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#6904 Grapevine

Posted by 1desertrat on 18 May 2016 - 12:42 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

As I have said in the past, you have to ask "what purpose does ATF currently serve"?  Any high school student can be taught how to write an adopted case and they don't even need to go into the field.  Any cop on the street has more intel and can seize a gun, record serial numbers and arrest felons with firearms.  All this is usually at the cost of 1/3 that of what an agent makes. We don't do explosives cases and those rare arson cases are usually done better by locals fire departments.  


So all this "super Fed" ideology of doing cases all over the country never happens.  Very few cases matter or ever leave the local areas. If a big case is attempted, most likely it will be fucked up and everyone gets released and their stuff returned.  The only ATF employees actually keeping the gun community honest are the inspectors checking FFL books.  During my 25 years as an Agent I went from having great pride and loving the job to it being just a paycheck.  After years of getting beat up by management and seeing incompetents rise to the top, I just gave up, did the bare minimum and could care less if the office burned down once I left for the day.  I think many now feel the same.  So many of the new agents hired now seem to be cocky little pricks who see everyone else as fucked up and individuals I would least give a gun to.  Yes, I am cynical but Sooooo glad to be gone!! 


My advise to anyone still on the job is to maximize your pay, minimize your effort and just remember that its only a pay check. Do nothing that will draw attention to yourself or get you hurt.  Enjoy your family and be home for dinner each night, because all the rest is bullshit that does not matter!

#6888 Grapevine

Posted by 1desertrat on 25 March 2016 - 03:41 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

ATF is defrauding the government by claiming on paper that Investigative Analyst and Industry Operations Analyst do the same job. They aren't even trained the same nor have access to the same information.

An investigative analyst is code word for secretary when they want a higher grade than "secretary" allows.  Our IA was barely qualified to answer the telephone!  I once was asked to review applicants for the IA job.  The job description was written up like a real investigative job.  Military, people with Masters Degrees and other cops applied.  In reality it was a job to answer the phone and pick up the mail.

#6884 Another ATF Fowl-Up

Posted by 1desertrat on 21 March 2016 - 04:18 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

People forget that the political leadership once elected have their own agenda which has nothing to do with representing anyone or anything but their personal $$$.  Generally that agenda does not give a shit about ordinary people or insignificant problems in ATF.  The exception to this rule is only if the scandal of the day is something they can spin to make the other party look bad.  I have to laugh....(sorry guys) at all who all came forward on F&F thinking Grassley and all the other politicians would protect them and come to the rescue.  Once they were used to help take shots at the President all were kicked aside.  End result.....no one fired, no one in jail, no retirements impacted and the corrupt life in ATF continues to go on as normal.  


Perfect example is Clinton telling everyone I have no "classified" information and gives up only the documents she thinks the peasants should have. Same attitude trickles down and is seen in ATF.  Rules do not apply to leadership and there is absolutely no penalty for disregarding the law, regulation or rules.  

#6854 Padding numbers

Posted by 1desertrat on 04 January 2016 - 04:48 PM in Specific Acts of Unlawful Reprisal Against ATF Agents, Employees & Whistleblowers.

I remember one case which to this day which makes me laugh thinking about ATF number scams played by some RACs and Agents.  Having to be part of a cover team and listening to the wire was like listening to Saturday Night Live.   It started out as couple of SA's finding some down and out tweakers in a run down trailer park.  They let it be known that they had money and were looking to buy some meth.  The tweakers said sure we can help make that happen and began selling them very small quantities of overpriced meth which they cut the crap out. 


Needing to put some numbers on the table for case productivity, the two agents asked them if they knew anyone interested in selling guns.  When asked what kind of guns the Agents wanted, the response was "like sawed off shotguns or machine guns".  One tweaker said "I know a guy with a shotgun" and the second one said "I have a hack saw".  A few minutes later there was shotgun, hack saw and a custom cut down operation going on to make the shotgun short enough to be illegal (at the Agents directions).  Again, the Agents paid crazy high prices for a piece of crap cut up shotgun to encourage future greedy bad behavior.  


A few days later there was another meth buy and the Agents now turned the conversation to "do you know anyone who could sell us pipe bombs"?   The bewildered tweakers figured these idiots would pay well for anything.  Once they asked the Agents to explain what a pipe bomb was and how to make it, the tweakers said, sure....come back tomorrow.  The next day there was a buy made of a hodge podge of PVC and metal pipes filled with gun powder.  Again, the Agents paid crazy high prices and were told they can have as many as they wanted.  


When the "bombs" were cracked open with a water bolt, they contained mostly underwear, socks and miscellaneous laundry as space filler.  The idiots figured they could stretch their gun powder  budgets and maximize profit by using small amounts of power and more laundry.  


In the end, the RAC spun the case as a 924© drug conspiracy using Title II firearms and explosives (short shotgun and pipe bombs).  Big search warrant and press conference on the "bomb making ring" and even some BS about connections to drug cartels.  I even think there were a bunch of awards given!!  You just can't make this shit up!


So, the moral of the story and others like Fast and Furious, if you need some numbers to justify something, just go out and create your own criminals and crimes. Hold a press conference and convince everyone how you are making the community safer. 

#6849 Padding numbers

Posted by 1desertrat on 19 December 2015 - 05:05 PM in Specific Acts of Unlawful Reprisal Against ATF Agents, Employees & Whistleblowers.

Here is the thing you have to remember.  ATF was originally justified as a Federal Agency on the premise of it doing national level crime fighting across state lines (affecting interstate commerce).  If anyone ever looked closely at the statistics, the vast majority of cases are simply adopted from the local PD or are local nickle and dime thugs with no real federal interest.  Other than doing a nexus statement saying "this gun traveled across a state line sometime in its live" ATF serves no real national mission any longer.  You could hire 2-3 local cops for the cost of one agent and impact crime more.  Even on those occasions when a "big" case is attempted, there are so many fingers in the pie with incompetent supervisors clamoring for a pat on the head, that it can't help but get fucked up and no one goes to jail.  


When you have a national attention shooting ATF shows up to simply show the jackets for the press.  At the most, they take the serial number of the gun and do a trace for the FBI or local LE to where it was purchased....which a high school kid could do.  If the world knew that the average agent makes $120K to do only a couple of simple cases a year or none at all (PA0/Project Officers/Program Managers/Dog Handles, Tech, Intel, etc)......and the useless supervisors are making upwards of $150k to poorly duplicate what the local cops are doing, there might be some blow back.  Think about a young sergeant in Afghanistan and the responsibility he has for  his troops.....which are significantly more than 10.  The sergeant makes no where near $150K for actually doing something dangerous.  An ATF RAC crys about how hard it is to run an office of maybe 10 (tops) and pulls $150K to sit behind a desk reading reports, going to the gym and home in his government provided car at 4:00


So, do you still wonder why they cook the books any which way they can on the statistics?

#6756 Grapevine

Posted by 1desertrat on 02 July 2015 - 03:00 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

I think he is on rubber "rubber gun squad".


Anyone else think there is an ethics problem about hiring yourself out (for pay) to prepare SES packets and then sit on the panel that selects the packets.....just wondering?  Wonder how many current SES Execs in ATF used his service? 


I hope they pull the archives from the computer network and see how far back his accumulation of other employees private information goes.  I guarantee it goes back more than 10 years!! 


Will anything happen......OF COURSE NOT!!!  Besides, he knows where all the skeletons are buried. 

#6744 Grapevine

Posted by 1desertrat on 09 June 2015 - 10:44 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Jay, you should know