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#6864 Gratitude donations for Mike Vanderboegh, who broke Fast & Furious

Posted by avatar on 08 January 2016 - 04:15 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

The source for this posting is: http://waronguns.blo...anderboegh.html


WAR ON GUNS is a blog hosted by David Codrea


Friday, January 8, 2016


Plea to All Friends of Mike Vanderboegh


Per Mike, the doctors have told him he is not long of this world.  As we all know, his financial situation due to years of disability and devotion to the larger issues of self-sacrifice for freedom is terrible.  He is doing what he can to get his affairs in order, but the reality is, his wife will be left in really bad shape.  I would like to help him with a funding appeal.


I looked at various "crowdfunding" sites, but there are hoops to jump through and/or a cut they take.  For now at least, in  order to get the ball rolling and hopefully growing as it does, I'm asking all of Mike's friends to spread the work and to send gratitude offerings directly to him:


--PayPal to georgemason1776@aol.com


--Check, money order, cash, etc. to Mike Vanderboegh, P.O. Box 926, Pinson, Alabama 35126.  Please write "gift" in the memo line of any check, as this clarifies that any person can give up to $14,000 per year to any other person without tax consequences to the donor or the recipient.


You'll note I called it a "gratitude offering."  That's proper, as this is being directed to those of you who have received value from Mike's work over the years.  That gratitude should also extend to Mike's wife, Rosey, who has had to make plenty of sacrifices of her own to enable Mike to do so many necessary things you and I have benefited from.


In truth, many people have and owe Mike plenty, and don't even realize it.


There are people who identify as "Three Percenters" who don't know Mike is the originator of the concept, and who have never heard of Sipsey Street Irregulars.  You can generally tell, because, by their words and conduct, they reveal absolute unfamiliarity with the Catechism of the Three Percent, and its "ironclad commitment to no first use of force."


Plenty more have heard of "Fast and Furious."  Few know the first report came from Mike, and how creatively and hard he worked after that to dig out more exclusive information, and to make certain the story got noticed by politicians and the press.


The entire movement to restore recognition of the right to keep and bear arms -- and more -- owes Mike for his uncompromising leadership, for his refusal to comply, and for the risks he has assumed with acts of public defiance.


Everyone who is a War on Guns regular and a Sipsey Street Irregular owes Mike for being a constant source of information and inspiration.  So no, I'm not begging anyone for donations on his behalf -- I'm flat out observing we owe him, and now's the time to show it tangibly.


You need to be a force multiplies and spread the word about this to everybody within your sphere of influence -- email, social media, forums, blogs, whatever, and that includes requesting help from bloggers whose sites you frequent.  If you're a member of a group, you need to pressure it to help.  And I'm not talking a one-time deal -- I'm going to be posting regular updates asking you to send reminders.


The next thing you need to do will actually cost you something.  You need to donate something.  Those of you without similar personal or family medical issues who think you can't afford to, remember the widow's mite.


Don't assume somebody else will be picking up the slack, so you don't need to do anything.


That's enough for now.  I'm going to be regularly following up on this, including with updates.  I guess we'll find out who Mike's friends are.


Posted by David Codrea at 1/08/2016 12:29:00 PM

#6924 Gratitude donations for Mike Vanderboegh, who broke Fast & Furious

Posted by avatar on 10 August 2016 - 03:42 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

Mike Vanderboegh passed away at 1 a.m. August 10, 2016.