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Member Since 28 May 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2011 08:56 PM

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29 May 2010 - 07:01 PM

Saying that Mr. Cefalu looked lazy in CNN's piece would be an understatment. Thanks to your story, I've been brought to this website and read a vast majority of the posts here. I come away with the distinct impression that you guys can't see the forest for the trees. I have worked an aggregate of thirty-three years with the military and law enforcement. More than a decade has been spent directly in law enforcement and the last eight in management. I have never seen a federal agency such as yours suffering from such political infighting, mismanagement, and unlawful conduct. I'm glad that I saw this segment. I think it needs to come to the attention of Congress, and perhaps Congress should do its own investigating. I can assure that when Tuesday rolls around, I'll be picking up that phone to contact a congressman, a couple of senators, and a few other important politicians from this area. In looking at the ATF's mission statememtn, I fail to understand why your mission cannot be completed by a consolidation of your agency with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and such will be my recommendation to my local reps. In this age when the lack of cooperation between agencies can literally be debilitating for this country, we Americans cannot afford poor performance from a leaderless agency such as the ATF. Also, all of you agents on here posting, you should be absolutely ashamed of your behavior. As the Deputy Director, I would open a criminal investigation and target this website and start reeling you all in, one by one if necessary. There is free speech, but all of your bellyaching on this site amounts to nothing more than a violation of the oaths many of you took to work for this agency. If you don't think your boss can come after you on a website like this, think again. Other law enforcement agencies have done it. I'm surprised your DD has taken so long to do anything about it. There is the law and then there are employee standards to adhere to. In the totality of what has been exposed by CNN and what you are doing here, I am completely appalled and sincerely think that your agency should be abolished in lieu of larger "super" bureau. Then, there can be better accountability and we won't be wasting our taxpayer dollars and piss poor performers such as you ATF agents posting here. Be glad I'm not the president, your DD and a whole lot more of you would have more questions to answer by the end of the day. The ATF. From the top of your organization to the bottom, what a complete disgrace to the American people and her taxpayers!!!!


At first I was angered by your comments but then I thought about it a minute or two and laughed. You obviously are a misguided, ignorant person making the comments you are posting. This web site was intended, I think to shed some light on the abuses going on in OUR agency. Outsiders like you who have no stake in what happens day to day can not understand the frustration and despair that some of us feel. You see we are not, "bellyaching". Most of us have stood up in the light of day to unethical and unlawful abuses of power and did it through the proper channels. The reason this site exists is because the "proper channels" to report misconduct in ATF have been corrupted. Many upper managers are deaf to legitimate complaints and hold themselves to different standards. I dont think you get that.

In the first CNN piece it was not made clear that ATF managers were "idleing" SA Cefelu. The second piece was much better in articulating the issues at hand. He is not there because he wants to be there. He is FORCED to be in the office all day.

You then threaten to make complaints to your local politicos. Goood thats what we want to happen. Why, because we know when someone in a postion of oversight looks at the situation they will come to the same conclusions as we do. You talk about the taxpayers not getting their moneys worth but I will tell you the facts don't support your arguement. Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, ATF agents generate more cases per agent and are more efficient, IN SPITE OF our agency's shortcomings, lack of funding, lack of equipment, etc. than many of our counterparts.

I could give you many examples of well known foul ups by other federal, state, and local agencies, like the FBI. Do you remember the September 11th attacks? Do you recall the Ft. Hood Shootings? Do you recall Richard Jewell?? I could go on and on.

I could tell you about all the good ATF does, like uncovering key evidence that solved the first WTC bombing. Identifying Tim McVeigh as the primary suspect in the Oak City Bombing or most recently arresting two subjects for setting a rash of church fires. Poor judgement is exercised in private industry too. Just look at Wall Street. In private industry, no one is publically accountable anymore, Congress just authorizes another bailout. THAT IS REALLY WHAT SHOULD MAKE TAXPAYERS ANGRY. We at ATF are scrutinzed daily due to our controversial jurisdiction. I think we do OK if you care to look beyond the rhetoric and consider the facts.

The truth is there ARE good supervisors, BUT there are not enough of them in the key decision making positions in our agency at this time. Moreover, managers have become overly reliant on lawyers who have a track record of not always following the law or telling the truth. Bottom line Correction 1, bring it on! You are not the first or the last to wish us away, but we are, and will, still be here day in and day out defending the citizens of the United States from it's most violent criminals.


29 May 2010 - 09:52 AM

Mr. Melson,
In 24 yrs, I have had ONE (one day)suspension over 10 yrs ago and ONE letter of caution and 11 Special act or Achievement awards. I have convicted 100% of my defendants and have written and executed more search warrants than any other Agent in any group I have been assigned to. These are the FACTS. Did you bother to pull my official personnel file before you allowed "the Bureau to state that I had disciplinary and performance issues"? Or did you just ask Ms. Loos? I guess 20+ yrs of EXCEEDS fully satisfactory evaluations constitues poor performance?


We dont know each other but I want to commend you for your courage and integrity. It takes alot to stand up in ATF and tell the truth. As I have discussed with many brother and sister agents, they should just start foot stomping and making air quotes at the academy when they start the ethics and integrity block in NAT. We all know that mgmt. doesnt want to hear the truth, they just want to keep things quiet and move up and on with their careers. When things get tough pleae know that many of us are pulling for you and are fighting back as best we can on our own.


29 May 2010 - 05:54 AM

Got to be honest I had greater expectations for the CCN news story. I don't think it was as effective as it could have been because it was very limited in scope. From what I heard dozens of personnel were interviewed by CNN butonly 3 make it to the video segment. Moreover, to the general public and uninitiated it makes SA Cefelu look like he is lazy. Sorry but some civilians I know made that comment after seeing the segment. Again, we shoot ourselves in the foot. All I can say is that over the past 12 years in ATF I have seen alot of disgraceful things happen to good people who love their country and love the job. I still love going to work, but what I detest is the complete and total incompetance of managment. WHY IS NO ONE DISCUSSING THE AC? We get the managment we deserve!!! The AC has been compromised by management!!! They have allowed HUMMRO to provide training to SELECT groups of agents while implementing a manual order that prohibits the dissemination of test taking tips, strategy, etc. WHY IS NO ONE ON THIS WEBSITE TALKING ABOUT IT. I have talked to many people around the country that are fed up with HOW we select out managers and the complete and total disregard for fairness and integrity in the GS14 assessment center. The best way I can describe it was from a 14 that I know who was there evaluating the AC who described it as "A Joke". Any other thoughts or comments would be appreciated.