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#5703 Academic discussion of the Waco incident

Posted by Cowboy Dan on 07 April 2013 - 04:08 PM in Archived Posts

Mike V. at Sipsey Street Irregulars had a link to this on his site.


I can't be the, but some of you may be interested in following the story.

Have a great day!


#5621 DOJ Office of the Inspector General: Report re: Operation "Fast & Fur...

Posted by Cowboy Dan on 01 December 2012 - 11:52 AM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

Full retirement benefits? Wrong!

Food, shelter, healthcare, and clothing (orange jumpsuit) forever, sure, or for a LONG time. They deserve to be prosecuted, and since the Feds won't go after them criminally, Arizona needs to, as does Mexico. They lied, they armed international criminals, and many people died.

They committed many crimes, many offenses of far greater harm than many who are, who have been, and who will be looked up for a long time. Hard time, fellas. You earned it.

As I'm sure you've said to many over the years, "Take it like a man."

#5614 Grapevine

Posted by Cowboy Dan on 27 November 2012 - 11:54 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Doc, if I'd scraped a badge with a screwdriver, I'd be locked up at least overnight, more if I started lying about it.

Why are the rules different for bosses? Oh, yeah, there ARE bosses, and they take care of their own.

#5450 The Passing of A Legend

Posted by Cowboy Dan on 21 August 2012 - 04:24 PM in Archived Posts

Rest in peace, sir. I know the stories are flowing today, along with the tears. From the sparkle in your eye, I bet there are some good ones. You did good.

Vince, I'm sorry for your loss. You all will be in my prayers.

#5201 Guess What Mike And Dave?

Posted by Cowboy Dan on 03 July 2012 - 09:00 AM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

Guess what mike and Dave are up to now?

They've filed an ethics complaint with the D.C. Bar Association against Eric Holder. Completely outside the political arena, and hopefully more effective than what Congress has been able to do as yet.

Yay, bloggers! Go see Sipsey Street Irregulars ans Gun Rights Examiner for the full details.