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Member Since 28 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2010 04:36 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Special Agent NEEDS OUR HELP

28 October 2010 - 11:41 AM

All charges against SA Will Clark have been dismissed. Thanks to so many for your support and Prayers. Thanks to God for answering them. This shows what Agents who pull together can do. Congrats Will.

Heartiest congratulations, Will!

It's been two years of hell and now it's over. Those people responsible for this - if they only knew you, this would never have happened.

Couldn't be happier for this great news.

In Topic: Special Agent NEEDS OUR HELP

25 October 2010 - 05:25 AM

Will's trial begins this morning. It should never have gone this far. How did the usvi get away with this? As stated, "due to a tragic nuance in the law", today Will is having to endure the unimaginable for allowing his conscience to take precedence over nuance; for lacking indifference to a person in desperate need despite the confining nature of the USVI state laws or lack thereof. He could have made the decision to be a "good witness" and kept walking, but that would not be Will. It is hoped that the jury will be guided to make the right decision, the only appropriate and acceptable decision, and that this nightmare will be over for him. Collectively we are with SA Will Clark today in spirit and in solidarity.

In Topic: Special Agent NEEDS OUR HELP

11 October 2010 - 08:22 PM

Another RALLY for SA Will Clark is planned for this Wednesday, Oct.13th, at 4:30 p.m. 400 North Capitol, Washington, D.C. Please check out this FLEOA video for further information and PLEASE CROSS POST WIDELY! http://highlevelstudios.com/wc.html As you know, the trial is scheduled for Oct.22

In Topic: Special Agent NEEDS OUR HELP

04 October 2010 - 01:54 PM

There is another rally planned for Washington D.C. on Oct. 13th at 4:30 p.m. Info at www.FLEOA.org I'm told it coincides with the grand opening of the new law enforcement museum there. Hopefully we will have better attendance at this rally. There are other peaceful rallies planned for different locations. Posting to ALL law enforcement individuals, groups, agencies, facebook, etc is critical to a successful rally.

In Topic: Special Agent NEEDS OUR HELP

01 October 2010 - 08:18 PM

ALL ATF employees should pass the word about the upcoming rally. Undoubtedly one of us will have to suffer another reprimand, for a simple all hands email encouraging attendance WHICH SHOULD be put out by a memeber of our courageous EXECUTIVE staff. Also every one need to post it on facebook and mass email friends. Someone should also contact the Washington Post. I will do it if anybody has a POC. Also, the National Peace Officers Memorial may post something also. Flyers posted on every agencys bulliten boards wouldn't hurt and wouldn't take a day to do.

Good ideas! I would think exec staff would be supportive of this effort but prefer things not become "inflammatory", as was mentioned and which probably needs no explanation. There is no reason why fellow officers cannot support each other publicly and that's the point of the rally, isn't it? Solidarity between staff, agents and officers of ALL agencies should be encouraged in my opinion.
If anyone reading these posts could pass the info along in whatever way they're comfortable, that should help quite a bit. Please keep checking the www.FLEOA.org website for all updates on times and location.