001 - Case Study

Between 2002 -2203, this Special Agent was the subject of a baseless, malicious and covert drug trafficking criminal investigation by DOJ. As a result, her constitutional and employee rights were intentionally violated by  DOJ. The agent provided a truthful and detailed accounting of her actions as reflected in the ATF investigative files related to an ongoing OCDETF case of which the agent was co case agent.  ATF and DOJ had all necessary documentation to clear the agent of any wrong doing. Instead the truth was suppressed and ATF interfered with the agent's workers compensation rights by constructively retiring the Agent, through highly unethical and deceptive means under the disguised use of the Bureau's chaplaincy program. To the agent's credibility, six years after the ordeal began, her workers compensation was approved. The agency intentionally discriminated against the Special Agent by denying her the opportunity to remain on paid administrative leave approved by DOJ pending final resolution of a baseless criminal investigation. Other employees who were similarly situated before and after the Special Agent's case were allowed to remain on paid administrative leave. The Agent was the subject retaliatory prosecution for computer fraud based on trumped up evidence. As DOJ continued suppress the truth and withhold exculpatory evidence the agent filed a motion to represent herself, resulting in a dismissal of all charges. Throughout this entire ordeal the Agent reported substantial misconduct by DOJ personnel involved in this investigation and malicious prosecution to no avail. The records, documents amassed by the Agent are clear evidence of gross mismanagement and a lack of transparency and integrity on the part of ATF senior management, chief counsel's office and internal affairs. The agent was denied an opportunity her to complete her highly decorated 19 ½ year law enforcement career. As a result of this ordeal, the Agent sustained unnecessary long-term emotional distress and public humiliation.  This matter continues to be needlessly litigated at the expense to the taxpayers, and to the credibility of the agency.