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Devil Dog

Member Since 11 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active May 06 2012 06:15 PM

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In Topic: Proposal To Remove

03 January 2012 - 09:54 PM

Bumping this up as it has been a few months, has anybody heard anything on the state of hardship transfers? I know of 4 people who put in for hardships and were denied just before the holidays. I heard that there were some new DAD's, so maybe they just denied everybody without even looking at the situations? Pretty frustrating as people were getting them approved at the end of FY 11.

In Topic: Proposal To Remove

17 October 2011 - 06:26 PM

Devil Dog - I'm going to strongly suggest that you go to the source I gave you before you ever contact the ombudsman's office. That source will be able to tell you exactly what the deal is with names, cases, history, and policy. The more important this transfer is to you, the stronger I suggest going not going anywhere until you know exactly what you're dealing with.

pm sent. thanks

In Topic: Proposal To Remove

11 October 2011 - 07:33 PM

Not to be flippant about it but, with the current regime, your best bet is to quit and go to work for another LE agency.

The ATF hierachy will do nothing to benefit the average Joe -- only themselves!

I agree ATF management right now does not seem to care about the individual employees. However I know that some people are still getting approved for hardship transfers so you never know...

In Topic: Proposal To Remove

11 October 2011 - 06:47 PM

Does anyone out there have experience and knowledge with regards to requesting a transfer for a personal hardship? I have found the order on the ATF Web, and I know that the decision is made by the hardship review panel in DC. I know that whether or not they concur with the request the employee's chain of command up to the SAC are required to forward the memo. If the SAC forwards it but says that he does not concur and it is not supported, how much does that affect the decision of the panel?

If the panel denies the request are there any avenues to appeal that decision?