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Member Since 05 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active May 23 2011 05:09 PM

Topics I've Started

Dear Dr. Frankenstein (Webmaster)

06 March 2011 - 09:33 PM

Dear Dr. Frankenstein (Webmaster): Its obvious that respecting other peoples point of view is NOT a core principle espoused by you or your website. Since there are no first amendment rights on your privately owned website I would encourage you to overtly post that on your opening banner. No wonder most managers don't want to participate in the discussion even though your website encourages their participation. You would just jump down their throat and call them liars, cowards, etc. Who would want that? This is just your own little bitch board. No solutions are sought out here. You are just trying to embarrass us all, not bring meaningful change. And by the way since what you put on here or "allow" on this site may someday effect my agency and career, I think I am entitled to express my own opinion to show those who are not in ATF who may visit that there is a divergence of opinion on how best to handle things. Have you ever considered that your methods are wrong? Have you considered that your actions might hurt innocent people? I think most fair minded people who read your responses to my previous posts and others would characterize you as a person blinded by anger. You could be doing just as much damage to ATF as the managers in HQ and DOJ that authorized "Fast and Furious" and other debacles. I wish you would just consider that but I don't think you will. I don't think anger and rage persuade others or change minds they only intimidate people and create fear. It seems apparent to me that you are moving closer to becoming THEM because you lost sight of US and who we are. I'm not advocating cover ups or lying, but I think there has to be a more civilized discourse within ATF, especially on a website where discussion is encouraged on the opening banner. If this post gets on your forum I would encourage all ATF personnel who care about ATF to boycott this site. Its really not a place to rationally exchange ideas or discuss different perspectives or find solutions. It seems to me that it is only the creation of a person who needs something to control. Hope you have fun Dr. Frankenstein playing with your monster.... till you can't control it anymore and it turns on you.