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#1087 Grapevine

Posted by Phillip McMichael on 12 October 2010 - 08:05 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

[Boston Field Division had an all hands conference last May in which Durastanti came as SAC CIMB to give a presentation on op plans. He started his presentation with a rant about how he worked the streets hard and now at 37 years old he is a SAC. quote name='bandit' date='10 October 2010 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1286745713' post='1059'] Fiscal responsibility and SOD, such a contradiction. They are so used to doing things illegally, that they have lost sight of the truth, and why they carry a badge. Traveling on the G, for personal reasons, ….. ask a meber of SOD who traveled from Shot Show in Las Vegas to FLETC to assist with the SRT K9 re-certifications. Oh,… did I mention that he never showed up, except to meet his girlfriend……, who just happened to be assigned to ATF in FLETC. ATF sent out a long and “cover their a$$” letter explaining the selection of Glock handguns. Why would they choose to ignore the fact that SOD personnel carried them officially, while wearing Glock hats and rain gear, prior to the selection? No, they did not stop there, SOD went ahead and qualified the personnel assigned to the Director’s detail, who in turn carried Glock for a while, once again done before the selection of Glock . No there was NO pre-selection there. Ask SOD to explain the Glock hats and rain gear…… As far as equipment, rumor has it that SOD just purchased over 150 M4 uppers made by HK (10 inch barrels), for the SRT super warriors. This at a cost of over $1500.00 dollars an upper. Did I forget to mention that SRT already has over 150 Colt uppers in FTB, which were purchased years ago, to replace the worn out barrels. Did I mention that the cost of the 10 inch HK uppers cost more that an entire colt M4, and that buying an HK upper, nullifies the warranties from Colt. Next time you see an SRT operator with a new HK upper, simply ask them WHY????? Next time you have a case, and your RAC tells you there is no money for your investigation, make sure you thank SOD. $1500.00 per SRT Warrior, for cold weather gear, are you kidding me????? Is that how much a jacket and pants cost???? Multiply that times 150 Warriors. No there is no fiscal responsibility here…………… Why did we switch from UNITEC to ADS (GRS), well, could it be that some SOD member plays golf, on a routine basis with reps from ADS……. Was the uniform contract with UNITEC such a high priority in the Bureau…… to go through such a drastic change. I guess we have no other priorities…….. A little too much golfing maybe….. Speaking of pre-selection……….., the SAC of CIMB position was modified so that Durastanti could apply, and once again the SOD Deputy Chief announcement was modified for Durastanti again……, are we developing a pattern here. [/quote]

#1133 Grapevine

Posted by Phillip McMichael on 20 October 2010 - 03:20 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

How do I/we get the sealed depositions of Domenech,Gillette and Newell. Perjury has got to be stopped and somebody needs to hold this Bureau accountable. Mr. melson, you came here with a squeaky clean record and an air of integrity. After all this, ATF has obviously convinced you that it is ok to lie to Congress. IT IS ON YOUR WATCH. First time poster but more is coming. Where are your webcasts? Was that just a stop gap? I know dozens of agents who have taken you up on your open door policy. You know what they say? NADA, zip, zilch. You know Chait and Hoover and Co. have lied to you about the border. You know Ficaretta and crew tried to impliment their own assault weapons ban by scaring the State Dept. You know that we gave up our explosives jurisdictions. You know so much but yet have refused to correct the corrupt, YES corrupt state of affairs at ATF. Maybe you should go somewhere and be a professor. WE NEED LEADERSHIP.

Can FOIA be filed?

#1184 Special Agent NEEDS OUR HELP

Posted by Phillip McMichael on 29 October 2010 - 09:24 PM in Archived Posts

Just to be clear. Just as your opinion is welcomed, so are others. Remember, individual posters don't speak for every body and opinions can be interpreted the way you see fit. As for credibilty, here are the hard cold FACTS. They DO care what we say here as American citizens and agents dedicated to cleaning this place up. How can I say this with certainty? 1000 posts in just over a year. Over 120000 views. Direct evidence that Mr. Melson and others ARE rev iewing the content, (by his own admission) as they should be. FYI, congressional staffers, the media, the OIG and the OSC DO regularly visit this site, THAT'S A FACT. Now the singular point that our words need to be measured, I think we all agree with. As for the credibility factor, we are aware of numerouis employee disputes that have been resolved and addressed as a direct result of the fields participation. It may be true that certain elements of the field are apathetic because the ethical breakdown hasn't touched them personally. But watch how quick they will and have come running to CUATF when Chait, and Loos and crew start their abuses against them. CUATF is a regular topic of discussion at executive staff meetings and the managers would love to shut down the 1st amendment rights of the field agents. Until a serious and concerted effort to change the way we do business AND begin holding even ONE abusive self serving boss accountable, this site will continue to thrive. We hope you all will continue to fight to get our Bureau back.

I am not sure all opinions are welcomed here. The "Who the hell is S/A Futrell" postings have been deleted by the CUATF staff. I don't know why they were deleted. This agent requested to be removed from Will Clark email list and was called out for it by Charlie Fuller and others on CUATF. This agent then is shamed into writing a support email for Will, only to recall it 20 times. Again, that was called out in postings here. But for some reason, all those Futrell postings have been deleted. I am sure Futrell had a momentary laps in judgment asking to be removed and he probably isn't a bad guy but this site and postings brought attention to the situation.

CUATF calls out and bashes Melson, Hoover, Chait,Loos, SACs & ASACS and everyone else- rightfully so but become hypocrites and remove postings about Futrell. Is this only clean up ATF management? You could be on the cutting edge CUATF if you allow the post about certain people before they become bosses and executives.

No one has an answer about why Futrell postings were deleted
There was nothing derogatory or untrue in postings. If you gonna run this site, then be fair and not selective as to who you call out. Other wise, you loose credibility here.

#1154 Special Agent NEEDS OUR HELP

Posted by Phillip McMichael on 25 October 2010 - 03:39 AM in Archived Posts

The Virgin Islands is lawless and has openly stated the U.S. Constitution does not apply. Pass the word via Facebook, Myspace, Twitter or email. People should be discouraged from visiting or otherwise patronizing the V.I. because of the above reasons.

Send email to Governor DeJongh. His email address is: john.dejongh@go.vi.gov. If you don't
mind, send a CC or BCC copy of the email to: willclark@undercover.org,jblackburn@dailynews.vi,
jrobbins@dailynews.vi, michele_Smith@ovp.eop.gov, jennifer_y._Kaplan@who.eop.gov. The first CC or BC e-mailaddress is so we can see how many emails are being sent, the second two addresses are reporter and publisher of Virgin Islands Newspaper, and last two addresses are to the White House and the Vice-Presidents office. Might as well let all these folks know we do not approve of whats happening to Will. Please mention ATF Special Agent Will Clark's unlawful prosecution and maybe a tourism boycott of the Virgin Islands by all law enforcement officers and their families. I also question how the Virgin Islands Flag supersedes the United States Constitution!


Today begins jury selection in the Virgin Islands in Will Clark's case. We wish him & his family the best of luck and the strength to endure.

#1102 Mexico

Posted by Phillip McMichael on 14 October 2010 - 12:23 PM in Archived Posts

What's going on down there? Are they shuffling the ATF command staff?

#1160 Mexico

Posted by Phillip McMichael on 25 October 2010 - 03:32 PM in Archived Posts

This is my point on the Mexico Attache flip-flop. We all know what happened here. It is not and was not about language proficiency. Don’t convolute the situation. They sold Darrin a bill of goods by telling him he was going to Mexico City to make an investigative impact on behalf of ATF. Then they failed to support the mission they sent him to serve. He called them out to their faces, that being Hoover and Chait. Instead of listening to their man with his boots on the ground they insulated Darrin from Melson and put their own self-serving spin on the situation. Then the OIG got involved. Not because Darrin reached out to them either. He was interviewed and gave honest answers. Hoover and Chait needed a scapegoat for the mismanagement and Darrin was convenient because he was not blindly marching to their corrupt orders. They chose the wrong guy if that is what they wanted. Newell and slew of other ATF people were fluent in Spanish when they named Gil the Attache, knowing full well that Darrin was not. They picked Darrin anyway and when he served the mission and didn’t suck up they canned his ass. That’s how Hoover and Chait operate. You can lay this move on Darrin’s lack of Spanish skills but if you think that is why these moves were made then join full on with the rest of the ‘HQ Fun Bunch’ and find an excuse for every bad decision or stop drinking from the headquarters coolaid punch bowl. Lets see how much better things get down there now that our super-SES and fluent Spanish speaker Bill Newell is in place. Chances are extreme that it gets worse, not better.

It will be interesting to see what happens to international branch. In order to accommodate the Newell SES transfer to Mexico, management will have to create a SES level branch chief job so Newel has someone to answer to. Another buddy boy social promotion???

Is this fraud, waste & abuse?

#1110 Mexico

Posted by Phillip McMichael on 15 October 2010 - 12:06 PM in Archived Posts

Yes. Because Melson, Billy, Chait and the rest have been asleep at the wheel and been trying to pretend that they were diligently pursuing our SW border programs, and the OIG called them flat out incompetent, they had to scapegoat someone. What better way to get the Abusive Bill Newell out of Phoenix before it cost the taxpayers another million this year in settlements? Give him what he wants. He'll keep his mouth shut, make no waves and we can fly under the radar again. Although they have refused to make our attache' position an SES when Gil was down there, what do you want to bet it will be reclassified now. And what of Gillette? He has been shown to lack total ethical bounders, and proven he has NO business as a manager, why is he still there. We are watching nation wide Mr. Melson.

What happens to Gill and Canino? Didn't they just get there. Also, now does the SES Attache answer to the GS 15 International Branch Chief or is that position going to be SES now too?