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#3260 Unpunished Misdeeds

Posted by Pama on 02 August 2011 - 10:57 PM in Hall of Shame

Still the SAC in Seattle after being the head of OPR/IA in HQ.

Well he sounds like a perfect replacement for Melson. Fits the Obama agenda to a tee: Incompetent and corrupt.

#3250 Unpunished Misdeeds

Posted by Pama on 02 August 2011 - 12:48 AM in Hall of Shame

I forgot the best part. The DOO and TOO got days off from setting up a camera in the file room, even thought they had received permission from legal, I/A and HQ. WOW! How do these guys sleep at night.

Point of clarification: Is Kelvin Crenshaw STILL WITH the BATFE? Still employed? Or does he have a private consulting firm sucking up government grants like Vanessa McLemore?

#3124 Unpunished Misdeeds

Posted by Pama on 24 July 2011 - 04:46 PM in Hall of Shame

If we stay FACT based, this is a very important thread we can build on. It is important to show how SIMILARLY situated people were treated differently. They don't have to be EXACTLY situated just similarly. For example, an Agent misuses his government vehicle in some manner and receives 30 day suspension. A SAC, has his car with his gun towed away from a strip club, lies to police and IA and he remains a SAC. These are things that the field can raise in court and administrative actions. Another example, Agent testifies to and supported by other impartial Agents as to perjury or false statements in pursuit of a wiretap to advance a personal vendetta. His termination is proposed, even though EVERY word was corroborated. An ASAC LIES to the OIG, (later characterized as lack of candor and Ronnie Carter immediately adds a new charge to our disciplinary matrix) which according to Larry Nickles and SFFD Attorney Baca is still LYING. This ASAC does this so many times that the OIG has to conduct extra followup interviews to get to the truth. This ASAC, promoted to the Chairman of the professional review board to sit in judgement of field Agents. Then promoted to SAC. See why this is important?

Well Vince, fabricated lack of candor is much worse than actual crimes....right?

#3099 Vince Cefalu Firing - Off Topic Posts

Posted by Pama on 23 July 2011 - 02:53 PM in Archived Posts

The Original Ralph brings up a great point. ATF management and CCO does not reward anybody (read that an employed special agent or a licensee) taking a stand or speaking out on any issue. Special Agent Vince Cefalu in my opinion stood up for what was right...and as anyone familiar with Murphy's Law knows "No good deed goes unpunished".

As to Original Ralph's post on the "180 degree reversals on rulings, often without public notification, putting folks into felony violation status in the blink of an eye", please see the attached PDF document.

FWIW those of you who read the PDF, I called the attorney who wrote it [James P. Vann] and suggested he just come and compel me. He nor the ATF ever did.

Mr. Cefalu you are leader. Like or not you and several others on this forum are leaders. Having the stones to stand up for what is right and decent is never easy or free. Godspeed in fighting the corruption and your wrongful termination.

Len Savage

Historic Arms LLC

Hey. Look on the bright side. At least Chipman didn't use the words "assault rifle." God Bless you Mr. Savage.

#3098 Vince Cefalu Firing - Off Topic Posts

Posted by Pama on 23 July 2011 - 02:45 PM in Archived Posts

ATFTRUTHTELLER - no argument with anything else you said, but that is the 2nd time you've made that last stmt, expressing concern for the 2nd amendment under any other agency.

i am industry, not ATF but i have to wonder what filtered glasses you're looking thru when you make that stmt. I've posted some pretty outrageous prosecutions (where ATF mgmt committed perjury to convict a dealer). That was not an anomaly - that is the norm - i've got 30 or so more like it. I only collected them and other evidence in case i ever find myself sideways with ATF. But it's not just there - FTB does 180 degree reversals on rulings, often without public notification, putting folks into felony violation status in the blink of an eye. Hell, i was told by that reptilean Theresa Ficaretta, when she was CCO, that a recent ruling reversal, even though the previous ruling had been issued by Ed Owen ( previous chief FTB, who was an arrogant, abrasive asshole, but at least was consistent and honest), that even though my customers had purchased and registered their SBRs under that ruling letter issued to my firm on the very device in question, that those customers were RETROACTIVELY in felony violation, and not due an exemption, even though ATF NFA was complicent in those "felony violations" for having accepted the SBR registrations. But the main point, the ruling reversals on rulings long established, are always further restricting on firearm owners rights - and almost always you have to do mental gymnastics of olympic caliber to keep up with their jumping from ATF english to webster english definitions. They will stretch either to restrict firearms as much as possible, with absolutely no shame or embarrassment on their part.

Other dealers were prosecuted, causing them to spend thousands of dollars defending themselves, because they had accepted the abbreviation "Bltmre" for "Baltimore" on 4473s, even though there's not enough room in the frigging box to write the entire city name. I could go on ad nauseum.

and those are even minor compared to a number of the ones i could detail.

I think Olofson is in Wisconsin and he loaned the AR to a friend in Minnesota. The guy fired about 800 rounds at a range and there was one misfire. No modifications to the rifle. This case is a gross miscarriage of justice. I am aware of one particular case of prosecutorial misconduct and abuse too. Fortunately the man was acquitted based on the testimony of my friend.

PLEASE TELL ME how it could be worse??? At least if the FBI were enforcing the regs, i could expect some integrity & professionalism in the reg enforcement, which is TOTALLY LACKING with the current ATF mgmt regime.

hell - do a google on len savage, historic arms llc and see the threads that turn up with what ATF has done in terms of rulings on him.

the entire mgmt team at ATF HQ, with few exceptions, as far as I'm concerned, should be frogged marched out the front doors of 99 NY Ave, with Chief reptilean Ficaretta being the first to face the news cameras

don't mean to be harsh, but i haven't seen zilch from ATF HQ in the way of honesty, much less in the way of any interest in safeguarding 2nd amendment rights. You'd have an easier time telling me Hitler was interested in safeguarding the Jews. And no, i'm not a big fan of the NRA

another example, in case anyone from congress is reading this, gunsmiths in TX that "tuned" pistols for the cowboy competitions (now there's a hotbed of criminal activity), were audited and told that because they had swapped barrels on ruger vasquero pistols for customers, installing an octogan barrel, and in doing so they had "manufactured" a new firearm, and that the FET (iirc 10% of market value) was due. After being harangued by ATF with threats of charges for "manufacturing" without the proper 07 FFL (and untold legal defense costs), one of them agreed to a plea bargain - if he would admit to "mfgring" new firearms, there would be no felony violation charges, but he'd have to pay the FET on future such modifications. He agreed. ATF then charged him $28,000 for the FET that was supposedly due on the "newly" manufactured firearms, with fines. EVEN THOUGH RUGER HAD ALREADY PAID THE FET ON THOSE FIREARMS. Interestingly, by ATF's logic in that persecution, if someone installs a barrel on a pumpkin, they've mfgr'd a firearm.

What do you think action like that does, but drive people (mfgrs, innovators, gunsmiths) out of the market. Hell - look at what ATF did to convict that Olsfen guy up in Utah or Idaho over a mis-firing colt - they had to test twice to get it to fire full auto with soft primer ammo, and then it would only do it once, a double fire. Bam - a convicted felon - an accountant that is an officer in the national guard (another flaming indicator of criminal background). What do you think that does to a lot of law abiding citizens but discourage them from owning firearms!!

i could tell you worse stories, but...think WACO - how many folks died over false allegations cause ATF wanted some limelight for the appropriation hearings coming up in congress?.

#3091 ATF's Proposed Termination of Special Agent & Whistleblower Vincent A...

Posted by Pama on 23 July 2011 - 12:15 AM in Cefalu, Vincent A. - Special Agent

I say we go back as far as we can remember. Those of us who have been around for twenty years know some funny stories. How 'bout the attache for Canada who got thrown out for two separate allegations of rape and then still got promoted. Of course, it's hard to beat all the stuff Vanessa McLemore (?) did. That could be a topic in itself.

So, what did Vanessa do? She evidently has some sort of government consulting company now. I'm curious to know specifically what she did.

#3068 Fox News: Senator Calls ATF on Allegations Agency Is Allowing Guns Into Mexico

Posted by Pama on 21 July 2011 - 12:08 AM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

Considering the length of time that the Tampa/Castaway allegations have been in the public eye, I believe this is a valid question.

With the dire state of affairs at ATF and in desperate need of something, anything, to be postive, why has not one single official or person of authority at ATF publicly stated that no guns were walked from any Tampa based investigations?

I want atfsa to be right and everyone else to be wrong. But, if it didn't happen then why is Melson, Hoover, Chait, Julie Torres, Virginia O'Brien, the U.S. Attorney or anyone in the know beside atfsa coming out and saying gunwalking absolutely did not take place?

If it didn't happen then why no response from ATF? All we need is someone of authority to say look at our reports, look at our notes, look at our evidence, listen to our recordings, watch our surviellance tapes and see for yourself that we did not walk guns. Then this would be over.

The fact that the only defense of the allegations is an annomous blogger on a rogue website is just too wierd.

ATFSA: Methinks you doth protest too much. What about the assertion that the agents told the man his case was being handled by DC? Is that normal? Frankly the DOJ is quite short on credibility at the moment and it is very evident that you have an agenda. As far as the man not being particularly friendly toward AFT, are you joking? I am personally aware of a malicious prosecution by ATF in my state, which shall remain nameless.


#2988 Unpunished Misdeeds

Posted by Pama on 17 July 2011 - 02:31 AM in Hall of Shame

I had a feeling this would be a popular thread. :D

I've been hearing 'outrageous Vanessa stories' for over 20 years now. Maybe someone could just post a bullet list of her career highlights, and if it gets too lengthy, we can start a separate thread? I hardly think it's fair to leave her out just because no one wants to tackle such a big job. Come on folks, let's not get lazy.

Ditto on Eleanor.

Also, would someone please verify for me that Eleanor was indeed appointed to "Ethics Attorney". I read that somewhere, but I'm guessing that the poster was just being sarcastic. But then again, we are talking about Medusa, so anything is possible.

So exactly how did this person survive in this position is she was incompetent? This taxpayer wants to know.

#2987 Unpunished Misdeeds

Posted by Pama on 17 July 2011 - 02:29 AM in Hall of Shame

Absolutely, slander/gossip is Medusa's game and beneath us. It's hardly like we need to exaggerate or embellish. Just telling the truth makes us sound unbelievable enough. Posting anything on here that is not factual, would only serve to destroy our credibility which will be needed if there is any hope of correcting these problems. I just thought someone might have Vanessa's stunts in their head.

When talking to lay people about ATF through the years, there have been many times when I held back some of the truth in hopes of sounding less crazy. I just hate to get that, "oh, bless her crazy heart" look. :huh:

Awesome. My anti-Second Amendment tax dollars at work. Gotta tell you folks...this citizen is not pleased with this agency.

#2975 Unpunished Misdeeds

Posted by Pama on 16 July 2011 - 02:00 AM in Hall of Shame

Let's start a list of things some people get away with, while ATF HQ seems to go after others for minor offenses.

Let's start with Vanessa McLemore. She should be a legend in crazy misdeeds.

How about forcing agents to provide security details to her friends in hope that it would lead to another job for her. Her punishment? Removed as SAC of Atlanta and made Special Assistant to the Director. Anyone else would have been criminal prosecuted. This isn't a story. It's fact!

How much you want to bet she is getting tax payer dollars through her LLC? That would be worth knowing.

#2974 Unpunished Misdeeds

Posted by Pama on 16 July 2011 - 01:45 AM in Hall of Shame

A couple years back a mean hateful racist RAC was in Raleigh? Don't recall his name, he was native to Boston area. Seems he liked the N word, and hated anyone he considered a N. So much so he went after the only black agent in the office. Called a buddy who was in IA, Greg Plott that is, and had Greg follow him. Finally got a very weak GOV misuse against the black agent. Then they stuck him on a desk without a gun or GOV for 10 months. The RAC bragged about going to get rid of the N to anyone he thought was openminded to his abusive crap. Seems some white guys don't take kindly to that crap in the south, so they let the black agent know. He speaks with his ASAC who then interviewed a few people, then he contacts IA, who looks into the mess. The RAC was sent almost immediately to HQ, the black agent had to do 30 days for the GOV misuse, the RAC never misses one minute of work, and ends up a street 14 in Boston. Brer Rabbit , please don't throw me in that briar patch? They let the guy go back to home, no money lost, he just doesn't get to supervise. And he never missed a day of work without pay. Not sure if had to do diversity training, but seems he should be another one of those folks who Lacks Candor. And what of Greg Plott, well he doesn't get to transfer to Raleigh because of his involvement and the black agent still being in Raleigh, so he has to stay in HQ. They make it up to him by promoting him. See if you are in IA, you don't do personal favors for RACs you happen to know. You need to work through official channels, not just allow yourself to be someone's pawn in their evil racist game.

Sad part is that before that evil RAC was caught, he also didn't like anyone he thought to be lesbian, so a new female agent who's preference wasn't known, ended up loosing her new job, because the evil RAC was sure she was a lesbian. That was never investigated, because by the time he was caught, she was already off the job.

Are you of the impression that "diversity training" would have stopped this bully?