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Member Since 07 May 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2017 08:04 AM

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my kinda town

10 July 2017 - 03:30 PM


n.b. professors williams, parker & van cleave . "political theatre"


where are the 20 agents coming from? those cities don't have their own gun problems? GPS at least prevents out of towners from getting lost on the street.


No shootings in Detroit, Birmingham, LA, Philadelphia, NYC ? Where are their extra 20 agents?

2004 transfer of Chicago Agent to Yakima, WA because a HQ survey (read excess move money that needed to be spent) ostentatiously revealed an imbalance of grade 13's in various groups throughout the country. Great crime fighting foresight revealed by DC HQ now, over 10 years later, reversed after tragic shootings.

Just have every gun purchase and ownership entered into nationwide NCIC, abolish atf and allow police dept to tackle issue.