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Member Since 12 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2012 06:53 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Ban on hiring military vets

07 April 2012 - 12:31 PM

The academy has been going downhill since Mr. Brandon left. A softer and gentler approach was taken with the new hires. People were not being held to the standard that has been set. The physical standard expectation is very low. If you can't do it, nothing happens to you. No one wants to be the bad guy and fire someone. The hiring process is broken, we miss great canidates, we hire some really bad people for unknown reasons.

In Topic: Grapevine

21 February 2012 - 08:31 PM

My brother from another mother. Makes perfect since. Which means no one will even look at it. Northeast to southcentral......it makes sense. Raise the bar, go after how ever you can. Make cases, put people in prison. FLY THE FLAG.....this iis what we do.

In Topic: Medea's Purse......

19 February 2012 - 02:19 AM

To clarify, I have no outstanding issue with the BDO. I do not know anyone that does. Not that I believe any brother should be sitting at home watching squirrels (which is a hobby of mine) for over a year. That being said, send those people a direct e-mail and tell them their situation is gonna be handled. Then follow that up with action and decisions. Mr. Brandon is a good guy. A valiant guy, he is getting caught in the poliical river. Most of us still believe what can take place. Mission driven directives...not what admin wants, not what regulatory wants, we are all ATF, only dead fish swim with the stream.

In Topic: Medea's Purse......

19 February 2012 - 02:08 AM

Ok, So I am a little scared of what comes out of Medea's purse. Not because she spells her name two or three different ways. But .....I digress. I am a little scared because a vocal few have Brandon's attention. They spout some stuff (right or wrong) Brandon repsponds. I have no dog in this fight.. other than I love ATF. If we have issues address them directly. I dont care that you address ATF through the daily broadcast. Take care of those people that have issues. Right or wrong...deal with it and go on. This site is not the majority. Most of of ATF are rolling along with no issues. The loudest people are those that have been wronged. Deal with those people, be fair, be honest, be legitimate and be DONE. Firm, fair and consistent.

In Topic: Proposal To Remove

05 February 2012 - 08:17 AM

Patriot....you're wasting your breath here. Only one song plays on this station.