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Spencer tea party

Member Since 05 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2011 04:06 PM

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In Topic: Suggestions for the Acting Deputy Director

05 March 2011 - 10:09 PM

FIRST POST Good Evening; I just stumbled across this site yesterday,and found it interesting.I will admit right off the bat that I have never been a fan of the BATF,because of all the harrassment of FFL holders,the myriad of ever-changing regulations, seemingly to make felons out of law-abiding Americans. However I read Zorros post in which he echoed some of the very practices I despise,as being the work of higher ranking beaureaucrats in the agency.This made me consider that many of the rank and file members are,as are most LEOs I know,probably dedicated guys who want to keep the bad guys off the street(although I am sure there are some assholes among you, this is not meant to be insulting,it's just human nature,as I'm sure you already know) Anyway,it seems your bosses have run afoul of Chuck Grassley,who happens to be senator from my state.I was on the phone with him Wednesday night,but there was not time to discuss much other than State issues as impact our local Tea Party,and nothing was said about the gunrunner situation.My question to you is; Should I recommend to the Senator that he read this website so he can get a better grasp of how the street agents view the situation? I figured it might give him a little insight into the goings-on in the real world.In fact he stated on the phone,and I quote, "D.C. is an island surrounded by reality" so I do believe he can see both sides of the situation. I was going to fwd your site to him,but as a courtesy I decided to join up and ask you if you would like me to send the URL to him or not? Oh by the way,I am not a politician or some big-money contributor,I'm just a small time carpenter,who happens to be an active tea party patriot (but not a domestic terrorist as Janet Incompetano would describe us) Please let me know if you would want the site sent to Grassley, I will keep watching the forum for a reply.Keep up the good work,but please catch the real bad guys and leave the legal gun owners alone.We have enough to worry about with Barack and Hillary.