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#5572 Southwest Border: What a Joke

Posted by kNIGHTFLYER on 18 October 2012 - 08:58 AM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

As a new member,I have chosen to read and try to understand all issues pertaining to the BATF and the Justice dept.Now as a retired Marine,it was hard for me to get past all the illegal actions taken by upper management of The BATF and D.O.J.,but my eye's are now wide open.In the past,there were many things that occured with the than ATF that were very disturbing and caught my eye.From Waco,Ruby Ridge, and Fast and Furious,to many individual actions against American cits. It seems that the upper management has become overtly political and anti-American.Although I have much respect for the foot soldier,it appears to me from the President on down to Holder and BATF management,that they all belong in Levenworth.I believe that the BTAF should be disbanded in the near future or at the least,put under new management that has respect for this great nation,it laws and Constitution.With that said,I live on the Southwest border,it remains untaimed.I know personally many BP agents that will tell you the same thing.Holder and friends,with their Fast and Furious game and all the offshoots are no friend to the Border agents or the people of Mexico.Murder has been commited against our agents and thousands of native Mexicans curtisey of Holder/DOJ/BATF.The border is now less secure than anytime I can remember in the last 30 years.Drugs and people flow over it just as the rio-grande flows.The BATF and for the most part,the DOJ is broken and under poor leadership.I do however realize that someday it will be up to the American people to sort it all out.We can no longer count on the DC pols to accomplish this task.