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#2773 The Big Easy Gloryhole Incident

Posted by Noreaster on 07 July 2011 - 05:08 PM in Hall of Shame

Word from a reliable source at 99 New York that DIO Dave Strotheide, the very same guy who replaced gloryhole man-boy disgrace Russ Vanderperv, was just given termination papers for misuse of the g-ride and fraud. Can anyone from The Big Easy confirm this? What the hell is in the water in New Orleans that makes these inspectors go nuts?

#2268 Grapevine

Posted by Noreaster on 12 May 2011 - 08:21 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

OK, someone explain this to me. HQ knows Scot Thomasson is abusive, incompetent and has NO business in a leadership position. This is evidenced by the Bureau having to spend PCS money we allegedly DONT HAVE to bring Greg Gant in to be his boss. No slam to Greg, but Thomasson has been a ASAC (poor one) for years, now he's been a Division Chief (horrible one)for more years. Why didnt they just promote him. Oh yeah, he's a terrible representative of what our Bureau is about and stands for. Thats WHY.

Iceman - Gant and Thomasson are serious buddies and have been since at least their Colorado Springs days. With Gant going to DAD of PGA, he will protect his bud at all costs. Count on it. Rumor on the street is a big deck chair shuffle is coming. Sources say Tom Brandon is staying in Arizona and Bill "Hell No" Newell gets a fake Vanessa McLemore job while they decide what to do with him. Rumor also that Ron Turk from New York and Mark "Cadillac" Potter may be looking for a moving van. I am sure glad we have lots of money to shift SESers around.

#1532 Traver Watch

Posted by Noreaster on 30 January 2011 - 01:47 PM in Archived Posts

Posted for Doc Holiday:

Look, Riehl supposedly went to Israel,most likely to discuss arson and explosive. Even though the GAO audit was clear that he was responsible for running the NRT program allll the way into the ground. He is also responsible for supporting Martins ILL ADVISED dismantling of our explosives program. The fact that Mr. Melson and Ms. Mihalic are road tripping to Lyon, France to champion NIBIN, is the same thing. We have fallen asleep at the wheel related to NIBIN for yrs. The have diverted millions earmarked for the program. They have allowed half-assed management of the program. They have proposed cutting millions from the program to meet our funding shortages. So why then are they going to France to champion the program? Mr. Traver, why aren't you paying attention? Somebody should stick a microphone right in Travers face and start some accountability. Oversight hearing and a complete re-organization is all that can save this Bureau. 5 SES's doing what two GS 13s did just a few years ago. Management bonuses for managers whose programs ha e failed. SERIOUSLY Mr. Traver? Mr. Holder, you do know ATF is under your control, Don't you?

The Tour de France boondoggle is worse than reported. According to some sources the group is now larger and will include Melson, at least one of his "bodyguards," Larry Ford and two other people from Field Ops. How much is this costing ATF? $10,000? $15,000? When you add in air, hotels, per diem its gotta be up there. I bet Riehl is jealous but at least he flew down to Alabama to have a all hands meeting with the 8 people down there so he could smile and lie. The only good news is at least HQ was shamed into paying people who got outstanding evaluations instead of just 35 or so SES "leaders."

#1492 Traver Watch

Posted by Noreaster on 16 January 2011 - 07:29 PM in Archived Posts

Word from a source in the Puzzle Palace says that a few days ago, Melson and Hoover decided to quietly give out SES bonuses to all of the executives (SACs, DADs, ADs, DD). This amount can vary year to year but at several percent of each "leader's" salary of $163K and up, this has to be some serious money. 5 percent? 10 percent? For those of you with an outstanding evaluation or looking for a quality step increase, see how much money if anything is left. If we all have to suffer because we don't have money so no employees get awards this year that's one thing but if the first thought is to secretly hand out SES bonuses while the rank and file get screwed, that is something else. Anyone able to confirm?

#1451 Traver Watch

Posted by Noreaster on 06 January 2011 - 09:17 PM in Archived Posts

Its tough to CUT budgets when we have contractors (4) in each field division, doing what rookie GS-5 or GS-7 Agents used to do as a collateral duty. Most are retired RACs and SACs. Contractors shuffling paper for NIBIN. Contractors doing backgrounds. We used to have to do ALL of this. And of course, due to our total lack of skilled leadership, we are spending who knows how much defending abusive managers. Two ASACs in every field division where there is only enough work for one. We are the same size as we were 20 yrs. ago, so why the huge increase in management ranks? Why SOOOOO many GS 14 and above in HQ. This is simple Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, get back to basics, catching bad guys. stop promoting for the sake of promotion. We have too many guys in HQ doing nothing. One to study the bucket, one to buy the bucket, one to oversee the filling of the bucket, one to fill the bucket etc etc etc. Multiple moves and extended per diem details to protect corrupt managers. This is NOT rocket science gentleman. Lead by example.

Doc, our division has been told that we have to basically stop our investigative travel unless it is an emergency (use collaterals, video conferencing, letters, etc.), stop any training of state and locals, slash office supplies, cut OT for TFOs to the bone, no more conference attendence, etc. I guess we have money for foreign travel though, because Friend of Billy and explosives sellout Joe Riehl is in Israel for a week. Gee, I wonder where that money came from, and why it is an emergency for him to go there? I am sure Billy and Ken have a totally valid reason, since it is only a few thousand $$$.

#1412 Grapevine

Posted by Noreaster on 31 December 2010 - 10:49 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

The way we are using NIBIN, or maybe I should say mis using it, is a crime and a total waste of what could be. My understanding is DOJ asset forfeiture money pays for all the evidence and property custodian contractors. There are a couple companies who have the contract, with the big money paid to West River. I think the other company is called FSA. West River is headed by a former Feeb. They are the guys who hired former ASACs Tommy Stankiewitz and Larry Murray until both got the axe. Just my opinion but so long as it isn't ATF money paying for these guys, I don't mind.

#1385 Grapevine

Posted by Noreaster on 24 December 2010 - 10:16 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Concerned Sup,
You will retire an ATF agent. Those not already in the KMA probably won't. And its not rumor or word on the street. DAD Steve Martin is one of the architechts of the plan to giv e up the BDC. He is and always has been a one trick pony. Riehl let explosives go unattended. Ask any EEO or CES, Riehl should have been removed yrs ago. Too late now. Read previous posts, the field is livid about Martins apathy regarding explosives. We were once the guys and gals that Russia called to oversee their investigations. IT is truly a travesty what our leaders have NOT done in the name of their own career advancement.


Heard from some buddies over the last couple days that we are now in big trouble in the explosives field. Here is the basic story I heard: The federal Office of Management and Budget filed a report looking to cut out our explosives work and claims we just duplicate what the FBI does except for our regulatory work, and also said we should have our money taken away for NIBIN, state and local training and PCS moves. I also heard Chait sent a memo to the SACs in the last few days saying we need to start cutting NRT, SRT, travel, conferences, office supplies, cars, hiring, the new Glocks, and all state and local training.

Allegedly our huge new explosives building in Alabama has no money to operate and no people to run it, so Melson and Hoover are quietly looking to deal it away to the FBI or Homeland Security before we get caught in a scandal by the OIG or the media. Long time boot licker and Friend of Billy, Joe Riehl, the guy who for years been the point man in gutting our explosives jurisdiction, has been given marching orders to help cover up things in Alabama, was made acting chief of the facility and as a reward, he has been promised the new senior executive job in Quantico at TEDAC, and he has been heard in the halls of HQ telling people ATF "owes him" for doing the bidding of Chait, Boxler, Martin, Carter, Domenech, Hoover and Melson for years on explosives.

Martin thinks he is a real funny guy telling people in HQ that we can pay for explosives by turning the Alabama center into a bed and breakfast, or selling pies. It would not be so funny if Martin didn't have a record for selling us out and taking care of his classmates like Riehl.

Can anyone out there confirm any or all of this?