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Member Since 11 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 14 2010 12:33 PM

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Veterans Day

11 November 2010 - 10:17 AM

I thought I would post on here as this is Veterans Day. A day where we as Americans celebrate the sacrifices made by American vets who fought and died for our freedoms. I just found this web site after applying to ATF for over 3 years. I am a military veteran who served 3 tours in Iraq in my reserve unit and have 8 years law enforcement experience conducting investigations involving narcotics , gangs and firearms. I am in excellent physical shape. I am very discouraged that I cannot be considered in the ATF hiring process. I have 3 highly decorated Vet buddies all very well qualified who are also applying for ATF. We were all turned down and we were not told the reason why. I just heard through a family friend that ATF is conducting a special hiring of only minorities only for agent positions. I know of someone with no experience who was just selected under this new secret and discriminatory hiring process. She forwarded the secret ATF email to me and the email said not to tell anyone about this hiring process. Why is ATF so secretive about their hiring process? When I asked ATF to consider my application under this new secret hiring process I was told no way. How can ATF legally do this and discriminate against American military servicemen based on the color of their skin? Aren't federal agencies required by law to give preference points to Vets applying for Fed jobs? Why doesn't ATF do this? On a positive note I have applications in for Secret Service DEA and ICE and is looking good. I noticed that they all gave me Vet preference points when I applied. To all of the Vets in ATF I salute you and your service