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#6806 Grapevine

Posted by Fedupwrkr on 05 September 2015 - 01:13 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Well said Jamie3.  Way to go and keep on fighting Jay, so that their unethical practices be revealed.

#6804 EEO

Posted by Fedupwrkr on 04 September 2015 - 07:51 PM in Specific Acts of Unlawful Reprisal Against ATF Agents, Employees & Whistleblowers.

Good. Hopefully they will be used against them. What is hidden in secret, will come to light. Their lies will find them out. We just need to get someone in power to see this evidence and hold these people accountable for their unethical actions. They can get a taste of the medicine given to employees who complain about them.

#6803 Class Action Time?

Posted by Fedupwrkr on 04 September 2015 - 05:11 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

I second that, I wish you luck 1801.  A couple of years ago a supervisor position opened up, it was posted at USAJOBS, applications accepted; however, no one was ever interviewed.  Why was no one ever interviewed?  It was because one of the applicants already knew he was going to be chosen, and in the end, was chosen.  I knew one of the other applicants that applied.  He was not too happy since he wasn't even interviewed for the position.  He had been in the same position a year and half more than the person chosen.  They were both white in case anyone wonders.  I thought ATF management was suppose to abide by the competitive hiring process.  I guess not since they do so with impunity and no one will hold their feet to the fire due to unethical hiring practices.

#6749 Grapevine

Posted by Fedupwrkr on 29 June 2015 - 01:45 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

From TheHill.com:

ATF official under investigation for possible data breach: report


It even states his name.

#6501 Grapevine

Posted by Fedupwrkr on 06 October 2014 - 09:18 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.



What now Director Jones and DD Brandon

You allowed the agency to abuse me and my family for 8 yrs only to admit you were wrong. But you knew that all along. Nothing in the case changed over the last two years, yet you refused to settle, continued wasting taxpayers dollars and precious court time only to do what you should have done years ago. It is true, in the settlement you forced my retirement. BUT you still have to reconcile not only keeping the managers responsible for this on your payroll, but promoted them.

You have been aware of the perjury, false statements (18 USC 1001), gross mismanagement and waste fraud and abuse by members of your executive staff and field managers and have done nothing. In fact you went to heroic measures to defend them. May explain the continued failures.

The record is clear now, Gleysteen, Downs, Martin, Vido, Bouman, Loos and an entire cast, (usual suspects) retaliated against me for trying to resolve my grievances within the system. Will there be any accountability or consequences for violating their oath of office? I suspect not. My true win comes from the knowledge that the field DOES NOT and WILL NOT accept your reckless leadership and are not afraid to call you out anymore.

I will always be ATF but you cannot say that because to you, its a job.

Congratulations Vince.  Too bad for you and your family that you had to wait so long for this result.  It gives me hope.  However, going through the process is not easy.  

#6500 Grapevine

Posted by Fedupwrkr on 06 October 2014 - 09:03 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

What now Director Jones and DD Brandon

You allowed the agency to abuse me and my family for 8 yrs only to admit you were wrong. But you knew that all along. Nothing in the case changed over the last two years, yet you refused to settle, continued wasting taxpayers dollars and precious court time only to do what you should have done years ago. It is true, in the settlement you forced my retirement. BUT you still have to reconcile not only keeping the managers responsible for this on your payroll, but promoted them.

You have been aware of the perjury, false statements (18 USC 1001), gross mismanagement and waste fraud and abuse by members of your executive staff and field managers and have done nothing. In fact you went to heroic measures to defend them. May explain the continued failures.

The record is clear now, Gleysteen, Downs, Martin, Vido, Bouman, Loos and an entire cast, (usual suspects) retaliated against me for trying to resolve my grievances within the system. Will there be any accountability or consequences for violating their oath of office? I suspect not. My true win comes from the knowledge that the field DOES NOT and WILL NOT accept your reckless leadership and are not afraid to call you out anymore.

I will always be ATF but you cannot say that because to you, its a job.

#6438 Grapevine

Posted by Fedupwrkr on 16 September 2014 - 05:42 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

I have read your statement on your website.  Well said Jay!  I knew you would be vindicated.  I know it wasn't about the money, but that amount pales in comparison to what you went through.  I pray that the responsible parties be disciplined, forced to retire, or better yet, fired!  Because we all know that is what would happen to us if we were charged with lack of candor or lying on the stand.  ATF management--this is what happens when you lie and your lies found out.  What is hidden in secret will come to light!