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#101 Guest_ONCE PROUD_*

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 12:21 AM

Better yet Doc. Why not have Melson step down, and Congress appoints someone from an outside agency, such as the FBI to oversee ATF until all of the legal ramifications have resolved. There has to be a strong retired FBI person, who "if asked" would come over to ATF to oversee things until the matters are resolved. This person would immediately demote, transfer or fire the current leadership, and replace them with good honest people that he or she approves of. Then first of all, all investigations involving Operation Gunrunner or Fast and Furious be immediately stopped, and made available to investigators chosen by the FBI agent who will be our Acting Director, to look over these investigations to determine if they are feasible to continue and who were involved, and who said what. Now, in my opinion, the Acting Director should halt all Internal Affairs investigations deemed "too stupid to continue", and have them reevaluated by his people. And when they do this, they will see who the cowards are who are trying desperately to ruin Agents lives with reprisals, and plain ole bullying. The type that Ronnie Carter was good at, and expected his followers to adhere to! I know we are low on money, but we can use skype, or even the telephone, for agents to tell you their stories of what our ATF leadership has done to many. We want to talk. We need a leader, whether acting or not, to come in, take control, and give the agents even a little bit of self respect again, because right now. we have NONE! We dont know what to do anymore. We certainly dont trust our so called leaders. We are begging you to please come and save us.

#102 Doc Holiday

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 06:47 PM

Ken Melson has not and I suspect will not make a decision. He has acquiesced, capitulated and froze in the headlights. He is NOT a cop and he takes advise from his lawyers and his NOW proven incompetent self serving executive staff. If he cant or doesn't see the devastation this Bureau has suffered under HIS watch, he is not competent to be an acting Director. If he hasn't and doesn't hold these senior executives accountable and take away their SES or GS-15 grades, he should not remain our Acting Director. All of their abuses are YOURS now Ken. If you promote the Glory hole DIO, and google or wickipedia search of your name will highlight THAT as one of your Greatest accomplishments as your tenure as the ATF Acting Director. Is that what you want your George Washington law students to see you as?

Well said. C'mon, Kenny...time to either man up, or step aside and make way for a leader with smarts, integrity and cajones.

#103 Retired and loving it

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 12:19 PM

While (or maybe I should say if) you are asking your minions questions Melson, ask them why, instead of firing him, they promoted Russell Wonderperv!

This is a disgusting action.

#104 Guest_CUATF Webmaster_*

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 11:38 AM

Well said. C'mon, Kenny...time to either man up, or step aside and make way for a leader with smarts, integrity and cajones.

Mr. Melson,

I’m just a plain old agent, nothing special, with no agenda, just like the majority of ATF’s other 4,900 employees, who are loyal, dedicated, hard working, honorable, and honest civil servants. I come to work, submit my blue jackets, and put the worst of the worst in federal prison. I LOVE being an ATF Agent. I would not want to give it up for anything in the world. However, I am completely embarrassed that as a federal law enforcement officer I am afraid to post my identity on this posting because I fear the retaliation by those who serve under you in the SLT. Unfortunately, I am not the only one who feels this way. Your employees have become afraid to speak out with truthful and fact based complaints. A sense of fear of retaliation runs deep and it’s real.

If no one in the SLT is going to tell you then I will; we are all sick and tired of our agency being dragged through the mud in national media outlets on a daily basis. We have had enough. We have lost faith and confidence in those senior managers that surround you on the 5th floor. They all have an agenda of some sort and are not advising or acting in the best interests of you, ATF employees or the United States of America. It’s time for some new blood, ideas and leadership. Make them retire, or fire them. We don't care just get them out before anymore damage is done to ATF.

Like most in ATF, I could not believe what I was hearing about what was being written and complained about on this site. I was curious, so I decided to read every post and supporting documents attached to the posts. I talked to those in ATF whose opinion I trust. I researched public records, OIG reports, GAO reports, internet blogs, etc. I like to think that I came to very solid, factually based conclusion about the state of our agency. I came to the conclusion that all of the issues discussed here are TRUE. EVERY ONE! I hate to tell you that the place is falling down around you. We are rapidly losing the confidence of the public, our partners in industry and law enforcement, foreign and domestic.

If you have not figured it by now, you are being given untruthful, half-truths and filtered facts and information on a wide range of issues. The feeling is that they can wait you out. The SLT is filtering everything you are being told. You are in a bubble. You are only getting half of the story and that is the half of the story that those around you want you to know. You get only what they tell you. I am sure they have taken full advantage of your lack of experience with running a law enforcement organization and gave you some bullshit about the chain of command and how things operate in ATF and law enforcement in general. That is the type of coded language that these folks use to keep you out of the know and away from the information that you need to make informed decisions.

In my opinion, which, I find is shared by more and more ATF employees everyday that I talk to, is that most of those on the SLT are not living in reality and are totally disconnected with what is going on in the field and specifically the consequences of the fallout from "Fast and Furious". They do not see why any of this is an issue. You need to get out of Washington without your handlers and talk to your employees in the field. Get the facts for yourself. Ask questions and more questions. Do not settle for what the SAC is telling you. It is probably self-serving.

The agency needs bold leadership and strong action taken NOW if we are to survive as an organization! Please, please, please do the right thing before it is too late. We already have two law enforcement officer deaths on our hands, not to mention the hundreds of civilian victims on both sides of the border. Enough is enough. Stop hiding in headquarters and do something.

As an example, in private industry or with our law enforcement partners that we work with on daily basis, a scandal of this sort would be swiftly dealt with and thoroughly investigated. People would be relieved of command, suspended, put on administrative leave, fired, etc, starting at the top, and working down from there. A full scale, independent investigation would be undertaken in the most expeditious manner to GET TO THE TRUTH. Once the facts were obtained those, who committed violations would be dealt with and those that were cleared would be brought back to work. Nevertheless, something would be done. We can still recover if you act now. To hell with whatever advice your are getting. Those around you and the advice and counsel they have given you has not served you well during your entire tenure, has it? You do not need advice to do the right thing. Gives us the leadership that we so desperately need. Your legacy and good reputation is now in the balance as is the agency that we love to work for.

#105 Guest_Epic Failure_*

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 08:35 AM

The two posts below mine are simply outstanding.

Plain Old ATF Agent said it about as sincerly as it can be stated. Thank you POA, your thoughts and feelings are widespread.

Once Proud summed up the feelings of being abandonded and alone when under attack by the executives.

Well done to both of you for finding the words to express what many of us are feeling and experiencing.

#106 Guest_ONCE PROUD_*

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Posted 15 March 2011 - 12:03 AM

Nicely put POA! Like you said, its a vote of "no confidence". The "real police" have unions that fight for their members, and when a Fraternal Order of Police organization gets together as one unit, and votes "no confidence" about their leadership, changes take place immediately. ATF agents cant have a union. Until now, we have had to accept unfair actions taken against a lot of us. And when that happens, you feel really, REALLY alone. You know what management did to you was either wrong, or unfair, and you want so badly to fight it, but you cant. You cant because you have a family and you dont want to put your loved ones through that, because you will be facing the United States Government without any assistance from anyone. They know this, therefor they could care less! Trust me on this one. A good portion of agents, WILL become involved in a situation where IA will be called sometime in their career. I could almost guarantee it. And when it happens to you, you will be all alone. You will be bullied. You will be called a liar, AND you will be lied to. You will be threatened. And when you leave the meeting with IA, you will be so confused, depressed, scared and embarrassed, because they will have made you think your life as an ATF agent is OVER! If you were a former police officer, the first thing you would have done was call your FOP President. But you are an Agent now, and there's no one to call. No one that will support you. No one that will talk to you and give you advice. You will feel totally defenseless and helpless. But because of this website, we now have a voice and support. If you have an occasion to meet with IA, anyone on this site will help you, and recommend the action you take. You have agents on here who have come forward, told the truth about a horrible incident, and need our support! I promise you, when you need help, these same guys will be there for you! I just hope that everyone who hasnt signed up as a member of this site, do so. If only to type two words, "no confidence". It will let ATF management, and DOJ, know that we are united as Agents, and we have no confidence in our leadership. It will also let the two agents who have come forward know, that we stand beside them. "Strength in Numbers" Agents, if you are tired of the way things are going and the way you are being treated, please join this site, which you will be anonymous, and give your vote of "no confidence".

#107 Plain Old ATF Agent

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Posted 14 March 2011 - 07:57 PM

Mr. Melson,

I’m just a plain old agent, nothing special, with no agenda, just like the majority of ATF’s other 4,900 employees, who are loyal, dedicated, hard working, honorable, and honest civil servants. I come to work, submit my blue jackets, and put the worst of the worst in federal prison. I LOVE being an ATF Agent. I would not want to give it up for anything in the world. However, I am completely embarrassed that as a federal law enforcement officer I am afraid to post my identity on this posting because I fear the retaliation by those who serve under you in the SLT. Unfortunately, I am not the only one who feels this way. Your employees have become afraid to speak out with truthful and fact based complaints. A sense of fear of retaliation runs deep and it’s real.

If no one in the SLT is going to tell you then I will; we are all sick and tired of our agency being dragged through the mud in national media outlets on a daily basis. We have had enough. We have lost faith and confidence in those senior managers that surround you on the 5th floor. They all have an agenda of some sort and are not advising or acting in the best interests of you, ATF employees or the United States of America. It’s time for some new blood, ideas and leadership. Make them retire, or fire them. We don't care just get them out before anymore damage is done to ATF.

Like most in ATF, I could not believe what I was hearing about what was being written and complained about on this site. I was curious, so I decided to read every post and supporting documents attached to the posts. I talked to those in ATF whose opinion I trust. I researched public records, OIG reports, GAO reports, internet blogs, etc. I like to think that I came to very solid, factually based conclusion about the state of our agency. I came to the conclusion that all of the issues discussed here are TRUE. EVERY ONE! I hate to tell you that the place is falling down around you. We are rapidly losing the confidence of the public, our partners in industry and law enforcement, foreign and domestic.

If you have not figured it by now, you are being given untruthful, half-truths and filtered facts and information on a wide range of issues. The feeling is that they can wait you out. The SLT is filtering everything you are being told. You are in a bubble. You are only getting half of the story and that is the half of the story that those around you want you to know. You get only what they tell you. I am sure they have taken full advantage of your lack of experience with running a law enforcement organization and gave you some bullshit about the chain of command and how things operate in ATF and law enforcement in general. That is the type of coded language that these folks use to keep you out of the know and away from the information that you need to make informed decisions.

In my opinion, which, I find is shared by more and more ATF employees everyday that I talk to, is that most of those on the SLT are not living in reality and are totally disconnected with what is going on in the field and specifically the consequences of the fallout from "Fast and Furious". They do not see why any of this is an issue. You need to get out of Washington without your handlers and talk to your employees in the field. Get the facts for yourself. Ask questions and more questions. Do not settle for what the SAC is telling you. It is probably self-serving.

The agency needs bold leadership and strong action taken NOW if we are to survive as an organization! Please, please, please do the right thing before it is too late. We already have two law enforcement officer deaths on our hands, not to mention the hundreds of civilian victims on both sides of the border. Enough is enough. Stop hiding in headquarters and do something.

As an example, in private industry or with our law enforcement partners that we work with on daily basis, a scandal of this sort would be swiftly dealt with and thoroughly investigated. People would be relieved of command, suspended, put on administrative leave, fired, etc, starting at the top, and working down from there. A full scale, independent investigation would be undertaken in the most expeditious manner to GET TO THE TRUTH. Once the facts were obtained those, who committed violations would be dealt with and those that were cleared would be brought back to work. Nevertheless, something would be done. We can still recover if you act now. To hell with whatever advice your are getting. Those around you and the advice and counsel they have given you has not served you well during your entire tenure, has it? You do not need advice to do the right thing. Gives us the leadership that we so desperately need. Your legacy and good reputation is now in the balance as is the agency that we love to work for.

#108 Retired and loving it

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Posted 27 February 2011 - 03:07 PM

You folks in HQ had better wash your hands really good after welcoming this guy to 99 NY Avenue. Latex gloves may be a good idea. Fellows, be careful in the men's room -- especially if you are young! Ladies, consider yourselves fortunate on this one. On the serious side, all of you decent, hardworking, people up there need to revolt over the action (or lack thereof) taken on this one.

#109 Zorro



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Posted 26 February 2011 - 09:44 PM

The entitlement society is thriving in Martinsburg. Here's the latest report on the operationally necessary commuter cars:

The ATF Martinsburg, WV facility was the only government facility closed for snow on February 22, 2011. This is an agency that has provided vehicles to special agents with false justifications that the agents must keep business operations going during inclement weather and exigent circumstances.

Responsibility for shutting down services due to inclement weather is given to the same personnel that falsified justification to have home to work vehicles in a non-investigatory position.The following federal agencies are co located in Martinsburg,WV: ICE, Border Patrol, IRS, and the Coast Guard and not one of these facilities closed (their agents and civil service do not have take home vehicles). Yet the special agents of ATF, many with four wheel drive vehicles, cut services to the entire United States to stay home.

Our money is dwindling; stop entitlements now. As prices for fuel and other services rise we should take the silver spoon out of the mouths of our spoiled employees and reduce entitlements. RIF, fire contractors, alternate weeks off are all on the table, but entitlements are not.

When the essential and non essential employees list is made, and it is being made right now, who will be chosen as essential? If you have to guess you are deluding yourself.

More to follow as it becomes available..... I believe Martinsburg has proven that if you get enough clowns in one place, a circus might break out
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#110 Guest_CUATF Webmaster_*

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 09:26 PM

That's a good point. Done. :ph34r:

CUATF Webmaster:

Can we at least put the Russell Vanderwerf saga in the ATF Hall of Shame? It meets the shame criterion all around -- shame on Vanderwerf and shame on ATF management and its "counsel"!

Posted Image

#111 Retired and loving it

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 08:31 AM

CUATF Webmaster: Can we at least put the Russell Vanderwerf saga in the ATF Hall of Shame? It meets the shame criterion all around -- shame on Vanderwerf and shame on ATF management and its "counsel"!

#112 Retired and loving it

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Posted 26 February 2011 - 07:35 AM

Zorro, you are 1000% correct about the devolution of ATF. What is really perplexing though is why others in the organization are not revolting over the Vanderwerf decision. People must be afraid to speak up about anything at all. There's a post by WORSTOCK under the Phoenix-George Gillette blog that may be right on point. Hitler made illegality legal -- ATF management now seems be following in these footsteps. The name Melson has the same number of letters as Hitler and that may just be the beginning of the similarities. Here's a challenge to those of you still in ATF. Start writing your Congressmen and Senators (especially Grassley) and beg them to act to cleanup the cesspool of management and lawyers in ATF. Ask them to start by seeing that sicko Vanderwerf gets his due reward (and a reassignment to the funny farm is not enough)! You owe it to yourselves. If you don't become a part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem.

#113 Cowboy Dan

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 10:07 PM

I'm not in any way affiliated with ATF except that, like many of you, I used to have respect for the agency. Now, not so much. I worked inside a secure perimeter for several years and know a bit keeping order, enforcing rules, and protecting people. Your guy RV is a real piece of work. I use Bing instead of Google; Before I started to get real sick, I got to five pages of results for Russell Vanderwerf, almost all of which were related to his Metairie, LA arrest. We had our share of pervs, too, but they managed to keep their names off the national news wires. If he was really any kind of a man, he would've quit before he made the news. If he had any respect for the agency, he would've quit long ago. Every now and then, suicide is appropriate to the situation, but distracted people don't always concentrate real well. Accidents have been known to happen. I'm sure he wants to keep his weapons clean, being a firearms expert and all. Used to be, the papers said people "accidentally shot themselves while cleaning their weapons." Maybe he'll miss a curve on a mountain while he's driving to D.C. Maybe someone on Senator Grassley's staff reads your site and RV will get a call to come up to the hill. We can hope.

#114 Zorro



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Posted 25 February 2011 - 06:57 PM

retired: Apparently considerable devolution. A co-worker and I called this the SAME DAY it hit the papers.... HQ. Admittedly, neither of us foretold of staying home for months on the payroll.
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#115 Retired and loving it

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 03:45 PM

This is disgusting! This person should have been shit-canned post haste. Aren't sexual acts with underage kids against the law? All that needed to be done was to check the Craigslist e-mails sent in response to his "Casual Encounters" ad, get the addresses, and interview the kids to determine if they were underage (doesn't anyone in IA know how to trace accounts). This guy should have been fired on the simple grounds of the embarrassment he caused the agency -- let alone the felony sex violations. I knew a GS-15 who got busted several grade levels in the 90s for simple misdeanor violations. Yet this creep walks away with no discipline other the being sent to the NY Ave. funny farm. What the hell has become of ATF?

#116 Ike



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Posted 25 February 2011 - 02:54 PM

The decision was apparently made about a week ago? This wouldn't have been on Valentine's Day, would it? Hmmmmmmm. Nice Valentine's Day present!

#117 All Eyes On You

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 01:57 PM

A paid move from Texas to DC with GS-15 pay, for a Deputy Chief spot. A DIO to a Deputy Chief sounds like a promotion to me. Disciplinary action? No way. He's a GS-15 supervisor, that'll never happen.

#118 Iceman



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Posted 25 February 2011 - 11:34 AM

Still getting Grade 15 pay? Any disciplinary action? Why are Gillette and Newell still in Phoenix/Mexico. Can you say obstruction of justice or conspiracy to Obstruct Justice? How can this be allowed? Main Justice HAS to know and be involved.

It has been confirmed that Russell Vanderwerf is being reassigned to 99 New York Ave. The decision was apparently made a week ago and ATF Management doesn't want it announced, because they think they can move him without ya'll noticing?! Why so secretive? What else is going on with this puke?

#119 All Eyes On You

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 10:58 AM

It has been confirmed that Russell Vanderwerf is being reassigned to 99 New York Ave. The decision was apparently made a week ago and ATF Management doesn't want it announced, because they think they can move him without ya'll noticing?! Why so secretive? What else is going on with this puke?

#120 frogger

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Posted 21 February 2011 - 07:38 PM

I understand exactly what tiredofit is talking about. What a waste. Another way for management to get more of the tax payers money while we don't have the money to do our basic mission. Those in authority that read this site, do something about this broken system. Everyday we get more emails about new stuff to cut. It's to the point that we can't do anything! And what we can do is limited in nature! I know we are on a continuing resolution, meaning that we have the same budget money as FY10. There should be no way that we could be this far in the hole in January! Yeah I guess there is when the same incompetent managers keep doing the same incompetent things and those up the chain get all there bonuses and perks.

Think about it like this-the AUO that has been approved for the Industry Operations area supervisors and DIOs affects the Bureau and the taxpayers like this: Area Supervisors are GS-14 and DIOs are GS-15. So at the minimum (Step 1), the 10% AUO for each area supervisor is $9,669 and for DIO's it is $11,373. Those figures are based on the Rest of the US. We know that other localities are even more. In my FD there are 3 area supervisors and 1 DIO. So combined, the AUO for the FD is at a minimum $40,380. WOW-what a perk. Many people know there is 10% AUO for those positions, but they don't see the big picture:

Minimum levels based on Rest of U.S. and Step 1
1. 10% AUO for IO area supervisors: $9,669
2. 10% AUO for DIOs: $11, 373
3. 10% AUO for a typical Field Division (3 area supervisors, 1 DIO): $40,380
4. 10% AUO for typical Field Division X 23 Field Divisions: $928,470


It's not a joke, I have seen the emails where it was discussed to add AUO for these positions just to entice applicants. Nobody would apply! While we have our measly 1.5%-2% COL frozen for at least 2 years, members of the club still get there 10% bonus-its not really administrative uncontrollable overtime.

Hear that sound? The toilet was flushed in about 2006, what you hear now is the sound of the bureau as it makes it's last few rounds around the bottom of the bowl!

I knew of this myself. Seems like the area sups and DIOs want to keep this quiet-no wonder, what a waste. I hope when Grassley and the Judiciary Committee hold their hearings, that they will reach out to "regular employees" that will tell the truth and expose the waste and abuse. There is not a reason in the world that AUO pay should be given in this manner. Manager's won't even give us " regular employees" comp time. They act like it comes out of their pockets-which are way too full with taxpayer money. CONGRESS-PLEASE DO SOMETHING!

#121 frogger

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Posted 21 February 2011 - 07:32 PM

How many DIOs seem to be out of controlll and appear to be totally self absorbed building their little fifedoms?????????

There has been several reported on here. Just because they work for the other side of ATF, they still have selfish egos that are way overblown.

Russell Vanderwerf, who was/is the DIO of the Houston FD, was arrested in December 2009 in New Orleans while there on official ATF business. He was actually taken into custody at the New Orleans FD office. Just google Russell Vanderwerf ATF-you will see all the details of the story (glory holes, craigslist, and random men in and out of his room at the Residence Inn across from the New Orleans FD office. I do know that he is still an employee of ATF. His is listed on all the DIO emails that go out. My sources in Houston say that he is not allowed in the office or be around employees, but works from home. There are others that officially "act" as the DIO while he draws his GS/15 pay in the comfort of his home.

Would anyone outside of management be treated this way? No. They would be fired. End of Story.

David Stroethide, currently the DIO of the New Orleans FD, drove a g-car around like it was his own for about a year while he was acting as an area supervisor in the New Orleans FD. He used the g-car to travel at will to his home in Oklahoma City (he was acting in Little Rock, AK)and even took it on family vacations. How was he punished? He was promoted to the DIO position in New Orleans FD. I guess he figured it was so easy to get away with, that it would be even easier in the Big Easy! At least he was able to get away from someone he couldn't stand in the Dallas FD-Megan Bennett. They probably have put all adverse feelings in the past since they are now equals and need to focus on building their own individual kingdoms. Probably even share emails of the latest tactics to retaliate against subordinates.

Would anyone outside of management be treated this way? No. They would be fired. End of Story.

The list could go on and on. I encourage others to tell the truth. Get it out here so that those viewing this website can see the truth.

Taxpayers, Fellow Workers, Representatives, Senators, Congressional Staffers-please do what you can to reign in this out of control Bureau and quit letting management use taxpayer money and the peoples Bureau to get all they can for themselves.

As a human being, this disappoints me. As an employee this angers me. As a taxpayer-this pisses me off.

#122 Shooter



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Posted 20 February 2011 - 05:40 PM

How many DIOs seem to be out of controlll and appear to be totally self absorbed building their little fifedoms?????????

Exactly who and what are you talking about???

#123 Duffy

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Posted 20 February 2011 - 11:01 AM

How many DIOs seem to be out of controlll and appear to be totally self absorbed building their little fifedoms?????????

I can think of one.

#124 Retired and loving it

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Posted 18 February 2011 - 08:01 AM

XXXXXXXXXXXX, I don't disagree at all with what you ask but why limit it to DIOs? Many, many SACs are doing the very same thing. And then there is the "leadership' in HQ. It is not just one occupational group that has become rotten. There is a cancer called selfishness that has permeated all top levels. That's what cancer does -- it spreads. You have to remove it or it takes over everything. Regretably, it does not appear as though ATF has anyone at, or even near, the top who is willing and able to stop this cancer! There are some still in the organization who I know would fight the good fight but they will never be given the opportunity to do that. They do not fit the "mold" that has developed within ATF (and yes, "mold" is intended to have a double meaning).


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Posted 17 February 2011 - 07:27 PM

How many DIOs seem to be out of controlll and appear to be totally self absorbed building their little fifedoms?????????




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Posted 15 February 2011 - 08:48 PM

You hit it on the head. We have no more Agent leaders who take being an ATF Agent as serious as we were told and expected to back when. Billy, Chait, Mcmahon, Martin and company have learned to negotiate away our standards as "the big picture". It very disappointing. Mr. Melson, NEVER was an ATF agent or employee, and he doesnt get that our bar has always been set a little higher. He should have studied history, not law. When our brave agents were attacked after the Waco Raid, and senior ATF managers only knew to lie to respond(much like our senior executive staff now[with very few exceptions] to Senator Grassleys and the OIG's inquiries), the line Agents stood tall, told the truth, never faultered, and never were bullied, and we were able to rebuild thanks to all of them. I miss those days. No decision is made anymore without the underlying question, "Whats in it for me, my career and my next promotion". I'm reasonably certain Senator Grassley et al. will see through the smoke and mirrors.

I used to respond to facility alarms at places for which I was responsible -- and I did it for nothing. Used no G-ride to get there, claimed no POV mileage, and claimed no time. I guess many will call me stupid but I just figured it went with the territory with which I was entrusted so I did it.

I am older now -- and what changes I see in the character of many of the organization's employees. I hardly recognize the place any longer!

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#127 Retired and loving it

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Posted 15 February 2011 - 02:06 PM

I used to respond to facility alarms at places for which I was responsible -- and I did it for nothing. Used no G-ride to get there, claimed no POV mileage, and claimed no time. I guess many will call me stupid but I just figured it went with the territory with which I was entrusted so I did it. I am older now -- and what changes I see in the character of many of the organization's employees. I hardly recognize the place any longer!

#128 apostate



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Posted 15 February 2011 - 10:01 AM

Update from the Martinsburg Pork Facility:

Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Department of Justice
Investigations Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 4706
Washington, DC 20530

This is a new attempt in an effort to bring the misappropriations of funds and material to your attention. In the previous letters the abuse of work time and automobiles by ATF special agents was addressed. Personnel have continued with this abuse to the extent that letters of justification, for misuse, have been written by the agents in Martinsburg, WV. Every day the employees of ATF are being told that we must tighten our belts, control spending, no one will be let go, and use integrity in every decision we make. ATF employees have come to the realization that this only applies to non-agents.

I am sure you have been made aware of how many special agents are under investigation for thievery, lying, falsifying information, and on and on in ATF. Yet it doesn’t seem to matter. There is no integrity in ATF.

When the decision was made to park home to work vehicles of special agents in Martinsburg, WV to save money there was such uproar it was unbelievable. All employees were affected because the supervisor agents were taking out their anger on the employees. Comments from the supervisors were: “if we ever find out who brought this out they will pay; if my car is taken away then I will not come to work.”

You must give credit where credit is due, they are smart. The special agents each wrote a justification of why they needed a take home car and I wish you could read these justifications as they are comical. These are some of the reasons cars must be kept:

• If the alarm goes off in the vault (remember the facility is under armed guard) I must drive in and reset the alarm. Reality: non agents who live near the facility have been resetting the alarm since the facility opened. The facility is staffed with a 24 hour armed guards and local police are minutes away.

• If a firearms identification question comes in from the field after hours I must go in and research the information to give a response on the spot. Reality: The chiefs are not the experts; the FTB specialists do this and have been doing it for all time.

• When an emergency trace comes in I have to brave the elements and go in and trace the firearm. Once again the local employees do the emergency traces when it is required.
The comments listed are paraphrased as I was not able to get a copy of the statements they were read over the phone. What is appalling is no one in our chain of command sought out verification of these false official statements. But, to cover their tracks they parked all of the pool vehicles and through smoke and mirrors they are saving money by parking vehicles.

When a system is already in place to resolve after hours issue it is unimaginable that our Assistant Director approved these home to work vehicles. Why on earth would an occasional alarm blip justify a home to work vehicle? It is an armed facility, it has never been attacked and if so what would one agent be able to accomplish if he was ever reached after hours.

All of these statements should be turned over to internal affairs for investigation. If these agents ever testified and this information was made public they would have to lie under oath. With the lack of integrity we have seen I really don’t think lying would be a problem.

What does integrity mean to you? We now have signs posted in our hall way that stress integrity. As employees read these posters the comments that are made about the agent in Martinsburg, WV are hilarious.

Sooner rather than later our budgetary problems will affect whether or not we are able to complete our assigned tasks. Personnel will be let go and equipment will not be able to be purchased. Will someone please step up with courage and start managing this agency. Why is it so important to please a hand full of spoiled entitled agents to sacrifice the overall completion of our mission??


A loyal employee.

Zorro commentary: While this was downright entertaining for a while, it's getting pathetic and humiliating.

Martinsburg agents: You are not entitled. You can be replaced by employees who will cost the taxpayers far less money. If one of you really said you will quit showing up, GREAT. That's probably 150K/year PLUS not financing your commuter car, servicing, repairs, and fuel.

ATF managers: The people doing the complaining are likely there because they WANT to be there. If a car is that important, they can work cases for it. Better yet, why are so many administrative support functions staffed by agents? Why not a "lesser" employee who pays his/her own way to work, doesn't get the 25% bump, and in most offices are more familiar with the subject matter? If this hits the fan, I hope you have done your homework and verified claims by these employees because I am inclined to believe the author, except for that part about ATF managers lying on official documents which we all know never happens, right?

The country is over 14 trillion in debt. The IMF is rumbling about dropping the USD as the standard currency. China is seeing that they will never get their loans paid back. The time for living high on the taxpayers labor is done for. Whether by process of responsible spending or economic chaos brought on by unmanageable debt, the cow will run dry soon. Stock up on kleenex now because your crying is far from over.

Senator Grassley: are you watching?

Crying is far from over. True that. Very simple solution for those that absolutely have to take home cars in WV. Go into their Nforce and check all of the cases they have opened worked on the past year. Check out how many SIR's they have written. I would think at least one SIR per month per Agent/Supervisor would justify a take home vehicle. I would say at least 10 investigations per Agent/Supv opened a year plus successful prosecutions. Commuter vehicles are a luxury. JSOC can do traces and various checks after hours in emergency situations. That is their purpose. Why duplicate? Pretty easy to cut the fat. Do this nationwide.

#129 Zorro



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Posted 15 February 2011 - 07:18 AM

Update from the Martinsburg Pork Facility:

Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Department of Justice
Investigations Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 4706
Washington, DC 20530

This is a new attempt in an effort to bring the misappropriations of funds and material to your attention. In the previous letters the abuse of work time and automobiles by ATF special agents was addressed. Personnel have continued with this abuse to the extent that letters of justification, for misuse, have been written by the agents in Martinsburg, WV. Every day the employees of ATF are being told that we must tighten our belts, control spending, no one will be let go, and use integrity in every decision we make. ATF employees have come to the realization that this only applies to non-agents.

I am sure you have been made aware of how many special agents are under investigation for thievery, lying, falsifying information, and on and on in ATF. Yet it doesn’t seem to matter. There is no integrity in ATF.

When the decision was made to park home to work vehicles of special agents in Martinsburg, WV to save money there was such uproar it was unbelievable. All employees were affected because the supervisor agents were taking out their anger on the employees. Comments from the supervisors were: “if we ever find out who brought this out they will pay; if my car is taken away then I will not come to work.”

You must give credit where credit is due, they are smart. The special agents each wrote a justification of why they needed a take home car and I wish you could read these justifications as they are comical. These are some of the reasons cars must be kept:

• If the alarm goes off in the vault (remember the facility is under armed guard) I must drive in and reset the alarm. Reality: non agents who live near the facility have been resetting the alarm since the facility opened. The facility is staffed with a 24 hour armed guards and local police are minutes away.

• If a firearms identification question comes in from the field after hours I must go in and research the information to give a response on the spot. Reality: The chiefs are not the experts; the FTB specialists do this and have been doing it for all time.

• When an emergency trace comes in I have to brave the elements and go in and trace the firearm. Once again the local employees do the emergency traces when it is required.
The comments listed are paraphrased as I was not able to get a copy of the statements they were read over the phone. What is appalling is no one in our chain of command sought out verification of these false official statements. But, to cover their tracks they parked all of the pool vehicles and through smoke and mirrors they are saving money by parking vehicles.

When a system is already in place to resolve after hours issue it is unimaginable that our Assistant Director approved these home to work vehicles. Why on earth would an occasional alarm blip justify a home to work vehicle? It is an armed facility, it has never been attacked and if so what would one agent be able to accomplish if he was ever reached after hours.

All of these statements should be turned over to internal affairs for investigation. If these agents ever testified and this information was made public they would have to lie under oath. With the lack of integrity we have seen I really don’t think lying would be a problem.

What does integrity mean to you? We now have signs posted in our hall way that stress integrity. As employees read these posters the comments that are made about the agent in Martinsburg, WV are hilarious.

Sooner rather than later our budgetary problems will affect whether or not we are able to complete our assigned tasks. Personnel will be let go and equipment will not be able to be purchased. Will someone please step up with courage and start managing this agency. Why is it so important to please a hand full of spoiled entitled agents to sacrifice the overall completion of our mission??


A loyal employee.

Zorro commentary: While this was downright entertaining for a while, it's getting pathetic and humiliating.

Martinsburg agents: You are not entitled. You can be replaced by employees who will cost the taxpayers far less money. If one of you really said you will quit showing up, GREAT. That's probably 150K/year PLUS not financing your commuter car, servicing, repairs, and fuel.

ATF managers: The people doing the complaining are likely there because they WANT to be there. If a car is that important, they can work cases for it. Better yet, why are so many administrative support functions staffed by agents? Why not a "lesser" employee who pays his/her own way to work, doesn't get the 25% bump, and in most offices are more familiar with the subject matter? If this hits the fan, I hope you have done your homework and verified claims by these employees because I am inclined to believe the author, except for that part about ATF managers lying on official documents which we all know never happens, right?

The country is over 14 trillion in debt. The IMF is rumbling about dropping the USD as the standard currency. China is seeing that they will never get their loans paid back. The time for living high on the taxpayers labor is done for. Whether by process of responsible spending or economic chaos brought on by unmanageable debt, the cow will run dry soon. Stock up on kleenex now because your crying is far from over.

Senator Grassley: are you watching?
The views and opinions expressed by the author are just that. They are not the official opinion of anyone anywhere in any capacity.

#130 Noreaster



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Posted 30 January 2011 - 01:47 PM

Posted for Doc Holiday:

Look, Riehl supposedly went to Israel,most likely to discuss arson and explosive. Even though the GAO audit was clear that he was responsible for running the NRT program allll the way into the ground. He is also responsible for supporting Martins ILL ADVISED dismantling of our explosives program. The fact that Mr. Melson and Ms. Mihalic are road tripping to Lyon, France to champion NIBIN, is the same thing. We have fallen asleep at the wheel related to NIBIN for yrs. The have diverted millions earmarked for the program. They have allowed half-assed management of the program. They have proposed cutting millions from the program to meet our funding shortages. So why then are they going to France to champion the program? Mr. Traver, why aren't you paying attention? Somebody should stick a microphone right in Travers face and start some accountability. Oversight hearing and a complete re-organization is all that can save this Bureau. 5 SES's doing what two GS 13s did just a few years ago. Management bonuses for managers whose programs ha e failed. SERIOUSLY Mr. Traver? Mr. Holder, you do know ATF is under your control, Don't you?

The Tour de France boondoggle is worse than reported. According to some sources the group is now larger and will include Melson, at least one of his "bodyguards," Larry Ford and two other people from Field Ops. How much is this costing ATF? $10,000? $15,000? When you add in air, hotels, per diem its gotta be up there. I bet Riehl is jealous but at least he flew down to Alabama to have a all hands meeting with the 8 people down there so he could smile and lie. The only good news is at least HQ was shamed into paying people who got outstanding evaluations instead of just 35 or so SES "leaders."

#131 abteilung



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Posted 30 January 2011 - 01:39 PM

Posted for Doc Holiday:

Look, Riehl supposedly went to Israel,most likely to discuss arson and explosive. Even though the GAO audit was clear that he was responsible for running the NRT program allll the way into the ground. He is also responsible for supporting Martins ILL ADVISED dismantling of our explosives program.

C'mon, haven't you heard of The Divine Right of the Riehls?

As for wasting money, not only did we buy ballistic vests that aren't suitable for 90% of the agents, but now we had to modify all the shotguns with adjustable shoulder stocks BECAUSE of the vests? Who got a QSI or a bonus for THAT decision? This should rank right up there with the thousand dollar toilet seat in the annals of government waste.

#132 Guest_CUATF Webmaster_*

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Posted 30 January 2011 - 11:00 AM

Posted for Doc Holiday:

Look, Riehl supposedly went to Israel,most likely to discuss arson and explosive. Even though the GAO audit was clear that he was responsible for running the NRT program allll the way into the ground. He is also responsible for supporting Martins ILL ADVISED dismantling of our explosives program. The fact that Mr. Melson and Ms. Mihalic are road tripping to Lyon, France to champion NIBIN, is the same thing. We have fallen asleep at the wheel related to NIBIN for yrs. The have diverted millions earmarked for the program. They have allowed half-assed management of the program. They have proposed cutting millions from the program to meet our funding shortages. So why then are they going to France to champion the program? Mr. Traver, why aren't you paying attention? Somebody should stick a microphone right in Travers face and start some accountability. Oversight hearing and a complete re-organization is all that can save this Bureau. 5 SES's doing what two GS 13s did just a few years ago. Management bonuses for managers whose programs ha e failed. SERIOUSLY Mr. Traver? Mr. Holder, you do know ATF is under your control, Don't you?

#133 apostate



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Posted 29 January 2011 - 11:28 PM

This is an uncomfirmed rumor but given the regular state of lying affairs with ATF management it is much more likely true than false.

Vivian Mihalic puts out the message that we have no money. Only travel to be approved will be mission mandatory and no training or seminars, right? Also, ATF has proposed that the NIBIN budget be cut by something like 10 million dollars which will essentially kill the program (likely to be picked up by the FBI, see: explosives). Melson backs the budget,travel and NIBIN plans.

Well I will give you two guesses who is going to France next week on a NIBIN training seminar. Yep, you guessed it: Melson and Mihalic.

Melson is robbing the house and stuffing the silverware in his pockets on the way out the door and Mihalic is the pawn to help him do it.

Where is Traver on this?

As usual

Brave ATF agents run to the sound of gun fire while ATF SESer's run to the sound of easy tax payer money to stuff in their voluminous pockets.

Shame tax payer monies are not used to protect the public. And the fraud and corruption marches on....

#134 x1811



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Posted 29 January 2011 - 10:42 AM

Did an informal survey with my FLEOA friends in still high places within their agencies and learned that all budgets are being severly cut across all agencies. DEA, ICE, FBI, USSS has or will initiate a total hiring freeze, drastically cut operations budgets, may park cars due to rising gas prices, halting transfers, recind travel requests, furlough employees, and formulate early retirement buy outs. Budgets for FY 2012 may average across the board cuts of at least 15%. Note that the government has no FY 2011 budget (thanks Nancy and Harry) and we all are operating on a series of continuing resolutions that have to be passed every few months. Each agency will be directed to find ways to reduce costs within their own organization. Look for re-allignmnet of jurisdictions, elimination of duplicative programs, no COLA's and more cuts. A ray of hope is that Congress may support some agency's budgets if they can demonstrate criticality of their prioritized missions; i.e. counterterrorism, counterintelligence, immmigration enforcement, narcotics. A DOJ contact hinted that a greater reliance on local law enforcement for enforcement of state criminal violations will reduce federal involvement, thus translate into greater savings of federal funds. Therefore some task forces may go out of business of be severly cut; i.e. HIDTA, OCEDTF, Safe Streets. All in the conceptual stage, no policy directive as of yet. Something to think about, Stay tuned!

#135 Guest_onesparkz_*

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Posted 29 January 2011 - 09:23 AM

This is an uncomfirmed rumor but given the regular state of lying affairs with ATF management it is much more likely true than false. Vivian Mihalic puts out the message that we have no money. Only travel to be approved will be mission mandatory and no training or seminars, right? Also, ATF has proposed that the NIBIN budget be cut by something like 10 million dollars which will essentially kill the program (likely to be picked up by the FBI, see: explosives). Melson backs the budget,travel and NIBIN plans. Well I will give you two guesses who is going to France next week on a NIBIN training seminar. Yep, you guessed it: Melson and Mihalic. Melson is robbing the house and stuffing the silverware in his pockets on the way out the door and Mihalic is the pawn to help him do it. Where is Traver on this?

#136 Doc Holiday

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Posted 19 January 2011 - 07:48 AM

If Melson,Hoover and yes Traver approved or even allowed ANY management bonuses after the horrible state of affairs in ATF, the should be asked to resign. Its that simple. They failed at every level of our mission and everybody knows it.

As the walls of castle crumble there clearly is no shame for ATF leadership. I bet there is not a single person who recieved an SES bonus who questioned, "Is this the right thing for us to do." Take the money and run like the thieves you are. You stole the agency away from us so why not rob the last few dollars.

#137 Guest_Epic Failure_*

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Posted 18 January 2011 - 11:45 PM

As the walls of castle crumble there clearly is no shame for ATF leadership. I bet there is not a single person who recieved an SES bonus who questioned, "Is this the right thing for us to do." Take the money and run like the thieves you are. You stole the agency away from us so why not rob the last few dollars.

#138 Doc Holiday

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Posted 18 January 2011 - 10:41 PM

I guess that's called leadership by example. 5 figure bonuses for bosses, a few thousand for each FD for agents who they think won't notice. Must be for their exemplary performance for our NRT, TEDAC, Gunrunner and Personnel matters. That's some Edgar Domenech leadership style. We will FOIA the management bonuses. What do you want to bet thet are redacted. Shameful Mr. Melson, Hoover and especially Traver.

Outstanding bonuses are in the works but no where near what SESs are getting on the backs of their employees.

#139 ISpy



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Posted 17 January 2011 - 01:38 PM

Outstanding bonuses are in the works but no where near what SESs are getting on the backs of their employees.

#140 Noreaster



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Posted 16 January 2011 - 07:29 PM

Word from a source in the Puzzle Palace says that a few days ago, Melson and Hoover decided to quietly give out SES bonuses to all of the executives (SACs, DADs, ADs, DD). This amount can vary year to year but at several percent of each "leader's" salary of $163K and up, this has to be some serious money. 5 percent? 10 percent? For those of you with an outstanding evaluation or looking for a quality step increase, see how much money if anything is left. If we all have to suffer because we don't have money so no employees get awards this year that's one thing but if the first thought is to secretly hand out SES bonuses while the rank and file get screwed, that is something else. Anyone able to confirm?

#141 Doc Holiday

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Posted 15 January 2011 - 09:40 AM

Since Mr. Travers nomination, we have walked away from our explosive jurisdictions and responsibility. Attorneys have been placed in HR functions completely eliminating ELRB. Reports on our SW border and NRT mismanagement abound. It would be unreasonable to believe these are not TRAVERS mandates. Clearly his choice for DD Martin is behind trashing our explosives program. Not likely Melson is making ONE decision w/o approval of Traver.NOW Mr. Traver NOT after you are confirmed, is the time to show leadership. NOBODY will accept the "it didn't happen on my watch" excuse. WE, Congress, nor the taxpayers CARE who's watch it was on. Fix it. No more embarrasing reports by the OIG because lawyers are running this Bureau. I will pull this post down and NOT forward these to Mr. Issas committee for investigation if YOU Mr. Traver can point to ONE positive report issued within the last two yrs regarding ATF leadership or policies.

Yet another attorney running a law enforcement agency. This can't be a coincidence.Attorneys now are in charge of the PRB and Bureau deciding official. How do you sit in judgement of agents when you've never carried a gun or a badge. We need a Director before attorneys run this whole outfit. Although they have done such a stellar job for Sullivan, Domenech, Carter, Hoover and Melson.

#142 Guest_CUATF Webmaster_*

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Posted 14 January 2011 - 02:11 PM

While I am just offering an opinion, I know how easy it is to be frustrated and cynical because of usually only one or two people who are in a position to obstruct your growth and development. Sadly, it's Mind over Matter: They don't mind, because you don't matter!

Especially when they have all the power and you're relegated to a "squeaky wheel" status. Sometimes it requires a little humbleness in a highly politicized environment. It may appear more important it seems, than one's skills and experience. Which is why I try to not only help those trying to promote, but help them really appreciate the role of politics at these higher levels, and hopefully, they will realize that to succeed and survive. Usually this is discovered rather quickly in mid-level management positions. And if you are not prepared for it, or have built up some layers of protection or "insulation" you're liable to regret you ever signed up to promote. But this is not what this should be about. It (the promotional process) should be an honest appraisal and objective review of your skills in this "new" role. The best words of advice I offer are try not to let those issues (personality clashes, or even outright sabotage and hostility) deter you, as in most cases, they are relatively temporary. You keep focused on the subordinates or agents and staff under your supervision or command and ensuring their successes. The higher you go, the more relationships and coalitions come into play. Developing solid teamwork with community and professional resources with shared goals and objectives trump bureaucratic pettiness any day. At the end of the day (or career) it's still your story either way. I hope they are all success stories! And think about how you really are measuring success.


PS: in looking over many scenarios for assessment exercises, I find many similarities and common KSA's that are threaded throughout these scenarios. Since you are, I'm assuming, preparing for an assessment center, keep in mind that every email, local project, community project, or area project, including meeting with other players, community members, etc., all have a common denominator - and that is you and your role in these events. Should you see yourself in the leadership role or management role, and you are now "in-charge" what do you really bring to the table that is so different from anyone else.

That's right, probably not much else that is "different," but that slight edge computes into percentage points and percentage points is what gets you promoted. So... each of these roles you're in now use as "free practice" for tomorrows role that you seek. Raters (and you have two raters each) are looking for candidates to demonstrate these KSA's in the various exercises. You do these probably every day, but don't think of them as a "test." If you were a musician, you'd be trying out for "first chair." You have to have something that you bring out for raters to see that they didn't see quite as much of in other candidates. What that is is really "reassurance..." that you are indeed "ready" for this new role.

Rick M.

#143 ATFemployee



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Posted 14 January 2011 - 11:13 AM

I understand exactly what tiredofit is talking about. What a waste. Another way for management to get more of the tax payers money while we don't have the money to do our basic mission. Those in authority that read this site, do something about this broken system. Everyday we get more emails about new stuff to cut. It's to the point that we can't do anything! And what we can do is limited in nature! I know we are on a continuing resolution, meaning that we have the same budget money as FY10. There should be no way that we could be this far in the hole in January! Yeah I guess there is when the same incompetent managers keep doing the same incompetent things and those up the chain get all there bonuses and perks. Think about it like this-the AUO that has been approved for the Industry Operations area supervisors and DIOs affects the Bureau and the taxpayers like this: Area Supervisors are GS-14 and DIOs are GS-15. So at the minimum (Step 1), the 10% AUO for each area supervisor is $9,669 and for DIO's it is $11,373. Those figures are based on the Rest of the US. We know that other localities are even more. In my FD there are 3 area supervisors and 1 DIO. So combined, the AUO for the FD is at a minimum $40,380. WOW-what a perk. Many people know there is 10% AUO for those positions, but they don't see the big picture: Minimum levels based on Rest of U.S. and Step 1 1. 10% AUO for IO area supervisors: $9,669 2. 10% AUO for DIOs: $11, 373 3. 10% AUO for a typical Field Division (3 area supervisors, 1 DIO): $40,380 4. 10% AUO for typical Field Division X 23 Field Divisions: $928,470 AT A MINIMUM THIS WASTE AND ABUSE IS COSTING NEARLY A MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! It's not a joke, I have seen the emails where it was discussed to add AUO for these positions just to entice applicants. Nobody would apply! While we have our measly 1.5%-2% COL frozen for at least 2 years, members of the club still get there 10% bonus-its not really administrative uncontrollable overtime. Hear that sound? The toilet was flushed in about 2006, what you hear now is the sound of the bureau as it makes it's last few rounds around the bottom of the bowl!

#144 Doc Holiday

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Posted 13 January 2011 - 10:02 PM

Yet another attorney running a law enforcement agency. This can't be a coincidence.Attorneys now are in charge of the PRB and Bureau deciding official. How do you sit in judgement of agents when you've never carried a gun or a badge. We need a Director before attorneys run this whole outfit. Although they have done such a stellar job for Sullivan, Domenech, Carter, Hoover and Melson.

#145 Doc Holiday

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 05:02 PM

Does anybody know what the deal is on EX SFFD SAC Martins big international neutrality act case? The one he duped Acting Director Sullivan out for a huge press conference on. Is it true EVERY charge on EVERY defendant was dropped? Supposedly, ALL the Senior agents tried to explain the problems of the case to him, but he knew better. He just ran off the senior agents. Always about the headlines with these meglomaniacs.

Andy Traver allow me to provide a short history lesson.

It started with Truscott/Domenech, sank further with Sullivan/Carter and reached new lows with Melson/Hoover. They each told field employees how important they were, how they wanted to hear from them, how they had "open doors", etc., but those were lies. That is why CleanUpATF came into existence because the field was told they had a voice in their agency but they didn't.

They became so reliant on the Chief Counsels Office to guide them that they lost the ability to make decisions of their own, constantly deferring to the attorneys to tell them how to run the agency.

Should you be confirmed (and I hope you are), do not allow you and your deputy to fall into the same comfortable trap the three previous leadership teams did.

Honor your field employees. You do this with simple respect to them. Just don't lie. The field understands that sometimes you have to do or say things that may not be universally popular. Just don't lie.

Listen to the guidance of your attorneys and take that into consideration but make decisions on what you feel is right or wrong based on fairness. The attorneys don't think that way. They consider liability and precident when providing advise. Also, when the Loos's of the organization tell you how it has to be, consider where she and her partners have put ATF to date.

Last, don't try to dodge the active "old" bad business of past ATF regime's. If you simply hope to avoid pending issues based on the excuse that the problem was created on someone else's watch then you are not doing your job. As the Director you now own all of it, good and bad, past and present and it what you do about it that your time as the Director will ultimately be judged on.

#146 tiredofit

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 01:42 PM

?????? Tiredofit, the letter I read (below) deals with cars being assigned where they aren't necessary and seemed to be directed at other than IOIs. It certainly doesn't deal with AUO.

We must be reading different letters. Maybe you can share what you read with us.

Sorry if I didn't make it more clear. A friend who is an employee in ATF wrote a letter to his congressmen and OIG about the AUO and stuff. My post was just a summary of what the letter was about. He said he was motivated to do it after reading the letter that Zorro had posted about the cars. I will get his permission and post his letter if he's OK with it. Just another avenue of wasted money.

#147 Retired and loving it

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 10:26 AM

?????? Tiredofit, the letter I read (below) deals with cars being assigned where they aren't necessary and seemed to be directed at other than IOIs. It certainly doesn't deal with AUO. We must be reading different letters. Maybe you can share what you read with us.

#148 tiredofit

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 09:32 AM

I am a long time viewer, but this is my first post. Also I have decided to start emailing and writing my congressmen and those congressmen on the appropriations committee and those congressmen that have been vocal about cutting out the waste, fraud, and abuse. I recently read a letter that a friend wrote and sent to his congressmen and OIG. With his permission I feel it is necessary to post the information here too as he said he was motivated by the letter and posting of information concerning the G-Ride abuse by those that are not in need of them. I hope that that information and this information will motivate others to jump in. This letter concerned waste, fraud, and abuse by the Industry Operations section of ATF. Others in ATF and I am sure that no one outside of ATF realize that Industry Operations Area Supervisors and Directors of Industry Operations now receive AUO in the amount of 10% of their salaries. While not as much as Special Agents receive, it is important to realize how this came into existence. AUO (Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime)is supposed to be just that-uncontrollable overtime. Special Agents are supposed to work an extra 2 hrs per day (10 hrs a week)because they receive AUO. However, it is different for Industry Operations. The whole premise of AUO pay for Industry Operations Area Supervisors and Directors of Industry Operations was conceived and birthed by now retired DAD Zammillo. It is not because these positions have uncontrollable overtime, it was because no one wanted to be an area supervisor. They couldn't get very many people to even apply. So to make the position more enticing, Zammillo came up with the idea of getting AUO for the area supervisors which was already a GS-14 level. Well then they couldn't stop it there, they had to take care of the next level, so Directors of Industry Operations got their piece of the tax-payer pie too. If this was really necessary and those in those positions really worked so much necessary overtime if might be different, but that is not the case. While I am sure there are exceptions, most area supervisor and director of industry operations work simple 8-5 schedules Monday through Friday. Let me rephrase, 8-5 M-F is the official time, most find reasons to come in later and certainly leave earlier. Let's be realistic, there is nothing so pressing about trying to revoke a licensee, or schedule another meeting, or sending a report back to an underling for leaving out a period that Industry Operations area supervisors or directors of industry operations couldn't wait until the next work day. That is the jist of the letter. It got me to thinking how true this is. I do think that ATF management put in overtime-only it doesn't involve real law enforcement work or protecting the nation-the overtime involves brainstorming ways to milk the cow (taxpayers and congress) out of more money for themselves. This is a perfect example.

#149 Guest_microscope_*

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Posted 12 January 2011 - 08:54 AM

Andy Traver allow me to provide a short history lesson. It started with Truscott/Domenech, sank further with Sullivan/Carter and reached new lows with Melson/Hoover. They each told field employees how important they were, how they wanted to hear from them, how they had "open doors", etc., but those were lies. That is why CleanUpATF came into existence because the field was told they had a voice in their agency but they didn't. They became so reliant on the Chief Counsels Office to guide them that they lost the ability to make decisions of their own, constantly deferring to the attorneys to tell them how to run the agency. Should you be confirmed (and I hope you are), do not allow you and your deputy to fall into the same comfortable trap the three previous leadership teams did. Honor your field employees. You do this with simple respect to them. Just don't lie. The field understands that sometimes you have to do or say things that may not be universally popular. Just don't lie. Listen to the guidance of your attorneys and take that into consideration but make decisions on what you feel is right or wrong based on fairness. The attorneys don't think that way. They consider liability and precident when providing advise. Also, when the Loos's of the organization tell you how it has to be, consider where she and her partners have put ATF to date. Last, don't try to dodge the active "old" bad business of past ATF regime's. If you simply hope to avoid pending issues based on the excuse that the problem was created on someone else's watch then you are not doing your job. As the Director you now own all of it, good and bad, past and present and it what you do about it that your time as the Director will ultimately be judged on.

#150 Zorro



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Posted 12 January 2011 - 03:14 AM

As if the M-1 scandal wasn't bad enough, it looks like another bit of import monkeyshines from 2005 was exposed by an industry group at the importers conference. Tales of ATF personnel ordering Imports Branch employees to artificially delay barrel applications in anticipation of directions from DOJ to deny them and lying to the importers about a non-existent applications "backlog" which cost businesses buku dollars in forfeited product. Wouldn't that make for some good questions in reform hearings? Talk about establishing a pattern of behavior.... Heaven forbid giving the importers a heads up on the possibility and letting them make an educated decision about whether to risk the investment, or worse yet approving the applications in normal fashion until such guidance was received vs. lying and holding applications in order to impose a financial penalty outside the judicial system. Does it ever stop?
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