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#151 Zorro



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Posted 12 January 2011 - 02:35 AM

Zorro, this is a very interesting topic you posted. Any thoughts on why it keeps getting pushed off the highlighted post list?

I think it is based on recent posts. Rest assured as things develop on this, I will keep it updated. The people who have their money taken from them against their will deserve to know how it is spent. The sense of ruling class entitlement isn't nearly as popular outside the beltway. The country is nearing bankruptcy and it seems a good number of federal employees are trying to grab as much furniture as possible before the house burns down.

The assignment of taxpayer financed commuter cars is allegedly being reviewed now... stay tuned.
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#152 Iceman



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Posted 11 January 2011 - 10:28 PM

First question they need to ask in confirmation hearings is: Mr. Traver, are you aware that you're agency has failed in every arena? Have you personally tried to sully the name of one of your most decorated agents? What are you going to do about the blatant corruption inside ATF?

Call for a permanent Director. This will get movement. http://blogs.village...mberg_and_a.php
He also criticized ATF for being understaffed.

#153 ProConfesso



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Posted 11 January 2011 - 07:17 PM

Call for a permanent Director. This will get movement. http://blogs.village...mberg_and_a.php He also criticized ATF for being understaffed.

#154 Iceman



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Posted 11 January 2011 - 02:57 PM

Word is Ficaretta, Martin and others from the 5th floor had a conference call attempting to enlist others from the tracing center in attempting to justify the false represntations made to the State department regarding the M-1 importation from S Korea. Interestingly enough Martin wouldn't tow the company line. That's one in a row. The gist of the call was to garner support from ATF personnel to suggest to Congress that M-1 rifles are some kind of heinous crime gun. Good luck with that Mr. Melson and Traver.

#155 Retired and loving it

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Posted 11 January 2011 - 12:15 PM

Zorro, this is a very interesting topic you posted. Any thoughts on why it keeps getting pushed off the highlighted post list?

#156 Zorro



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Posted 08 January 2011 - 08:31 PM

Stop making the industry our enemys. Did ANYONE on the 5th floor consider asking for volutary compliance of reporting multiple long gun sales. My guess is that we would have gotten 70-80 percent voluntary compliance AND we wouldn't have invoked the Ire of the gun lobby by trying an end around. Who released trace data to the Washington Post in violation of the Tiahart amendment. Have they been fired or demoted? We cannot do our job without the industry.


See attached:

Attached Files

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#157 Doc Holiday

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Posted 08 January 2011 - 11:26 AM

Stop making the industry our enemys. Did ANYONE on the 5th floor consider asking for volutary compliance of reporting multiple long gun sales. My guess is that we would have gotten 70-80 percent voluntary compliance AND we wouldn't have invoked the Ire of the gun lobby by trying an end around. Who released trace data to the Washington Post in violation of the Tiahart amendment. Have they been fired or demoted? We cannot do our job without the industry.

#158 Retired and loving it

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 07:23 PM

Once again, the person writing to the Justice OIG makes some astute observations. It's good to see that the person wrote the IG's Office but, unfortunately, since the cited supervisor has not attained the GS-15 level, the matter will probably be bucked down to ATF for investigation. Don't hold your breath for any meaningful corrective action!

Edited by Retired and loving it, 07 January 2011 - 07:30 PM.

#159 Zorro



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Posted 07 January 2011 - 05:16 PM

More on Martinsburg

or perhaps Moron in Martinsburg would be more fitting?

A follow-up to the previously posted letter.... It looks like the entitlement society is alive and well at ATF:

Office of the Inspector General
U.S. Department of Justice
Investigations Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Room 4706
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am writing this letter out of continuing frustration. Included with this letter is a letter I previously wrote to the Inspector General. Please read both of them if you receive them.

Since the original letter the budget problem inside of ATF has become even more severe. Along with our struggles to do our job the lack of sensitivity to non agents has increased. We have been informed, or should I say bombarded with the fact that there is no money to perform even trivial tasks. On a daily basis we are told to cut back, for every office supply needed we must put in a request. Then at the end of each month our budget person must ensure there is enough money to transfer to the gas fund for our special agents. ATF cannot see the forest for the trees.

Gas has reached an all time high and our agents are still driving large expensive vehicles with no concern for money. The Martinsburg supervisors are making a plan on what contractors can be “let go” and the word furlough is being passed around. Our leadership is willing to let the personnel that perform the necessary work go, yet will not park a car or offend our “special” agents.

Through all of this discussion it has been discovered that most of these agents do not own a car they could drive to work. Can you imagine the money a person could save if only one person in your household had to have a car along with car insurance? Most of us do not earn the money that a special agent makes (notice I do not use earn for the agent).

The previous letter I sent you was also sent to a few newspaper outlets and has now hit the web. As it began circulating through ATF it reached the Martinsburg area. Of course the special agents became enraged that they would be called out on this misuse of government funds. My original intent was not to single any one person out, but to better convey the mentality and selfishness of our agents I must use Special Agent Ben Hayes as an example.

Ben is a supervisor GS14 with take home car who has not worked in an investigative role for over 11 years. He has bounced from office to office in the tracing center and maintained his government vehicle. When the letter was being discussed he became rabid and made comments like; “who the f%*^ do people think they are stirring up shit”. As he was grandstanding the tracing center was deciding on which contractors were to be fired. Yes, let me keep my vehicle but fire this many personnel.

Here is person that makes somewhere around $140,000.00 annum along with car and benefits and rest assured he is not a worker.
He is despised and known for his laziness throughout the tracing center. But, he has no concerns for any of his contractor employees. After his rant he said (I paraphrase) don’t worry I will call the DAD (deputy assistant director) she will listen to me.

Our leaders need to be looking at a way to save jobs not privileges. In our bureau we are dependent on the lower level staff to do the actual work. If these personnel are let go our workload will increase and we will become more backlogged. Push out the senior personnel and open a path of progression for the junior staff.

I am deeply saddened by the entrenched despicable attitude of supervisors such as Ben Hayes; however, he is not alone in his attitudes. If our senior leadership does not reach down and get some courage to do the right cuts we may cease functioning.

Please become involved with this agency. We have a much needed mission to the law enforcement community.

Sincerely Yours,

A caring and dedicated employee:

Zorro Note: For those of you that have never worked around contract employees (NOT retired ATF managers who get a sweet hookup) they are are often more diligent than ATF employees because of the strict accountability for their work performance. While they are treated like an under class, ATF employees rarely hesitate to take credit for their efforts. Can anyone say "Beltway Sniper" or "Columbine"?
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#160 Retired and loving it

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 09:25 AM

Astute observations from a relatively new employee.

Looks like there may be more piggies to carve up.

Here is the content of a letter shared w/me which has reportedly been sent to IG and two news outlets (I cannot verify that it has but also have no reason to doubt it):

I would like to vent some frustrations I have as a government employee. Having come from the private sector I was very excited when I was hired by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. My experience working around Special Agents in the field had been rewarding and fulfilling and I was exited when hired and became a full time employee working in the headquarters element.

What surprises awaited me!! The personnel in the HQ element seem to be from another organization. There is very little professionalism and it seems the entire concept of employment is to extrapolate money, benefits and free time from the government. I have reached a point after a few short years in which I am embarrassed for working with the BATF.

When our economy is not growing and our budget is dwindling the BATF special agents are continuously manipulating the system to gain a financial benefit. I am sure that you are aware of the special pay and benefits that agents receive because of the hours they work when conducting criminal cases. But, I do not think you understand how the system is manipulated.

Agents are assigned a take home car so they can come and go when working cases, what a phenomenal benefit when the average agent is a GS 13 receiving an additional 25% of his pay for law enforcement availability (excess of $135,000.00). When assigned to a HQ unit the car benefit and the law enforcement availability pay is supposed to stop. Guess what, they found a way around this. Agents from the Martinsburg, WV area in particular have written a convoluted letter that they are on a �special response� unit so they need to have a vehicle for emergency recall. The facility has a 24 hour guard presence and our attorneys signed off on it!! What nonsense. The average distance from home to work of these agents is 50 miles in which some live over 75 miles. Local law enforcement will be there hours before these agents would arrive. Additionally, to a person, they have said there is no way they will come in on an emergency.

What a phenomenal benefit this automobile is with the average cost of gas at over $2.50 per gallon. To prove this point during our great snow storm of 2010 not one single agent came in. Yes the government was shut down but the government payed for 4 wheel drive vehicles so these agents could continue government functions in an emergency.

It doesn�t stop there. To draw the law enforcement availability pay they initially determined that (as a group) they would work 10 hours a day. This wasn�t good enough. They have determined that once they are in their �government vehicle� they were at their place of employment as the vehicle was an extension of the office. This one had to make me laugh with its audaciousness. So an agent lives 50 or 75 miles from work and commutes 2 hours each day; the commute time is claimed as work and they are back to an 8 hour day. Don�t worry it doesn�t end. As you know the government has the Health Improvement Program in which a person is allowed 3 hours per week to work out. You guessed it now 3 of those 8 hour days have turned into 7 hour days.

This would be comical if it were not true. Most offices in HQ do not have operating expenses but at the end of every month we are told to find money to transfer to the fuel account. We sure wouldn�t want these hard working dedicated employees to drive their own car, to spend about 7 hours a day at the office, would we? We can cancel mission essential programs but those vehicles must be available.

How about the rest of the civil service employees? Can we start claiming our commute as work time? This reminds me of �all men are created equal just some are more equal than others�. The public must be made aware of this as we the public pay for this nonsense through our taxes.

Along with the vehicle and time issue: Why do all agents have a cell phone, air card for their computer, and a blackberry? Many personnel are not working on criminals cases even though their actions could be considered criminal, so why are we consuming these expenses?

It gets better! With the mandatory sentencing guidelines many state and local law enforcement take their gun crimes to the United States Attorney. These cases are known as adoption cases. A special agent with BATF can now collect pay and do minimal administrative work and take these cases to trial. No more long days of investigating a crime, their stats go way up. So what happens to the automobile we are paying for? They drive to the gym to work out, they drive to lunch to eat, and they drive to and from a place of existence because it is not work.

This is only a tip of the iceberg with the fraudulent use of facilities by the agents of BATF. There are many agents that are in HQ to include Martinsburg, and all of BATF that have been relieved and do not perform law enforcement functions. They create positions such as: NIBIN coordinator, DTA, FIC, there is so many, who knows what the acronyms means. However, each and every agent draws law enforcement avaialability pay, take home car, works 7 hours a day for 10 hours work and on and on.

We are in dire need of someone with courage and leadership to right this sinking ship. ATF is being managed by individuals who have only concern for their personal benefits. If you decide to act you must interview personnel that are not in a supervisory position. Everyone here has seen the whitewash lies. Furthermore non agent employees are well aware of retaliation if they speak out.

This agency performs a valuable function and should not be abolished. The IG should place a permanent presence in the BATF to monitor the excesses and cover ups. But, if it cannot clean itself up maybe it is time to place it under the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

NOTE: The Martinsburg facility is secured 24/7 by armed personnel and field agents are assigned there. In addition, the building is within minutes of multiple LE agencies: WV State Police, Berkeley County Sheriff, Jefferson County Sheriff, Charlestown PD, and Martinsburg PD. This would seem to lend credibility to the author's claims of a racket. Any input from the street agents? Do HQ office agents have many occasions for emergency response to the Martinsburg facility and if so for what type of incidents that field agents and state/local LE cannot tend to? Sounds like it might be far more cost effective to pay mileage per each occurrence vs. buying, fueling, and maintaining a fleet of cars. If the fix is in, is chief counsel culpable for approval? I have never seen a situation like this or know anything about getting this set up approved. Any input would be appreciated.

#161 Doc Holiday

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Posted 07 January 2011 - 07:34 AM

anyone who is concerned about Travers agenda or knowledge of the state of affairs at ATF, should write, email or fax your concerns to the Senate judiciary committee. Make sure the right questions are asked. First, does he openly acknowledge our Bureau is on life support in the Department of Justice and within the Law Enforcement community in general? #2 What are you going to do about it, SPECIFICALLY? If he isn't aware of what a dismal state our Bureau is in, he doesn't deserve to be our Director. If he is aware and plans business as usual, he doesn't deserve to be our Director.

#162 Valkyrie



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Posted 07 January 2011 - 06:04 AM

If Joe Riehl is in Israel after the OIG report was released, Mr. Melson and or Mr. Hoover should be called to testify before a house committee on waste fraud and abuse. That is as outrageous as is gets. He has totally mismanaged our entire arson and explosives program and they reward him? I guess Ms. Michalics doom and gloom budget webcast doesn't apply to SES bosses. Riehl is supposedly in line to run another program, instead he should be demoted for incompetence and arrogance. Mr. Melson OR Traver, ask ANY NRT member or EEO and they will tell you. Oh that's right, we are just dumb field agents.

According to a buddy in the JSOC, not only is Riehl is in Israel but so is Riehl's buddy Dave Shatzer. Can anyone verify this?

#163 Doc Holiday

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 10:19 PM

If Joe Riehl is in Israel after the OIG report was released, Mr. Melson and or Mr. Hoover should be called to testify before a house committee on waste fraud and abuse. That is as outrageous as is gets. He has totally mismanaged our entire arson and explosives program and they reward him? I guess Ms. Michalics doom and gloom budget webcast doesn't apply to SES bosses. Riehl is supposedly in line to run another program, instead he should be demoted for incompetence and arrogance. Mr. Melson OR Traver, ask ANY NRT member or EEO and they will tell you. Oh that's right, we are just dumb field agents.

#164 Noreaster



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Posted 06 January 2011 - 09:17 PM

Its tough to CUT budgets when we have contractors (4) in each field division, doing what rookie GS-5 or GS-7 Agents used to do as a collateral duty. Most are retired RACs and SACs. Contractors shuffling paper for NIBIN. Contractors doing backgrounds. We used to have to do ALL of this. And of course, due to our total lack of skilled leadership, we are spending who knows how much defending abusive managers. Two ASACs in every field division where there is only enough work for one. We are the same size as we were 20 yrs. ago, so why the huge increase in management ranks? Why SOOOOO many GS 14 and above in HQ. This is simple Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, get back to basics, catching bad guys. stop promoting for the sake of promotion. We have too many guys in HQ doing nothing. One to study the bucket, one to buy the bucket, one to oversee the filling of the bucket, one to fill the bucket etc etc etc. Multiple moves and extended per diem details to protect corrupt managers. This is NOT rocket science gentleman. Lead by example.

Doc, our division has been told that we have to basically stop our investigative travel unless it is an emergency (use collaterals, video conferencing, letters, etc.), stop any training of state and locals, slash office supplies, cut OT for TFOs to the bone, no more conference attendence, etc. I guess we have money for foreign travel though, because Friend of Billy and explosives sellout Joe Riehl is in Israel for a week. Gee, I wonder where that money came from, and why it is an emergency for him to go there? I am sure Billy and Ken have a totally valid reason, since it is only a few thousand $$$.




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Posted 06 January 2011 - 09:01 PM

If you were curious about how much ATF is WASTING on this abusive practice of attacking their own employees, so am I. But since the Bureau believes this is protected information, heres a PARTIAL breakdown of charges. These are probably not the most up to date fees, but they were accurate at some point in time, as they were posted by DSZ. This was provided by a civilian whos taxes go to pay for Mr. Melsons NOT retaliation. Do the math. Remember to multiply by the number of complaints posted in relation to the No Fear Act. Now you know why no mission or training money is left.

DSZ Full 738X HR-EEO Pricing Table
Contract Number: GS-22F-9784H
(Prices Effective 1/1/2004)
Investigation of Discrimination Complaints & Preparation of Investigation Reports

Special Item # (SIN)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5

595-1 Individual Case
1 Issue
$ 2948.00
$ 3036.00
$ 3127.00
$ 3221.00
$ 3318.00

595-2 Individual Case
Per Additional Issue
$ 185.00
$ 191.00
$ 196.00
$ 201.00
$ 207.00

595-3 Individual Case
Continuing Violation
$ 3416.00
$ 3519.00
$ 3625.00
$ 3734.00
$ 3845.00

595-5 Consolidated Case*
1 Issue
$ 3416.00
$ 3519.00
$ 3625.00
$ 3734.00
$ 3845.00

595-6 Consolidated Case*
Per Additional Issue
$ 185.00
$ 191.00
$ 196.00
$ 201.00
$ 207.00

595-7 Consolidated Case*
Continuing Violation
$ 3706.00
$ 3816.00
$ 3931.00
$ 4049.00
$ 4171.00

595-9 Additional Copies
Investigation Report
$ .09/page
$ .09/page
$ .09/page
$ .10/page
$ .10/page

*Price is based on multiple complaints filed by the SAME Complainant. If case involves different Complainants, a 15 percent surcharge will be added to cover additional costs of publication time and materials to generate additional copies of the files and additional postage costs.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

$ 138.00/hr
$ 142.00/hr
$ 146.00/hr
$ 151.00/hr
$ 155.00/hr

Posted Image

This is an example of the lack of transparency of ATF management. Try to FOIA anything that has to do with ATF and this what you get. Why is this a surprise to anyone? This site has been begging for attention to the corrupt mismanagement and double talk of ATF headquarters for nearly two years. CleanUpATF is not an enemy of the state. It is agents, headquarters personell, support staff, compliance employees, retired employees and civilians who have been given no voice, no attention and no respect by the very people to are taking a sharpie marker and hiding every single thing they do wrong and insisting on selling us on the lie that all is well and they are doing everything right. What is happening at ATF is going to be examined by Congress, the media or both and when that happens in a real way, not a brush over, ATF's leadership team is going to bring one of the biggest embarassments ever known on Holder and DOJ and Obama and the White House. They've ignored the situation and they are just as responsible for the tradgedy that has become ATF every bit as much as the ones who made it happen directly. Melson can go on CNN and tell the nation that he won't tolerate bad conduct on his watch but he did, he has and he continues to. Not a single person at ATF believes his lies any longer. Can there be any stronger vote of 'no confidence' for ATF leadership than the one taking place right now and before the eyes of Holder and Obama?

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#166 Iceman



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Posted 06 January 2011 - 02:17 PM

With Mr. Travers renomination comes a whole NEW set of questions. For example: Are aware that you ATF Exclusive NRT program is and has been an abject failure as a direct result of Joe Riehls negligence and mismanagement? Do you support your alleged choice for DD, Steve Martins position of GIVING AWAY our explosives jurisdiction? Are you going to continue covering up corrupt and abusive personnel practices, costing the agency/department 10s of millions of dollars? Are you going to ignore improper and unethical practices without consequence to senior managers and Chief counsels Office? If not, are you prepared to send your peers packing? How are you going to rebuild the relationship between the field and the industry? These are but SOME of the questions. I'm sure there will be more.

#167 apostate



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Posted 06 January 2011 - 09:22 AM


It appears said letter was accurate. Word is that the affected crew are a bit upset. Tip o' the hat to Gun Rights Examiner for spreading the word throughout the agency.

Look guys, THE COUNTRY IS BANKRUPT. Time to step away from the trough and consider how fortuante we all are to have excellent jobs and live off the backs of people who are having a rough time. Borrowing from China and anyone else still silly enough to think they might get their money paid back sometime this century, assuring future generations of dependence and servitude to international creditors.

If you guys were legit, you wouldn't be upset because you could easily articulate your need for those cars and extra dough. You want the car and $, go work cases. And hey, look at the bright side: If you park the cars, maybe you can have that spot right next to the door you always wanted but could never quite get. :P

If anyone can contradict what I am posting here, please let me know on or off board. I don't like dragging people down as it embarrasses all of us, but this one is starting to smell like an 8 day diaper.

It is really quite simple: Go in NForce and see how many cases they opened since being issued their vehicles. See how many SIR's generated by their call-outs. Examine their need and other non-investigators ( paper pusher 1811) needs for GOV's. No investigations or call-outs take away their vehicles and give them to street agents busting their butts out in the field protecting the public and assisting local LEO's by arresting and putting violent felons behind bars. Many hard working street agents have old broken down vehicles in dire need of repairs. Seems like all of the new vehicles go to non-working 1811's. But ATF seemed to never put much emphasis on the working street agent.

#168 Doc Holiday

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Posted 06 January 2011 - 07:45 AM

Its tough to CUT budgets when we have contractors (4) in each field division, doing what rookie GS-5 or GS-7 Agents used to do as a collateral duty. Most are retired RACs and SACs. Contractors shuffling paper for NIBIN. Contractors doing backgrounds. We used to have to do ALL of this. And of course, due to our total lack of skilled leadership, we are spending who knows how much defending abusive managers. Two ASACs in every field division where there is only enough work for one. We are the same size as we were 20 yrs. ago, so why the huge increase in management ranks? Why SOOOOO many GS 14 and above in HQ. This is simple Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, get back to basics, catching bad guys. stop promoting for the sake of promotion. We have too many guys in HQ doing nothing. One to study the bucket, one to buy the bucket, one to oversee the filling of the bucket, one to fill the bucket etc etc etc. Multiple moves and extended per diem details to protect corrupt managers. This is NOT rocket science gentleman. Lead by example.

#169 Doc Holiday

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Posted 05 January 2011 - 11:40 PM

Is there one program, initiative or strategic plan that we have NOT reversed in the last two years?

#170 Doc Holiday

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Posted 05 January 2011 - 11:35 PM

Of course its true. 25% of our 1811s arent carrying guns and badges and doing ATF work. They are in specialty and HQ jobs. We CANT afford to continue in this manner. Case work NOT glory grabbing cases and surges are going to save this agency.


It appears said letter was accurate. Word is that the affected crew are a bit upset. Tip o' the hat to Gun Rights Examiner for spreading the word throughout the agency.

Look guys, THE COUNTRY IS BANKRUPT. Time to step away from the trough and consider how fortuante we all are to have excellent jobs and live off the backs of people who are having a rough time. Borrowing from China and anyone else still silly enough to think they might get their money paid back sometime this century, assuring future generations of dependence and servitude to international creditors.

If you guys were legit, you wouldn't be upset because you could easily articulate your need for those cars and extra dough. You want the car and $, go work cases. And hey, look at the bright side: If you park the cars, maybe you can have that spot right next to the door you always wanted but could never quite get. :P

If anyone can contradict what I am posting here, please let me know on or off board. I don't like dragging people down as it embarrasses all of us, but this one is starting to smell like an 8 day diaper.

#171 Zorro



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Posted 05 January 2011 - 07:51 PM


It appears said letter was accurate. Word is that the affected crew are a bit upset. Tip o' the hat to Gun Rights Examiner for spreading the word throughout the agency.

Look guys, THE COUNTRY IS BANKRUPT. Time to step away from the trough and consider how fortunate we all are to have excellent jobs and live off the backs of people who are having a rough time. Borrowing from China and anyone else still silly enough to think they might get their money paid back sometime this century, assuring future generations of dependence and servitude to international creditors.

If you guys were legit, you wouldn't be upset because you could easily articulate your need for those cars and extra dough. You want the car and $, go work cases. And hey, look at the bright side: If you park the cars, maybe you can have that spot right next to the door you always wanted but could never quite get. :P

If anyone can contradict what I am posting here, please let me know on or off board. I don't like dragging people down as it embarrasses all of us, but this one is starting to smell like an 8 day diaper.
The views and opinions expressed by the author are just that. They are not the official opinion of anyone anywhere in any capacity.

#172 Guest_Corny_*

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Posted 05 January 2011 - 10:12 AM

This is an example of the lack of transparency of ATF management. Try to FOIA anything that has to do with ATF and this what you get. Why is this a surprise to anyone? This site has been begging for attention to the corrupt mismanagement and double talk of ATF headquarters for nearly two years. CleanUpATF is not an enemy of the state. It is agents, headquarters personell, support staff, compliance employees, retired employees and civilians who have been given no voice, no attention and no respect by the very people to are taking a sharpie marker and hiding every single thing they do wrong and insisting on selling us on the lie that all is well and they are doing everything right. What is happening at ATF is going to be examined by Congress, the media or both and when that happens in a real way, not a brush over, ATF's leadership team is going to bring one of the biggest embarassments ever known on Holder and DOJ and Obama and the White House. They've ignored the situation and they are just as responsible for the tradgedy that has become ATF every bit as much as the ones who made it happen directly. Melson can go on CNN and tell the nation that he won't tolerate bad conduct on his watch but he did, he has and he continues to. Not a single person at ATF believes his lies any longer. Can there be any stronger vote of 'no confidence' for ATF leadership than the one taking place right now and before the eyes of Holder and Obama?

PS: is it possible for ATF to become a bigger joke than we already have? Our leaderhip has made us irrelevant in everything we do behind their lies and deceptions. There was once a day when other agencies and police departments welcomed an ATF walking through their doors. We are now being locked out of cases that fall under our very jurisdiction because our management is so inept. We once lead the way as the Fed's street cops. Not any longer. Thanks ATF management for turning us into an agency that tries to be everything to everyone but in reality is nothing to no one.

#173 Guest_Corny_*

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Posted 05 January 2011 - 10:07 AM

Well now that we are on a continuing resolution and we apparently have NO money, maybe the ACTING Director can explain the attached documents. We have no money for travel, training, SRT, NRT, or any other significant Bureau program, BUT? Attached is ONE of 15 pages of redacted FOIA information, representing how much the Bureau has paid out to the contract agency used to investigate EEOC allegations. Apparently the Director and Mr. Hoover have ignored or are not aware of President Obama's and the Attorney Generals direction regarding transparency. Do the math, how much would the following disbursements pay for in the way of mission related expenses? Would it have paid for more investigative expenses? Is it National security information? Simple question, HOW MUCH HAVE WE PAID to cover up gross mismanagement? There is line after line of TAXPAYER money which they(ATF)feel is somehow protected. You decide. How much do you think 15 pages amounts to?

Posted Image

This is an example of the lack of transparency of ATF management. Try to FOIA anything that has to do with ATF and this what you get. Why is this a surprise to anyone? This site has been begging for attention to the corrupt mismanagement and double talk of ATF headquarters for nearly two years. CleanUpATF is not an enemy of the state. It is agents, headquarters personell, support staff, compliance employees, retired employees and civilians who have been given no voice, no attention and no respect by the very people to are taking a sharpie marker and hiding every single thing they do wrong and insisting on selling us on the lie that all is well and they are doing everything right. What is happening at ATF is going to be examined by Congress, the media or both and when that happens in a real way, not a brush over, ATF's leadership team is going to bring one of the biggest embarassments ever known on Holder and DOJ and Obama and the White House. They've ignored the situation and they are just as responsible for the tradgedy that has become ATF every bit as much as the ones who made it happen directly. Melson can go on CNN and tell the nation that he won't tolerate bad conduct on his watch but he did, he has and he continues to. Not a single person at ATF believes his lies any longer. Can there be any stronger vote of 'no confidence' for ATF leadership than the one taking place right now and before the eyes of Holder and Obama?

#174 Iceman



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Posted 05 January 2011 - 07:46 AM

Is it true that Newell may not be the permenant Attache to Mexico? Is it because the 5th floor will no longer support his failed leadership practices? Is it because of the perjury he committed in recent depositions? Because he was asleep at the wheel while all those guns crossed the border? Or do they just not want Gillette let alone to abuse the Phoenix FD.

#175 Zorro



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Posted 02 January 2011 - 05:42 PM

Looks like there may be more piggies to carve up.

Here is the content of a letter shared w/me which has reportedly been sent to IG and two news outlets (I cannot verify that it has but also have no reason to doubt it):

I would like to vent some frustrations I have as a government employee. Having come from the private sector I was very excited when I was hired by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. My experience working around Special Agents in the field had been rewarding and fulfilling and I was exited when hired and became a full time employee working in the headquarters element.

What surprises awaited me!! The personnel in the HQ element seem to be from another organization. There is very little professionalism and it seems the entire concept of employment is to extrapolate money, benefits and free time from the government. I have reached a point after a few short years in which I am embarrassed for working with the BATF.

When our economy is not growing and our budget is dwindling the BATF special agents are continuously manipulating the system to gain a financial benefit. I am sure that you are aware of the special pay and benefits that agents receive because of the hours they work when conducting criminal cases. But, I do not think you understand how the system is manipulated.

Agents are assigned a take home car so they can come and go when working cases, what a phenomenal benefit when the average agent is a GS 13 receiving an additional 25% of his pay for law enforcement availability (excess of $135,000.00). When assigned to a HQ unit the car benefit and the law enforcement availability pay is supposed to stop. Guess what, they found a way around this. Agents from the Martinsburg, WV area in particular have written a convoluted letter that they are on a special response unit so they need to have a vehicle for emergency recall. The facility has a 24 hour guard presence and our attorneys signed off on it!! What nonsense. The average distance from home to work of these agents is 50 miles in which some live over 75 miles. Local law enforcement will be there hours before these agents would arrive. Additionally, to a person, they have said there is no way they will come in on an emergency.

What a phenomenal benefit this automobile is with the average cost of gas at over $2.50 per gallon. To prove this point during our great snow storm of 2010 not one single agent came in. Yes the government was shut down but the government payed for 4 wheel drive vehicles so these agents could continue government functions in an emergency.

It doesnt stop there. To draw the law enforcement availability pay they initially determined that (as a group) they would work 10 hours a day. This wasnt good enough. They have determined that once they are in their government vehicle they were at their place of employment as the vehicle was an extension of the office. This one had to make me laugh with its audaciousness. So an agent lives 50 or 75 miles from work and commutes 2 hours each day; the commute time is claimed as work and they are back to an 8 hour day. Dont worry it doesnt end. As you know the government has the Health Improvement Program in which a person is allowed 3 hours per week to work out. You guessed it now 3 of those 8 hour days have turned into 7 hour days.

This would be comical if it were not true. Most offices in HQ do not have operating expenses but at the end of every month we are told to find money to transfer to the fuel account. We sure wouldnt want these hard working dedicated employees to drive their own car, to spend about 7 hours a day at the office, would we? We can cancel mission essential programs but those vehicles must be available.

How about the rest of the civil service employees? Can we start claiming our commute as work time? This reminds me of all men are created equal just some are more equal than others. The public must be made aware of this as we the public pay for this nonsense through our taxes.

Along with the vehicle and time issue: Why do all agents have a cell phone, air card for their computer, and a blackberry? Many personnel are not working on criminals cases even though their actions could be considered criminal, so why are we consuming these expenses?

It gets better! With the mandatory sentencing guidelines many state and local law enforcement take their gun crimes to the United States Attorney. These cases are known as adoption cases. A special agent with BATF can now collect pay and do minimal administrative work and take these cases to trial. No more long days of investigating a crime, their stats go way up. So what happens to the automobile we are paying for? They drive to the gym to work out, they drive to lunch to eat, and they drive to and from a place of existence because it is not work.

This is only a tip of the iceberg with the fraudulent use of facilities by the agents of BATF. There are many agents that are in HQ to include Martinsburg, and all of BATF that have been relieved and do not perform law enforcement functions. They create positions such as: NIBIN coordinator, DTA, FIC, there is so many, who knows what the acronyms means. However, each and every agent draws law enforcement avaialability pay, take home car, works 7 hours a day for 10 hours work and on and on.

We are in dire need of someone with courage and leadership to right this sinking ship. ATF is being managed by individuals who have only concern for their personal benefits. If you decide to act you must interview personnel that are not in a supervisory position. Everyone here has seen the whitewash lies. Furthermore non agent employees are well aware of retaliation if they speak out.

This agency performs a valuable function and should not be abolished. The IG should place a permanent presence in the BATF to monitor the excesses and cover ups. But, if it cannot clean itself up maybe it is time to place it under the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

NOTE: The Martinsburg facility is secured 24/7 by armed personnel and field agents are assigned there. In addition, the building is within minutes of multiple LE agencies: WV State Police, Berkeley County Sheriff, Jefferson County Sheriff, Charlestown PD, and Martinsburg PD. This would seem to lend credibility to the author's claims of a racket. Any input from the street agents? Do HQ office agents have many occasions for emergency response to the Martinsburg facility and if so for what type of incidents that field agents and state/local LE cannot tend to? Sounds like it might be far more cost effective to pay mileage per each occurrence vs. buying, fueling, and maintaining a fleet of cars. If the fix is in, is chief counsel culpable for approval? I have never seen a situation like this or know anything about getting this set up approved. Any input would be appreciated.
The views and opinions expressed by the author are just that. They are not the official opinion of anyone anywhere in any capacity.

#176 Doc Holiday

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Posted 02 January 2011 - 11:16 AM

Happy New Year to all that have dedicated themselves to ATF and law enforcement in general. To those who have posted, read and shared the many topics on CUATF, thank you.

2010 saw many successes on the part of ATF field personnel, but change comes slowly. As a reminder, this site is intended to achieve oversight and correction of ATF's endemic and longstanding leadership failures. Please continue to push for a better Bureau, and let us do so with civility and a focus on relevant topics.

Of course, ATF’s management is still ignoring DOJ and White House mandates regarding transparency. Our leaders have made a number of substantial promises this year only to break them as soon as they thought no one was looking. They were wrong on both accounts.

The following is a brief, bullet-point list we call, “ATFs Year in Review”. We believe that significant oversight is coming in 2011, and that would never have been possible without your support and participation. This Bureau is one of the greatest law enforcement agencies ever formed. We cannot let the American people and those ATF employees who came before us down.

Before reading the following “report card”, please take a moment to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in 2010 keep America safe. May they never be forgotten, and God Bless their families and our American soldiers.

HAPPY 2011.



  • Bureau remains leaderless (without a permanent Director since 2006);
  • ATF spent over half the year without a Director;
  • Bureau’s ESF-13 program proves to be a total and abject failure;
  • Bureau’s hugely expensive and much ballyhooed “Project Gunrunner” also deemed to be a massive failure; (due in large part to ineffectiveness, personal politics, allowing crime guns to knowingly enter Mexico, etc.);
  • Bureau’s employee and especially agent morale sinks to an all-time low (which is really saying something);
  • Director fails to take any effective action to stop the continuing pattern of egregious abuses and acts of unlawful reprisal against his own field employees;
  • When questioned on national television regarding management retaliations against employees, the Director denies the existence of any such retaliation and guarantees that this type of management conduct "will not be tolerated" (a blatant lie);
  • The Bureau drops from “Top 20” to #41 in the “Best Places to Work” list (and continues to plummet towards the bottom of the list);
  • A SAC received death threats from an ATF agent. The agent was removed from duty, but only after an SRT team was deployed to protect SAC and his family. This rapid, proactive response starkly contrasts with ATF's repeated failure to even minimally protect mere field agents and their wives and children from verified death threats made by brutal criminals;
  • A senior compliance manager engaged in lewd sexual conduct (the infamous "glory hole" event), yet was inexplicably protected by his superiors;
  • The Assistant Director of Internal Affairs was demoted to his previous SAC position for a long list of serious acts of misconduct;
  • The agency’s Chief Counsel’s Office was identified as having repeatedly engaged in a widespread pattern of unlawful abuse and serious acts of unethical conduct against ATF employees;
  • ATF’s Lead Ethics Attorney was recused from participation in a critical lawsuit filed against the agency after being named as a material witness based on her improper and overzealous conduct against the Plaintiff;
  • Several SACs and ASACs were proven to have deliberately committed substantial acts of misconduct in direct violation of mandatory Bureau and DOJ policies, yet have faced zero disciplinary action or other rightful accountability;
  • The Bureau's strategic plan was revised and adjusted on multiple occasions to accommodate for and cover-up enormous failures on the part of ATF management;
  • The Bureau’s Attaché’ in Mexico was thrown under the bus to cover up ATF Headquarters’ repeated failures. His replacement was a SAC who had previously been deemed incapable of quality management. In fact, an independent investigation by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) characterized his managerial decision-making as “dangerous”;
  • ATF predictably shielded an SES SAC that had been found guilty of misusing her office and lying under oath (on two occasions). Rather than facing discipline or, more justifiably, prosecution, senior ATF management simply allowed her to retire with benefits and a "hero's" sendoff. Viola...problem "solved"!
  • The Bureau’s “leadership” was forced to relinquish ATF’s primary explosive jurisdiction to the FBI, as a direct result of its own longstanding managerial incompetence;
  • The Bureau promoted senior managers that had been explicitly documented to have given sworn testimony that, to put it mildly, “lacked candor”;
  • ATF employees filed more official complaints than those filed by FBI and DEA employees, which are both much larger agencies;
  • Several of the Bureau’s most senior managers were forced into retirement (rather than rightfully being fired or otherwise disciplined), due to their flagrant acts of ethical misconduct. Once again, problem "solved!";
  • In ATF's well-practiced version of "business as usual", serious acts of unlawful or unethical conduct on the part of ATF’s senior managers were covered-up by the agency’s legal counsel and 5th floor;
  • Overt acts of criminal misconduct on the part of ATF managers were brought to the attention of ATF senior management, but predictably ignored;
  • ATF attempted to outlaw rubber BB guns, drawing ridicule from even its few remaining supporters;
  • The agency violated explicit congressional mandates by illegally interfering with the lawful import of firearms from South Korea (based on the advice of its utterly incompetent Chief Counsel's Office).
That is quite a record, ATF management.

#177 abteilung



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Posted 01 January 2011 - 09:33 AM

Here is another "fat trimming" idea. How many Program Officers, Project Officers or whatever the Bureau has decided to call were nominated and promoted in place? That is correct, they had SF 50s cut for a position with DC locality pay, while they "stayed in place". These guys are in places like Charlotte, Chicago, Macon, Miami, among others, and still get the 24+% locality pay for DC. Follow the paper trail....... somebody had to approve them. How much money could we save, just by cutting these abuses?

Can someone explain to me why ATF has so many GS-14 Project Managers and Project Officers? Why do we have so many people at the first-line supervisory level who supervise no one?

Is it because this agency promotes the unqualified into GS-14 slots, and then realize they can't supervise? So, let's start busting them back to -13's.

#178 ProConfesso



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Posted 31 December 2010 - 08:36 PM

oh yea, like when little edger had his sister-in-law working under him

#179 apostate



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Posted 31 December 2010 - 05:02 PM

Here is another "fat trimming" idea. How many Program Officers, Project Officers or whatever the Bureau has decided to call were nominated and promoted in place? That is correct, they had SF 50s cut for a position with DC locality pay, while they "stayed in place". These guys are in places like Charlotte, Chicago, Macon, Miami, among others, and still get the 24+% locality pay for DC. Follow the paper trail....... somebody had to approve them. How much money could we save, just by cutting these abuses?

Isn't that fraud? Is DOJ OIG aware of this?
Are they going to have to repay that that money?

#180 thruth101

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 03:23 PM

Here is another "fat trimming" idea. How many Program Officers, Project Officers or whatever the Bureau has decided to call were nominated and promoted in place? That is correct, they had SF 50s cut for a position with DC locality pay, while they "stayed in place". These guys are in places like Charlotte, Chicago, Macon, Miami, among others, and still get the 24+% locality pay for DC. Follow the paper trail....... somebody had to approve them. How much money could we save, just by cutting these abuses?

#181 thruth101

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Posted 31 December 2010 - 12:45 PM

Does this mean that SOD will not be able to go on their annual pilgrimage to Shot Show in Las Vegas, or visit girlfriends at FLETC? Well maybe they could get Glock to flip for the bill this time, after all, we all know they were pre-selected. Or maybe, just maybe, SOD could pawn off the 900 plus new Sigs owned by the Bureau, still at FTB, and use that money for their excursions. What was the rush to get Glocks? Just a thought.

#182 Zorro



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Posted 29 December 2010 - 09:08 PM

Word is that Mr. Melson has taken out the electric knife and cut into some vacations this year. SHOT staffing cut about 70% - which was needed. Last year, reports are that somewhere between 80-100 employees went to Vegas on the dole - considerably more than worked the booth or industry seminars. If the numbers are accurate, for every worker there were 2-3 MIAs. No more annual Bavarian getaways, either. What will become of Munich with no ATF employees? Once again, Mr. Melson - job well done.
The views and opinions expressed by the author are just that. They are not the official opinion of anyone anywhere in any capacity.

#183 Doc Holiday

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 07:29 AM

Appeal the FOIA results. It would be intersting how much money has been disbursed to this company for unecessary investigations on disputes created or escalated by Ms. Loos and Ms. Bacon. I bet the total amount would fund ALL of our gunrunner groups. Pass it on to a media outlet who can get this information. With the increase in disputes, its not unreasonable to think ALOT of money is being wasted on these disputes. Oh thats right, Mr. Melson so eloquently pointed out that not ALL allegations are true. Mr. Melson, as an expereince arson investigator, WHERE THERE'S SMOKE, THERE'S FIRE.

Well now that we are on a continuing resolution and we apparently have NO money, maybe the ACTING Director can explain the attached documents. We have no money for travel, training, SRT, NRT, or any other significant Bureau program, BUT? Attached is ONE of 15 pages of redacted FOIA information, representining how much the Bureau has paid out to the contract agency used to investigate EEOC allegations. Apparently the Director and Mr. Hoover have ignored or are not aware of President Obama's and the Attorney Generals direction regarding transparency. Do the math, how much would the following disbursements pay for in the way of mission related expenses? Would it have paid for more investigative expenses? Is it National security information? Simple question, HOW MUCH HAVE WE PAID to cover up gross mismanagement? There is line after line of TAXPAYER money which they(ATF)feel is somehow protected. You decide. How much do you think 15 pages amounts to?




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Posted 27 December 2010 - 08:06 PM

Well now that we are on a continuing resolution and we apparently have NO money, maybe the ACTING Director can explain the attached documents. We have no money for travel, training, SRT, NRT, or any other significant Bureau program, BUT? Attached is ONE of 15 pages of redacted FOIA information, representing how much the Bureau has paid out to the contract agency used to investigate EEOC allegations. Apparently the Director and Mr. Hoover have ignored or are not aware of President Obama's and the Attorney Generals direction regarding transparency. Do the math, how much would the following disbursements pay for in the way of mission related expenses? Would it have paid for more investigative expenses? Is it National security information? Simple question, HOW MUCH HAVE WE PAID to cover up gross mismanagement? There is line after line of TAXPAYER money which they(ATF)feel is somehow protected. You decide. How much do you think 15 pages amounts to?

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#185 Guest_microscope_*

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Posted 22 December 2010 - 12:37 AM

Good luck ever trying to make one their forced transfers work again. Potter got the pass and Newell has taken the pass twice to HQ but I guess his personal dilemmas cleared up since he had no problem jumping on the job he wanted in Mexico. He was down in Mexico City the same week they told him he was the guy. So now some agent who gets jacked up for j-walking is going to be told that he is being transferred to Fargo. Nope. Just cite the Potter/Newell rule and stay put. They'll try some excuse that SES's have different rules (like we didn't already know that) but just hold tight. They broke their mobility clause toy and they ain't never gonna fix it now.

#186 Doc Holiday

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Posted 15 December 2010 - 12:47 PM

I have a great idea. Sick Loos or her replacement on Potter. Let her quote the mobility agreement that they use ONLY to defend their reprisals. Then make him file for a hardship, submit months and months of documents to support it, then deny him. Make him resubmit for reconsideration. Oh that only applies to the Bert Nagels of the agency huh?
One more question? Did he take a househunting trip? Did he unload his house? Does he have to pay it back? EVERY agent who has been or is being transferred out of reprisal, should copy, print and submit the Directors special message and invoke the "I have personal issues" defense.

Excellent posting below from ATF Employee.

No need to address Melson. He had his chance, failed, moved down, did nothing, made excuses, regained his position and still won't do what's needed. He is going to hide behind catch phrases like "personal reasons" to explain why Potter got sent back. Personal reasons? What changed in Potter's personal life that was not there 90 days ago? If it is a serious matter like an illness, etc., then I appologize. If it is simply that he is a buffoon or can't turn his house in Philly for a profit then to bad for him. Don't lie to us. We are trained to catch people in lies and deceptions and in case you haven't noticed we are very good at it.

Why not change the name ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms) to ATL - Above The Law. Our SES's are being shown almost every day to have committed criminal acts, retaliation, reprisal, lying under oath, etc., but they are accomdated and-or allowed to exit with their resume's intact or their transgressions are simply ignored. Until that is addressed and done so in an honest way using plain talk so us "field employees" can understand it then you are just building the wall of mistrust higher, not breaking it down.

#187 Doc Holiday

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Posted 14 December 2010 - 11:40 PM

The bottom line is this agency is spinning out of control. Mr. Melson is merely keeping the seat warm.

#188 lancebone1967



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Posted 14 December 2010 - 05:09 PM

Excellent posting below from ATF Employee. No need to address Melson. He had his chance, failed, moved down, did nothing, made excuses, regained his position and still won't do what's needed. He is going to hide behind catch phrases like "personal reasons" to explain why Potter got sent back. Personal reasons? What changed in Potter's personal life that was not there 90 days ago? If it is a serious matter like an illness, etc., then I appologize. If it is simply that he is a buffoon or can't turn his house in Philly for a profit then to bad for him. Don't lie to us. We are trained to catch people in lies and deceptions and in case you haven't noticed we are very good at it. Why not change the name ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms) to ATL - Above The Law. Our SES's are being shown almost every day to have committed criminal acts, retaliation, reprisal, lying under oath, etc., but they are accomdated and-or allowed to exit with their resume's intact or their transgressions are simply ignored. Until that is addressed and done so in an honest way using plain talk so us "field employees" can understand it then you are just building the wall of mistrust higher, not breaking it down.

#189 Retired and loving it

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Posted 14 December 2010 - 02:35 PM

Straight Talk to acting Director Melson:

When sir will you really put into action what you have been talking about? Do you honestly think that the field lacks the knowledge that only the executive staff can give you? You sir were not always in the position you are in now or were directly before ATF. Didn't you have a working, first-hand knowledge and ideas that could have been implemented up the ladder if you only had the chance to let it be known? I don't think that your knowledge was instantly gained once you reached executive status. Don't you see that we field employees have a better feel for what's going on? The executive staff only has ideas that promote themselves and/or their post-ATF careers. Did they gain unsurpassed knowledge the day they became SES? Of course not. Then why do you continue to let them led you astray? Are you not concerned with the state of the Bureau? Do you not see the freight train coming? I don't want to believe it, but I am beginning to think all your webcasts and Inside ATF articles are just political innuendo. Could it be that you too are only concerned with yourself and your HIGH 3?

There are no excuses why things are still in the state that they are in. When will your talk be more than just talk. Retaliation is continuing and some is just beginning UNDER YOUR WATCH. Will it ever really stop? I can tell my kids all day long that they can't do this or that, but when they do and I do nothing but tell them again that they can't do it, the precedent has been set. My words are no good. I didn't back them up with action. What will happen-my kids will not respect me and they will know that I don't mean what I say. The same is true with ATF management. When will you walk the walk and not just talk the talk. When will you make every FD and office play by the same standards instead of letting each local and division boss have their own kingdom? What would Congress say about each office doing things differently although we work for the same agency and supposedly operate under the same set of guidelines and policies? When will management quit getting passes to break the law by waste, fraud and abuse? When will managers get the same treatment that agents get when they are caught misusing a G ride? When will the managers learn that this agency is not for their benefit? It is not run by any one person or group of persons other than the American taxpayers.

Do you really care Mr. Melson. It has been the same show UNDER YOUR WATCH as it has with Carter, Sullivan, Truscott and on down the line (Magaw might be the exception). Is that what you want? To be lumped together with those that have been at the helm of the titanic? Or do you want history to be different? You can heed the warnings and steer past the iceberg, or you can let the ship continue on course of known disaster. What would it matter anway? You will have your big fat retirement and ATF director ring to put on display for your friends. So what lives and careers were being destroyed and people were getting abused UNDER YOUR WATCH? Do you really care? After all, we are just thousands of disgruntled people that don't know how to chew gum and walk at the same time-we don't matter to you or the elites of ATF.

I don't know if one person can make a difference, but I am on a mission-I am going to email my senators and representatives and every person on the Appropriations Committee EVERY DAY! That's right. EVERY DAY! The emails may be the same content, but maybe by repetition action will take place. As US Government employees-we deserve better. As ATF employees-we deserve better. Mr. Melson-as human beings-we deserve better. Please step up, it's been long enough.

An excellent and very sincere post, ATF Employee. Please continue to carry the banner for your agency. However, with the character (or lack thereof) of the majority of ATF management, do not let yourself become too dissappointed if things don't change for a while. It took years for the agency to get in the current morass and it will take years for it to get out of it too. But keep your chin up! The masses are behind you.

#190 ATFemployee



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Posted 13 December 2010 - 09:20 PM

Straight Talk to acting Director Melson: When sir will you really put into action what you have been talking about? Do you honestly think that the field lacks the knowledge that only the executive staff can give you? You sir were not always in the position you are in now or were directly before ATF. Didn't you have a working, first-hand knowledge and ideas that could have been implemented up the ladder if you only had the chance to let it be known? I don't think that your knowledge was instantly gained once you reached executive status. Don't you see that we field employees have a better feel for what's going on? The executive staff only has ideas that promote themselves and/or their post-ATF careers. Did they gain unsurpassed knowledge the day they became SES? Of course not. Then why do you continue to let them led you astray? Are you not concerned with the state of the Bureau? Do you not see the freight train coming? I don't want to believe it, but I am beginning to think all your webcasts and Inside ATF articles are just political innuendo. Could it be that you too are only concerned with yourself and your HIGH 3? There are no excuses why things are still in the state that they are in. When will your talk be more than just talk. Retaliation is continuing and some is just beginning UNDER YOUR WATCH. Will it ever really stop? I can tell my kids all day long that they can't do this or that, but when they do and I do nothing but tell them again that they can't do it, the precedent has been set. My words are no good. I didn't back them up with action. What will happen-my kids will not respect me and they will know that I don't mean what I say. The same is true with ATF management. When will you walk the walk and not just talk the talk. When will you make every FD and office play by the same standards instead of letting each local and division boss have their own kingdom? What would Congress say about each office doing things differently although we work for the same agency and supposedly operate under the same set of guidelines and policies? When will management quit getting passes to break the law by waste, fraud and abuse? When will managers get the same treatment that agents get when they are caught misusing a G ride? When will the managers learn that this agency is not for their benefit? It is not run by any one person or group of persons other than the American taxpayers. Do you really care Mr. Melson. It has been the same show UNDER YOUR WATCH as it has with Carter, Sullivan, Truscott and on down the line (Magaw might be the exception). Is that what you want? To be lumped together with those that have been at the helm of the titanic? Or do you want history to be different? You can heed the warnings and steer past the iceberg, or you can let the ship continue on course of known disaster. What would it matter anway? You will have your big fat retirement and ATF director ring to put on display for your friends. So what lives and careers were being destroyed and people were getting abused UNDER YOUR WATCH? Do you really care? After all, we are just thousands of disgruntled people that don't know how to chew gum and walk at the same time-we don't matter to you or the elites of ATF. I don't know if one person can make a difference, but I am on a mission-I am going to email my senators and representatives and every person on the Appropriations Committee EVERY DAY! That's right. EVERY DAY! The emails may be the same content, but maybe by repetition action will take place. As US Government employees-we deserve better. As ATF employees-we deserve better. Mr. Melson-as human beings-we deserve better. Please step up, it's been long enough.

#191 Doc Holiday

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Posted 09 December 2010 - 02:38 PM

Facts are facts. No more smoke and mirrors.

Open Letter to Acting Director Ken Melson and Director Nominee Mr. Andrew Traver

Sirs, notwithstanding the very significant deficiencies of our leadership in furtherance of our core missions both on the regulatory and enforcement sides of the house, we have serious concerns that NEED to be addressed before this agency can begin to rebuild its credibility and integrity. If you are unsure what is meant by credibility and integrity, just read the posts on this website. The following are EXACT quotes and the fields take on them. These responses have been compiled from hundreds if not thousands of responses and submissions to CUATF.

These are direct quotes from our Director via Mr. Melsons own webcast and or live interviews with responses found on CUATF below. These will be the measure of progress by those of us who are watching. We invite you to respond or DENY any of what is placed on here.

You know we have over five thousand employees and I havent had an opportunity yet to meet with everybody although I hope to so we were looking at other ways in which we could communicate. That was the purpose of the article I wrote on Inside ATF.

We have collectively attempted to communicate with you, however, beyond a couple of personal meetings, you have initiated no channels for wide spread communication. We would rather YOU administer this Website, but some appear to be too thin skinned to hear the truth and accept their responsibility.

I also want to make sure that we can increase participation of line agents, and IOIs and support personnel in the development of policy here at headquarters, so were going to be reaching out to some of you to participate in those working groups.

You have initiated NO working groups or even solicited participation Bureau wide. As we have said over and over, this is OUR Bureau too. There are more of us than you and we are certain we can help do a little bit better job than our current leadership.

As I work on the communication issues, I want to ask one thing from all of you: that your communication be respectful and constructive, not broad, disparaging allegations of misconduct about supervisors or other people in the agency - thats not helpful its actually very harmful.

Lets do not talk about disparaging. Ms. Loos and counsel with the help of PGA have been more disparaging than ANY of the employees comments on or off CLEANUPATF. Our comments and/or allegations if you prefer, have proven factual time after time. They have never been broad but VERY specific. Your counsels allegations and reprisals have proven to be embellished, fabricated and on several occasions perjurous. Its equally not helpful to attack employees for the SOLE purpose of covering up misdeeds. Just take responsibility and so will we.

Its counterproductive and the authors of those communications really lose credibility when they use disparaging, vitriolic language.

Do not talk to us about credibility. Carter, Hoover, Chait, Ford, Crenshaw and on and on have been whitewashed for GLARING ethical violations. The allegations the agency makes are only in response to complaints to retroactively cover-up mismanagement. Demeaning your own Agents and employees ONLY after a complaint is made is a transparent tactic and unacceptable play outside the rules. Your ethics attorneys have created and/or fabricated vitriolic representations of good employees to defend obvious reprisals. Richard Hurst under Ms. Loos supervision was allowed to move to another agency ONLY after he was caught TWICE creating fictitious allegations against good employees. Was he disciplined? Was he fired NO. We reported this to you, and you have ignored this. Was Ms. Loos held accountable for her poor oversight? No.

Ive instructed my supervisors and I continue to do that with respect to how to treat employees.

They have ignored you and you have ignored us. True respect comes from a love of your employees and a love of your mission. The institutional mandate within ATF is that if youre a manager, you love what you are told to love or else. The US and Them has to end.

I tell them not to treat employees in the way that Ive described some communication.

On your watch, the enemies of the Bureau have been attacked with your entire legal prowess, while ignoring the plain facts that a corrupt management team has been allowed to continue. Read recent depositions, OIG reports, OSC reports. Your managers and primarily Chief Counsel has done far worse to your street agents than anything suggested on CUATF. In fact, there are UNDER oath and on the record proof that your senior managers have done EVERYTHING we have brought to your attention. Yes everything. These documents cannot remain sealed or out of public view forever. And many have already been posted.

As you recall, weve been rated by our employees as one of the top twenty places to work in the Federal government. In fact, ATF received the highest index score for employee satisfaction among any other Federal law enforcement agency thats pretty good. and thats why I think were in the top twenty of all Federal agencies.

Sir with ALL do respect, we are now 41st. That didnt happen just by chance. We asked and you denied. What next year, 65th? Oh and since we are talking about skewed facts, THIS HAS CHANGED ON YOUR WATCH.

I want to create more accountability by, and consistency in ATF leadership, but were also going to require more accountability from our employees as well.

You cannot create accountability in the field when your managers are running wild, giving you horrible counsel and are doing so without consequences. We dont need to repeat names. You know that we know that you know. Stop soft shoeing removals and transfers. You havenet dont that for the field agents. Transparency, Sir.

But let me make one thing clear: I will not condone, or allow, acts of retaliation by management for suggestions made by employees, expressions of concern, reports of misconduct thats not going to happen on my watch.

It is and has happened on your watch, and continues. Lets dont continue the bureaucratic charades. Rafiq is being hammered. SA Cefalu is sitting there idling and being exposed to IA harassment at every turn for any and every possible minor infraction in the Bureau. Hiram and the dozen other employees are still being abused for speaking up.

I want you to be free to engage management without fear of retaliation or reprisal for constructive criticism that you give them. I appreciate and invite, open, honest, and respectful communication.

Sir, do you not understand or comprehend the concept of REPRISAL? Do not hang your hat on a few minor disputes youve flown EEOC people out to resolve, as a genuine intent to shut down the abusive and adversarial ways of Chief Counsels Office. How many bosses have testified in depositions, declarations or open court that Chief Counsel advised them to take a particular action? Who runs this Bureau, the attorneys?

ATFs legacy shouldnt be build on what we may have done ten years ago or five years ago or three years ago; it should be built on what we do now and what we do in the future. So I ask each of you to help build that legacy.

With all due respect, when the last 3-5 years have decimated the Bureaus standing in the law enforcement community and ruined our credibility, you cannot ignore recent history. YOU MUST correct the abuses. You must be willing to accept responsibility. The Bureau is watching and they are not buying your sound bites. Where does the buck stop? You? Mr. Traver? Billy? Mr. Holder? We dont care where, just tell us. And stop going back years to justify your actions against agents if you are not willing to live by the same standard.

Two weeks from now, were having a regional SAC meeting in St. Paul and I hope to be able to give them some clear ideas about what my vision is for ATF and discuss with them a number of issues that I want to make sure that they have no doubts about.

You hope? Youre the Director. Why is the field not aware of your vision? Why are the SACs ignoring your direction? Why are you not resolving the issues that have plagued this agency for years? Yes you inherited it, BUT you have done nothing to rein in counsel from escalating these disputes. Remember, from top 20 to 41st?

Since my last webcast, Ive received emails from employees, Billy has received telephone calls from employees, and I have a number of questions to get back to you on with respect to our town hall meetings; and I hope that the town hall meetings that I continue to go to will be a productive way of exchanging ideas and comments.

Were those questions ever followed up on? Did they relate to reprisals and draconian leadership techniques? If not, why not? Not one of the allegations against your counsel or SES bosses has been acted upon. One ASAC who had an affair 3 years ago. What about the termination for discrimination? Just for example and we have dozens, Why is SAC Torres still a SAC? The EEOC found him and his entire field management staff guilty of violating Federal law. Nothing, Nada, Zip.

Over the last week or so, Ive received a number of emails and letters as a response to some of my previous communications with you about being more communicative in a positive way with those in management and those up here in Headquarters. Those emails and letters that have expressed concerns are being reviewed each one individually and several of them have been resolved already in favor of the employees.

Several? Seriously? We exceed the FBI and DEA. We have spent more money than them for Ms. Loos personal vendettas. Our complaints have escalated again. We have not even come close to the statutory (that means the law) time to resolve these disputes. Did you review the cases where Chief Counsels office fabricated (yes fabricated) evidence to destroy agents careers? Managers perjured themselves to cover their illicit acts? Yes, its disparaging, but not as disparaging as what you have allowed Counsel to do to heros. Loos allowed false information to be produced and when she got caught? Richard Hurst was allowed to slide to TSA. No discipline, no sanctions. An agent was accused of drug violations only to have Chief Counsels Office advise the judge it was an administrative oversight. An agent was mis-identified as a whistleblower because he had the same initials as the real whistleblower and one of your current DADs fired him. The same DAD who was on track to be fired himself years ago for far more significant ethical violations.. You were going to fire the Agent for not qualifying twice. He was an 18 yr. U.S. Marshall then an ATF agent. Two RACs, two ASACs, a timer, and a witness were on the range when he qualified. Could you qualify under those circumstances?

One of the other things weve done recently is to talk to Internal Affairs because I know there have been some concerns about what has happened to complaints to Internal Affairs about things that theyve seen going on in ATF. They are now going to make sure that every time they receive a complaint from anyone in ATF that they acknowledge the receipt of that complaint so you know that it hasnt gone into a black hole.

We will see. If one, just ONE boss is held accountable after IA does their investigation we may start to believe that they are not just the SS of management. They seem to be able to perfect cases against agents EVERY time, but not one boss has been held accountable.

EEO communication I think can be improved and weve been working with EEO to make sure that they keep everybody appraised of where they are in the EEO process. So, when someone files a complaint they will be notified and communicated with on a periodic basis so they know what they status is, what they can expect to happen in the next stage of their process. I think thatll help with our communications as well.

YOU THINK? 300+ days to investigation? Delays and legal prowess used to defeat legitimate complaints? 10 + complaints AND 10 + resignations or retirements under ONE SAC and ASAC in the SFFD and no thoughts that maybe the employees might not be the problem? The status is, Counsel will disparage you. Counsel will allow perjury knowingly. Counsel will not negotiate in good faith. We are not stupid Billy and Mr. Melson or Mr. Traver.

"When I first came into ATF -- when I went around and talked to people at headquarters and around the country -- my specific and very emphatic message was that everyone was to be treated with respect and dignity and there would not be retaliation," Melson said. "I will not stand for retaliation against people who are abiding by our orders and reporting violations of law or regulations."

WHY would you make that a priority if it wasnt occurring? Why would that be your message with all the other issues confronting our Bureau? I think we all know the answer to that. Which is it? Is it counter-productive or in compliance with the orders? Just tell us and we will follow.

"Every allegation of retaliation doesn't mean it's true," Melson said. "Every person you talked to who perceives it's retaliation doesn't mean that it's retaliation, because there's been no adjudication of that.

STOP with the adjudication, formal finding, or jury verdict. O.J. had better attorneys. Was he innocent? Do not embarrass yourself and insult us that just because you have an army of government hack attorneys that Dozens of complaints dont have merit. Why would an agency have SO many disputes?

They haven't brought it to anybody to try to resolve it. Be careful when you talk to someone about retaliation, because there are many misconceptions and parameters of retaliation -- some of which are misinformed."

Ok we get it. You are a Bureaucrat and a lawyer. We on the other hand are Agents and are committed to the spirit as well as the letter of the law. Mr. Melson, Mr. Traver, wrong is wrong, no matter how Ms. Loos and Bouman paint it. Stop manipulating the law. Yes there are SOME frivolous complaints, no doubt. But why then does the agency fight so hard to restrict documents and emails? Innocent people dont hide from the truth. Innocent people dont lie to Congress. Yes the agency has multiple times via Mr. Ford who no doubt says I just signed it. And of course this had to be vetted by Counsel.

Asked about an employee who does virtually nothing all day, he said: "Well, I will certainly look into it and find out why he is not doing anything all day." He added, "I will make sure that he puts in a full day's work, because everybody is going to put in a full day's work at ATF."

You didnt look into it. You didnt do anything beyond what Ronnie and Billy did. ASK CHIEF COUNSEL. News flash, he is still doing nothing and still being idled. ATF apparently drafted a letter reiterating what his duties are. BUT he already knew that. Hes been here for over 20 yrs. Is it true he reported death threats against the very SAC who has decimated his career. Now thats Loyalty Sirs.

There are more complaints filed per employee than the DEA or the FBI. But Melson said complaints have gone down 40 percent since last year. And ATF officials added that the U.S. Marshals Service and Bureau of Prisons have more complaints per employee.

Wow seriously The Marshalls and BOP? Bet we have less than the FAA and FCC too. Is that your defense?

CNN obtained a statement from a current ATF supervisor who attended such a meeting in March. During that meeting, ATF associate chief counsel Eleanor Loos gave a presentation to supervisors in the Atlanta field division.
Melson told CNN he had not seen the statement. "But what I can tell you is that the direction that I have given people is to make sure that we abide by the rules of the agency, that we abide by the process of the EEO, and the ombudsman. And that's why we have the process in place," Melson said.

They have ignored your direction or you have.

CNN has interviewed dozens of ATF supervisors, agents and employees around the country who said they've been demoted or labeled troublemakers just for filing a complaint.

Facts are facts sir. Heaven forbid a supervisor step forward. I would refer you to the current and typical attempt to retroactively attack him for stating the truth on National television. News Flash, he does a good job and his agents love him.

In an interview with CNN, Melson said he was not permitted to discuss employee cases. But he insisted that he does not tolerate any type of retaliation.

You have tolerated it. You have ignored it. You have addressed it in 4 of your webcasts. Stop ignoring the elephant in the room.

Since fiscal 2005, ATF has paid a total of $1.6 million to settle discrimination claims, according to federal government records. For the same time period, the FBI paid out $1.3 million and the DEA paid $331,755.

Self explanatory, Sirs

In addition, records show, ATF has more discrimination complaints filed per employee than the DEA or the FBI.

Again Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, do we need to continue this smoke and mirrors?

CNN obtained a statement from a current ATF supervisor who attended such a meeting in March. During that meeting, ATF associate chief counsel Eleanor Loos gave a presentation to supervisors in the Atlanta field division. There will be no reprisal of anyone who comes forward in a respectful manner?

Was there something inherently disrespectful of exposing the institutional mandate to protect unethical conduct by Chief Counsels Office?

According to the statement, Loos stated that "she considers the EEO process as the employees' 'bitching platform' and "employees use this as a means to complain."
"Loos stated in a bragging manner that the EEO process can be dragged on and can take up to three years," the statement said.
Rafiq Ahmad, the ATF supervisor who wrote the statement, added: "This is not the first time that I have heard Eleanor Loos making similar remarks. She has presented these same remarks in presentations in New Supervisor's training."
Melson told CNN he had not seen the statement. "But what I can tell you is that the direction that I have given people is to make sure that we abide by the rules of the agency, that we abide by the process of the EEO, and the ombudsman. And that's why we have the process in place," Melson said.

We are no Longer interested in What you have told your people. They have disregarded you. Your bosses are still using internal affairs to dissuade and disrupt the fields allegations to cover much larger ethical and integrity violations by the leadership of this agency. Just read the recent depositions and declarations in possession of Chief Counsels Office. Your Ombudsmans Office has been compromised beyond repair. We have posted only PART of the communications she has forwarded to Chief Counsels Office. There are many more. You have not moved the Ombudsman back under the Director. Is that so they can filter the truth to you?

I will not have hard working employees disparaged. Often times the facts are wrong or unfounded. If they want to talk and not use miscellaneous and silly pseudonyms, Ill talk to them.

Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, does it matter what silly pseudonyms are used to report government corruption and waste fraud and abuse? Due you want the truth or do you want the names of the people telling the truth? The grievance system is broken and is only used to identify trouble makers.

#192 Thor God of Thunder

Thor God of Thunder


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Posted 09 December 2010 - 09:32 AM

ATF just paid I am guessing around $50,000 for the dwarf's Masters program and he was allowed to attend during the work day. The coward now leaves with the tax payer's hard earned money.
Meanwhile, brave agents are busting their asses in the field risking their lives every day targeting the worst of the worst, the most violent armed criminals and are lacking basic resources to do their jobs. Can't even buy batteries or tires for broken down vehicles. And SAC's and SES'ers are still receiving massive bonuses for running the agency into the grave. Writing my Senator and contacting Grassley over this one.

I was referring to the New Director Andy Traver.

With regards to Tatoo's Master Program, it was part of a settlement. I agree it is just wrong.

I like the Open Letter by Vince Cefalu and the additions by Jumper.

The Acting Director and the New Director already know what the right thing is the question is are they really willing to do it? Do they genuinely give a damn? If they do, we will see some change. If they don't, there will be more of the same. In the latter case, it definitely will be detrimental to the men and women of ATF.
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For Clean Up ATF!

#193 Guest_Jumper_*

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 11:53 PM

Open Letter to Acting Director Ken Melson and Director Nominee Mr. Andrew Traver

Sirs, notwithstanding the very significant deficiencies of our leadership in furtherance of our core missions both on the regulatory and enforcement sides of the house, we have serious concerns that NEED to be addressed before this agency can begin to rebuild its credibility and integrity. If you are unsure what is meant by credibility and integrity, just read the posts on this website. The following are EXACT quotes and the fields take on them. These responses have been compiled from hundreds if not thousands of responses and submissions to CUATF.

These are direct quotes from our Director via Mr. Melsons own webcast and or live interviews with responses found on CUATF below. These will be the measure of progress by those of us who are watching. We invite you to respond or DENY any of what is placed on here.

You know we have over five thousand employees and I havent had an opportunity yet to meet with everybody although I hope to so we were looking at other ways in which we could communicate. That was the purpose of the article I wrote on Inside ATF.

We have collectively attempted to communicate with you, however, beyond a couple of personal meetings, you have initiated no channels for wide spread communication. We would rather YOU administer this Website, but some appear to be too thin skinned to hear the truth and accept their responsibility.

I also want to make sure that we can increase participation of line agents, and IOIs and support personnel in the development of policy here at headquarters, so were going to be reaching out to some of you to participate in those working groups.

You have initiated NO working groups or even solicited participation Bureau wide. As we have said over and over, this is OUR Bureau too. There are more of us than you and we are certain we can help do a little bit better job than our current leadership.

As I work on the communication issues, I want to ask one thing from all of you: that your communication be respectful and constructive, not broad, disparaging allegations of misconduct about supervisors or other people in the agency - thats not helpful its actually very harmful.

Lets do not talk about disparaging. Ms. Loos and counsel with the help of PGA have been more disparaging than ANY of the employees comments on or off CLEANUPATF. Our comments and/or allegations if you prefer, have proven factual time after time. They have never been broad but VERY specific. Your counsels allegations and reprisals have proven to be embellished, fabricated and on several occasions perjurous. Its equally not helpful to attack employees for the SOLE purpose of covering up misdeeds. Just take responsibility and so will we.

Its counterproductive and the authors of those communications really lose credibility when they use disparaging, vitriolic language.

Do not talk to us about credibility. Carter, Hoover, Chait, Ford, Crenshaw and on and on have been whitewashed for GLARING ethical violations. The allegations the agency makes are only in response to complaints to retroactively cover-up mismanagement. Demeaning your own Agents and employees ONLY after a complaint is made is a transparent tactic and unacceptable play outside the rules. Your ethics attorneys have created and/or fabricated vitriolic representations of good employees to defend obvious reprisals. Richard Hurst under Ms. Loos supervision was allowed to move to another agency ONLY after he was caught TWICE creating fictitious allegations against good employees. Was he disciplined? Was he fired NO. We reported this to you, and you have ignored this. Was Ms. Loos held accountable for her poor oversight? No.

Ive instructed my supervisors and I continue to do that with respect to how to treat employees.

They have ignored you and you have ignored us. True respect comes from a love of your employees and a love of your mission. The institutional mandate within ATF is that if youre a manager, you love what you are told to love or else. The US and Them has to end.

I tell them not to treat employees in the way that Ive described some communication.

On your watch, the enemies of the Bureau have been attacked with your entire legal prowess, while ignoring the plain facts that a corrupt management team has been allowed to continue. Read recent depositions, OIG reports, OSC reports. Your managers and primarily Chief Counsel has done far worse to your street agents than anything suggested on CUATF. In fact, there are UNDER oath and on the record proof that your senior managers have done EVERYTHING we have brought to your attention. Yes everything. These documents cannot remain sealed or out of public view forever. And many have already been posted.

As you recall, weve been rated by our employees as one of the top twenty places to work in the Federal government. In fact, ATF received the highest index score for employee satisfaction among any other Federal law enforcement agency thats pretty good. and thats why I think were in the top twenty of all Federal agencies.

Sir with ALL do respect, we are now 41st. That didnt happen just by chance. We asked and you denied. What next year, 65th? Oh and since we are talking about skewed facts, THIS HAS CHANGED ON YOUR WATCH.

I want to create more accountability by, and consistency in ATF leadership, but were also going to require more accountability from our employees as well.

You cannot create accountability in the field when your managers are running wild, giving you horrible counsel and are doing so without consequences. We dont need to repeat names. You know that we know that you know. Stop soft shoeing removals and transfers. You havenet dont that for the field agents. Transparency, Sir.

But let me make one thing clear: I will not condone, or allow, acts of retaliation by management for suggestions made by employees, expressions of concern, reports of misconduct thats not going to happen on my watch.

It is and has happened on your watch, and continues. Lets dont continue the bureaucratic charades. Rafiq is being hammered. SA Cefalu is sitting there idling and being exposed to IA harassment at every turn for any and every possible minor infraction in the Bureau. Hiram and the dozen other employees are still being abused for speaking up.

I want you to be free to engage management without fear of retaliation or reprisal for constructive criticism that you give them. I appreciate and invite, open, honest, and respectful communication.

Sir, do you not understand or comprehend the concept of REPRISAL? Do not hang your hat on a few minor disputes youve flown EEOC people out to resolve, as a genuine intent to shut down the abusive and adversarial ways of Chief Counsels Office. How many bosses have testified in depositions, declarations or open court that Chief Counsel advised them to take a particular action? Who runs this Bureau, the attorneys?

ATFs legacy shouldnt be build on what we may have done ten years ago or five years ago or three years ago; it should be built on what we do now and what we do in the future. So I ask each of you to help build that legacy.

With all due respect, when the last 3-5 years have decimated the Bureaus standing in the law enforcement community and ruined our credibility, you cannot ignore recent history. YOU MUST correct the abuses. You must be willing to accept responsibility. The Bureau is watching and they are not buying your sound bites. Where does the buck stop? You? Mr. Traver? Billy? Mr. Holder? We dont care where, just tell us. And stop going back years to justify your actions against agents if you are not willing to live by the same standard.

Two weeks from now, were having a regional SAC meeting in St. Paul and I hope to be able to give them some clear ideas about what my vision is for ATF and discuss with them a number of issues that I want to make sure that they have no doubts about.

You hope? Youre the Director. Why is the field not aware of your vision? Why are the SACs ignoring your direction? Why are you not resolving the issues that have plagued this agency for years? Yes you inherited it, BUT you have done nothing to rein in counsel from escalating these disputes. Remember, from top 20 to 41st?

Since my last webcast, Ive received emails from employees, Billy has received telephone calls from employees, and I have a number of questions to get back to you on with respect to our town hall meetings; and I hope that the town hall meetings that I continue to go to will be a productive way of exchanging ideas and comments.

Were those questions ever followed up on? Did they relate to reprisals and draconian leadership techniques? If not, why not? Not one of the allegations against your counsel or SES bosses has been acted upon. One ASAC who had an affair 3 years ago. What about the termination for discrimination? Just for example and we have dozens, Why is SAC Torres still a SAC? The EEOC found him and his entire field management staff guilty of violating Federal law. Nothing, Nada, Zip.

Over the last week or so, Ive received a number of emails and letters as a response to some of my previous communications with you about being more communicative in a positive way with those in management and those up here in Headquarters. Those emails and letters that have expressed concerns are being reviewed each one individually and several of them have been resolved already in favor of the employees.

Several? Seriously? We exceed the FBI and DEA. We have spent more money than them for Ms. Loos personal vendettas. Our complaints have escalated again. We have not even come close to the statutory (that means the law) time to resolve these disputes. Did you review the cases where Chief Counsels office fabricated (yes fabricated) evidence to destroy agents careers? Managers perjured themselves to cover their illicit acts? Yes, its disparaging, but not as disparaging as what you have allowed Counsel to do to heros. Loos allowed false information to be produced and when she got caught? Richard Hurst was allowed to slide to TSA. No discipline, no sanctions. An agent was accused of drug violations only to have Chief Counsels Office advise the judge it was an administrative oversight. An agent was mis-identified as a whistleblower because he had the same initials as the real whistleblower and one of your current DADs fired him. The same DAD who was on track to be fired himself years ago for far more significant ethical violations.. You were going to fire the Agent for not qualifying twice. He was an 18 yr. U.S. Marshall then an ATF agent. Two RACs, two ASACs, a timer, and a witness were on the range when he qualified. Could you qualify under those circumstances?

One of the other things weve done recently is to talk to Internal Affairs because I know there have been some concerns about what has happened to complaints to Internal Affairs about things that theyve seen going on in ATF. They are now going to make sure that every time they receive a complaint from anyone in ATF that they acknowledge the receipt of that complaint so you know that it hasnt gone into a black hole.

We will see. If one, just ONE boss is held accountable after IA does their investigation we may start to believe that they are not just the SS of management. They seem to be able to perfect cases against agents EVERY time, but not one boss has been held accountable.

EEO communication I think can be improved and weve been working with EEO to make sure that they keep everybody appraised of where they are in the EEO process. So, when someone files a complaint they will be notified and communicated with on a periodic basis so they know what they status is, what they can expect to happen in the next stage of their process. I think thatll help with our communications as well.

YOU THINK? 300+ days to investigation? Delays and legal prowess used to defeat legitimate complaints? 10 + complaints AND 10 + resignations or retirements under ONE SAC and ASAC in the SFFD and no thoughts that maybe the employees might not be the problem? The status is, Counsel will disparage you. Counsel will allow perjury knowingly. Counsel will not negotiate in good faith. We are not stupid Billy and Mr. Melson or Mr. Traver.

"When I first came into ATF -- when I went around and talked to people at headquarters and around the country -- my specific and very emphatic message was that everyone was to be treated with respect and dignity and there would not be retaliation," Melson said. "I will not stand for retaliation against people who are abiding by our orders and reporting violations of law or regulations."

WHY would you make that a priority if it wasnt occurring? Why would that be your message with all the other issues confronting our Bureau? I think we all know the answer to that. Which is it? Is it counter-productive or in compliance with the orders? Just tell us and we will follow.

"Every allegation of retaliation doesn't mean it's true," Melson said. "Every person you talked to who perceives it's retaliation doesn't mean that it's retaliation, because there's been no adjudication of that.

STOP with the adjudication, formal finding, or jury verdict. O.J. had better attorneys. Was he innocent? Do not embarrass yourself and insult us that just because you have an army of government hack attorneys that Dozens of complaints dont have merit. Why would an agency have SO many disputes?

They haven't brought it to anybody to try to resolve it. Be careful when you talk to someone about retaliation, because there are many misconceptions and parameters of retaliation -- some of which are misinformed."

Ok we get it. You are a Bureaucrat and a lawyer. We on the other hand are Agents and are committed to the spirit as well as the letter of the law. Mr. Melson, Mr. Traver, wrong is wrong, no matter how Ms. Loos and Bouman paint it. Stop manipulating the law. Yes there are SOME frivolous complaints, no doubt. But why then does the agency fight so hard to restrict documents and emails? Innocent people dont hide from the truth. Innocent people dont lie to Congress. Yes the agency has multiple times via Mr. Ford who no doubt says I just signed it. And of course this had to be vetted by Counsel.

Asked about an employee who does virtually nothing all day, he said: "Well, I will certainly look into it and find out why he is not doing anything all day." He added, "I will make sure that he puts in a full day's work, because everybody is going to put in a full day's work at ATF."

You didnt look into it. You didnt do anything beyond what Ronnie and Billy did. ASK CHIEF COUNSEL. News flash, he is still doing nothing and still being idled. ATF apparently drafted a letter reiterating what his duties are. BUT he already knew that. Hes been here for over 20 yrs. Is it true he reported death threats against the very SAC who has decimated his career. Now thats Loyalty Sirs.

There are more complaints filed per employee than the DEA or the FBI. But Melson said complaints have gone down 40 percent since last year. And ATF officials added that the U.S. Marshals Service and Bureau of Prisons have more complaints per employee.

Wow seriously The Marshalls and BOP? Bet we have less than the FAA and FCC too. Is that your defense?

CNN obtained a statement from a current ATF supervisor who attended such a meeting in March. During that meeting, ATF associate chief counsel Eleanor Loos gave a presentation to supervisors in the Atlanta field division.
Melson told CNN he had not seen the statement. "But what I can tell you is that the direction that I have given people is to make sure that we abide by the rules of the agency, that we abide by the process of the EEO, and the ombudsman. And that's why we have the process in place," Melson said.

They have ignored your direction or you have.

CNN has interviewed dozens of ATF supervisors, agents and employees around the country who said they've been demoted or labeled troublemakers just for filing a complaint.

Facts are facts sir. Heaven forbid a supervisor step forward. I would refer you to the current and typical attempt to retroactively attack him for stating the truth on National television. News Flash, he does a good job and his agents love him.

In an interview with CNN, Melson said he was not permitted to discuss employee cases. But he insisted that he does not tolerate any type of retaliation.

You have tolerated it. You have ignored it. You have addressed it in 4 of your webcasts. Stop ignoring the elephant in the room.

Since fiscal 2005, ATF has paid a total of $1.6 million to settle discrimination claims, according to federal government records. For the same time period, the FBI paid out $1.3 million and the DEA paid $331,755.

Self explanatory, Sirs

In addition, records show, ATF has more discrimination complaints filed per employee than the DEA or the FBI.

Again Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, do we need to continue this smoke and mirrors?

CNN obtained a statement from a current ATF supervisor who attended such a meeting in March. During that meeting, ATF associate chief counsel Eleanor Loos gave a presentation to supervisors in the Atlanta field division. There will be no reprisal of anyone who comes forward in a respectful manner?

Was there something inherently disrespectful of exposing the institutional mandate to protect unethical conduct by Chief Counsels Office?

According to the statement, Loos stated that "she considers the EEO process as the employees' 'bitching platform' and "employees use this as a means to complain."
"Loos stated in a bragging manner that the EEO process can be dragged on and can take up to three years," the statement said.
Rafiq Ahmad, the ATF supervisor who wrote the statement, added: "This is not the first time that I have heard Eleanor Loos making similar remarks. She has presented these same remarks in presentations in New Supervisor's training."
Melson told CNN he had not seen the statement. "But what I can tell you is that the direction that I have given people is to make sure that we abide by the rules of the agency, that we abide by the process of the EEO, and the ombudsman. And that's why we have the process in place," Melson said.

We are no Longer interested in What you have told your people. They have disregarded you. Your bosses are still using internal affairs to dissuade and disrupt the fields allegations to cover much larger ethical and integrity violations by the leadership of this agency. Just read the recent depositions and declarations in possession of Chief Counsels Office. Your Ombudsmans Office has been compromised beyond repair. We have posted only PART of the communications she has forwarded to Chief Counsels Office. There are many more. You have not moved the Ombudsman back under the Director. Is that so they can filter the truth to you?

I will not have hard working employees disparaged. Often times the facts are wrong or unfounded. If they want to talk and not use miscellaneous and silly pseudonyms, Ill talk to them.

Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, does it matter what silly pseudonyms are used to report government corruption and waste fraud and abuse? Due you want the truth or do you want the names of the people telling the truth? The grievance system is broken and is only used to identify trouble makers.






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Posted 08 December 2010 - 11:18 PM

Open Letter to Acting Director Ken Melson and Director Nominee Mr. Andrew Traver

Sirs, notwithstanding the very significant deficiencies of our leadership in furtherance of our core missions both on the regulatory and enforcement sides of the house, we have serious concerns that NEED to be addressed before this agency can begin to rebuild its credibility and integrity. If you are unsure what is meant by credibility and integrity, just read the posts on this website. The following are EXACT quotes and the fields take on them. These responses have been compiled from hundreds if not thousands of responses and submissions to CUATF.

These are direct quotes from our Director via Mr. Melsons own webcast and or live interviews with responses found on CUATF below. These will be the measure of progress by those of us who are watching. We invite you to respond or DENY any of what is placed on here.

You know we have over five thousand employees and I havent had an opportunity yet to meet with everybody although I hope to so we were looking at other ways in which we could communicate. That was the purpose of the article I wrote on Inside ATF.

We have collectively attempted to communicate with you, however, beyond a couple of personal meetings, you have initiated no channels for wide spread communication. We would rather YOU administer this Website, but some appear to be too thin skinned to hear the truth and accept their responsibility.

I also want to make sure that we can increase participation of line agents, and IOIs and support personnel in the development of policy here at headquarters, so were going to be reaching out to some of you to participate in those working groups.

You have initiated NO working groups or even solicited participation Bureau wide. As we have said over and over, this is OUR Bureau too. There are more of us than you and we are certain we can help do a little bit better job than our current leadership.

As I work on the communication issues, I want to ask one thing from all of you: that your communication be respectful and constructive, not broad, disparaging allegations of misconduct about supervisors or other people in the agency - thats not helpful its actually very harmful.

Lets do not talk about disparaging. Ms. Loos and counsel with the help of PGA have been more disparaging than ANY of the employees comments on or off CLEANUPATF. Our comments and/or allegations if you prefer, have proven factual time after time. They have never been broad but VERY specific. Your counsels allegations and reprisals have proven to be embellished, fabricated and on several occasions perjurous. Its equally not helpful to attack employees for the SOLE purpose of covering up misdeeds. Just take responsibility and so will we.

Its counterproductive and the authors of those communications really lose credibility when they use disparaging, vitriolic language.

Do not talk to us about credibility. Carter, Hoover, Chait, Ford, Crenshaw and on and on have been whitewashed for GLARING ethical violations. The allegations the agency makes are only in response to complaints to retroactively cover-up mismanagement. Demeaning your own Agents and employees ONLY after a complaint is made is a transparent tactic and unacceptable play outside the rules. Your ethics attorneys have created and/or fabricated vitriolic representations of good employees to defend obvious reprisals. Richard Hurst under Ms. Loos supervision was allowed to move to another agency ONLY after he was caught TWICE creating fictitious allegations against good employees. Was he disciplined? Was he fired NO. We reported this to you, and you have ignored this. Was Ms. Loos held accountable for her poor oversight? No.

Ive instructed my supervisors and I continue to do that with respect to how to treat employees.

They have ignored you and you have ignored us. True respect comes from a love of your employees and a love of your mission. The institutional mandate within ATF is that if youre a manager, you love what you are told to love or else. The US and Them has to end.

I tell them not to treat employees in the way that Ive described some communication.

On your watch, the enemies of the Bureau have been attacked with your entire legal prowess, while ignoring the plain facts that a corrupt management team has been allowed to continue. Read recent depositions, OIG reports, OSC reports. Your managers and primarily Chief Counsel has done far worse to your street agents than anything suggested on CUATF. In fact, there are UNDER oath and on the record proof that your senior managers have done EVERYTHING we have brought to your attention. Yes everything. These documents cannot remain sealed or out of public view forever. And many have already been posted.

As you recall, weve been rated by our employees as one of the top twenty places to work in the Federal government. In fact, ATF received the highest index score for employee satisfaction among any other Federal law enforcement agency thats pretty good. and thats why I think were in the top twenty of all Federal agencies.

Sir with ALL do respect, we are now 41st. That didnt happen just by chance. We asked and you denied. What next year, 65th? Oh and since we are talking about skewed facts, THIS HAS CHANGED ON YOUR WATCH.

I want to create more accountability by, and consistency in ATF leadership, but were also going to require more accountability from our employees as well.

You cannot create accountability in the field when your managers are running wild, giving you horrible counsel and are doing so without consequences. We dont need to repeat names. You know that we know that you know. Stop soft shoeing removals and transfers. You havenet dont that for the field agents. Transparency, Sir.

But let me make one thing clear: I will not condone, or allow, acts of retaliation by management for suggestions made by employees, expressions of concern, reports of misconduct thats not going to happen on my watch.

It is and has happened on your watch, and continues. Lets dont continue the bureaucratic charades. Rafiq is being hammered. SA Cefalu is sitting there idling and being exposed to IA harassment at every turn for any and every possible minor infraction in the Bureau. Hiram and the dozen other employees are still being abused for speaking up.

I want you to be free to engage management without fear of retaliation or reprisal for constructive criticism that you give them. I appreciate and invite, open, honest, and respectful communication.

Sir, do you not understand or comprehend the concept of REPRISAL? Do not hang your hat on a few minor disputes youve flown EEOC people out to resolve, as a genuine intent to shut down the abusive and adversarial ways of Chief Counsels Office. How many bosses have testified in depositions, declarations or open court that Chief Counsel advised them to take a particular action? Who runs this Bureau, the attorneys?

ATFs legacy shouldnt be build on what we may have done ten years ago or five years ago or three years ago; it should be built on what we do now and what we do in the future. So I ask each of you to help build that legacy.

With all due respect, when the last 3-5 years have decimated the Bureaus standing in the law enforcement community and ruined our credibility, you cannot ignore recent history. YOU MUST correct the abuses. You must be willing to accept responsibility. The Bureau is watching and they are not buying your sound bites. Where does the buck stop? You? Mr. Traver? Billy? Mr. Holder? We dont care where, just tell us. And stop going back years to justify your actions against agents if you are not willing to live by the same standard.

Two weeks from now, were having a regional SAC meeting in St. Paul and I hope to be able to give them some clear ideas about what my vision is for ATF and discuss with them a number of issues that I want to make sure that they have no doubts about.

You hope? Youre the Director. Why is the field not aware of your vision? Why are the SACs ignoring your direction? Why are you not resolving the issues that have plagued this agency for years? Yes you inherited it, BUT you have done nothing to rein in counsel from escalating these disputes. Remember, from top 20 to 41st?

Since my last webcast, Ive received emails from employees, Billy has received telephone calls from employees, and I have a number of questions to get back to you on with respect to our town hall meetings; and I hope that the town hall meetings that I continue to go to will be a productive way of exchanging ideas and comments.

Were those questions ever followed up on? Did they relate to reprisals and draconian leadership techniques? If not, why not? Not one of the allegations against your counsel or SES bosses has been acted upon. One ASAC who had an affair 3 years ago. What about the termination for discrimination? Just for example and we have dozens, Why is SAC Torres still a SAC? The EEOC found him and his entire field management staff guilty of violating Federal law. Nothing, Nada, Zip.

Over the last week or so, Ive received a number of emails and letters as a response to some of my previous communications with you about being more communicative in a positive way with those in management and those up here in Headquarters. Those emails and letters that have expressed concerns are being reviewed each one individually and several of them have been resolved already in favor of the employees.

Several? Seriously? We exceed the FBI and DEA. We have spent more money than them for Ms. Loos personal vendettas. Our complaints have escalated again. We have not even come close to the statutory (that means the law) time to resolve these disputes. Did you review the cases where Chief Counsels office fabricated (yes fabricated) evidence to destroy agents careers? Managers perjured themselves to cover their illicit acts? Yes, its disparaging, but not as disparaging as what you have allowed Counsel to do to heros. Loos allowed false information to be produced and when she got caught? Richard Hurst was allowed to slide to TSA. No discipline, no sanctions. An agent was accused of drug violations only to have Chief Counsels Office advise the judge it was an administrative oversight. An agent was mis-identified as a whistleblower because he had the same initials as the real whistleblower and one of your current DADs fired him. The same DAD who was on track to be fired himself years ago for far more significant ethical violations.. You were going to fire the Agent for not qualifying twice. He was an 18 yr. U.S. Marshall then an ATF agent. Two RACs, two ASACs, a timer, and a witness were on the range when he qualified. Could you qualify under those circumstances?

One of the other things weve done recently is to talk to Internal Affairs because I know there have been some concerns about what has happened to complaints to Internal Affairs about things that theyve seen going on in ATF. They are now going to make sure that every time they receive a complaint from anyone in ATF that they acknowledge the receipt of that complaint so you know that it hasnt gone into a black hole.

We will see. If one, just ONE boss is held accountable after IA does their investigation we may start to believe that they are not just the SS of management. They seem to be able to perfect cases against agents EVERY time, but not one boss has been held accountable.

EEO communication I think can be improved and weve been working with EEO to make sure that they keep everybody appraised of where they are in the EEO process. So, when someone files a complaint they will be notified and communicated with on a periodic basis so they know what they status is, what they can expect to happen in the next stage of their process. I think thatll help with our communications as well.

YOU THINK? 300+ days to investigation? Delays and legal prowess used to defeat legitimate complaints? 10 + complaints AND 10 + resignations or retirements under ONE SAC and ASAC in the SFFD and no thoughts that maybe the employees might not be the problem? The status is, Counsel will disparage you. Counsel will allow perjury knowingly. Counsel will not negotiate in good faith. We are not stupid Billy and Mr. Melson or Mr. Traver.

"When I first came into ATF -- when I went around and talked to people at headquarters and around the country -- my specific and very emphatic message was that everyone was to be treated with respect and dignity and there would not be retaliation," Melson said. "I will not stand for retaliation against people who are abiding by our orders and reporting violations of law or regulations."

WHY would you make that a priority if it wasnt occurring? Why would that be your message with all the other issues confronting our Bureau? I think we all know the answer to that. Which is it? Is it counter-productive or in compliance with the orders? Just tell us and we will follow.

"Every allegation of retaliation doesn't mean it's true," Melson said. "Every person you talked to who perceives it's retaliation doesn't mean that it's retaliation, because there's been no adjudication of that.

STOP with the adjudication, formal finding, or jury verdict. O.J. had better attorneys. Was he innocent? Do not embarrass yourself and insult us that just because you have an army of government hack attorneys that Dozens of complaints dont have merit. Why would an agency have SO many disputes?

They haven't brought it to anybody to try to resolve it. Be careful when you talk to someone about retaliation, because there are many misconceptions and parameters of retaliation -- some of which are misinformed."

Ok we get it. You are a Bureaucrat and a lawyer. We on the other hand are Agents and are committed to the spirit as well as the letter of the law. Mr. Melson, Mr. Traver, wrong is wrong, no matter how Ms. Loos and Bouman paint it. Stop manipulating the law. Yes there are SOME frivolous complaints, no doubt. But why then does the agency fight so hard to restrict documents and emails? Innocent people dont hide from the truth. Innocent people dont lie to Congress. Yes the agency has multiple times via Mr. Ford who no doubt says I just signed it. And of course this had to be vetted by Counsel.

Asked about an employee who does virtually nothing all day, he said: "Well, I will certainly look into it and find out why he is not doing anything all day." He added, "I will make sure that he puts in a full day's work, because everybody is going to put in a full day's work at ATF."

You didnt look into it. You didnt do anything beyond what Ronnie and Billy did. ASK CHIEF COUNSEL. News flash, he is still doing nothing and still being idled. ATF apparently drafted a letter reiterating what his duties are. BUT he already knew that. Hes been here for over 20 yrs. Is it true he reported death threats against the very SAC who has decimated his career. Now thats Loyalty Sirs.

There are more complaints filed per employee than the DEA or the FBI. But Melson said complaints have gone down 40 percent since last year. And ATF officials added that the U.S. Marshals Service and Bureau of Prisons have more complaints per employee.

Wow seriously The Marshalls and BOP? Bet we have less than the FAA and FCC too. Is that your defense?

CNN obtained a statement from a current ATF supervisor who attended such a meeting in March. During that meeting, ATF associate chief counsel Eleanor Loos gave a presentation to supervisors in the Atlanta field division.
Melson told CNN he had not seen the statement. "But what I can tell you is that the direction that I have given people is to make sure that we abide by the rules of the agency, that we abide by the process of the EEO, and the ombudsman. And that's why we have the process in place," Melson said.

They have ignored your direction or you have.

CNN has interviewed dozens of ATF supervisors, agents and employees around the country who said they've been demoted or labeled troublemakers just for filing a complaint.

Facts are facts sir. Heaven forbid a supervisor step forward. I would refer you to the current and typical attempt to retroactively attack him for stating the truth on National television. News Flash, he does a good job and his agents love him.

In an interview with CNN, Melson said he was not permitted to discuss employee cases. But he insisted that he does not tolerate any type of retaliation.

You have tolerated it. You have ignored it. You have addressed it in 4 of your webcasts. Stop ignoring the elephant in the room.

Since fiscal 2005, ATF has paid a total of $1.6 million to settle discrimination claims, according to federal government records. For the same time period, the FBI paid out $1.3 million and the DEA paid $331,755.

Self explanatory, Sirs

In addition, records show, ATF has more discrimination complaints filed per employee than the DEA or the FBI.

Again Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, do we need to continue this smoke and mirrors?

CNN obtained a statement from a current ATF supervisor who attended such a meeting in March. During that meeting, ATF associate chief counsel Eleanor Loos gave a presentation to supervisors in the Atlanta field division. There will be no reprisal of anyone who comes forward in a respectful manner?

Was there something inherently disrespectful of exposing the institutional mandate to protect unethical conduct by Chief Counsels Office?

According to the statement, Loos stated that "she considers the EEO process as the employees' 'bitching platform' and "employees use this as a means to complain."
"Loos stated in a bragging manner that the EEO process can be dragged on and can take up to three years," the statement said.
Rafiq Ahmad, the ATF supervisor who wrote the statement, added: "This is not the first time that I have heard Eleanor Loos making similar remarks. She has presented these same remarks in presentations in New Supervisor's training."
Melson told CNN he had not seen the statement. "But what I can tell you is that the direction that I have given people is to make sure that we abide by the rules of the agency, that we abide by the process of the EEO, and the ombudsman. And that's why we have the process in place," Melson said.

We are no Longer interested in What you have told your people. They have disregarded you. Your bosses are still using internal affairs to dissuade and disrupt the fields allegations to cover much larger ethical and integrity violations by the leadership of this agency. Just read the recent depositions and declarations in possession of Chief Counsels Office. Your Ombudsmans Office has been compromised beyond repair. We have posted only PART of the communications she has forwarded to Chief Counsels Office. There are many more. You have not moved the Ombudsman back under the Director. Is that so they can filter the truth to you?

I will not have hard working employees disparaged. Often times the facts are wrong or unfounded. If they want to talk and not use miscellaneous and silly pseudonyms, Ill talk to them.

Mr. Melson and Mr. Traver, does it matter what silly pseudonyms are used to report government corruption and waste fraud and abuse? Due you want the truth or do you want the names of the people telling the truth? The grievance system is broken and is only used to identify trouble makers.
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#195 apostate



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Posted 08 December 2010 - 09:26 PM

No disrespect taken but for FYI, I am not retired. We need not focus on how he got there but what he is going to do now that he is there. It takes a lot of courage not to repeat the same mistakes made through history...ATF's history!

ATF just paid I am guessing around $50,000 for the dwarf's Masters program and he was allowed to attend during the work day. The coward now leaves with the tax payer's hard earned money.
Meanwhile, brave agents are busting their asses in the field risking their lives every day targeting the worst of the worst, the most violent armed criminals and are lacking basic resources to do their jobs. Can't even buy batteries or tires for broken down vehicles. And SAC's and SES'ers are still receiving massive bonuses for running the agency into the grave. Writing my Senator and contacting Grassley over this one.

#196 Thor God of Thunder

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 05:30 PM

P L E A S E no disrespect, but you HAVE been retired a long time. A shmuck with an 1811 title is still a shmuck! Let us not forget that he did not get the job by merit, but political connections. As a learned student of the Chicago machine, he will most likely bestow favors upon those who will hold the party line and serve his personal agenda and interests the bestall else is secondary to achieving that goal. Nothing more than another corrupt politician with a badge and gun.

No disrespect taken but for FYI, I am not retired. We need not focus on how he got there but what he is going to do now that he is there. It takes a lot of courage not to repeat the same mistakes made through history...ATF's history!
Posted Image
For Clean Up ATF!

#197 Doc Holiday

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 08:58 AM

Is there NO service agreement for a high end Masters program? Who approved that settlement to shut Edgar up? Talk about waste fraud and abuse!!!!! Why would we not DEMAND he pay that back? Are we now in the Business of prepping our senior managers for fat retirement gigs? Why couldn't Edgar pay for and attend his Masters program on his OWN time. Everybody else has to.This is not going to pass the smell test with Congress, I assure you.

#198 Guest_microscope_*

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 08:53 AM

Removing Loos is too little to late. The field employees of this agency begged you for years to address her out-of-control and no-oversight malicious conduct and you ignored it. Loos was the key player in the destruction of the relationship between management and field employees. Taking her out of play only proves that we were right but does absolutely nothing to repair the careers, lives, reputations and finances of those you allowed her to ruin.

#199 ProConfesso



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Posted 07 December 2010 - 08:42 PM

new sheriff in town. good thing atf invested all that scholarship $ http://www.sourcews....-edgar-domenech and its a good thing the nypd is doing our job. i mean someone has to do something about illegal guns. http://www.ny1.com/c...off-the-streets now go back to sleep everyone.

#200 ProConfesso



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Posted 06 December 2010 - 08:28 PM

well one prominant editorial board deemed the nomonation doa some time ago. http://www.nytimes.c...aver &st=Search Freud did think the inmates of asylums should be involved in constructive activities

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