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#5517 Forward?

Posted by ISpy on 20 September 2012 - 05:27 PM in Archived Posts

I got sick and tired of hearing the term "transparency". It seemed to be the new little catch word with the "hope and change" crowd and we all know how transparent they have been.

Now the new catch phrase for the Obama campaign seems to be "forward". Have you noticed that is BTJ's new catch word?

If we were to put in our signature line "Believe in America"', a Romney campaign slogan, would we be getting a call?

#4792 Panels in place to improve ATF.....

Posted by ISpy on 24 March 2012 - 10:55 AM in Archived Posts

The FBI is not our enemy and never has been. We made them the enemy, because we wanted to be them. Our only enemy is ourselves. No time to keep secrets now. Secrets are what got us to this point. Transparency and openness will make us better.

Our enemy is ourselves I can go with.

We wanted to be them???? No way in HELL. I've had one plagarize my report as his own, another lie to their ASAC about me and then I start to get an ass chewing by an ASAC (who was worthless by the way) until it came out that I had a senior Agent at the time sitting there when I had my conversation with that rookie FBI Agent and it came out that I was lied about. FBI is all about FBI. Hell of a PR machine they have there. But hell no, I don't want to be them. From my days as a local police officer to now, they still have the same general reputation of not playing nice with others. We are better than that. We sure do have our problems but that isn't what we want to become.

#4482 The Crenshaw Standard.....

Posted by ISpy on 30 January 2012 - 05:52 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Can anyone explain the rationale behind re-instating Crenshaw?

Sure. He is part of the SES Club. It comes with a "Get off the hook" card.

Everyone else goes to jail, go directly to jail and don't collect a damn thing.

#4269 Waste, Fraud & Abuse Archive

Posted by ISpy on 30 December 2011 - 01:18 PM in Archived Posts

Sandy, nothing personal but Congressmen,Senators and politicians in general can be some of the biggests culprits when it comes to waste, fraud and abuse. Heck, if I cheated on my taxes I'd be fired. Can't say the same of Treasury Sec. and some Congressmen.

The use it or lose it mentality which permeates ALL of Govt is one problem. At the end of the fiscal year if there is money left in an account you got to use it or fear not getting it next year. That mindset has to change. Don't penalize me next year for finding a way of saving and not using it this year. Maybe I don't need an extra ream of copy paper this year but I might next.

As to the SAC's restroom....is this something newly installed? Was it in exsisting space that was taken over by us and it would have been more expensive to tear out then leave? I've actually seen that case before. Just wanting more details.

I hear the LA Division office is state of the art but that won't be happening again from what I've heard. But then you have offices that should be condemned.

I think for YEARS we have been sucking hind tit to everyone when it came to funding, space, cars, equipment. Could we do better in allocating money within Agency? SURE!!! It would just be nice to not be treated as the bastard step child. Heck, FBI screws up and the answer is to give them more people and more money. Must be nice.

#3711 Traver Watch

Posted by ISpy on 05 October 2011 - 08:39 PM in Archived Posts

While i don't neccessarily agree with all of the selections the Acting Director made, I am going to give them a chance to prove themselves worthy of the trust and positions they were given. I honestly believe that if they don't perform at at least a 100 percent level they will find the Acting Director is giving them a new position - which is one they won't like.

Really? A new position they won't like. PLEASE. All they keep doing is swapping seats. Nothing happens to any of them. They all just trade offices. Same pay, still managing people (and I use that term very loosely).

We just keep seeing the same names over and over again in the management cesspool. I had hoped that Jones would reach down through the muck and pull up some untainted folks from below the scum level in the pond but I don't see it happening. Chait gets to stay in his house. Hoover gets what he has wanted. Promotions of folks we have all heard the horror stories on or had first hand dealings with.

The only HOPEFULLY saving grace is Brandon. Sure would be nice to see some new faces with some integrity show up on the 5th floor.

#3653 Traver Watch

Posted by ISpy on 30 September 2011 - 07:22 AM in Archived Posts

Twin, your last sentence sounds like JT in LA.

I still think he needs to talk to street Agents to get a feel for Mgt and who to trust. We all know there are some great SACs/ASACs/RACs and some that are Great in their own minds but tyrants to the field. We know who got the job by ability and who got it by who they knew, who they partied with, who they looked like and how they "studied" for the assessment center.....not that the assessment center really matters since they'll find a "reason" to pick who they want anyway.