The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. Section 552, is a government wide set of laws defining how, when and what types of information will be released to parties that submit formal FOIA requests to government agencies. Such requests are often made by outside organization or citizens, but can just as legitimately be submitted by government employees to their own agencies (e.g., ATF Agents can make FOIA requests to the ATF and/or the Department of Justice).
In December, 2007, the President of the United States signed into law the "OPEN Government Act of 2007". Among other things, the Act was intended to standardize FOIA response times and prevent agencies such as ATF from indefinitely dragging their feet to evade disclosure of embarrassing or inconvenient information. This was a bread and butter tactic used time and time again by ATF and its counsel to frustrate legitimate requests for information and avoid accountability at all levels.
However, with very few exceptions, the new Act unequivocally requires all federal agencies (including ATF) to provide all responsive documents within 20 days from the date the FOIA request was received. In the event that an agency (such as ATF) fails to comply with the 20-day time limit, there are a number of significant ramifications:
- The Agency (such as ATF) cannot charge the normal search and duplications fees (they have to eat the cost);
- The requesting party (such as an ATF agent or employee) can immediately file a lawsuit in Federal District Court, and;
- The agency (such as ATF) can be ordered to pay the requesting party's Attorney fees, which must then be paid out of the agency's (such as ATF's) actual appropriated operating budget, rather than the previously available "Claims and Judgement Fund" (a sort of government slush fund used to pay off things such a legal fees and judgements, even when the ageny management acted iresponsibly or unlawfully).
- FOIA Blog (Everything you ever wanted to know about FOIA and government disclosure).
- Sample ATF FOIA Request (PDF - 82Kb)
- D.O.J. "Reference Guide" (describes FOIA policies and procedures - May be somewhat out-of-date!).