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Educated Latina

Member Since 26 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2013 10:56 PM

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Righting a Wrong

27 July 2012 - 12:19 AM

I have it on great authority that BIG changes are coming to the "Investigative Assistants" or "Faux Analyst's" in ATF. If you were hired within the past several years under the Investigative Analyst Announcements and realized you have been duped once you sat at that receptionist desk and haven't been fairly evaluated in the outstanding category as the Analyst functions require. It is not because you are not a good worker or employee, but because you were not given the full authority of the position as an 1801 or now 1805. Shady shit if you ask me or anyone stuck in that crappy position. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. More information is yet to come as it is received.
The mission of ATF isn't just about the 1811's. Don't discount your position because someone assumed you to be less worthy of a fulfilling job. Systematically the executive management has impacted the specialty/ skill set and your future of an honorable profession. Analysts are a potential resource that adds or could add to criminal apprehension, but management continues this abuse of authority for selfish reasons.
The helpless, fearful, intimidated, less educated, hard working, patient, humbled, less informed Investigative Analyst now have a voice. While ATF hires more agents and Industry Ops Investigators and NO additional support staff, is an egregious error because now HQ will have to hire more secretaries and Support Assistance while the Analysts exercise their RIGHT to practice their hired duties and not the catch all phrase "other duties as assigned" for the "Mission of the Bureau". Although impressive phrases but EEEHHH, wrong answer!!! Thee professional/Technical employees are a lot more smarter and educated than you realize. Wake-up all you Analyst and take back what was taken from you. There has been a precedence set for you to follow.