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Where's PGA/Ford?

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#1 Guest_microscope_*

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Posted 30 March 2010 - 11:41 AM

There's one reason and one reason only why W.Larry Ford's pictures cuddling with Jamie Foxx and Colin Farell on the Miami Vice set are a part of Dobyns counterclaim response and he has photo's of himself posing as a Denzel Washington groupied on his wall from the Deja Vu film. Dobyns was offered the film opportunities, passed on them and handed them off to ATF, Ford took over, took all the credit and ATF sued Dobyns for it. That's it. Headquarters hypocracy. No good deed goes unpunished. There's more than meets the eye here, trust me. We haven't begun to address the "special guest" who attended the Versace mansion premier party or the plays that were made to insert personal business for personal gain into the mix yet. This damn sure ain't over by a long shot. You should have never opened that door. All of you executives who want to point a finger better be sure you can withstand having it pointed back at you. You want to hold your employees to the moral and ethical standards demanded of ATF agents? Then don't be screwing the help. Or at least, don't get caught. How many agents have you hammered for "conduct unbecoming an agent"? You want to attack agents for poor judgements? Then don't cover-up your SAC's felonies. You want to send SWAT teams to SAC's houses when they're treatened by their own mistreated and abused employees? Then don't ignore an agents house being burned down. You want to use the excuse that you can't move because it's financially a bad time for you? Then don't force transfer the lower levels either. Leave the "mobility clause" alone unless you intend to apply it across the board. You want agents to confront violence? Then don't sit and watch them be indicted for murder before you decide to get in the game. You want to demand agent productivity? Then don't do the Director's nephews homework. You want to enforce the drinking and driving policies? Then don't pretend that your SAC hasn't torn up g-rides at every stop she's made behind booze. You want trust and confidence? Then don't fabricate "disciplinary matrix's" that attempt to frame agents for drug possession when you know it never happened. You want to complain about whistleblower reprisal? Then you should have not handed out so many of them when you were in the bully spot (Edgar). You want to complain about budget shortfalls? Then stop ording yourselves Cadillac g-rides and frosted glass for your offices. You want agent complaints to stop? Then listen to them. Provide a remedy. Fix or settle the problem when you're wrong. Make sure it doesn't continue to repeat itself by holding your peers accountable and make sure that there is a consequence when one of "your" boys screws up. Loos claims that managers never need to be disciplined when they are found guilty of wrong doing but rather she only needs to justify to the court why they were not disciplined. And you wonder why the field has a near universal vote of "no confidence" for you? You can answer that one yourselves.

#2 Concernedsup



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Posted 30 March 2010 - 09:26 AM

Here's another one for PGA... here we are fighting for our explosives lives and this is what is reported all over.... http://news.yahoo.co...made_explosives Yep the FBI teaching local cops to identify IEDS, not ATF but FBI and getting major press to boot...

#3 Guest_microscope_*

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Posted 29 March 2010 - 10:41 AM

Ford, Torres, Ford's puppet Thomason all of them only want to have their name stamped on the media releases. It has never been about the promotion of ATF to them and their track records prove that.

#4 Doc Holiday

Doc Holiday


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Posted 28 March 2010 - 06:41 PM

Its easy to see why everybody is taking over our jurisdictions. Nobody is minding the store. Does anybody know whos in charge here anymore? Where we are supposed to be next year, the year after? Our leadership is curled up in the fetal position and the only answer Mr. Melson can come up with is " I didn't know"? Mr. Melson, if you don't get 2-3 GS 13 career agents and lock yourself in a room with them and get the straight scoop, this agency is going to be abolished. We know this is not YOUR chosen path but it is ours and alot of people have dedicated their lives to building it. Stop letting them tear it down. I have heard FROM MORE THAN ONE SENIOR MANAGER, that you dont think you can do anything with all these SES bosses other than just move them around. YOU CAN DEMOTE THEM. You can move Newell AND demote him, You can NOT PROMOTE Gleysteen and Richardson. You can send a message. You can show some character.

#5 abteilung



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 03:52 PM

Who would've thought as recently as a couple of years ago that ICE would surpass ATF in professionalism and being "squared away? Go figure! I know of a couple of former INS agents who bailed out on INS, came over to ATF and have gone "back" to ICE because that's an agency that not only has a mission, but knows its mission too.
Mr. Melson, where are you?

#6 Concernedsup



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 03:15 PM

While Mr. Entertainment (Ford) is out trying to rustle up movies, documentaries etc for the good of "ATF" ( that's code for I want something setup for when I retire)ICE does press releases on valid/good investigations dealing with firearms and ammunition. The good part about this is that ICE actually included us on the press release. It's dated March 21st so ATF's PGA could have put out something on the 22nd but nothing on www.atf.gov not a peep as to what are agents are doing, oh I made a mistake there is a field press release on atf.gov but it's from the US Attorney's office, so maybe I didn't make a mistake because all they did was cut and paste, they never actually did one of their own. It's not like we got a glowing review doing the OIG report of the SW Border/Gunrunner iniciative. And from what I here the second OIG report isn't going to be any better. So you would think ATF's press corps would be all over this promoting what our guys are doing in a joint investigation against the firearms trafficking to Mexico. But I guess that no good since it doesn't really promote PGA/Ford's retirement agenda. Here's the link to ICE's press release: http://www.ice.gov/p...80321elpaso.htm Way to go Ford and ATF's media elite. You couldn't ask the Dallas FD for a press release? Way to stay on top of what the agents do in the field!!!!!

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