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Member Since 11 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 30 2015 11:14 AM

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In Topic: Grapevine

08 January 2011 - 03:35 PM

REMINDER FOLKS. This website is designed to show Waste, Fraud and Abuse, unethical conduct,and gross mismanagement. Let's attempt to handle personal beefs in some other arena. We all know the byproduct of the horrible leadership of recent history produces poor and abusive managers. Let fix the real problem and minimize the personal sniping. Unfortunately being a poser and an incompetent isn't against the law or Bureau policies. Let Focus. Happy 2011. May ATF be pulled from the embers of failure and rise once again. Where is Congressman Jim Lightfoot and Dennis Deconcini when we need them. Who in Congress will step up, demand accoutability and save this agency?

I agree Holiday, but thruth 101 is now making shit up. He knows nothing about John and who made the bql, and further Brian's detail ended almost a year ago

In Topic: Grapevine

08 January 2011 - 08:43 AM

How would one be able to explain ATF's prodigy child, John Durastanti, Deputy Chief SOD. Previous job, SAC CIMB. Both appointments were made (after each announcement was re-written specifically tailored to JD) by the KMB (Kansas City Mafia Boss, Vidoli. If you asked JD what 924C is, he would spout out a specific office in HQ, yep...... And last but not least, tagging along, his pet, Brian Mamayek, who to this day will put on his ATF raid jacket when one talks about a Blue Cover. Mamayek has had more IA investigations (for ATF violations!!!) and shooting review investigations with only one of them being armed (????), than anybody in this Bureau. Yet SOD keeps him at HQ on perdiem while this "clears" up. Follow the paper trail................


I know who you are, you crybaby.

And you truth101can't be serious taking about making arrests. Why don't you step up coward and be part of the solution instead of picking on SOD