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Sil D'Good

Member Since 12 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2011 05:48 PM

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In Topic: Fox News: Senator Calls ATF on Allegations Agency Is Allowing Guns Into Mexico

10 July 2011 - 03:02 AM


Let's roll the dice and see what city comes up next.

The only thing this solidifies is that these weren't FO operations. This is an administration agenda. As the snowball gains momentum, more shit is gonna be slung off. Now would be a good time to buy stock in Charmin.

Vince - I can assure you personally that I am absolutely right regarding Operation Castaway. I just hope that people in this agency will stop criticizing an investigation of which ATF can and should be proud, especially in light of the recent embarassment surrounding Fast and Furious. Also, although some people may be trying to avenge certain management personnel, this is truly not the case to use (this is a case that ATF should be boasting about and using to demonstrate how this agency normally conducts ATF business). It certainly isn't fair to the RAC, the case agents, the involved IOIs, the Division office, and other numerous participating personnel who worked tirelessly for months on end to perfect an outstanding investigation. I am confident that I know who you heard your information from, and I agree they are honest and forthright agents. I have very high regards for those guys (as they do for me), and I routinely work jointly with them. Yes, they are indeed referring to Operation Castaway; however, I can assure you that none of them actually participated in the investigation or were directly knowledgeable of the investigative techniques utilized (they must have obtained incorrect information indirectly). I invite you and/or them to contact me directly to discuss further offline.

I want you to know that I have the highest regard for true undercover agents, such as yourself, Jay, and the rest of the bunch - you guys certainly are an impressive and unique breed who have always contributed greatly to the success of this agency. I wish you the best now and after your reinstatement.