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#5287 Todd and Tom continue to rule the agency through fear

Posted by Ontos on 18 July 2012 - 08:04 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

I havw to wonder if anyone at ATF has read the US Constitution, you know, the one they swore to uphold and defend? Or is it that nonne there has the balls to drop a dime on ANYONE involved?

As a combat veteran, I say "NO BALLS"!

Come on ....get it done!

#5286 Todd and Tom continue to rule the agency through fear

Posted by Ontos on 18 July 2012 - 08:00 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

Let’s see, the question as Madea understands it to be is, “is Chait a good guy or is Chait involved in the conspiracy to cover up the campaign to ‘F*** these guys” [F&F whistleblowers]. Now we all know the managers had been directed to “dig up dirt” at the time of this email. Remember folks, Thomasson was overheard saying these things right after F&F broke. The email from ATF atty Rossner is dated Feb. 8th 2011. Is the timing a coincidence? Madea thinks not. Madea thinks ATF atty Rossner was giving the managers instructions on how not to GET CAUGHT.

Madea has seen this particular move orchestrated by the esteemed attys at ATF so much it’s become ‘the movie she knows all the words to”. If you’ll notice in the email from atty Rossner, he’s telling the managers not to ask any of the whistleblowers if they are indeed whistleblowers. Because you see, if the managers asked the question and got caught retaliating, the managers could not claim they “DIDN’T KNOW” when the inevitable lawsuit goes before the MSPB or Federal Court. And in this case, you can believe these managers will go before congress and claim they “didn’t know he was a whistleblower at the time of the alleged reprisal”. This is an ATF standard that Madea hears every time it can be used. Remember, it’s the reason they always get someone else to sign the proposal letter to suspend/terminate, so the proposing official can say, “why, I had no idea he was a whistleblower”, or “I had no idea he had filed a complaint”. 'No idea' Madea’s ass.

Don’t forget folks, ATF is no novice at retaliating. They are extremely practiced. It’s the reason they get away with it so much. THEY’RE COVERING THEIR ASSES. But not to worry, Madea has LOTS of documentation showing this ATF standard, and the next time these jackals claim, “we didn’t know”, she will dig them out of her purse for whomever needs them.

Now, any bets on how many of the F&F co-conspirators who received a copy of this email will claim they didn’t know? Throw your money on the table. Madea claims 100%. And don’t even think of betting the same because Madea hates it when she to has to split the pot.