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#7010 Unsuitable for Employment.

Posted by GoodWorker on 05 March 2018 - 10:49 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

You're not suitable because you do not have a father, uncle, cousin, aunt in the upper echelons of ATF.  You do not enjoy the Divine Right of the Reihls.  You are better off working for someone who does appreciate you.




This EX-DOJ Attorney stepped on it big time.  Northern District of CA cases impacted?

#6972 How Long Does It Take to Crush a Federal Employee

Posted by GoodWorker on 16 July 2017 - 07:43 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Does anyone know if ATF started an unofficial policy of getting rid of agents over 50 years old?

#6965 ATF Elimination Act was reintroduced on Thursday

Posted by GoodWorker on 31 May 2017 - 07:31 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.



Scan down to the chart and you decide if it is accurate.

#6966 ATF Elimination Act was reintroduced on Thursday

Posted by GoodWorker on 31 May 2017 - 07:40 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

After all these years, FBI has now expressed an interest in arson cases.  No, not the silly bodega fires in which $40k worth of store contents are lost (does that really affect interstate commerce?).  FBI has finally realized that arson can be, and has been, used as terrorist weapon.  A couple of years ago, the same Sensenbrenner sat on a policy paper warning about the potential of using fire.  Imagine three or four simultaneous wildfires across the southwest.  Or imagine several concurrent Coatesvilles (just don't blame the Jugaloos immediately, like the Philadelphia Division SES's and the division's idiot "intel" supervisor did).

There are already internal DOJ proposals out there.  The firearms regulatory responsibility would be turned over to the DEA's diversion branch. 

As for criminal enforcement, any halfway decent police department can do the same simple drug cases that ATF has made its bread-and-butter.  The only difference is that the PD doesn't need a bunch of people making $130,000 and driving new Taurus sedans and Explorer SUV's.  And the NYPD has demonstrated that you don't need an ATF to break up interstate gunrunning rings.

It is amazing how many people have bought off on the "Intel" supervisors BS.  A Brooks Brothers suit makes him an expert in the eyes of a lot of these SESs.  They promote so many people who do not have a clue.  Connections are the only thing that matter.

#6968 Operation F & F

Posted by GoodWorker on 07 June 2017 - 07:51 PM in "Operation Fast & Furious", "Operation Wide Reciever", "Project Gunrunner", "Operation Castaway", et al.


SA Dodson displayed great courage, class, and professionalism.  I wish ATF had more people like him.  His presentation starts at 1:18:45.

#7014 Grapevine

Posted by GoodWorker on 02 May 2018 - 05:42 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Has anyone heard what those two SACs Carl Walker and Charlie Smith that retired in disgrace, are now doing? ATF should have fired those two.

Charlie got a job with a security company and the announcement came out a day prior to the Boston Globe story coming out about the sexual harassment case..  Unknown on Walker.  

#7020 Grapevine

Posted by GoodWorker on 25 May 2018 - 05:50 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

I think Tom Brandon is doing what he can to keep ATF moving forward. Brandon realizes he does not have the political juice to make the changes that need changing. ATF may have issues, but we still have to look out for each other. SA Ragsdale dying makes me realize we have to stick together. That Guy was a good dude with a family. God Speed.

I respectfully disagree.  He has been DD or D since 2012 and he has allowed misconduct, nepotism, and incompetence to fester.  Looking out for our fallen and their families is an absolute.  You can still hold people accountable and uphold standards of conduct while helping people in their time of need.  Mueller can fix this place.

#7016 Grapevine

Posted by GoodWorker on 15 May 2018 - 06:03 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

As for ASAC Charlie Smith; Dallas FD, his problem was all the time he spent in the Oklahoma Casinos. Yeah, he claimed he was visiting those OK Field Offices Of course, he found the time to bust balls while drinking and playing blackjack. He is lucky the US Attorney declined to prosecute and let ATF handle it Administratively.

Wouldn't it be great IF after Robert Mueller finishes his investigation, Mueller becomes the next Director of ATF?  A knowledgeable, ethical, and professional leader who will hold bad employees accountable and send people packing.  This maybe the only move that saves ATF from imploding itself.  He will stop all of the nonsense of people being promoted without being interviewed and poor supervisors will be removed from their mutinous groups.  What do you think?

#6996 Grapevine

Posted by GoodWorker on 25 January 2018 - 11:45 AM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

ATf Executive culture of coverup, corruption and retaliation.say it ain't so. DEJA Vu. Until DOJ shithammered and/or fired the senior leadership for this ongoing practice it will continue. Because The Brandons, Turks and Gleysteens if the world will just cover-up for their buddy's and continue to promote like minded bosses.



#MetooDOJ  It looks like DOJ employees need to do a march in Washington, DC since the offenders are still receiving a pay check or pension check.  The lady who was assaulted in Chicago should ask the Chicago Police Department for a report documenting the offense.  Maybe CPD will put handcuffs on the offender.  There is a fundamental failure in leadership when executives are allowed to get away with offenses like assault and whistle blower retaliation.  There was a vote of no confidence for the President of Michigan State University because of the sexual abuse cases ....

#6994 Grapevine

Posted by GoodWorker on 22 December 2017 - 06:42 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Info floating that Nashville may not need to worry about Gleysteen EVER checking in. Apparently he got caught again Impeding IA investigations and retaliating. Apparently something will be public shortly. If true, karma caught up to him. The Bureau will be a better place without him and Brandon. Apparently he had his hands in it too

The movie the Darkest Hour tells the story of all the haters that tried to discredit Winston Churchill and tried to obstruct everything he tried to accomplish despite the fact that most of them wanted to capitulate to Hitler.  I cannot help but think how ATF has mimicked the plot of the Darkest Hour.  ATF is in a sad state of affairs and people try to discredit those trying to do the right thing and they promote those who follow the company line of deny, make counter accusations, and circle the wagons.  I wish more people had the moral courage as some of our finest agents.  I hope congress finds out about the serious sexual misconduct and the criminal acts that have taken place in ATF.  If congress, the media, the entertainment business, and major corporations have finally acted responsibly by firing some of their "elite"  why can't the DOJ do it too? 

#6999 Grapevine

Posted by GoodWorker on 08 February 2018 - 06:25 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Very disturbing stuff Re Gleysteen. Coincidence Turk and all the rats are leaving a sinking ship? Hell word is even Bort is hunting an atty. I guess Karma is real. I hope if Justice IG is investigating they interview me. Lisa Kincaid goes public with serious allegations and Gleysteen steps down and Turk hauls ass?????









These are just a few highlights over the last year.  What a legacy!  I heard the new supervisor's course was cancelled so that executives could attend Shot Show in Viva Las Vegas.  Can anyone confirm.  If so, Priorities...

#7009 Grapevine

Posted by GoodWorker on 20 February 2018 - 07:10 PM in General ATF Current Affairs, News, Policies, Scuttlebutt, etc.

Ron Turk doing unethical shit. Say it ain't so. Anybody got the scoop on one of the Execs getting bounced out of US for banging a subordinate in the building twice?

Ok who is going to take credit for Trump proposing to regulate Bump Stocks?  Does anyone remember the tv show The Wire and how many similarities there are between the backroom deals made among  BPD bosses and ATF bosses making deals to protect their boys OR shut down investigations because investigations are getting close to their boys?