CATF Blogs Home

Background & Mission:
  • For a detailed description about the facts leading to this initiative, please see the Executive Summary document.
  • For some recent examples of abuses and unethical or illegal acts on the part of ATF management, see the "Hall of Shame" list.
Case Studies:
  • To view some typical examples of misconduct and abuse by ATF management against their own agents and employees, see the "Case Studies" section.
Supporting Documentation: Fighting Back Section: Comments Page:
  • To submit a basic comment, click the "Visitor Comments" link on the top or right-side menu sections of any page. All comments will be reviewed by the Webmaster prior to being displayed.
  • To submit detailed information or evidence regarding your own experiences or observations as an ATF employee, use our full, encrypted contact form.  We will not divulge your identity without your expressed permission.
  • ATF management, counsel, and/or Internal Affairs are invited to submit comments or rebuttals.
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