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justice warrior

Member Since 24 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2011 12:55 PM

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In Topic: ATF's Proposed Termination of Special Agent & Whistleblower Vincent A...

24 June 2011 - 12:40 PM

From the L.A. Times:

Kenneth E. Melson, who has run the bureau for two years, is reportedly eager to testify to Congress about the extent of his and other officials' involvement in the operation, code-named Fast and Furious.

Melson does not want to be "the fall guy" for the program, under which ATF agents allowed straw purchasers to acquire more than 1,700 AK-47s and other high-powered rifles from Arizona gun dealers, the sources said. The idea was to track the guns to drug cartel leaders. But that goal proved elusive, and the guns turned up at shootings in Mexico, as well as at the slaying in Arizona of a U.S. Border Patrol agent in December.

"He is saying he won't go," said one source close to the situation, who asked for anonymity because high-level discussions with Melson remained fluid. "He has told them, 'I'm not going to be the fall guy on this.' "

Added a second source, who also requested anonymity: "He's resisting. He does not want to go."

Oh that's just super Ken. Now that your ass is on the line your testicles drop and you all of sudden form a backbone to stand tall?

With everything going on how did you find the time to fire Agent Cefalu? When we find out what attorneys on your staff orchestrated the whitewash frame job you did on him they are going to be looking for the door too.

Looks as though he will be stepping down? I just went through the same thing that Agent Cefalu went through, but in the private sector but I have no fear, the truth will stand when all else falls.


In Topic: If Today Is To Be The Day.... So Be It

24 June 2011 - 07:23 AM

Keep up the Good Fight Mr Cefalu. One day AMERICA will rid itself of Corruption, but it will take Great Leaders to guide it! I now call on ALL who qualify to step forward and correct this injustice. To The Media: Do you REALLY care about Justice In America? Is it just a headline story for the time that will be forgotten for the next big story? Speak Out America! Crush Corruption at ALL Levels, public and private!