs office? Give away trade secrets? A class action by ALL 2500 of our agents may give you pause in the future from SHOWBOATING.

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#647 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

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Posted 15 March 2014 - 04:00 PM

Some thoughts on last nights ABC 20/20 feature on ATF undercover hit men.  http://blog.jaydobynsgroup.com/


Feel free to post here and disagree.  I'm not B. Todd Jones.  I won't retaliate or fire you.  I won't go Brandon and scuttle you or turn my back.


Attached File  wrong-hit-man-gq-magazine-november-2013-article-01.jpg   161.74KB   4 downloads




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Posted 14 March 2014 - 09:29 AM

He reigned in rogue SACS. All 25 SACS were following the same rules and were accountable. I guarantee he NEVER said "Congressman, I didnt know about this until I read it in the newspaper". We have good SACS and GREAT SACS suffering now because of inept SACS who are running out of control.

Yes sir.  You know more about Mr. Magaw than I do, there is no doubt about that.  I disagreed with some of the things he did.  But, from a pure command perspective when he walked in a room you knew who the boss was.  He made decisisons, not all of which I liked, but he made decisions and didn't hide and didn't make excuses.  He came down on me a couple of times some deserved, some not so much.  I know none of the insiders story on him.  I am not even disagreeing with your posting just saying from an agents perspective at that time he commanded the agency and all those under him.

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#649 Retired Agent Jay Dobyns

Retired Agent Jay Dobyns


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Posted 14 March 2014 - 08:35 AM

I was the Ombudsman for ATF during the Magaw period. Your admiration of him is misplaced.

Yes sir.  You know more about Mr. Magaw than I do, there is no doubt about that.  I disagreed with some of the things he did.  But, from a pure command perspective when he walked in a room you knew who the boss was.  He made decisisons, not all of which I liked, but he made decisions and didn't hide and didn't make excuses.  He came down on me a couple of times some deserved, some not so much.  I know none of the insiders story on him.  I am not even disagreeing with your posting just saying from an agents perspective at that time he commanded the agency and all those under him.

#650 retired1811



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 01:46 PM

I was the Ombudsman for ATF during the Magaw period. Your admiration of him is misplaced.

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