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#2945 ATF's Proposed Termination of Special Agent & Whistleblower Vincent A...

Posted by graceandtruth on 14 July 2011 - 11:08 PM in Cefalu, Vincent A. - Special Agent

My best to Agent Cefalu!!! I will be making those calls on his behalf!!! If the corruption involved in the Government's Case against "Road Dog" needs to be fully exposed in order to right this injustice....so much the better!!!!!

#1743 The "Road Dog" Case

Posted by graceandtruth on 08 March 2011 - 02:29 PM in Cefalu, Vincent A. - Special Agent

Hello Agent Cefalu, It is heartening to hear entities are looking into that whole debacle of injustice. I believe Captain DeLeon's Attorney is still looking for the information concerning your letter that Montoya and Cullers say they sent him. My best to you and your search for justice and accountablity within your own agency. Congrats on the new position! CNN must hear about it. I am assuming a pay raise was included. Sorry to hear the new position is not much more inspriring than the old one. On a positive note...there is apparently real beef in those tacos! Thanks so much for your response...Grace

#1708 The "Road Dog" Case

Posted by graceandtruth on 06 March 2011 - 12:45 AM in Cefalu, Vincent A. - Special Agent

Private investigator Gary E., one of the last two defendents in the Road Dog Case, was sentenced on Monday. It was 11:45 before Judge Wanger began hearing motions on Gary E.'s behalf. Wanger instructed Gary and Attorney John Balazs to sit down while he covered the reasons for ruling against them. The motions and the response by the government were already before the Judge. According to Wanger, if you are a government witness and perjure yourself on the stand...he will simply say you were "having a bad memory" day. This is the same judge who refused to allow Vince Cefalu to appear and testify on Gary's behalf. By the time Wanger finished his usual story telling about LE leaks and corruption and Bob's need for protection from the righteous investigators who had been after him for ten years...I was pretty concerned. Wanger had more things wrong this time, but I am sure he felt he said everything right to justify his rulings. Wanger discussed other sentences handed down in the greater Road Dog Case. After Bob...there wasn't much to talk about...lots of probation etc.. It was noted that Tony Fantacone who had plead to blackmail because of his involvement (Carjacking that never happened)...had finished up his 100 days of community service. Wanger then sentenced Gary to 6 months BOP (Bureau of Prisons) followed 6 months local time...halfway house or house detention. This is much better than the 15 months that the Government wanted. Gary is free on bail pending an appeal. It sounds like the appeal process will take awhile...up to two years. Gary's attorney is very capable. Finally getting away from Wanger and his bias (hatred) for Bob will be a very good thing. Stephen Johnson...the dog handler...had been set orignally to appear with Gary on Mon. I did not see any updates for him on PACER...but his Attorney Carl Faller was there to ask for a continuance. Paperwork and responses will be begin in April and a hearing was set for May 2011. I am glad he and his wife do not have to step into that courtroom until then. Sometime I am going to write down the total punishment handed out for all of the defendents. Wanger and Cullers were not sure about most of the defendents. There was a question as to whether one defendent was released with time served...or not. All I could think of was...YOU HAVE TO ASK YOURSELF....WAS THIS ALL WORTH THE MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND TIME AND RESOURCES??? WERE THERE ANY OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS IMPACTED BY THIS CASE??? IS STANISLAUS COUNTY A SAFER PLACE BECAUSE BOB HOLLOWAY IS IN PRISON??? I would like to once again thank Vince Cefalu for standing up against the corruption in this investigation. I would also like to know how he is doing. Any updates would be appreciated. Will he be appearing on the Rush L. show soon? When will CNN be doing a followup on his story?

#942 Vince Cefalu and the Road Dog Case

Posted by graceandtruth on 03 September 2010 - 10:22 PM in Archived Posts

The last three defendents(victims)in the Road Dog Case were tried last month in Fresno. The Judge refused to let them each have their separate day in court. They were tried together in a three way circus of testimony and defense. Judge Wanger would admonished the jury to pay attention to only one defendent at a time during presentation of recordings,testimony and evidence. Wanger himself hindered defense efforts by refusing to allow Agent Cefalu to be called to testify about the vendetta task force members had against defendent Gary Ermoian. Wanger also impeded the defense by being highly critical of any defense statements that insinuated that LE acted improperly during the investigation. Yes...you heard right!!!! The Judge said if the defense goes there....he would allow all of the greater racketeering case to be brought in. Of course...prosecutor Montoya was allowed to state falsely that Bob Holloway was a Hells Angel who only associated with and did business with OMGs. Only one defendent received Justice. Two were found guilty. I hope appeals are made. None of these defendents should have been brought into this corrupt investigation. My best to former bailiff Dave Swanson on his acquittal. My prayers go to PI Gary Ermoian and dog handler Stephen Johnson who are to be sentenced on Nov.1st. These men went to trial to stand up against the corrupt investigation and lost. Bob Holloway, Brent Hollway and Tony Fantacone who accepted pleas are to be sentenced on Sept. 14th. All of the victims are in my prayers.

#941 Vince Cefalu and the Road Dog Case

Posted by graceandtruth on 03 September 2010 - 09:17 PM in Archived Posts

Agreed and agreed.

I want to add my thanks also!!!

Please give us updates when you can Agent Cefalu!!