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Member Since 12 Jan 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2011 01:42 PM

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In Topic: Traver Watch

12 January 2011 - 01:42 PM

?????? Tiredofit, the letter I read (below) deals with cars being assigned where they aren't necessary and seemed to be directed at other than IOIs. It certainly doesn't deal with AUO.

We must be reading different letters. Maybe you can share what you read with us.

Sorry if I didn't make it more clear. A friend who is an employee in ATF wrote a letter to his congressmen and OIG about the AUO and stuff. My post was just a summary of what the letter was about. He said he was motivated to do it after reading the letter that Zorro had posted about the cars. I will get his permission and post his letter if he's OK with it. Just another avenue of wasted money.

In Topic: Traver Watch

12 January 2011 - 09:32 AM

I am a long time viewer, but this is my first post. Also I have decided to start emailing and writing my congressmen and those congressmen on the appropriations committee and those congressmen that have been vocal about cutting out the waste, fraud, and abuse. I recently read a letter that a friend wrote and sent to his congressmen and OIG. With his permission I feel it is necessary to post the information here too as he said he was motivated by the letter and posting of information concerning the G-Ride abuse by those that are not in need of them. I hope that that information and this information will motivate others to jump in. This letter concerned waste, fraud, and abuse by the Industry Operations section of ATF. Others in ATF and I am sure that no one outside of ATF realize that Industry Operations Area Supervisors and Directors of Industry Operations now receive AUO in the amount of 10% of their salaries. While not as much as Special Agents receive, it is important to realize how this came into existence. AUO (Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime)is supposed to be just that-uncontrollable overtime. Special Agents are supposed to work an extra 2 hrs per day (10 hrs a week)because they receive AUO. However, it is different for Industry Operations. The whole premise of AUO pay for Industry Operations Area Supervisors and Directors of Industry Operations was conceived and birthed by now retired DAD Zammillo. It is not because these positions have uncontrollable overtime, it was because no one wanted to be an area supervisor. They couldn't get very many people to even apply. So to make the position more enticing, Zammillo came up with the idea of getting AUO for the area supervisors which was already a GS-14 level. Well then they couldn't stop it there, they had to take care of the next level, so Directors of Industry Operations got their piece of the tax-payer pie too. If this was really necessary and those in those positions really worked so much necessary overtime if might be different, but that is not the case. While I am sure there are exceptions, most area supervisor and director of industry operations work simple 8-5 schedules Monday through Friday. Let me rephrase, 8-5 M-F is the official time, most find reasons to come in later and certainly leave earlier. Let's be realistic, there is nothing so pressing about trying to revoke a licensee, or schedule another meeting, or sending a report back to an underling for leaving out a period that Industry Operations area supervisors or directors of industry operations couldn't wait until the next work day. That is the jist of the letter. It got me to thinking how true this is. I do think that ATF management put in overtime-only it doesn't involve real law enforcement work or protecting the nation-the overtime involves brainstorming ways to milk the cow (taxpayers and congress) out of more money for themselves. This is a perfect example.