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#2507 The Big Easy Gloryhole Incident

Posted by Citizen on 24 June 2011 - 05:59 AM in Hall of Shame


Let me start by stating that what anyone does in private, is nobody's business but their own....

That being said:

December. 2009. Russell Vander Werf, Director of Industry Operations (DIO) for Houston ATF (responsible for overseeing inspection of all federal gun and explosives licensees in the area), was arrested while in New Orleans on government business, after damaging a hotel room (paid for with tax dollars) in Metairie, LA. Damage consisted of disabling the fire alarm and replacing a bedroom door with a piece of plywood with a circular hole cut in the middle, wrapped in gray duct tape (known as a "glory hole)". The hotel manager had received a call reporting numerous young men entering and exiting the room and "sex noises" coming from the room. Vander Werf admitted that he put the plywood on the door and disabled the fire alarms. ATF confirmed Vander Werf was in the New Orleans area on official business. It has been confirmed that on or about Valentine's Day, 2011, Russell Vander Werf was reassigned to ATF Headquarters in Washington.

June 22, 2011. "The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), under fire for allowing U.S.-purchased guns to flow to Mexican criminals, celebrated its first gay pride event on Wednesday. The celebration at ATF's Washington headquarters was intended to recognize the "accomplishments and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans to ATF and the nation, and to promote awareness of the LGBT culture," ATF said in a news release."
Our Tax Dollars at work! This is outrageous. Clearly, ATF has excess budget.

Russell Vander Werf? Oh, yeah. Recognize gay accomplishments? Right. Something for ATF to be proud about.... Gay Pride? My Ass!

#4927 Professionalism in ATF

Posted by Citizen on 20 April 2012 - 07:56 AM in Archived Posts

Lest We Forget.....

It's been 19 years: Waco, 19 April 1993

This is not intended to denigrate those dedicated and ethical ATF employees who served with honor, but to remind us of those who did not.


Waco, Ruby Ridge, Fast & Furious.... How many ATF disasters do the American People have to endure before this Agency gets "Cleaned Up"?

#2701 Suggestions for the Acting Deputy Director

Posted by Citizen on 03 July 2011 - 12:04 PM in Archived Posts

"Manufacturing criminals" from normally law-abiding citizens has been a long-standing technique of ATF. History is full of examples. David Olofson is a prime example. There are many, many others. Sometimes ATF wins, and sometimes the citizen wins - but ATF always ensures that the citizen will have to spend a small fortune on lawyer fees.

#2708 Suggestions for the Acting Deputy Director

Posted by Citizen on 03 July 2011 - 08:48 PM in Archived Posts

Historic Arms:

Agreed.... Did I use a broad brush? Yes, I'm afraid I did. Because that's most of what we see. We rarely see the dedicated ATF Agents who are busy taking the really bad guys off the streets - for which we are grateful. But we were there when 'some' agents created, manufactured or fabricated evidence to put some basically good guys away or threatened to take away good guys livelihood (still going on). We were there when ATF agents seized a gun collection at a gun show in Colorado way back in 1968, then watched ATF Agent Calvin D. Rahn and immediate supervisor Karl Terlau steal and sell part of it. We have long memories. We were also there when ATF Investigators misrepresented trace data to falsely try to 'prove' a gun dealer was supplying 'crime guns'. Most of our interaction has been with ATF 'Investigators' performing FFL audits. Too many of these agent 'wannabes' (and their supervisors) act like jerks and leave a really bad impression of ATF. No need to go into the details at this point - you know what I'm talking about. I've also known some ATF agents, who were good, decent guys who I respect.

Personally, I (and many like me) will be forever grateful for the agents who created and positively contribute to this website, and have risked their careers to expose ATF corruption for what it is.... We, and the Country, owe you a great debt, and, as far as I'm concerned, we've got your back. If you need assistance, letters to Congressmen, contributions, let us know - and we'll go to bat for you. We need more like you. I've got more to say on this subject in the near future.

Jay, I'm reading your book right now....