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Member Since 12 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2011 04:56 PM

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In Topic: Grapevine

18 July 2011 - 04:56 PM

Houston DIO position has been tentatively offered to Dallas A/S Tanarra James. No start date known. Should be interesting.

Well I see this proved to come true. According to the Daily Broadcast on Thursday or Friday last week, it was announced that Tanara James was indeed selected as the Houston DIO. ATF proves everyday that it can't change. That's why we're in the shape we are in. Mrs. James, formerly Mrs. Carter, has only been an area supervisor for around 2-3 years and was only an IOI for a few years before that. WOW-all that experience. That's what is wrong with this agency (among many other things)-the promotion system. I am sure that there were far more senior applicants. What happened to the days where it took experience in order to move up? WOW is all I can say.

Rumor is Mona Hendrix, an area supervisor in the New Orleans Field Division, is gearing up to make a run for the newly vacated DIO position there. A look back through the selection announcements reveals she has only been an area supervisor for less than 2 years. WOW-she has all the qualifications!She'll probably get it based on ATF's pattern of selection.

In Topic: Improving ATF

12 July 2011 - 08:46 PM

For those that do not know-Industry Operations Investigators (formerly inspectors)have to travel throughout their respective territories in order to inspect Federal Firearm Licensees and Federal Explosive Licensees. Deputy Assistant Director Harry McCabe, through his Directors of Industry Operations (DIO) and Area Supervisors (AS)has instituted a policy that if an Investigator travels over 100 miles, they should conduct several inspections and stay overnight. In theory, this sounds good and make work some of the time. However, because of Headquarter programs and Division priorities, there is not always "extra work" in a particular area. And sometimes, even with "extra work" it is possible that you will get done and be able to come home and not stay the night. I don't know if this is part of DAD McCabe's instructions or not, maybe just incompetent managers not able to think outside the box, but investigators across the nation are being told that even if they get through with their work and could come home, that they have to stay overnight if it was over 100 miles. What a waste. Many investigators work a flexible schedule that allows them to work up to 10 hours in a day. So many times work can be accomplished with enough time to get back home. But under current guidelines, this is not to happen. This entails cost for a hotel and meal per diem. Using CONUS this would amount to $77 (hotel) and $69 (meals)=$146 extra. Why does management come up with such stupid policies? I can't begin to tell you how many times, I could have saved the government that extra money. The agency is always harping about money but yet they try to make concrete policies that cannot always work and the 14's and 15's just go along to get along. WOW and we wonder why we are where we are. I hope Congress will look into all the problems within ATF if we are still around to do so. If you are a citizen and reading this and don't like your tax money wasted-contact your congressman.