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#6174 Grapevine

Posted by Hilltopper on 11 May 2014 - 11:40 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

So, it's round 2 for the Field Agent Advisory Panels or FAAP. Management has got a lot of balls just asking for this panel to re-form again. They didn't listen to one cotton-pickin' thing the first FAAP said, and then treated the panel like it was some unforeseen uprising from the field agents. Management, you created it and then covered your ears.


By begging for input and then discarding the input and the FAAP like it was trash, how many agents do you think will join it this time? WAIT JUST A MINUTE! Maybe that was the plan all along...to say that a second panel was created and that nobody wanted to join? That's not too bad of an idea HQ, you just have to get the field agents to forget all about the first one. Good luck with that!


And while you're coming up with the next big hoax FAAP, you may just want to prepare a little bit for the #1 question that you asses are going to be asked...WHY DID A GOOD PORTION OF THE HQ ADMIN GET MOVED BACK TO THE FIELD AND JUST HOW MUCH DID THAT COST THE BUREAU? I hear it coming from my old field division everyday. It's a question that is even repeated in my retirement circles. It's 2014 and ATF is hoping for a better budget and you clowns spend it on moving HQ admin around. That's shameful. Period.


And while the DC Moving and Storage company is getting paid $$$, I know an agent that's waiting on approval to buy a new set of windshield wipers for their G-ride...

#6148 Grapevine

Posted by Hilltopper on 05 May 2014 - 04:47 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Still enjoying the ATF show from the quiet Old West... Just wanted to comment on the merry-go round that is the Atlanta FD. Those boys down there can't catch a break. Another SAC leaving after only a little over a year on the job. Who named Atlanta as "the doorstep to HQ"? After hearing about all of the EEO complaints and the ongoing drama of the blacks vs the whites, it would seem that HQ would put a SAC in Atlanta that may want to change the climate there. I hear that the only cases Atlanta agents write are EEO cases and grievances. No work getting done at all. And the good agents are starting to "telework" so they won't fall in an EEO trap where they are labeled as an accomplice or witness.


No other field division compares... WAY TO GO ATLANTA!!!!