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Attention to those awaiting a BDO decision.....

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#1 Guest_madea_*

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 07:40 AM

Vince, you are partially right about the monster. The monster is in me, but it wears several faces. You see, I can still see the face of Ariel Rios’ baby because I was at his father’s funeral. I have to listen to the voice of S/A Medrano who called me late at night talking about his pain due to Waco. Yeah, there are monsters. The monsters who told me that Medrano would be taken care of. That the agents would be taken care of. I will not politely sit back and wait for yet another suicide. Nor will I sit back quietly while one more manager pushes and pushes and pushes until the employee can’t take any more. So, if that makes me a monster, if my compassion for the agents makes me unacceptable, then so be it. But trust me, I do not stand alone and I do not stand with individuals who look the other way.

#2 Jaime3



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 06:14 AM

I elect Sandy, Vince, and Kay as the new BDO team members!

To decide someone's future or fate should be from a team of Professionals who hold everyone accountable!

#3 Guest_Sandy Davis_*

Guest_Sandy Davis_*
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Posted 10 April 2012 - 02:42 AM

I think you’re missing the mark here Vince. ATF fully understands what Kay is saying. She’s been s-l-o-w-l-y spelling it out to them for 30 years now. The monster ATF created was her passion for their employees and the outrage she has at the torture they have been subjected to over the years. She has witnessed first hand the destruction of hundreds people (and their families) who did nothing more than speak the truth. The reason they have her blocked is very simple. They do not want to hear what she has to say. When they lie, cover up, retaliate, shred, and deny, they know she will call them on it. She has been 100% consistent in this for close to three decades. No, they do not like her. They do not like anyone who tells them their baby is ugly. But I’m here to tell you, they have one UGLY baby and there’s just no nice way to say that.




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Posted 09 April 2012 - 07:06 PM

Msrs. Jones, Brandon and Turk. I hope you are reading this and taking it to heart. THIS IS SERIOUS. I Didn't write it, and I don't know who did. BUT they are obviously paying attention. I truly hope Mr. Jones, the below open letter to HQ ISN'T "that noise" that you were referring to in your "Changecast". Because its NOT noise to us. ITS OUR AGENCY

I was asked to post this letter from a group of employees who are obviously FED UP. Tom, these are your employees and they are too AFRAID OF REPRISALS to sign onto CleanUP. I am more than happy to post their letter for them. No need to thank me Tom, happy to help.............

Dear HQ Management,

In 2011, the honest employees of ATF made it clear we were disgusted with the lack of honesty and lack of integrity within the HQ Sr executive management and senior managers of several field divisions via an OPM survey. The congressional hearings have shown the nation a sample of the egotistical managers the ATF promotional system has allowed to advance into executive management, which reflects poorly on everyone within ATF management. (Newell and McMahon must have missed the courses for recognizing a liar when conducting a criminal interview.)

In 2011, DOJ banned the cleanupatf website from viewing on government computers, and 3 ADs threatened to utilize DOJ OIG to investigate employees posting on the website. A few SACs even encouraged an OIG investigation of the website.

Additionally in 2011, we watched the entire SES staff receive their precious SES bonuses for FY 2011. We watched as Sr Executive Managers Larry Ford, Kelvin Crenshaw, John Torres, Billy Hoover, Mark Chaite, Bill McMahon, Bill Newell, Matt Horace, and others were shuffled about to positions, then reshuffled, but not one was sent home on admin leave, without their credentials or LEAP pay or firearms or GOVs, as required when being investigated. (IAD, OIG, and Congress, plus the state of Arizona for some managers.) A few even avoided being investigated for very egregious acts. (sidewinder two-step like true snakes)

During 2011, we continued to observe the ATF's Office of Chief Counsel impose their disparate disciplinary system. The system which protects, covers up, and even awards corrupt senior executives. For at least 15 years, we have watched the attys inject themselves into every aspect of the agency, yet when they approved Fast and Furious, as well as other actions (investigative, industrial, criminal, and civil) they too slithered away with no accountability. We have watched OCC ensure that discovery and exculpatory materials are withheld, and know of their lies to Admin Judges and Federal Judges. OCC equals management through fear!

Continuing in 2011, was the misuse of IAD to investigate employees, yet clear managers. OCC has insured that IAD submits only the information necessary for the PRB and BDO to find the accused employee guilty of misconduct or at least Lack of Candor. The investigative processes of the IAD is corrupted when statements are known to be intentionally left out of their final red cover investigation report submitted to the PRB. Trained criminal investigators know that partially summarized statements, failure to interview all witnesses, only allowing the accused to write what the investigator requires, not submitting the written statements provided by witnesses, and engaging in such underhanded tactics is more than unprofessional, it is CRIMINAL. But IAD is a protected management position and tool, ultimately answering to the OCC. This explains why managers can repeatedly violate regulations and laws, yet remain unscathed by the OCC established disciplinary system Keep skating but you are on very thin ice. Field employees are quickly prevented from receiving LEAP, their credentials removed, no GOV or firearm, and must sit at a desk or at home for months or years awaiting a response (Punishment before the actual punishment). Eleanor Loos has often advised managers that the OCC can drag out the disciplinary and legal system for years, making if financially impossible for employees to fight the process. Attorneys, who have represented the victims of this system, frequently advise the admin judges and Federal Judges of the incredible disparate punishments, as well as the unethical behavior of the OCC. Lets not forget we saw a glimpse of daylight when one OCC abruptly quit in 2011, after being confronted about her actions. Adios G Elaine Smith, you too Stevie Rubenstien (2012).

All sorts of things are broken within ATF. Many of us are not sure ATF can be repaired, especially with several dishonest managers, who have long ago traded their integrity to become a SES. We know of their illicit affairs with subordinate employees, SES bonuses for doing nothing, repeated theft of government funds, repeated misuse of government vehicles, harassment of subordinate employees, and their personally solicited public recognition for their alleged leadership virtues (ATF News Joke of the Month Club photos of each of you accepting undeserved accolades for your pathetic leadership). Smile for the camera Horace, Larry, Kelvin, John, ... you idiots are such an embarrassment, but you are the quintessential definition of Lack of Candor.

NOW, with nothing resolved and the FAAP having just submitted an excellent list of recommendations for righting some of the wrongs, we are to complete another survey regarding the honesty and integrity of ATFs Senior Executive managers. As soon as we, the field employees, quit laughing and getup off the floor, we will be more than happy to complete the survey. Too bad the survey does not list individual names of managers, as the problematic managers should be directly confronted. Cull them out of the management herd, as there are actual honest, dedicated, motivated managers who have been harmed by the antics and poor leadership of the dishonest managers. Piss poor managers need to be removed from management, returned to the field, retired, resigned, or imprisoned. Many have engaged in misconduct, which if properly investigated, would be reason enough to remove them from employment with ATF (Ford, you do know you are not to use your current position to engage in your security business venture in Chicago; plus when you get to Chicago don't park your ugly corvette and truck in the ATF paid parking, and don't forget to pay your personal property taxes).

Wait a minute, maybe we can work this out through the management tool of the good old boy system. We will just forgive and forget, then ignore that survey. Surely the Managers have learned a lesson from the difficult times of 2011. Hell, lets bring Melson, Hoover, Chaite, and McMahon back for a group hug! Lets collect funds to buy Worlds Greatest Boss plaques for Horace, Crenshaw, Ford, Newell, Gillette, Voth, and Torres x2. We will give Loos, Orlow, Ritt and the rest of the OCC bigger offices and hire more of their attorney pals. Can never have too many attorneys. We will have cake, 2pm Friday, in the HQ Atrium. Everyone is welcome to join us in celebrating the second chance, oops third chance, oops fourth chance, oops Last Chance for management to get their act together social.

In all seriousness, it is past due time for all of ATF to recognize John Dodson and the true whistleblowers (not the manager johnny come latelys) for helping to expose far more than F&F and incompetent managers. And for those who realized establishing CleanupATF might force attention on the multitude of internal agency problems. These are the employees who should be presented with awards, plaques, photo ooops, hand shakes, cakes, and genuine thank yous for their honesty and integrity. We encourage Jones and Brandon to meet with the whistleblowers to discuss the abuses they have suffered for being honest.

We want to be the first to recommend the John Dodson Award for Honesty and Integrity!

(We) Everyday Honest Employees

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 07:04 PM

What a novel idea to have a picture of awards being given to the F&F whistleblowers on the pages of the ATF propaganda rag instead of management thugs, many of whom should have been fired long ago. Yep, I think the first picture to show change at ATF should be of all the F&F whistleblowers, along with Kay Kubicki, receiving awards. I hope ATF will do that just as soon as they stop retaliating against them.

There has been no bigger advocate for the field than Kay. I have never known her to turn away someone asking for help when ATF came after them. She has given more support/guidance/advice to the downtrodden at ATF than anyone in the history of the bureau. There is not one employee in the field that hasn’t been helped by Kay either directly or indirectly. Had ATF investigated the managers she has reported over the years and dealt with them, there probably would have been no F&F.

Here’s another great idea, how about ATF give Kay a cash award for each and every thug in management, I.A., and OCC that she can prove needs to be disciplined. God only knows how much that purse of hers would be worth. That would sure clear out a lot of trash quickly, and in doing so, would also be a guaranteed morale booster.

Hey, didn’t Tom JUST create an new award for someone who has shown legal advocacy? Well, there ya go. But maybe instead of naming the award after Nichols, it could be called the “Madea has had all this shit she can take” award.

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 06:59 PM

What a novel idea to have a picture of awards being given to the F&F whistleblowers on the pages of the ATF propaganda rag instead of management thugs, many of whom should have been fired long ago. Yep, I think the first picture to show change at ATF should be of all the F&F whistleblowers, along with Kay Kubicki, receiving awards. I hope ATF will do that just as soon as they stop retaliating against them.

There has been no bigger advocate for the field than Kay. I have never known her to turn away someone asking for help when ATF came after them. She has given more support/guidance/advice to the downtrodden at ATF than anyone in the history of the bureau. There is not one employee in the field that hasn’t been helped by Kay either directly or indirectly. Had ATF investigated the managers she has reported over the years and dealt with them, there probably would have been no F&F.

Here’s another great idea, how about ATF give Kay a cash award for each and every thug in management, I.A., and OCC that she can prove needs to be disciplined. God only knows how much that purse of hers would be worth. That would sure clear out a lot of trash quickly, and in doing so, would also be a guaranteed morale booster.

Hey, didn’t Tom JUST create an new award for someone who has shown legal advocacy? Well, there ya go. But maybe instead of naming the award after Nichols, it could be called the “Madea has had all this shit she can take” award.

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#7 Guest_madea_*

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Posted 09 April 2012 - 06:09 AM

Madea remembers that a statement was made regarding retired BDO G. Elaine Smith having left in a hurry. She also recalls that reference was made to the fact that the files would have to be reviewed by the new BDO prior to writing the decision letters. Reference was made to reviewing Elaine Smith’s notes on these cases. It is recommended that you FOIA those notes as soon as possible if you are waiting for a decision. Erika Ritt will be reading Smith’s notes. Will that constitute ex parte communications between Ritt, Smith, and any manager referenced in those notes? Get these notes now before they go to the shredder. Trust me, you’re not going to get Elaine Smith to show up at a MSPB hearing. More to follow about Elaine Smith......

#8 Guest_Sandy Davis_*

Guest_Sandy Davis_*
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Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:54 PM

What a novel idea to have a picture of awards being given to the F&F whistleblowers on the pages of the ATF propaganda rag instead of management thugs, many of whom should have been fired long ago. Yep, I think the first picture to show change at ATF should be of all the F&F whistleblowers, along with Kay Kubicki, receiving awards. I hope ATF will do that just as soon as they stop retaliating against them.

There has been no bigger advocate for the field than Kay. I have never known her to turn away someone asking for help when ATF came after them. She has given more support/guidance/advice to the downtrodden at ATF than anyone in the history of the bureau. There is not one employee in the field that hasn’t been helped by Kay either directly or indirectly. Had ATF investigated the managers she has reported over the years and dealt with them, there probably would have been no F&F.

Here’s another great idea, how about ATF give Kay a cash award for each and every thug in management, I.A., and OCC that she can prove needs to be disciplined. God only knows how much that purse of hers would be worth. That would sure clear out a lot of trash quickly, and in doing so, would also be a guaranteed morale booster.

Hey, didn’t Tom JUST create an new award for someone who has shown legal advocacy? Well, there ya go. But maybe instead of naming the award after Nichols, it could be called the “Madea has had all this shit she can take” award.

I was asked to post this letter from a group of employees who are obviously FED UP. Tom, these are your employees and they are too AFRAID OF REPRISALS to sign onto CleanUP. I am more than happy to post their letter for them. No need to thank me Tom, happy to help.............

Dear HQ Management,

In 2011, the honest employees of ATF made it clear we were disgusted with the lack of honesty and lack of integrity within the HQ Sr executive management and senior managers of several field divisions via an OPM survey. The congressional hearings have shown the nation a sample of the egotistical managers the ATF promotional system has allowed to advance into executive management, which reflects poorly on everyone within ATF management. (Newell and McMahon must have missed the courses for recognizing a liar when conducting a criminal interview.)

In 2011, DOJ banned the cleanupatf website from viewing on government computers, and 3 ADs threatened to utilize DOJ OIG to investigate employees posting on the website. A few SACs even encouraged an OIG investigation of the website.

Additionally in 2011, we watched the entire SES staff receive their precious SES bonuses for FY 2011. We watched as Sr Executive Managers Larry Ford, Kelvin Crenshaw, John Torres, Billy Hoover, Mark Chaite, Bill McMahon, Bill Newell, Matt Horace, and others were shuffled about to positions, then reshuffled, but not one was sent home on admin leave, without their credentials or LEAP pay or firearms or GOVs, as required when being investigated. (IAD, OIG, and Congress, plus the state of Arizona for some managers.) A few even avoided being investigated for very egregious acts. (sidewinder two-step like true snakes)

During 2011, we continued to observe the ATF's Office of Chief Counsel impose their disparate disciplinary system. The system which protects, covers up, and even awards corrupt senior executives. For at least 15 years, we have watched the attys inject themselves into every aspect of the agency, yet when they approved Fast and Furious, as well as other actions (investigative, industrial, criminal, and civil) they too slithered away with no accountability. We have watched OCC ensure that discovery and exculpatory materials are withheld, and know of their lies to Admin Judges and Federal Judges. OCC equals management through fear!

Continuing in 2011, was the misuse of IAD to investigate employees, yet clear managers. OCC has insured that IAD submits only the information necessary for the PRB and BDO to find the accused employee guilty of misconduct or at least Lack of Candor. The investigative processes of the IAD is corrupted when statements are known to be intentionally left out of their final red cover investigation report submitted to the PRB. Trained criminal investigators know that partially summarized statements, failure to interview all witnesses, only allowing the accused to write what the investigator requires, not submitting the written statements provided by witnesses, and engaging in such underhanded tactics is more than unprofessional, it is CRIMINAL. But IAD is a protected management position and tool, ultimately answering to the OCC. This explains why managers can repeatedly violate regulations and laws, yet remain unscathed by the OCC established disciplinary system Keep skating but you are on very thin ice. Field employees are quickly prevented from receiving LEAP, their credentials removed, no GOV or firearm, and must sit at a desk or at home for months or years awaiting a response (Punishment before the actual punishment). Eleanor Loos has often advised managers that the OCC can drag out the disciplinary and legal system for years, making if financially impossible for employees to fight the process. Attorneys, who have represented the victims of this system, frequently advise the admin judges and Federal Judges of the incredible disparate punishments, as well as the unethical behavior of the OCC. Lets not forget we saw a glimpse of daylight when one OCC abruptly quit in 2011, after being confronted about her actions. Adios G Elaine Smith, you too Stevie Rubenstien (2012).

All sorts of things are broken within ATF. Many of us are not sure ATF can be repaired, especially with several dishonest managers, who have long ago traded their integrity to become a SES. We know of their illicit affairs with subordinate employees, SES bonuses for doing nothing, repeated theft of government funds, repeated misuse of government vehicles, harassment of subordinate employees, and their personally solicited public recognition for their alleged leadership virtues (ATF News Joke of the Month Club photos of each of you accepting undeserved accolades for your pathetic leadership). Smile for the camera Horace, Larry, Kelvin, John, ... you idiots are such an embarrassment, but you are the quintessential definition of Lack of Candor.

NOW, with nothing resolved and the FAAP having just submitted an excellent list of recommendations for righting some of the wrongs, we are to complete another survey regarding the honesty and integrity of ATFs Senior Executive managers. As soon as we, the field employees, quit laughing and getup off the floor, we will be more than happy to complete the survey. Too bad the survey does not list individual names of managers, as the problematic managers should be directly confronted. Cull them out of the management herd, as there are actual honest, dedicated, motivated managers who have been harmed by the antics and poor leadership of the dishonest managers. Piss poor managers need to be removed from management, returned to the field, retired, resigned, or imprisoned. Many have engaged in misconduct, which if properly investigated, would be reason enough to remove them from employment with ATF (Ford, you do know you are not to use your current position to engage in your security business venture in Chicago; plus when you get to Chicago don't park your ugly corvette and truck in the ATF paid parking, and don't forget to pay your personal property taxes).

Wait a minute, maybe we can work this out through the management tool of the good old boy system. We will just forgive and forget, then ignore that survey. Surely the Managers have learned a lesson from the difficult times of 2011. Hell, lets bring Melson, Hoover, Chaite, and McMahon back for a group hug! Lets collect funds to buy Worlds Greatest Boss plaques for Horace, Crenshaw, Ford, Newell, Gillette, Voth, and Torres x2. We will give Loos, Orlow, Ritt and the rest of the OCC bigger offices and hire more of their attorney pals. Can never have too many attorneys. We will have cake, 2pm Friday, in the HQ Atrium. Everyone is welcome to join us in celebrating the second chance, oops third chance, oops fourth chance, oops Last Chance for management to get their act together social.

In all seriousness, it is past due time for all of ATF to recognize John Dodson and the true whistleblowers (not the manager johnny come latelys) for helping to expose far more than F&F and incompetent managers. And for those who realized establishing CleanupATF might force attention on the multitude of internal agency problems. These are the employees who should be presented with awards, plaques, photo ooops, hand shakes, cakes, and genuine thank yous for their honesty and integrity. We encourage Jones and Brandon to meet with the whistleblowers to discuss the abuses they have suffered for being honest.

We want to be the first to recommend the John Dodson Award for Honesty and Integrity!

(We) Everyday Honest Employees

#9 Guest_leaderofthetards_*

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Posted 25 March 2012 - 03:01 PM

I was asked to post this letter from a group of employees who are obviously FED UP. Tom, these are your employees and they are too AFRAID OF REPRISALS to sign onto CleanUP. I am more than happy to post their letter for them. No need to thank me Tom, happy to help.............

Dear HQ Management,

In 2011, the honest employees of ATF made it clear we were disgusted with the lack of honesty and lack of integrity within the HQ Sr executive management and senior managers of several field divisions via an OPM survey. The congressional hearings have shown the nation a sample of the egotistical managers the ATF promotional system has allowed to advance into executive management, which reflects poorly on everyone within ATF management. (Newell and McMahon must have missed the courses for recognizing a liar when conducting a criminal interview.)

In 2011, DOJ banned the cleanupatf website from viewing on government computers, and 3 ADs threatened to utilize DOJ OIG to investigate employees posting on the website. A few SACs even encouraged an OIG investigation of the website.

Additionally in 2011, we watched the entire SES staff receive their precious SES bonuses for FY 2011. We watched as Sr Executive Managers Larry Ford, Kelvin Crenshaw, John Torres, Billy Hoover, Mark Chaite, Bill McMahon, Bill Newell, Matt Horace, and others were shuffled about to positions, then reshuffled, but not one was sent home on admin leave, without their credentials or LEAP pay or firearms or GOVs, as required when being investigated. (IAD, OIG, and Congress, plus the state of Arizona for some managers.) A few even avoided being investigated for very egregious acts. (sidewinder two-step like true snakes)

During 2011, we continued to observe the ATF's Office of Chief Counsel impose their disparate disciplinary system. The system which protects, covers up, and even awards corrupt senior executives. For at least 15 years, we have watched the attys inject themselves into every aspect of the agency, yet when they approved Fast and Furious, as well as other actions (investigative, industrial, criminal, and civil) they too slithered away with no accountability. We have watched OCC ensure that discovery and exculpatory materials are withheld, and know of their lies to Admin Judges and Federal Judges. OCC equals management through fear!

Continuing in 2011, was the misuse of IAD to investigate employees, yet clear managers. OCC has insured that IAD submits only the information necessary for the PRB and BDO to find the accused employee guilty of misconduct or at least Lack of Candor. The investigative processes of the IAD is corrupted when statements are known to be intentionally left out of their final red cover investigation report submitted to the PRB. Trained criminal investigators know that partially summarized statements, failure to interview all witnesses, only allowing the accused to write what the investigator requires, not submitting the written statements provided by witnesses, and engaging in such underhanded tactics is more than unprofessional, it is CRIMINAL. But IAD is a protected management position and tool, ultimately answering to the OCC. This explains why managers can repeatedly violate regulations and laws, yet remain unscathed by the OCC established disciplinary system Keep skating but you are on very thin ice. Field employees are quickly prevented from receiving LEAP, their credentials removed, no GOV or firearm, and must sit at a desk or at home for months or years awaiting a response (Punishment before the actual punishment). Eleanor Loos has often advised managers that the OCC can drag out the disciplinary and legal system for years, making if financially impossible for employees to fight the process. Attorneys, who have represented the victims of this system, frequently advise the admin judges and Federal Judges of the incredible disparate punishments, as well as the unethical behavior of the OCC. Lets not forget we saw a glimpse of daylight when one OCC abruptly quit in 2011, after being confronted about her actions. Adios G Elaine Smith, you too Stevie Rubenstien (2012).

All sorts of things are broken within ATF. Many of us are not sure ATF can be repaired, especially with several dishonest managers, who have long ago traded their integrity to become a SES. We know of their illicit affairs with subordinate employees, SES bonuses for doing nothing, repeated theft of government funds, repeated misuse of government vehicles, harassment of subordinate employees, and their personally solicited public recognition for their alleged leadership virtues (ATF News Joke of the Month Club photos of each of you accepting undeserved accolades for your pathetic leadership). Smile for the camera Horace, Larry, Kelvin, John, ... you idiots are such an embarrassment, but you are the quintessential definition of Lack of Candor.

NOW, with nothing resolved and the FAAP having just submitted an excellent list of recommendations for righting some of the wrongs, we are to complete another survey regarding the honesty and integrity of ATFs Senior Executive managers. As soon as we, the field employees, quit laughing and getup off the floor, we will be more than happy to complete the survey. Too bad the survey does not list individual names of managers, as the problematic managers should be directly confronted. Cull them out of the management herd, as there are actual honest, dedicated, motivated managers who have been harmed by the antics and poor leadership of the dishonest managers. Piss poor managers need to be removed from management, returned to the field, retired, resigned, or imprisoned. Many have engaged in misconduct, which if properly investigated, would be reason enough to remove them from employment with ATF (Ford, you do know you are not to use your current position to engage in your security business venture in Chicago; plus when you get to Chicago don't park your ugly corvette and truck in the ATF paid parking, and don't forget to pay your personal property taxes).

Wait a minute, maybe we can work this out through the management tool of the good old boy system. We will just forgive and forget, then ignore that survey. Surely the Managers have learned a lesson from the difficult times of 2011. Hell, lets bring Melson, Hoover, Chaite, and McMahon back for a group hug! Lets collect funds to buy Worlds Greatest Boss plaques for Horace, Crenshaw, Ford, Newell, Gillette, Voth, and Torres x2. We will give Loos, Orlow, Ritt and the rest of the OCC bigger offices and hire more of their attorney pals. Can never have too many attorneys. We will have cake, 2pm Friday, in the HQ Atrium. Everyone is welcome to join us in celebrating the second chance, oops third chance, oops fourth chance, oops Last Chance for management to get their act together social.

In all seriousness, it is past due time for all of ATF to recognize John Dodson and the true whistleblowers (not the manager johnny come latelys) for helping to expose far more than F&F and incompetent managers. And for those who realized establishing CleanupATF might force attention on the multitude of internal agency problems. These are the employees who should be presented with awards, plaques, photo ooops, hand shakes, cakes, and genuine thank yous for their honesty and integrity. We encourage Jones and Brandon to meet with the whistleblowers to discuss the abuses they have suffered for being honest.

We want to be the first to recommend the John Dodson Award for Honesty and Integrity!

(We) Everyday Honest Employees

#10 Guest_Sandy Davis_*

Guest_Sandy Davis_*
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Posted 01 November 2011 - 08:43 AM

Medea wants to know what happened to Bob Schmitt (SAC I.A.). She has sent several packages to the Oversight Committee with Bob's name in there and Bob seems to be lost. Please everyone look around the playground parameters for him. Where are you Bob - please check in.....love from Medea.

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