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#1035 Suggestions for the Acting Deputy Director

Posted by Need2Know226 on 05 October 2010 - 10:11 AM in Archived Posts

The one and ONLY "reasonable" suggestion for Mr. Melson is: Q U I T If there's a better way to screw up a one car funeral, ATF's senior staff certainly knows how to do it. An agency that hasn't had REAL, honest, dedicated, constructive and professional leadership for over six-years - why do any ATF employees thing anything will be changed? AD FO basically runs ATF - and he's a car wreck in trying to formulate any kind of a decision (guess that's why he relies so heavily on the corruption that permeates the Chief Counsels office like ripe limberger in a subway car on a hot DC day). I think an organization is truely flying the flag of ineptitude when the AD OPRSO is a raging lunatic (with prior investigations) and of the five people that have applied for the DAD position (vacant since August) three are either under, or have been investigated by IA). It's NEVER going to get better as long as ATF remains leaderless and the SLT continues to be dominted by "good-ole-boys" (even some with all their teeth) and criminals (well, it is DC - look down the street and you see Congress). Happy Trails

#502 Reorganization

Posted by Need2Know226 on 20 April 2010 - 08:37 AM in Archived Posts

Let's add some insult to injury, doesn't he of the new found OPRSO (IA) fame have some kind of HR/EEO type thingy blowing in the wind? Just goes to show how ATF is an equal-opportunity manure spreader. We also apparently believe in spreading the incompetence as far and wide as we can, then we can let EVERONE see how lame our leadership REALLY is. I feel all warm and fuzzy already.

#77 ATF Employees Unite

Posted by Need2Know226 on 12 January 2010 - 09:51 AM in Archived Posts

Being new to this site and these blogs I must ask a couple questions - what constitutes a "violation of rights"? How is "corruption" defined? And, who are the last three "Directors"? In the last four years there's only been ONE Director - Truscott (and he got run out of town) - Dominich, Sullivan, Carter and Melson were/are "actors." Hellen Keller could easily "see" how inept ATF management is after 5 minutes in the HQ. There are many ADs/DADs/Branch Chiefs whose heads would explode if they had to make - not just think about making or deligating - a decision. I look forward to future opportunities to add my two-cents. Especially as how I am NOT and 18XX and feel like most decisions are prefaced with "BOHICA" - let me know if that needs defining. N2K