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Ramsis A Bear

Member Since 25 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2010 05:10 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Trying to do a job with broken tools

24 February 2010 - 05:04 PM

Please rein in Counsel. Stop blaming the industry for our shortcomings.

Amen Doc. FFL's are the type of folks who don't hold a lot of love or trust for the government anyway, and the vast majority just want to make sure they sell legally and stay on the right side of the law. So, they hear that the ATF as an institution covers up errors with the NFRTR, and they jump to the conclusion that ATF is sloppy with other data, including NICS data (never mind that's an FBI database). Talk about concerns when compliance inspection time comes around...

In Topic: Jeez the ATF has changed in 30+ years

25 January 2010 - 03:02 PM

I support the field agents as well, you guys have been hosed by chief counsels office at every turn. Keep the pressure on them, change desperately needs to happen. I have direct knowledge of the amount of corruption and dirty dealings going on in ATF chief counsels office. It is truly a shame that management has lowered itself to this level. Good luck guys. RAB