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gimpOzark Noodler

Ozark, I hope you have since learned the truth about what happened in Raleigh? Your post about the "racist RAC" was far from accurate
Sep 20 2011 06:51 PM

ReyiemOzark Noodler

The failure of the “Fast and Furious” operation will haunt the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms for several years. The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms will need to reply for supplying Mexico's cartels with guns. I read this here: <a title="ATF embarrassed by Fast and Furious operation" href="http://www.newsytype.com/9367-atf-fast-and-furious/">Congress g...
Jul 29 2011 01:06 AM

Ozark Noodler

Eziekel enjoyed art, and would eventually become a world famous sculptor, living in Europe but sculpting people from the events that shaped his youthful years as a soldier.
Jul 20 2011 09:20 PM

Ozark Noodler

When young VMI cadet Eziekel was finally able, he walked many days to the home of the young man who died, so he could tell his family of his bravery and kind deeds.
Jul 15 2011 10:58 PM


hey bro, hope alls well for U. We met at FLETC '96 doing Adv UC teaching then later in Hotlanta, as I chose to roll w/NRT. We had beers at 1 of your places during superbowl sunday in Jan '97. Y'all are doing a good job, glad y'all made the effort to out the wrong doings & stupidity. Hopefully,Congress folks are really listening. Reynolds Hoover would make good Director if t...
Jul 11 2011 09:58 PM


hey bro, hope alls well for U. We met at FLETC '96 doing Adv UC teaching then later in Hotlanta, as I chose to roll w/NRT. We had beers at 1 of your places during superbowl sunday in Jan '97. Y'all are doing a good job, glad y'all made the effort to out the wrong doings & stupidity. Hopefully,Congress folks are really listening. Reynolds Hoover would make good Director if t...
Jul 11 2011 09:58 PM

Ozark NoodlerJay Dobyns

hey, just wanted to drop a line to let you know that you've done damn fine speaking up for us on the news media circus. Keep up the good work jaybird. and yeah, we met many yrs ago, i didn't stay in the UC path. took the NRT road. take care!
Jul 11 2011 09:47 PM

Ozark Noodler

VMI Cadet Moses Eziekel, 1864, New Market, VA Battlefield- 'The 19 yr old only Jewish cadet, found his young friend after the battle suffering from a mortal chest wound. He spent the next 2 days tending his friend's wound, reading to him from the New Testament, calming his fears,then holding him in his arms until he died.'
Jul 06 2011 08:28 PM