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#5509 Grapevine

Posted by lancebone1967 on 13 September 2012 - 09:15 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Hows does shuffling executives advance the ATF mission in any way? I will accept one single reason even if it is not strong on how or why Sweetow from SAC ATL to SAC St. Paul, Julie Torres from AD IA to SAC Tampa, Gleysteen from SAC KC to DAD to AD IA, Traver from Director nominee/SAC Chicago to SAC Denver, AD Ford to SAC Chicago, Crenshaw from SAC Seattle to HQ and HQ to SAC Seattle in one year and many more stupid transfers advance our fight against violent crime? I can not think of one even a marginal explanation that works. What I do think is that the rats know the ship is going down and they are taking care of each other to get where they want to be before we all go under. The rest of us are on our own. Maybe a Changecast message will come out telling us that all is well and not to look back. Jones and Brandon are gone after the election and will dump all the clean up on the next regime. Mark my words. They will drag out do anything about anything until they don't have too. They've seen the reports for weeks now. See ya all at the bottom of the ocean.

#5239 ATF Directors Past and Present

Posted by lancebone1967 on 11 July 2012 - 04:06 PM in Archived Posts

I thought I was civilized in my words and comment. I am not a fan of Magaw or Truscott. You put a lot of words in my mouth here and tagged me with a lot of opinions that I don't hold.

Madea, just because you say or write something doesn't make everyone who differs in opinion wrong. You created an arguement with my position when it was never stated, at least not in the context you continued it towards.

I simply stated that I thought your lobbying agents to vote on a worst director contest was unneccessary.

You are correct, there have been many terrible directors, they seem to grow consistently worse, and their "leadership" has been devistating. I do remember all the things you mentioned. But, because I voice an opinion that is not in lock step with yours is that reason to mock me? Lanceboy? That is actually what my dad called me as a kid so it doesn't carry the humiliation or degridation you likely intended but, you made your point.

I am not fretting over anything you post. I was simply commenting that this website has been hijacked and lost its focus. I am allowed my own opinion, I think. Is that OK? Should I ask your permission to think something before I do and make sure we match up? Mine was no attack on you. I am not defending Magaw. Really don't care if he shit his pants or not.

I don't need your advise on how to spend my time. That I am capable of all on my own.

I know your background and history. Some of it is magnificent. Other parts not so much. Some grace here would go a long way. I'm not the enemy.

I'll continue the debate if need be but I really did intend to hold my promise to go away. I got a call and was advised that I was under attack so I thought I'd break my promise and come back.

So, in a closeing tit-for-tat, maybe you should spend your time getting your law license back and stop worrying about Lanceboy not being enthusiastic about posting "executives with crap in their pants" stories.

PS: was never more than a POA so don't twist this into some manager hiding as a regular agent conspiracy theory.

See ya all on the flip side.

Dear Lanceboy, what productive contributions can you cite from the John Magaw era? If you want to identify the main two Directors responsible for the bloated management you have now, just look at Magaw and Truscott, both of whom were from the Secret Service. Can anybody deny that I.A. turned into rabid dogs when Magaw brought Dick Hankinson to head up that nazi ass group? You see Lanceboy, prior to Magaw, I.A. seldom showed up at an office. Pretty much everything was handled by the managers. Not until the Secret Service came over to “straighten ATF out” did you see such a vicious wave of management. Sorry you didn’t like my reference to your former Director having poop in his pants because he refused to use just any old facility, but it is a true story. Instead of fretting that I have embarrassed Magoo, I think your time would be better spent worrying about the ugly legacy Magoo left in your lap. By the way, that story was relayed to me as a SS agent, who was laughing his ass off, told me that Magaw was headed to ATF. I couldn’t appreciate how true what he told me about Magaw was until he got here. Pooping his pants was the least of that man’s issues. Also, do you remember the esteemed “leadership” of Magaw and Truscott double dipping? Again, the poor taxpayer. I call drawing a salary from one agency while at the same time getting their large pensions from yet another, a serious ethical problem.

Another point to be made regarding our long and pathetic line of Directors is that any enforcement accomplishments were/are a direct result of the agents’ ability to work around the absurd obstacles placed in their way by these clowns. Each one of these Directors has been responsible for making the agents’ job more difficult, more dangerous, and less productive. Simple decisions that could be made by a supervisor evolve into an insane dog and pony show. And why? Because they have all lacked enforcement experience. Does anybody really believe that these Directors would have understood the implications of Waco and Fast and Furious? I think we all know that answer now don’t we? And everyone knows about Waco, but nobody knows about a similar operation that proceeded Waco that went off without a hitch. There was no big scandal, no big cover ups, no congressional hearings, and NO ONE DIED. The case agent didn’t parade himself around like a peacock on an acid trip. He simply did his job. Why was that raid successful? Because that office kept it a law enforcement activity and avoided the Hollywood production that Waco became and that F&F has become. So, if you think management at the lowest level cannot handle the big operations, you are wrong. Upper management is the problem at ATF. It’s always the problem. We can’t seem to get anyone up there who’s not a complete fool. As soon as good investigations move up to HQ for review, everyone knows the destruction of these investigations begins.

#5233 ATF Directors Past and Present

Posted by lancebone1967 on 11 July 2012 - 12:03 AM in Archived Posts

I have not been participating much here, watching mostly. This website has always been a great source for first hand information. Not anymore. This post is why and why I will no longer visit this site. I know I will not be missed and I never brought much too the table other than one agents opinion anyway.

Is this what CleanUpATF has become? A forum to hold contests? This is embarassing to every person who participates or reads here. What does a post like this do to uphold the mission of the site? How does this restore accountablity to and integrity? What does this have to do with anything productive in any way, shape or form?

Since when do ATF agents attack someone just for mere sake of embarrassing them? When I read this post first I was angry and now just sad. This website has been allowed to tank and become so unfocused that it is no longer relevant. This post is a great example.

I am not a fan of Jones and I think the previous points made here about his security crew are valid and worth discussion. Then it gets hijacked by nonscense and defeats the entire purpose.

Good bye and good luck to everyone who is working to make ATF a better place.

Attention agents - we have a serious disagreement brewing regarding which ATF Director was the dumbest. Madea has stated it was John Magaw. She bases this on the fact that he wore a cape to work. Yes, a cape, not a coat, a cape. He was also a germaphobe who pooped in his pants according to one SS agent who was his driver. An esteemed ATF agent who has been around for a very long time (he’s quite old now) and has spent that time in the trenches, thinks the dumbest director was G.R. ‘call me Bob’ Dickenson.

Anyone can step up and nominate their choice for the Dumbest Director Award, just make your case for why.

#3591 Did Fast & Furious Violate the Arms Export Control Act?

Posted by lancebone1967 on 21 September 2011 - 10:27 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.

If it was just a job to these guys who speak out, they wouldn't speak out at all. They'd just collect a paycheck. If they go work for another agency then that leaves the agents/sheep who aren't willing open to manipulation and intimidation. There's a whole lot of ATF agents out there who don't open their mouths until they are in the safe enviorment of a Starbucks. Then they all have a bold opinion. When someone who can hurt them comes around the boldness is gone and they suck their thumbs. If the Cefalu's and Dodson's of ATF have only done one good thing, that good thing would be that they have inspired a Bureau of agents who have been beaten into submission by Nazi like managers to get up and fight back, stop acting like victims and even at the risk of losing everything, speak out. I'll respect your opinions but sometimes it is just best to say "thank you" and move on down the road. The ATF you dislike would be so much worse without the few who take the risks for the many. You put your name and face on national TV and call out the President and Attorney General and see how that works out for you. They don't hear it enough, thank you Whistleblowers, you are the only people keeping this place in line.

Perhaps they need to go work for a different agency.

It really IS, just a job.