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#5748 Ombudsman... Put ONE in the win column

Posted by Doc Holiday on 20 August 2013 - 11:40 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Recently a debacle was created with one of our Special Agents stemming from Bureaucratic Paralysis in our executive staff. It was going to be terribly destructive to the Agent, and completely unnecessary. HOWEVER, after brief contact with the Ombudsman's Office, the matter was quickly rectified. Also of note, it is said that ADFO Turk humbly reversed himself and the matter is DOA. Good job. That makes ONE IN A ROW. Keep it up. It almost feigns leadership.

#5760 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 13 September 2013 - 09:32 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

A re-posting of this action is entirely appropriate in light of Mr. Jones now being our official Director. His Deputy Director, Signed and Approved it, His AD of Internal Affairs approved it, and His AD of Personnel approved it. Where are they now? In what can only be described as a blatant, flagrant, knowing AND WILLFUL violation of ATF policy, and misappropriation of Government funds, ie. taxpayer dollars, Then DAD, or Assistant to the Director or whatever cubby-holed position they had him in, Bill McMahon, drew his ATF salary AND his J.P. Morgan Chase salary. Was this repayment for not bringing down the house of cards on Fast and Furious?


Back to the original point!!!!!!!! Surely Ms. Torres, Ms. Stinnett and Mr. Brandon have been reduced multiple pay grades for such outrageous conduct. Right? Afraid not. All are still drawing FAT SES salaries or pensions. YET, I continually receive notifications that the Senior leadership is continually denying field Agents requests for outside employment.


Look Mr. Jones, we are ONLY asking for integrity and fairness in your leadership. Nothing more nothing less. If an employee is doing their job well and wants to engage in outside employment, AND they are asking for anything short of double dipping and defrauding the government, haven't you kind of set that bar pretty low for approval now?






Attached Files

#5769 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 14 October 2013 - 02:31 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Draconian is the word you are looking for. How is it????? THAT


Mr. Jones and Brandon do not see the impropriety of Rachel Bouman, being the EEOC Administrative executive director for ATF, WHILE still acting in her capacity litigating cases and advising supervisors in the field. Does he think we are all STUPID? Remember, SHE decides which of your allegations are accepted for investigation. And she is protecting her communications based on Atty Client Privilege. Come On Mr. DIRECTOR.


Mr. Brandon et al. make a HUGE exception to the outside employment agreement for McMahon in exchange for his silence no doubt, but can't make an exception for Jon Dodson after they left him hanging in the wind and in some cases attacked him during Fast and Furious?


How is it that ONE of the first things Mr. Jones did upon taking the helm as the ACTING Director was form a Field Agent Advisory Panel which he touted to the media and Se. Grassley and Chairman Issa, BUT almost instantly upon being confirmed, the previous member are going to be removed and the FAAP as a viable mechanism of communication between the ALL KNOWING HQ Executive staff and the field, is now lame duck and being disregarded completely?


Smoke and Mirrors. Not ALL the threats in the world, not all the free leadership books or playing cards will encourage the field to close the gaps or follow this sort of "leadership". Respect and loyalty are EARNED, NOT demanded.

#5789 John Dodson's book ...

Posted by Doc Holiday on 04 November 2013 - 12:52 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.



Marvin Richardson says F and F was because we didn't have enough agents? Seriously? Then why did we do a buyout of all our senior agents? Why have so many left when they WEREN'T mandatory? 25 in less than 5 yrs in SF under Martin and Torres. WAKE UP.


But at least we have a convenience store in HQ to buy ATF SWAG.


Its not important who, but in response to the ATF 7-11 in HQ, a former SAC asked, "whats next, SAC vanity license plates"?


He/she also pontificated.......I think it refreshing to hear the new director is interested in something besides naming the HQ building after Eliot Ness and the reflecting pool after Ariel Rios; just my humble, sometimes cynical opinion.


 This was in response to the following email. How bad is it when even SACs are disgusted?




Currently the Office of the Director is in the process of coordinating the opening of an ATF store, which will be located in ATF HQThe mission of the store is to serve current and former employees of ATF, Task Force Officers, and family members by promoting the general welfare and morale of the employees of ATF by providing, encouraging and supporting social, educational, and recreational activities of interest to its employees.  In the coming weeks, more information will follow about the ATF HQ store.


This message also announces the availability of ATF rings for all interested employees.  There are three ring designs which are intended for Agents, IOIs, and all other Civilians.  Any ATF employee can purchase the Civilian ring, while the agent and IOI rings are designated for Agents and IOIs only.


The ring is custom made to order by Collinson Enterprises. The ring features the ATF seal, DOJ seal, or Agent/IOI badge (see picture below). Your initials or full name (up to 22 characters) can be engraved inside the band at no charge.   The price for the various types of metal is identified below. 

#5790 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 04 November 2013 - 12:56 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.


With proper leadership and experience, we are as capable as EVER of impacting violent crime and dismantling organizations. Get Chief counsel out of Operations, and stop blaming, vilifying and retaliating against Agents for doing their jobs and you'll be amazed how good our people are.

And the hits just keep on coming. We are opening a convenience store in ATF HQ to sell SWAG, while the Reno Office was virtually closed down because of gross mismanagement. The misrepresentations in this story are sickening. First, for Marvin Richardson to suggest that lack of man power was the reason for F and F is just plain silly and everybody knows its a lie. Not uncommon for Mr. Richardson who was found to have lacked candor on multiple occasions during his interviews with the OIG regarding the Dobyns threat investigation. Was he fired? NOPE, promoted.In fact, the table of penalties was changed almost overnight to remove the mandatory termination penalty to save him.

SAC Riehl, suggests that the Reno agents services were needed elsewhere and that's why Turk, Brandon and Jones decimated the most productive office in the SF field division. HMMMMMM, Im certain it had nothing to do with Both ASACs and the SAC being transferred and forced into retirement for GROSS mismanagement. For Mr. Riehl to make that statement KNOWING its not true, should cause pause at HQ and question why he was promoted to a SAC job at all after the failures under his direct command which led to a scathing indictment by the GAO of our most prestigious program, the NRT.

The NRA is the reason our productivity has tanked and we have to redirect our resources? REALLY? I thought it was because of the ABUSIVE and incompetent management staff between 2005 and present to include Martin, Gleysteen, Herkins, Vind, and Lee and their incompetent and retaliatory practices which caused..wait for it............wait for it........25 Agents in less than 5 years to leave the Agency NOT just the field division when they WEREN'T mandatory. When in our history have you EVER known that many Agents to leave what was once the finest law enforcement agency on the planet?

Unless and until we accept responsibility for our actions which have empowered the NRA and caused us to lose the trust of the American people and fellow law enforcement agencies, we will continue on this downward spiral.Senior agents and supervisors have and are leaving at an alarming rate, taking with them institutional knowledge that can NEVER be recovered. The average level of ATF experience in the San Francisco field Division is under 10 yrs. Who's going to train the newcomers?



Someone should FOIA the ATF chief counsels office and the United States Attorneys Office to see how much they paid to order a psychiatrist FROM L.A. NOT San Francisco to do a psyche eval on SA Cefalu and in attempts to redirect the defense of their actions and reprisals. HUUUUUGGGGEEEEE dollars. The San Francisco United States attorney has spent alot of taxpayer funds to protect corrupt managers.

#5795 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 18 November 2013 - 07:23 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

The attached document is LONG OVERDUE. Apparrently a group of Agents has finally become disguated by the pandering going on within ATF regrding special interest groups. It would appear that a class action is appropriate

Attached Files

#5799 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 22 November 2013 - 03:31 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Joey's goodbye email confirmed the rumors of his departure from the NYFD ending a 2 year long tragic comedy. According to his farewell email, we have accomplished a tremendous amount under his direction. Just to be clear, here is what he has accomplished in the NY Field Division - NOTHING!!! except a complete breakdown of trust and communication. In short, his leadership if we can even call it that has been an epic failure, full of spite and self indulgence. Word is SAC Joey had his staff scramble to set up executive indoor air cooled range dates exclusively for him because he refuses to qualify with his agents and supervisors. Way to lead by example!! And who can forget his famous "I have a good idea" tour when he first got here. What a success that was. Was the last time anyone upstate saw him in person. An apology email for the past 2 years would have been more appropriate than one bragging of false victory. He undoubtedly FAILED here but certainly took care of himself. Hopefully they offer leadership training in DC. The initial assessment of this guy by Sleepless has proven more than accurate. Good riddance from the the silent majority in NYFD...... and don't forget the coffee and tartlets for the Director.

"Leadership is action, not position." ~Donald H. McGannon


Would you please post the exit email? If for nothing else, a lil entertainment. The problem is clear to everyone. Mr. Jones et al. are not engaging the field, and are being directed by lawyers instead of leaders. This incessant idea that we can move forward without addressing the damages of the recent past is absurd. Secondly, for all Mr. Jones touting of his formative USMC career, he learned NOTHING about taking care of your troops. The divide between his HQ and the field is a cavern and he apparently believes that ignoring the abuses and shuffling the deck chairs is whats needed to fix it. IF, and I say IF the SAC Joey storys are true, why didnt Mr. Jones and Brandon address his failed leadership skills. Hate to be the cliche' guy, BUT..........DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS......................................

#5813 Is it any wonder that a large segment of patriotic, law-abiding American citi...

Posted by Doc Holiday on 11 December 2013 - 11:24 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

The shame of this is that our Executive Staff has created all of this.Little or no training programs for new Agents. No senior Agents to train new Agents. Over 25% of our gun and badge toting Agents are GS-14, 15 or SES specialized employees, (NOT making cases or advancing our core mission). Supervisors with less than 10 years experience. Whats the point you ask? Senior managers who have failed or proved incompetent to hold leadership positions are NOT demoted or re-assigned, they are merely moved and hidden.Every manager who just goes along with the status quo KNOWS that there will be NO REAL consequences. If the reports by the media are true, and we know THEY AREN'T ALWAYS ACCURATE, The FIRST question that has to be asked is were the RAC, ASAC, SAC or DAD removed or demoted? Was the SAC/DAD of the Milwaukee case demoted (LOSS OF PAY OR BENEFITS), OR was he transferred as a SAC to the VERY Office he had been begging to go to for the last 10 years?  Mr. Jones and Mr. Brandon created the FAAP, (Field Agency Advisory Panel), then completely disregarded their recommendations. The agency has run off nearly ALL of its senior and most experienced agents, with NO mechanism in place to train new field Agents. In one field division, the ASAC was heard to say," well we just don't have enough training Agents, so we'll have to just live with it". Well NOW we are living with it Mr. Vind. Former SAC/DAD Steve Martin was asked, "Once you've run off or fired every senior Agent who questions your judgement, then what"? RESPONSE.......There's a 1000 guys waiting to fill those jobs. Question posed to SAC Martin, how are you going to run a major field division with new hires? Answer.............SILENCE. Headquarters continues to advance the divisions between the Guys and Gals actually doing the work and the bosses overseeing them. This may suggest WHY they have not released the most recent survey results conducted by OPM. We have said it before, but it is worth mentioning again. Headquarters collective field experience amounts to thousands of years of outdated experience. The fields collective experience amounts to TENS of thousands of years of real time experience.. This aint rocket science ladies and gentlemen.

#5814 Add this to the List

Posted by Doc Holiday on 11 December 2013 - 11:26 AM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

The shame of this is that our Executive Staff has created all of this.Little or no training programs for new Agents. No senior Agents to train new Agents. Over 25% of our gun and badge toting Agents are GS-14, 15 or SES specialized employees, (NOT making cases or advancing our core mission). Supervisors with less than 10 years experience. Whats the point you ask? Senior managers who have failed or proved incompetent to hold leadership positions are NOT demoted or re-assigned, they are merely moved and hidden.Every manager who just goes along with the status quo KNOWS that there will be NO REAL consequences. If the reports by the media are true, and we know THEY AREN'T ALWAYS ACCURATE, The FIRST question that has to be asked is were the RAC, ASAC, SAC or DAD removed or demoted? Was the SAC/DAD of the Milwaukee case demoted (LOSS OF PAY OR BENEFITS), OR was he transferred as a SAC to the VERY Office he had been begging to go to for the last 10 years?  Mr. Jones and Mr. Brandon created the FAAP, (Field Agency Advisory Panel), then completely disregarded their recommendations. The agency has run off nearly ALL of its senior and most experienced agents, with NO mechanism in place to train new field Agents. In one field division, the ASAC was heard to say," well we just don't have enough training Agents, so we'll have to just live with it". Well NOW we are living with it Mr. Vind. Former SAC/DAD Steve Martin was asked, "Once you've run off or fired every senior Agent who questions your judgement, then what"? RESPONSE.......There's a 1000 guys waiting to fill those jobs. Question posed to SAC Martin, how are you going to run a major field division with new hires? Answer.............SILENCE. Headquarters continues to advance the divisions between the Guys and Gals actually doing the work and the bosses overseeing them. This may suggest WHY they have not released the most recent survey results conducted by OPM. We have said it before, but it is worth mentioning again. Headquarters collective field experience amounts to thousands of years of outdated experience. The fields collective experience amounts to TENS of thousands of years of real time experience.. This aint rocket science ladies and gentlemen.

#5815 Is it any wonder that a large segment of patriotic, law-abiding American citi...

Posted by Doc Holiday on 11 December 2013 - 11:43 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.








Score Rank of 292 Index Score 59.1 203 Scores by Category Score Rank (out of varied totals) Effective Leadership 46.0 277 of 290 Effective Leadership - Empowerment 42.8 240 of 290 Effective Leadership - Fairness 44.2 272 of 290 Effective Leadership - Senior Leaders 31.9 284 of 290 Effective Leadership - Supervisors 62.6 212 of 290 Employee Skills/Mission Match 78.6 109 of 290 Pay 71.8 16 of 290 Strategic Management 48.6 266 of 290 Teamwork 62.8 230 of 290 Training and Development 55.1 209 of 290 Work/Life Balance 59.9 187 of 290 Support for Diversity 49.9 273 of 290 Performance Based Rewards and Advancement 39.8 249 of 290


#5822 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 26 December 2013 - 12:09 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

How disturbing is this? How disturbing is it that ATF leadership denies there is a problem? Mr. Jones, Brandon and Turk are thumbing their noses at the dedicated employees of ATF as evidenced by their refusal to reign in out of control Chief counsels office as evidenced by Mr. Brandon completely ignoring the FAAP recommendations. Does this in fact VALIDATE those Congressional members who resisted Mr. Jones confirmation based upon allegations of reprisals and abuse? YOU BE THE JUDGE. Mr. Jones has been in charge either acting or confirmed for over 2 years. compare the 2010 stats and the steady increase. Sadly, these numbers were taken directly from the Official U.S. DOJ website TODAY..........................


Total number of employees        FBI 35,000+      

Total number of pending EEOC complaints reported end of yr 2012     312    Less than 1%



Total number of employees       DEA  10,000+

Total number of pending EEOC complaints reported end of yr 2012      53      Less than 1%





Total number of employees       ATF    4770

Total number of pending EEOC complaints reported end of yr 2012      1362  More than 25%


Where there is smoke there is fire America.



#5823 Add this to the List

Posted by Doc Holiday on 26 December 2013 - 12:13 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

Posted Today, 11:09 AM

How disturbing is this? How disturbing is it that ATF leadership denies there is a problem? Mr. Jones, Brandon and Turk are thumbing their noses at the dedicated employees of ATF as evidenced by their refusal to reign in out of control Chief counsels office as evidenced by Mr. Brandon completely ignoring the FAAP recommendations. Does this in fact VALIDATE those Congressional members who resisted Mr. Jones confirmation based upon allegations of reprisals and abuse? YOU BE THE JUDGE. Mr. Jones has been in charge either acting or confirmed for over 2 years. compare the 2010 stats and the steady increase. Sadly, these numbers were taken directly from the Official U.S. DOJ website TODAY..........................


Total number of employees        FBI 35,000+      

Total number of pending EEOC complaints reported end of yr 2012     312    Less than 1%



Total number of employees       DEA  10,000+

Total number of pending EEOC complaints reported end of yr 2012      53      Less than 1%





Total number of employees       ATF    4770

Total number of pending EEOC complaints reported end of yr 2012      1362  More than 25%


Where there is smoke there is fire America.



#5831 Is it any wonder that a large segment of patriotic, law-abiding American citi...

Posted by Doc Holiday on 26 December 2013 - 07:45 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Nope RETIRED, you are not slow. We have gone from the top 20 places to work a mere 7 years ago and are near the very bottom now. That ain't coincidence. But Mr Jones and Brandon are trying to sell that all is well. Pay particular attention to our rating in the trust and confidence in the executive staffs honestly and integrity. I didn't do the survey, THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DID.

#5881 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 01 January 2014 - 09:32 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

COMING SOON..... The 2013 greatest accomplishments of the ATF leadership.

#5895 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 13 January 2014 - 05:38 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

The below was posted today. If true it signals somebody got caught. Why has Ms. Boumans hasty departure not been posted on the ATF website as is consistent with those who leave under honorable conditions? No party? No fareful email? Really? After a dozen years at ATF and NADA? Why has no EEOC Executive at ATF been announced. Rumors swirl, but you are cautioned to not speculate. It could actually be a promotion inside DOJ or another law enforcement agency. No one would leave a prestigious position as a senior member of ATF Chief Counsels Office, unless of course THEY GOT CAUGHT. What will this do to all the cases she reviewed and decided as the head of ATFs EEOC office? In direct contradiction to the EEOCs MD 110? If lack of ethics or integrity or judicial misconduct led to her departure, why wasn't she fired. Again, speculation is not fact. Its not as if she left hastily for a job at the EPA or Library of Congress.  She has purposefully misled her bosses, and destroyed many hard working agents lives as "just doing her job". Then why is the music in the background playing ding dong the wicked witch is dead?





Posted Today, 03:35 PM

It's confirmed; Rachel Bouman is gone!
No more of that lying Witch in the EEO office.

Rachel Bouman recently sent a memo for a MSPB case in Chicago, where she totally lied.
I told that person to fax it to Congress next week, turn that BS in, along with the Sup for bending numbers

The MSPB and EEOC are working for these
agencies. There's no since of thinking that going thru the EEOC or MSPB is going to help.
Going to Congress is your best bet!

If Leadership want us to stop going to Congress, they need to step up and start doing the right thing! Hold these Sups and Managers responsible!
If BTodd holds those folks responsible, he will see the tide change.

As for that Witch Bouman, I wonder what style of house dropped on her!

#5902 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 15 January 2014 - 11:31 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

The vindictive hand bites one of its own.........AGAIN.

The vacant (Kiss of Death) position of Special Assistant to the Director position is once again filled. This less than prestigious position has previously been filled by those Executive managers who have failed so miserably, that they needed to be sat down in the broom closet pending their imminent retirement. Prior recipients include but are not limited to, Vanessa McLemore, Michael Bouchard, Joe Gordon and Bill Newell. Now add to the list, Richie Marianos. HOWEVER, this particular time out has an interesting twist. Prior recipients were placed in the position for breaking the law, violating major policies and shere incompetence. The story from insiders regarding the senior and decorated Marianos is that he confronted Director Jones personally with what Marianos believed was a total  and across the board lack or leadership on Jones part.


This begs to question: Is Mr. Jones leadership style ONLY to surround himself with YES MEN? And anyone who dissents, EVEN HIS INNER CIRCLE will be dealt with in Kim Jong Un fashion? Sorry Richie. Your loyalties have come into question in recent months. Perhaps you forgot where you came from. BUT, Cudos for having the balls to tell the Director what he needed to hear. If more of the Executive staff did this, we wouldnt be in the embarrasing position we are in today.

#5928 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 23 January 2014 - 10:57 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

And the hits just keep on coming.



If oversight calls career U/C Agents who have had to do it the "right way", these hearings and OIG investigation is going to send shock-waves thru the NEW ATF. A long time U/C Operator made a statement recently that says it all. "Hell, if we could do all this crazy unethical shit back in the day, we could have tripled our arrests too".


Wondering out loud................What does it say when a Director cant find ONE competent Assistant Director INSIDE ATF to run our Congressional and media affairs? Is that why he canned Marianos? To make room for a friend from DOJ? OR, is he so distrusting of his own Executive staff that he wants to control the SPIN to Congress and the media.


Posted under another topic:

The information on Bouman's conduct is flooding in.  The corruption and cover ups of her across the board activity is out of control.  The people who have participated with her to hide it is going far and wide, up and down throughout the agency.  The best soap opera writer couldn't invent a story as good as this on their best day during their best fantasy.  Jones, you can hide her at the Library of Congress but not for long.  The USS Coverup is leaking bad and taking on water.


I will remind the Director, that the mere APPEARANCE of impropriety says it all. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck etc etc etc.

#5931 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 24 January 2014 - 10:11 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Bad cases make bad case law. With thugs and gangsters running around shooting up our communities, ATFs leadership somehow thought this case would enhance public safety? This case cleared 3 levels of review inside ATF AND then again by the U.S. Attys Office. SHORT VERSION: RETIRED COP BUYS A GUN AT A BETTER PRICE FOR HIS UNCLE, AND UNCLE REPAYS HIM. VIOLATION? PERHAPS. FEDERAL CRIMINAL INTEREST? YOU DECIDE. I'M REASONABLY CERTAIN A STERN WARNING FROM ATF WOULD HAVE ENDED THE WHOLE MATTER.

#5943 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 28 January 2014 - 12:41 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Word on the street is Sen. Grassleys office and members of Congress are looking into ATF funded junkets to ILEA Bangkok, BY SENIOR MANAGERS on a consistent basis which consisted of ten day trips to teach a 4 hour block of instruction. Word is, the affected managers were not subject matter experts, nor did they solicit the experts Bureau wide, and the kicker............................encouraged each other to participate primarily (bragged about), the loose sex trade rules while in Bangkok. Agents are being hammered for an off color email or slight of policy, but these guys are road trippin international?

#5947 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 29 January 2014 - 11:16 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

HERE WE GO AGAIN. Another office mired in controversy, and the SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE AND ASSISTANT SPECIAL AGENTS IN CHARGE, are attempting to spin and conceal HUGE issues from HQ and have minimized the violations to internal affairs DAD King OBVIOUSLY WITH AD GLEYSTEENS APPROVAL. The violations are blatant, unethical and WILL result in significant investigation and disciplinary actions. As usual, the attempt by Field Division senior managers to conceal and cover-up the allegations will result in disaster. The affected SAC has a proven record of failure(documented), but Mr. Jones apparently thought it a good idea to promote him anyway.


The field division in question is conducting their own internal investigation trying to tamp down the NOW documented abuses and allegations INCLUDING INTEGRITY VIOLATIONS from HQ oversight. It would appear IA is complicit designating the violations as management issues........THEY ARE NOT. Secret meetings with employees, interviewing entire offices conducted by an ASAC and a (Yes man RAC),   DETAILS TO FOLLOW.



#5948 Add this to the List

Posted by Doc Holiday on 29 January 2014 - 11:28 AM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

HERE WE GO AGAIN. Another office mired in controversy, and the SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE AND ASSISTANT SPECIAL AGENTS IN CHARGE, are attempting to spin and conceal HUGE issues from HQ and have minimized the violations to internal affairs DAD King OBVIOUSLY WITH AD GLEYSTEENS APPROVAL. The violations are blatant, unethical and WILL result in significant investigation and disciplinary actions. As usual, the attempt by Field Division senior managers to conceal and cover-up the allegations will result in disaster. The affected SAC has a proven record of failure(documented), but Mr. Jones apparently thought it a good idea to promote him anyway.


The field division in question is conducting their own internal investigation trying to tamp down the NOW documented abuses and allegations INCLUDING INTEGRITY VIOLATIONS from HQ oversight. It would appear IA is complicit designating the violations as management issues........THEY ARE NOT. Secret meetings with employees, interviewing entire offices conducted by an ASAC and a (Yes man RAC),   DETAILS TO FOLLOW.



#5978 Humpty Dumpty

Posted by Doc Holiday on 05 February 2014 - 12:01 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

I could live with his characterization if he was actually doing something.  He allowed some corruption to resign or retire, took care of the one's that didn't, shuffled the supervisory deck chairs on the Titanic, is pumping Frontline - which is nothing more than a new name for Safe Streets, YCGII, VCIT, etc., and renamed the HQ reflecting pool.  And, to be clear, the re-dedication of the reflecting pool as the Ariel Rios Reflecting Pool is outstanding.  I have no criticism of that.  That was an appropriate honor and a good thing.  But, other than that what has been done towards meaningful change? 

It is clear solely by his actions that B.Todd Jones has NO investment in our great agency. He said he didn't want the job. He has totally insulated his fellow attorneys in ATF Chief Counsels Office (whose conduct personal and professional has been brought to his attention). Stay tuned for details. He continues to keep Brandon as DD EVEN after he received evidence that Brandon and Torres signed off on admin time and fulltime outside employment for Mc Mahon. Face it, Mr. Jones only wants to survive the Obama Presidency, make high powered friend and haul ass.

#5979 Brian Terry family sues ATF officials in Fast and Furious

Posted by Doc Holiday on 05 February 2014 - 12:29 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

On February 10, 2014, at 1:30 pm, at the United States Courthouse in Tucson, Arizona a defendant in the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry will be sentenced. 


It is anticipated that Kelly Terry, Brian's sister, will deliver a victim's statement to the court.


A trigger puller armed by ATF will receive his punishment.  Those in ATF, DOJ and beyond have yet to be held accountable beyond transfers or accommodated retirements.


"Justice" is only partially served by the Department of Justice.


Attached is a "2013 Year in Review" photograph assembled by a Border Patrolman for the Terry family.  Never forget what Brian Terry sacrificed and continues to stand for even in death.




#6017 Is it any wonder that a large segment of patriotic, law-abiding American citi...

Posted by Doc Holiday on 17 February 2014 - 03:14 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

When I mention how the hardworking agents are bad mouthed- I was speaking of the press. Not other agents or ATF.

The reason the Milwaukee storefront went sour is mainly because of a disgruntled landlord. Granted there were things that could have been done better, but that is true with EVERY case. Someone broke into the store and stole counterfeit merchandise? How is that the atorefront's fault?

The press argues that the government paid too much money for guns, but if the UC's let the guns walk out the door, then they would have been hammered for that. It's a no-win situation. The press also argues that crime was being introduced into the neighborhood. Look at the crime statistics- crime was already there.


When I mention how the hardworking agents are bad mouthed- I was speaking of the press. Not other agents or ATF.

The reason the Milwaukee storefront went sour is mainly because of a disgruntled landlord. Granted there were things that could have been done better, but that is true with EVERY case. Someone broke into the store and stole counterfeit merchandise? How is that the atorefront's fault?

The press argues that the government paid too much money for guns, but if the UC's let the guns walk out the door, then they would have been hammered for that. It's a no-win situation. The press also argues that crime was being introduced into the neighborhood. Look at the crime statistics- crime was already there.

How many mentally disabled folks have you tattooed to buy a few stolen guns? For that matter, how many gave you documented? Look, this agency lost its was and in the process ran off many many seasoned veterans who would have clearly helped guide these investigations away from school yards, documented criminals not mentally challenged. That's about the lowest we can set the bar don't you think? No expects to do this job without mistakes. BUT, they should be at least marginally defensible. Anyone who has been a UC agent for any amount of time KNOWS and anticipates how to skirt such issues as being suspected of being a cop. Bush league.

#6038 Grapevine

Posted by Doc Holiday on 22 February 2014 - 10:14 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

B. Todd Jones - you have a challenging couple of weeks ahead.


When the F&F reports came out your response that it didn't take place on your watch.  Then you failed to enact any true discipline on those deserving of it.


When the IAD report came to you on my issues your response was that it didn't take place on your watch.  You sat on the findings and failed to enact any true discipline on those deserving of it.


Now the sting/storefront issues are before you.  Whether true or not, this happened on your watch.  I am assuming you will be called to testify before Congress.


Will you take any responsibility?  Will you accept any accountability?  Will you stand up for your agency?  Or, will you throw field agents onto the train tracks?  Will you blame agents for whatever mistakes are detailed to save yourself?  Will you blame those managers beneath you to keep yourself clean?  Will it be the "I didn't know", "I don't recall", "I was not aware of that" cover story we've seen from your office a million times before?  Will you defend those agents who are out there running the mostly highly efficient undercover operations our agency has ever seen or allow them to be sacrificed as well?  Will you let a few mistakes crush the program?  Will you make promises to end our uc ops to make nice-nice and gut the bureau's best weapon against violent crime?  Will it be everybody's fault but your own?  Will you just dispatch one of the flunkies who drinks from your Kool-Aid jar and have them take the blows for you?  Will you even bother to consult with the best-of-the-best operators we have to help them give you a fighting chance to protect them, and yourself for that matter?  Will you just answer the way Eric coaches you to?  Will you have ATF's attorneys try to get you out of the subpoena so you can avoid this all together?


Careful now.  If the rumors are true and that you've done nothing and said nothing to protect a potential Attorney General nomination, what you do and don't say could be critical.   Think about how the hide-and-duck strategy DOJ put Andy Traver under worked out for him.


Again, What did you know, When did you know it, What did you do about it.


I can only hope that Jason Chaffetz or Trey Gowdy gets to question you.  Your agency is watching.  Own up and protect it, or double talk to protect yourself.


All you have to do is speak to a couple of the very best uc operators in history.  They are right there under your nose.  They can ammo you up with an overwhelming amount of success stories and incredible achievements.  Trust them if you hope to survive this.

ATF HQ operates in a vacuum. Word is that Mr. Jones blew a gasket when he received a subpoena.We (the field) have offered countless times to help redirect our Bureau and help resolve the countless employee disputes. He has been here long enough to effect change but hasn't.  His leadership style of "shut the hell up or else", has proven ineffective. Shutting down effective programs because his managers cannot be trusted and are unskilled and inexperienced is not the answer.Placing more and more restrictions on Agents does NOT make our communities safer. Raising the bar and holding managers accountable WILL ensure proper procedure and sound practices. Remember Mr. Jones, we did this and did it VERY well for almost 40 years before you got here. You HAVE to ask yourself whats different now? Fast track promotions of yes men, failure of any fear of consequences by protecting the Newells, Gillettes, Mc Mahons, Zapors, Torres x2 and running off your senior most experienced Agents have all contributed to your short term failure as a Director. DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS is running our Bureau into the ground. Sir, WHY DIDNT YOU PULL THE PIN ON THE DOBYNS LAWSUIT AND SHOW YOU WERE A MAN WHO WOULD NOT ALLOW SUCH CONDUCT IN YOUR BUREAU?